Is Being Tall an Advantage?


Don Juan
May 4, 2006
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advantage sure but it won't make or break you. if a girl likes tall guys cool, let her have what she "thinks" she whats.


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2005
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From 'The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature' by Matt Ridley...

Height IS important to females
In evolutionary talk, height is a trait that women find attractive. I guess it's related to the survival value in males.

-AudiTy =o


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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everywomanshero said:
Right now there is almost no competetion at all. Even I am off the market (engagged now). The guys who are out there, quite honestly, have almost
no skill or plan at all.

There is a handful of sociopaths roaming around saying weird things they've
read in "The Game" and never get laid, there is a handful of guys who are naturals, and there is maybe 1,000 trained PUAs in the *entire* world.
The rest women only resort to until they can find something better.

What I am saying is there is literally millions of unhappy women waiting for
someone to please come and rescue them from their boring lives. They are
all unhappy because none of them can find a real man who makes their lives
more complete, none of them can find this.

All one needs to do is stop all the things that destroy one's success.
See the girl. Approach the girl. Don't start doing weird things or trying to
remember XYZ routine, if you have a routine in your head and it naturally fits into the convo use it otherwise just Talk to her, thumbwrestle her, joke with her, tell her something interesting, role play being casanova with her (it may be role playing but 9 times out of 10 she will start to feel swept away), if it's a younger gal at a mall take her into a jewelry store and role play getting engagged (again she knows its a joke but it still sucks her in as every girls fantasy is getting married toa charming man). It isn't that difficult. You don't need 300 routines in the can, to be 7' tall, to be any specific race, etc. We've taken something simple and blown it way out of proportion. If you can't talk to people, then take a job as a salesman or a bartender. Fix the actual problem.

IMHO what stops men from being successful with women is hiding in their personal caves. Women are constantely out there. They meet friends for a drink, go to little parties, louas, church events, and out with friends to bars. I would venture to guess the average woman has 2-3x the social experience of the average man. There;s your problem right there. It has little or nothing to do with your height, race, or whatever other excuse you'd like to make up. You simply have to get out there or noone will ever have a chance to show any interest as they *don't even know you*.

There are women who won't see Black guys
There are women who won't see Asian guys
there are women who won't see White guys
there are women who won't see Hispanic guys
there are women who won't see tall guys
there are women who won't see short guys
there are women who won't see rich guys
there are women who won't see poor guys
there are women who don't or only see every type of guy imaginable.
There isn't a magic feather. The best seducers in the world can't win
all the girls. There is girls who just aren't into them for xyz reason.
Just about everything that you have written in this post is right, in another thread I have revealed that on the odd occassion a gorgeous girl who is capable of dating the cooler DJ types of dudes can choose an AFC nice guy type of a man to date in spite of that, I have to say that I have heard a lot of white guys making excuses about why they can't get a pretty girl, but I have never heard one use his color or race as his excuse, it is usually that he is ugly fat shy or whatever, but I have heard a lot of guys of the various other races complain about pretty white girls being stuck up or whatever, I can't say that I have met any pretty girls either who refused to date a guy because he had too much money, this statement seems a bit strange to me, but everything else that you have written here is very spot on. :yes:


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2006
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tru dat reachen top shelf im a filler at work im 6 4 ft aswell and every 10 minutes the teamleader is like thank god ure tall i always have to do all the top shelf stuff :( but most chiks i talk to will contemplate my hight and i saw a DR phil episode once on how looks affect ppl and **** and its a proven fact that taller ppl get promoted faster in jobs and make way better first impressions and ppl remember there first impression


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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Short sux

if you're tall don't apologize for it, and if you're short don't been seen as trying to compensate for it.[/QUOTE]

I'm 5'6''. And i hate to make excuses and i'm not believe me. I usually don't let myself make excuses for stuff based on my height. But it's so obvious, that being short puts u at a disadvantage compared to taller guys or even average guys around 5'8''-5'10''. Now i'm not sayin we short guys cant do anythign we want, cuz we could. We could become ceo's, astronauts, even nba players like mugsey bogues - he was 5'3''. But, all of short guys know the deal. There's a certain instant respect the tall guys command when u meet them, that us short guys never get until we earn it, and even then it's not quite the same. I am completely comfortable with my height dont get me wrong i made peace with it in college finally, im now 25. Alot of girls have said im good lookin so im not worried, these r just observations i've made.

But as for ur comment about compensating, well basically anythign we short guys do gets seen as "compensating" or "napoleanic complex". When a short guy gets angry and defends himself verbally or physically, people say napoleanic complex. If a tall guy defends himself it's "he has a bad temper" Which sounds alot cooler than "napolean"

Also i go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week, i like to keep in shape, stay a little cut, nice toned build, not huge and bulky, just a nice body basically. Yet a friend of mine made some kind of joke like "macho man" or soemthin along those lines cuz i told him i wanted to hit the gym before we hung out. Now am i compensating cuz i work out? Or cuz i wanna be succesful, make money, have a hot gf, fight back when messed with? I think not. Short guys have to try harder, thats why it gets viewed as compensating. Im sure there r plenty of napolean types too tho. Ill admit that.

Ever notice that tall people r usually very calm. How many calm short guys do u know.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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How tall r u?

How tall are u?

If I were only 5'1, knowing myself too well, I would be a very bitter person and I won't have any confidence whatsoever girls wise. And no matter what I do, (I believe) NO hot girl (in my book) would ever check me out...

I don't want so sound gay or fake ro weird, but subconsciously I identify myself to the category of "reasonably short"/average "pretty boys", in contrast to the category of "tall big tough jocks".

That's why, from my personal experience, being tall is very good. But as long as you are not "too short" or at least "average", many times an attractive face compensates the lack of height. I prefer to be who I am right now, instead of being a 6'4 jock with an ugly face. Anyway it works for me with the girls I am interested in, so it's all good...[/QUOTE]


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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In the last century how many short presidents have there been? basically only Richard Nixon, and he wasn't that short. I'm 5'6'' thats short. I consider anything under 5'7'' short. he was probably 5'8'' or 5'9'' not sure just a guess. But the funny thing is, during the campaign against Kennedy, they were very worried about nixon's height being a disadvantage against kennedy so they gave him soemthin to stand on. Think it was a little stool or soemthing, but i've read about heard about this many times. think about it, if a presisent who was 5'5'' was in office, theyd be makin short jokes all the time on SNL and all those kinds of shows. Bush gets made fun of for stupidity, which is his own doing. the short prez would get made fun of and respected less off the bat for his stature, which he has nothing to do with. It's his Dna's fault.