Interacial dating?? Different expierience.. Comments


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2004
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Queens Ny
Hello fellow djers... I havn't posted on this forum for a whiile so I figured I'd give it a stab and get the opinions of some of my fellow djers. Imust first start off and say that I am not a racist!!!! So this comment I make may bother some of the sensitive ones. Keeping it real and being honest is something I admire about the people on this forum so all comments would be appreciated.

I just turned 25 and my whole outlook on women and dating has changed. Before I would say I would never ever date out of my race. I am African American just too let you know. My outlook changed when I met this Japanese girl. NEVER ever that I though I would be so intrigued by someone of another race. Just hanging out with this girl was so different than going out with a sister.... Please don't get me wrong, I am not knocking the sisters but this was a more comfortable expierience. Going out with her was a totaly cool relaxed thing... No stress whatsoever. It always seemed to me that when I was dating a sister there was always some kinda drama or stress involved. Nothing ever went perfect
But with this Japanese girl I would consider her almost perfect. (despite the smoking habit). She was maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad cool, never flaked on me, organized as hell, and pretty damn good looking at that. In Nyc there are alot of interacial dating due to the huge varities of cultures. When we would go out I would get the stares, whispers and pointing fingers. But I was like F--K it and kept on moving. I didn't give a damn, this girl made me happy....... I know this might sound soft but I literally felt like a teen again.. remember Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber when he was daydreaming (that was me) LOL. And it couldn't help anymore because THE SEXXXXXXX WAS THE BEST I EVER HAD.. This girl had me ready to damn near marry her ass and throw in the towel and seriously settle down... Wow, now that I think about it, if she didn't live in Japan we would definetly be together now..... ARGHHHHH
So basically, with all that closed mindedness I had before I was exposed to something that ended up being pleasurable expierence. So besides sticking to my own race I would definetly consider dating out of my race again. As long as your happy, F what everybody else thinks...........
Any comments.. Just wondering if anybody opposes to dating out of their race and why????


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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I'm African American and Native American so I date outside of my race regardless of who I'm with. Frankly a lot of girls don't know what to think when they see me. I had a girl ask me if I was from Hawaii yesterday, and that's definately not the first time I've heard that before.

Looking the way I do and intereacting with girls the way I have has really taught me that everybody of every race has something to offer you, depending on the person as an individual. I find women of every race very sexy and can definately point out more then one thing about each of them that is a highlight.

Ultimately though, after getting past the how they look stage, I really want to know how they work on the inside. Their mechnics of thought, their opinions on current events, the way they express emotion. All of that is far more intriguing and much more interesting to me in the long run as opposed to what they look like.


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2003
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Hello. I'm Chinese [raised in Norway then migrated to U.K at the age of 8] and truth to be told, I rather date an English person which is outside my race, because I've noticed that with Chinese women (ones that I've seen anyway) you've got just plain ugly ones or just plain nice ones. There's no in "between". Plus because of the lack of them, I tend to view British/English women more.

My mum opposes it, my dad ain't said anything. However, she's given me some valid reasons though:

1 - Breaks tradition (sort of) (although there's no religious stuff going on here, we're not religious)
2 - Language Barrier (extremely important for my mum) - This is because if I date a chinese woman, at least then the families can get together for a laugh or go out, etc. Whereas if I date a British Woman, then the problem comes in that there won't be much communication between the families (or from my mum to the woman), because of such barrier.

I suppose this can make it boring for them ... but ... I've yet to decide what I'm gonna do. It's whatever comes first, really.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2004
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Queens Ny
My family would always be supportive of me dating another race. They might have their little comments on the side but it'll generally be lighthearted. I guess we both have something to learn from each other. We're different but anxious to learn about eachothers culture......
DAMN I MISS THAT GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
You go out with girls that are interested in you and don't really care about what others say.

Here in America however, there are people from other countries who date out of race just for a green card.

In reference to the Japanese girl. There are some Japanese girls who come abroad to the US to look for white guys or even black guys to mess around with. They don't look for Asians because they get enough of that back in their country. The thing is they will ultimately never take their relationships truly seriously over in America when they're abroad. In other words, it's just a fling. And when they go back to Japan, it's no strings attached and they ultimately marry a Japanese or Asian man not because of tradition, but because of society. Most Asian women are aware of the Asian fever that non-Asians have so some of them take advantage of it.


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2004
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I was at a busy mall yesterday and noticed a high percentage of inter-racial couples , mostly caucasian men with asian females.

I would never get into interacial relationships, there are a lot of problems that go along with it, plus Im not really attracted to people outside of my race.

I hear a lot of mixed children from interacial marriages often face identity problems and not being accepted by either race while growing up.

I wouldnt mind dating a person that was from a similiar country or racial back ground but never with a completely different race.

I believe in "inter cultural" but not "inter racial"

like a Chinese man with a Vietnamese woman , or a Japanese man with a Korean woman.

Itallian with a Greek, etc.

black male with another type of black female, etc.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
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I think I read in Rolling Stone magazine once that most people would date outside their race but most wouldn't consider a LTR with someone outside their race.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
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I'm Italian and have a black girlfriend. Her parents are cool with it (hell, they love it when I'm over...) but my parents didn't feel the same way. Basically told them "I'm dating her, not you" and walked out the door to go on a date.

Friends like her. Basically, I think it depends on where you live, how you were raised, and a few other things on how people will view you two together. But don't let them get to you. Just remember: As long as you are happy, why should it matter who you date, as long as they are of legal age! :p


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2004
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It's funny how people throw the word "race" around, the word shouldn't even exist when it comes to HUMANS.

There really is only one race.

Quite frankly, I don't see why you guys are making such a big deal out of this. It shouldn't even matter or be a thought in your head. EVERYONE is different and has different tastes.


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Good for you man

I'm white and I think white women suck. However I'm up in the northern midwest atm so theres no fine latinas, and I just don't meet black women that I find attractive (no gabrielle union or halle berry types, heh)
The asian population up here is very small too.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
I never understood why some guys wouldn't cross the line. If a woman is hot and catches your attention, why not??!!! I think that it's because some guys don't know how to act around women when they aren't in their comfort zone and someone from another culture or race makes them nervous.

Viva la difference!


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
I am white and very happily involved with a filipina. I do not miss the BS white girl headgames. I for one love the golden brown skin and black hair. Also, seems like most filipinas I know are laid back and happy more often than not.
As far as families go, hers has readily accepted me and put about 10 pounds on me. My family really likes her as well.


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2001
Reaction score
Cloud 9
Both my brothers are dating white girls. They seem to be doing alright. We're asian btw.



Don Juan
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
I am black and got to spend some time in Japan. Japanese women are hot. They age well and often have really nice, relaxed, chilled out personalities. My thing is that I just LOVE black women. I love the way they look, talk, walk and all that ish. I cant get over them! I see so many races with beautiful women, and I would not limit myself from marrying outside my race but I do have a strong leaning towards women from a similar background.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
Most White guys that date Asian women are mostly Dorky/Ugly category (ie. can't pick up women from their own race.) And the Asian women who date White men are seen as unattractive to Asian males.

Rarely do I meet a White Male/Asian Female relationship where she wasn't in it for the green card, anti-asian male sentiment, or un-whitewashed. Rarely do I meet the white dude who is attractive or isn't dorky.

It's kinda the same case for black dudes too. Most White and some asian women who date black dudes, do it for kicks to smack down their own race and against their own white/asian males to say "Ha! I dated a black man!"

Seems like it's out of luck for the more family oriented men out there: Asian men, Hispanic men...

However, There is a growing reverse trend that White/Black women find Asian and Hispanic men more attractive. And guess what the Asian/Hispanic men are not dorky/unattractive like the White Male/Non_White female.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
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^ Well to be fair to whiteboys with Asian women and black guys with whomever, not ALL of them are like that. There are some non-dorky whtieboys with non-whtie women, and same for blacks. The thing is, that trend of dorky WM with Asian women is undeniably there. Right in your face, everyday. There is, unfortunately, an element of truth in that white guys with crappy game go for Asian women, because of the race dynamics that make being white in this country advantageous. In other words, their white skin, or what it represents in this country, makes up for their lack of hair, or paunch, or advancing age, or utter lack of game. We all know whiteboys like this in real life who end up with homely looking Asian women.

And about interracial dating - it's a very educational experience. People glorify that shiet too much though, as if a black man with a white woman or a white man with an Asian woman is some kind of untouchable, beautiful symbol of harmony and good karma and peace and all that shyt. Not always true. There are some ignorant, uncognizantly racist, fvcked up interracial couples that are together for ALL the wrong reasons.

But despite that, I think that men and women should experience it at least once in their lives. It makes you a wiser person.


Master Don Juan
Nov 7, 2002
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The World In My Eyes
Originally posted by dementia
I mean what am i missing thats so special about whitegirls and puts them above all others?? cos i really dont know.
Theyre easy and plentiful...


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by dementia
I mean what am i missing thats so special about whitegirls and puts them above all others?? cos i really dont know.
Nothing. White girls are glorified much moreso than they should be. Many girls of other races and ethnicities are much more attractive and friendlier in my opinion. Of course, I am talking about 'white-washed' girls still....which really is just being american or canadian cultured. As long as you are cultured with the country, I don't think race should be a problem or a factor in my opinion.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by tibbetts
fvcking racetraitor! You turn your back on your own family? damn!
You really are a sad little d!cked man, aren't you? :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2005
Reaction score
Im latino...I goto a college where 2/3 of the school is made up of asian girls. Am I wrong to like asian girls? :D Ive grown up around asians for the most part of my life, its only natural to find them beautiful. just as if i had grown up around white/black/latin girls. not that i dont already find them attractive.
my school is awesome...:p

i need to get some :( ..