Interacial dating?? Different expierience.. Comments


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Royal Elite
Homey you need to go out and get some booty ASAP. White black asian it dont matter just get some.

You are getting way way to deep and sending way way to much hate about who the next dud screws. It is very clear to me that you have very very very little luck with women. Go get some Hot azz homey.


I don't think you have the luxury to look out for others, man. Your best bet is to drop the pseudo-advice giving, and work on yourself. You are just so clueless and way over your head, it's amusing. It kills me that non-Asians are so quick to supposedly understand the inner workings (the quirks, the complexes, racial complexes) of Asians. Would you dare to do that to a BLACK MAN? I doubt it - because it's considered bad form to do that to a black man. But I suppose Asians are fair game, no? :rolleyes: :D

Like it or not, Filipinos have a COLONIAL history. They look upto whites, and have a complex about their race. Calling that 'racist' shows what a jelly-spined pseudo liberal HIPPIE you are. Tha fvck outta here...

Oh - and i'm not your "homey". Don't ever call me that again.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
You think it's bad in certain parts of Asia? Try SOUTH AMERICA. Their very existence is *defined* by trying to be as white as possible - while concurrently being as NOT BLACK as possible. Anyone who's been or is from Latin America will know what I'm talking about. My Latin roomate is quite anti-black, and his friends have to call him out on it. It's been conditioned into their mind that black/indigenous = BAD/LOW-CLASS/UGLY and that white = ATTRACTIVE/SUCCESSFUL/BEAUTIFUL/DESIRABLE.

If you are blonde or have very Euro-features, you should be a fvcking *HIT* in Brazil.

Some of you people are just so numbed and pre-conditioned by this politically correct propaganda forced down our throats from such a young age that you don't realize the real HARM that racial icomplexes are doing to people worldwide.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
dumbest thread ever... and yet I post

i date whoever i'm attracted to.

white, asian, dark skinned, black, whoever...

and as far as LTR's... same thing

it's what YOU want, really. who gives a s.hit who you date? you're a sucker for white chicks? then date 'em? can't get enough of the asian persuasion? do 'em. love brown sugar? then go get a f.uckin sweet tooth for all i care

and yes, i understand about third world countries being racist.. and i f.uckin hate it. even my family, who is generally very tolerant, still sees some races as lesser...

no, we're not all the same, and that's fine... but don't think someone is low class because of their genetics, that's f.ukin ridiculoous


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
I like girls.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score

Well....There will come one day that race won't be an issue, none of us will probably be alive then but one day... change will come...