Interacial dating?? Different expierience.. Comments

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
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Where I be at
I am black. 2 the original poster you did not have a connection with the race of Japanese people, you had a connection with one girl. This is not an issue with race, this is an issue of compatibility.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
Sounds like you got some issues Tibbetts......

Pretty ignorant calling out someone you know nothing about.....

Actually, I am an athletic, normal, 33 year old degreed professional.....she is a slender, hot, 30 y.o. filipina who already had permanent resident status when I met her. She is also a degreed professional.

Have you ever considered that I may prefer the looks of asian girls? Or that I like low body fat percentages on the women I date? But the interesting thing to consider is....let's say I only liked short, fat girls with crooked teeth...what is it to you? You come across really insecure.

Since you judged me without knowing anything about me...Let me hazard a guess about you......non-white guy who for some dumbass reason likes white girls but is so insecure he can't pull it off. So, you read a webforum on how to be ****y and funny, and pick up chicks....but, instead of taking something usefull, or heaven forbid leaving something just flame people to make yourself feel better without doing anything constructive to improve yourself.

I am somewhat embarrassed I wrote this much because, as you are aware, you don't matter. But for the other people reading this time you see a white guy with an asian girl, maybe instead of thinking she was a last resort or easy target, Perhaps think that the guy was fed up dealing with all of the **** that goes with americanized women. What are eighty percent of the posts on this board about? I could have been just as happy with an Eastern European, I find them just as attractive.....I just happened to meet a Filipina first, but regardless, I am where I am at by choice.....


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Microphone Fiend
I am black. 2 the original poster you did not have a connection with the race of Japanese people, you had a connection with one girl. This is not an issue with race, this is an issue of compatibility.

That makes perfect sense to me. :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by bud1971
Sounds like you got some issues Tibbetts......

Pretty ignorant calling out someone you know nothing about.....

Actually, I am an athletic, normal, 33 year old degreed professional.....she is a slender, hot, 30 y.o. filipina who already had permanent resident status when I met her. She is also a degreed professional.

Have you ever considered that I may prefer the looks of asian girls? Or that I like low body fat percentages on the women I date? But the interesting thing to consider is....let's say I only liked short, fat girls with crooked teeth...what is it to you? You come across really insecure.

Since you judged me without knowing anything about me...Let me hazard a guess about you......non-white guy who for some dumbass reason likes white girls but is so insecure he can't pull it off. So, you read a webforum on how to be ****y and funny, and pick up chicks....but, instead of taking something usefull, or heaven forbid leaving something just flame people to make yourself feel better without doing anything constructive to improve yourself.

I am somewhat embarrassed I wrote this much because, as you are aware, you don't matter. But for the other people reading this time you see a white guy with an asian girl, maybe instead of thinking she was a last resort or easy target, Perhaps think that the guy was fed up dealing with all of the **** that goes with americanized women. What are eighty percent of the posts on this board about? I could have been just as happy with an Eastern European, I find them just as attractive.....I just happened to meet a Filipina first, but regardless, I am where I am at by choice.....

Bud1971.... of course.... everyone thinks that they are the exception. :D

I don't doubt that you are really in love and that both of you are good people, but you, as a member of the majority AND a male on top of it, will find the degree of white privilege almost imperceptible. Most white males don't have a CLUE that they have it, and benefit from something that they don't really deserve, just because they have white skin. There are society forces at work that aid your Asian female-white male relationship, while those same forces work concurrently to make the Asian male-white female relationship more difficult.

But, I am SURE that you haven't noticed this. They day that you can hold your head high up with your Filipina GF is the day you introduce your white sister/mother/cousin/etc. to a Filipino man. End of story.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mojo604
Im latino...I goto a college where 2/3 of the school is made up of asian girls. Am I wrong to like asian girls? :D Ive grown up around asians for the most part of my life, its only natural to find them beautiful. just as if i had grown up around white/black/latin girls. not that i dont already find them attractive.
my school is awesome...:p

i need to get some :( ..

I don't thinkt there's anything wrong with that. The only problem with *most* non-Asian boys is that they don't respect Asians in general as much as they "respect" Asian Puzzy. You know the type.


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Most White guys that date Asian women are mostly Dorky/Ugly category (ie. can't pick up women from their own race.) And the Asian women who date White men are seen as unattractive to Asian males.
Thats incredibly ignorant. If the chick is hot, who the f*ck cares


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by 91redrotary
Hello fellow djers... I havn't posted on this forum for a whiile so I figured I'd give it a stab and get the opinions of some of my fellow djers. Imust first start off and say that I am not a racist!!!! So this comment I make may bother some of the sensitive ones. Keeping it real and being honest is something I admire about the people on this forum so all comments would be appreciated.

I just turned 25 and my whole outlook on women and dating has changed. Before I would say I would never ever date out of my race. I am African American just too let you know. My outlook changed when I met this Japanese girl. NEVER ever that I though I would be so intrigued by someone of another race. Just hanging out with this girl was so different than going out with a sister.... Please don't get me wrong, I am not knocking the sisters but this was a more comfortable expierience. Going out with her was a totaly cool relaxed thing... No stress whatsoever. It always seemed to me that when I was dating a sister there was always some kinda drama or stress involved. Nothing ever went perfect
But with this Japanese girl I would consider her almost perfect. (despite the smoking habit). She was maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad cool, never flaked on me, organized as hell, and pretty damn good looking at that. In Nyc there are alot of interacial dating due to the huge varities of cultures. When we would go out I would get the stares, whispers and pointing fingers. But I was like F--K it and kept on moving. I didn't give a damn, this girl made me happy....... I know this might sound soft but I literally felt like a teen again.. remember Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber when he was daydreaming (that was me) LOL. And it couldn't help anymore because THE SEXXXXXXX WAS THE BEST I EVER HAD.. This girl had me ready to damn near marry her ass and throw in the towel and seriously settle down... Wow, now that I think about it, if she didn't live in Japan we would definetly be together now..... ARGHHHHH
So basically, with all that closed mindedness I had before I was exposed to something that ended up being pleasurable expierence. So besides sticking to my own race I would definetly consider dating out of my race again. As long as your happy, F what everybody else thinks...........
Any comments.. Just wondering if anybody opposes to dating out of their race and why????

No opposition here... Together, Blacks and Asians make the koolest offsprings on earth. :D


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score

I agree and disagree with you.

I do have an advantage by the way with Filipinas because I am white. But is has nothing to do with status, culture whatever. It is actually my white skin. For some weird reason Filipinos are obsessed with having white skin. They buy all kinds of whitening cream and stay out of the sun. I made my girl throw hers out.

I also agree that asian guys are at a disadvantage...but not for the same reasons. And I would introduce my sister to the right Filipino guy. Let me explain......I have done Judo and BJJ for about 12 years now and have consequently made quite a few asian friends, primarily japanese, vietnamese and filipino. The guys that were second generation were all athletic, handsome and integrated into american culture. They had no problems finding white chicks to date. The only ones who did were the ones that weren't ****y and funny or insecure. I think it is an attitude thing, just like we talk about here. A lot of the filipino guys I have met recently are handsome, educated nice guys, I see no reason they couldn't have all the white women they wanted.

In my opinion, there has never been a better time to be non-white in the U.S. Look at TV shows, movies and commercials for proof. With a victim or defeatist attitude, any guy is at a disadvantage regardless of race.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by bud1971

I agree and disagree with you.

I do have an advantage by the way with Filipinas because I am white. But is has nothing to do with status, culture whatever. It is actually my white skin. For some weird reason Filipinos are obsessed with having white skin. They buy all kinds of whitening cream and stay out of the sun. I made my girl throw hers out.

LOL- damn man, at least you aren't a clueless 'we're all the same race, one-love' clueless loser liberal white guy. I gotta hand it to you man. :D

Filipinos are naturally dark, and they have an inferiority complex about their skin. You've got to remember that they are the only mixed-race Asians in Asia - they have some European and also some Australoid (a branch off the Negroid tree) blood. And thanks to their colonial heritage, they've doggytrained themselves to worship whiteness. I mean specifically the whiteness of the skin. Also, don't forget that the Phillipines is a third world country. Even I could go there and get a bonafide babe that wants to taste the relative wealth of the United States. Easy-Peezy, Japaneezy. It don't make a whiteboy with a SE Asian or East Asian wife a ladies man. In fact, I think it's a facken stain on their reputation as DJs/PUAs.

Technically, you're still an opportunist azzhole for taking advantage of this knowingly, but you're still head and shoulders above those clueless whiteboys who actually think they are with their Asian women because this world is colorblind. Those white people need a bullet put between their eyes - they world is much better off without such ignorance. So, I commend you for being so cognizant of all the forces at work in interracial relationships. That takes quite a bit of insight and smarts.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
Well, thanks Jake,

I must clarify that I did meet my girl here in the US though. Funny thing is my Mom hooked us up. They worked at the same hospital. Funny thing is that the reason she liked me was that all of her previous boyfriends were AFC's. She put me to a **** test within the first two weeks and I broke up with her. She called the next day and apologized and has been awesome since.
To be honest, I do not prefer one race over another. I do prefer short and skinny chicks though and have always thought asian chicks were super hot. I have only dated a cantonese girl and a Viet girl before. Their families did not like their daughters dating round eye or minh chang? So a filipina has been really nice, because i think they are a little more receptive to me. I really wanted to find a Viet girl because vietnamese food is awesome, but oh well.
As far as being an opportunistic *******...I can live with that, it is nice to have some advantages. I wish it was like the old days and a big belly meant power and wealth, and was considered a sex symbol. Pale, chubby white guys would be the prize in the Phillipines. My girl is very traditional and I would say most of her friends are married to Filipino men. So they don't all seek white guys.
You are so right about the colonial mentality, kinda funny sometimes. They have the large box they are perpetually filling with Spam, chocolate, Colgate and other American brands to send home. The boxes then return with sandals, T-shirts, whitening cream, whitening soap, whitening deodorant, etc.
I take it you are a young SE thing I am curious about is the dynamics with second generation chinese and vietnamese. Seems like they are more american than the americans. I asked one of my vietnamese friends how to land one of them, and he said they don't date anybody?

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by jakethasnake
LOL- damn man, at least you aren't a clueless 'we're all the same race, one-love' clueless loser liberal white guy. I gotta hand it to you man. :D

Filipinos are naturally dark, and they have an inferiority complex about their skin. You've got to remember that they are the only mixed-race Asians in Asia - they have some European and also some Australoid (a branch off the Negroid tree) blood. And thanks to their colonial heritage, they've doggytrained themselves to worship whiteness. I mean specifically the whiteness of the skin. Also, don't forget that the Phillipines is a third world country. Even I could go there and get a bonafide babe that wants to taste the relative wealth of the United States. Easy-Peezy, Japaneezy. It don't make a whiteboy with a SE Asian or East Asian wife a ladies man. In fact, I think it's a facken stain on their reputation as DJs/PUAs.

Technically, you're still an opportunist azzhole for taking advantage of this knowingly, but you're still head and shoulders above those clueless whiteboys who actually think they are with their Asian women because this world is colorblind. Those white people need a bullet put between their eyes - they world is much better off without such ignorance. So, I commend you for being so cognizant of all the forces at work in interracial relationships. That takes quite a bit of insight and smarts.
Homey you need to go out and get some booty ASAP. White black asian it dont matter just get some.

You are getting way way to deep and sending way way to much hate about who the next dud screws. It is very clear to me that you have very very very little luck with women. Go get some Hot azz homey.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
Flips are not asians, they're not as smart and ghetto bling bling and resemble mexicans or blacks.


Mar 28, 2004
Reaction score
"For some weird reason Filipinos are obsessed with having white skin."

Yes colonization can do that to a person.

Can I tell you how many times I go to a club and a white chick is jocking me cuz Jay-Z is piping in the background. Oh I'm cool now but not in a If I was an opportunist I would take for advantage of this. But as a wannabee Don Juan I try to do the choosing.

Had a german chick give me the ooze and ahhhs cuz I fit her "description" of a brotha. What did I do? Well I could have taped it but did I really want her? Did this chick respect who "I" was?

Yeah I hit that then nexted her :)


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Yo my folks are interracial im half german and half mexican. So any girl i date it will automatically be interracial.

its no big deal.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
I don't know if I agree about colonization relating to white skin fascination. I also don't think American intervention in the Phillipines was a bad thing.....

Here are two other possible explanations for fascination with white skin:
1. Rich vs. poor: poor people work in the rice fields all day, white skin would be a sign of affluence.

2. Filipinos also take fashion cues from the Japanese and Chinese. Both cultures also have their share of whitening products. We did not colonize China, and Japan valued pale women long before the Americans got there.

Who knows.......when we figure this out, we can tackle the Spam issue.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Enzo
I am black and got to spend some time in Japan. Japanese women are hot. They age well and often have really nice, relaxed, chilled out personalities. My thing is that I just LOVE black women. I love the way they look, talk, walk and all that ish. I cant get over them! I see so many races with beautiful women, and I would not limit myself from marrying outside my race but I do have a strong leaning towards women from a similar background.

I have lived in tokyo and the island of Okinawa. Obasans (grandma's) do not look good at that age. The get fat later on in life and it seems like they even get shorter, or maybe it was the older generation that was born during a certain era.

I haven't been there in 20 years.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Royal Elite
Homey you need to go out and get some booty ASAP. White black asian it dont matter just get some.

You are getting way way to deep and sending way way to much hate about who the next dud screws. It is very clear to me that you have very very very little luck with women. Go get some Hot azz homey.
I agree. This guy seems to hate being asian and feels inferior to whites. WOW, some of his comments are barely hidden racist in nature.

And I agree he does seem like the type of asian guy who is uptight and can't get laid...but I could be wrong.

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by MrHarris
I agree. This guy seems to hate being asian and feels inferior to whites. WOW, some of his comments are barely hidden racist in nature.

And I agree he does seem like the type of asian guy who is uptight and can't get laid...but I could be wrong.
No sir I think you are 100% correct on this one here.


New Member
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
What up 91redrotary
Im also a man of colour also hailing from ny
I have dated races of all persuasions and have found that my theory of the angry black
female to be false not that there arent any angry black females but that all
let me repete that all races have these angry ****ed up atitude children
thats what they are they never grew up.
Now your gonna get stares from people that are closed mminded jelose types but
WHO CARES live your life only you can live it. there is people that will
say im not rasist are blah blahzay but when you roll up wit her on your arm they be like wtf?
you cant do that these are people that ARE NOT GETTIN ANY they find fault
because thy wish they were the ones wit girls on there arms. the guys in the club,street
that actually pull dont give a **** about who u got on your arm as long as u
dont step on thier feet.
In my clueless days i would wonder y these guys would hate on me when a hb would show intrest in me and me not having a clue would find ways of disqualifying her.
all i could hear from them waas "damn i wish she did/said that to me. Only the cool guys that were already gettin gurlz were like hey man u need to do/say this.
So **** all the haters man, DO YOU.


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by bud1971
Well, thanks Jake,

I do prefer short and skinny chicks though and have always thought asian chicks were super hot. I have only dated a cantonese girl and a Viet girl before. Their families did not like their daughters dating round eye or minh chang? So a filipina has been really nice, because i think they are a little more receptive to me. I really wanted to find a Viet girl because vietnamese food is awesome, but oh well.

one thing I am curious about is the dynamics with second generation chinese and vietnamese. Seems like they are more american than the americans. I asked one of my vietnamese friends how to land one of them, and he said they don't date anybody?
your lucky to find a nice Filipina.

I dated a Filipina before and she actually preferred dark skinned not white skin.

I heard most Filipino immigrants dont like "Kanos" trying to date their women.
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