But these independent ones all seem to be highly rational, secure, confident, lack affection, not as good/passionate about sechs, and aren't afraid to go by themselves.
By the definition above I am an independent woman myself and so are almost all my female friends. I will share some examples.
Last week I went to dinner alone at an upscale place and sat at the bar for supper as I typically do on business trips. A very pretty blue-eyed redhead seated herself next to me (it was busy) and we got to chatting. She is a 53 y/o widow in the broadcasting industry at an upper management level. We had quite a lot in common and we exchanged numbers because I always enjoy making new friends with like minded people; and women like me are not all that common, especially when you consider we both are traditionalists at heart. She hadn't considered getting married at all until her late husband talked her into it; and sometime after they married he fell terminally ill. She was by his side until he passed and now is raising their teen son on her own. She was an impressive person, charming, warm, loyal, very result oriented, rational, smart, stylish etc. While we were chatting a couple of men came over and joined the conversation. Two business owners themselves. They kept noting how nice it was to meet a couple of women who were engaging, smart, successful and attractive. And we were actually discussing dating and game and these were not blue pill pandering men in any way. It was a sparkling conversation.
Firstly these types of women exist, make no mistake about it. They aren't everywhere but they do exist. Heck, I get the number when I meet one because it's always nice to meet another cool/hot accomplished chick!
The reason there are so few in the market is that women like this tend to get married and stay that way because they have much to offer a man. I was just chatting with one this morning at soccer; very pretty, smart, science degree (Rhodes Scholar) doctor's daughter who married a man while she was studying in England. Her husband too is a physician; they have 6 children, the first of whom was born 9 months after they married. Their eldest is 24 years old. They will celebrate 25 year anniversary together next year. She gave up her ambitions to be a doctor herself to be his wife (just has her mother - a retired nurse - had done for her father.) They are a lovely couple, a lovely family, he a well respected leader of both his family and in our community, she the most graceful feminine woman you could imagine. She always supports, listens to and defers to her husband. Their children are all either teens or young adults who love & respect their parents. Sound to good to be true? It isn't. She after 6 kids looks like she never had any, very pretty, very petite, naturally beautiful inside & out.
This is what an "independent" woman becomes if she finds the right man. She is happy for him to lead. She is happy in the feminine role. She understands her value.
If you want to meet one you need to move in the sorts of circles women like this are in. That will be charity functions, tennis, golf, business organizations, social organizations (church/synagogue/country clubs/raquet clubs/alumni groups/art/wine/food enthusiasts) and so on. You can't expect to meet this kind of woman in a bar on a routine sort of basis - and if you do - the bar is likely a place where a libation or glass of wine is going to set you back around a minimum of $15; and where the average tab per diner is over $100.
It's like anything else. You want to meet successful people you go where successful people are. Places like Gramery Tavern, Balthazar's or Daniel in NYC; places like Nobu or Mastro's in LA. I find that successful people love to socialize and meet other folks like them. It's an opportunity to network, socialize, and share influence. That's if you are older and already established. And if you aren't comfortable in that sort of venue? Then you aren't sufficiently developed to be there. Develop yourself until you are.
Young men should look for women who show ambition, intelligence and academic achievement in a university setting. Notice how none of that has to do with looks.
Physical beauty is great but it is largely genetic. It is the other characteristics that make a woman "independent". In fact beautiful women are sometimes the most dependent of all if they have learned to survive using their appearance as their only, or main, currency. These are the women who the "wall" is cruel for. These are the women whose ability to attract men falls away as they age. An independent woman with her act together who also happens to have some level of good looks retains attractiveness since she offers much more than just her appearance or her body.
Independent means not relying or intending to rely on another person in their lives. So a college student who studies rather than parties because her future is important to her, or a woman who as an older person has demonstrated the ability to support herself, make her own decisions and manage her own affairs with accomplishments to show for it.
Contrast that with women who suggest early and often that a man buy them things, women who were overly spoiled by their parents, daddy's girls, girls who are still dependent on daddy's money etc. Avoid these types at all costs.
Now to
@Howiestern and the question at hand. What kind of man do you have to be to pull this independent woman? You need to be at or above her caliber in most if not all categories. Otherwise how can she defer to you? So if she is in upper management - best if you are an executive or entrepreneur. If she is a doctor, best if you are also a doctor or you are in a similar leadership capacity (CEO, lawyer, finance professional, business owner) yourself.
If you are beneath her caliber to a major degree there must be something else about you that is compelling TO HER. Think of Ray Bradbury. For years he toiled away at his typewriter before he made it. How did he find the time? His wife worked multiple jobs for years to support him because she believed in his genius and so she did everything she could to facilitate him reaching his ambitions in life. Without her willingness to sacrifice in that way would he have made it or would he have remained untapped potential?
I disagree about the grouping of "lack of affection" and "poor sex" in with the other qualities. Women who are "independent" in their lives are going to be on a spectrum just as we all are regarding affection and sex. Some can give more and are better in bed, others can give less and perhaps are less freaky in the sheets, but this is not a direct correlation to success level.
I've been reading the Art of Seduction by Robert Green. It is a fascinating book. I consider myself a "Masculine Dandy" as defined by the
text. A woman who is feminine and aware of her charms and who enjoys and embraces them...but a woman with enough masculine energy to make men feel very comfortable in her presence, a woman with more rational thought patterns, an intellectual, but with enough sex appeal and heat that things sizzle while sitting quietly. A woman with grace, confidence, passion, success and self-assured-ness. Sex appeal in spades. Confidence, warmth, but also aloofness. A contrast in characteristics which men find intriguing, refreshing and beguiling.
For me a man needs to be sexy before he is anything else. This is because I personally enjoy great sex, and lots of it, but I also am extremely careful about my health which tempers the expression of my sexuality. So I do not have sex quickly or without knowing someone well; and unless he's my husband, condoms are a requirement (as much as I hate them too).
If I don't find him sexy then it doesn't matter how rich or prestigious or handsome a man is. Sex appeal is my number 1 thing. The problem is that many men who have achieved a great deal in life are just simply NOT sexy men. Now if sex appeal is ALL he has to offer then I'm not interested as well because I am not doing charity cases, the unintelligent, the uneducated, the unsuccessful or the unsophisticated. But that is just me.
The biggest 2 traits of an "independent" woman are self-reliance and self esteem. If she has these two things then she is going to operate from a place of freedom and choice relative to other women. That is what I most like about my own position in life. I can choose to associate with men I enjoy strictly because I enjoy them. I don't have a need based agenda. This makes me un-clingy, un-needy and unconcerned about relationship definitions. Men are drawn to women who don't need them just as women are drawn to men who don't need them.