Duffdog said:
I agree, that chic isn't hot, she is rather chubby. And, she is a goth chic anyways, which is just about the lowest social value you could find. Also, you don't know the whole story, maybe he has $$$$$ or other status that you aren't aware of. In any case, this is a bad example.
Scorerre said:
She's a goth, they aren't really normal people. Her mindset is probably so ****ed up.
Oh my God, she's a goth chick, oh my, oh my!!! Come on guys, grow up, get over the labels. Point is, is that she's hot, whether she's goth, trendy, or whatever, AND I guarantee if any one of you guys had a shot with her, you'd f*ck her silly.

Second, this chick isn't even "goth". Take a better look at her. I don't know what I'd label her as(probably trendy/pin-up 1940's/fetish), but all I know is that she's hot.
I look at women this way: if they're hot, I don't give a f*ck what scene they belong to, I'm going for it. There are gorgeous women in every scene.
Scorerre, you are brainwashed by the media, if you think goths aren't normal people and are f*cked up. In all actuality, I've found goths to be one of the most "intellectual", "friendly", and "normal" of all people belonging to any particular scene. Don't let a few idiots who start shooting people up, skew your perception of what the scene is all about. Believe me, because I've been around the scene long enough to know. I'm not a goth myself, but I do hang out in the scene once in a while(because I find a lot of the scantlily clad women in it sexy as hell) and have gotten to know many people in it. There are crazy people in EVERY scene. Most women in general(trendy, punk, goth, etc.) are f*cked up, you should know that, no matter what scene they're in.
Duffdog, you need to understand something when it comes to women: if a woman is hot and looks sexy, most men could care less what scene she belongs to. As long as a woman is attractive, feminine, and looks like a woman, her value will always be high, regardless of what scene she belongs to. You know how often trendy guys will frequent goth clubs? Way more often than you think. They come to these clubs because they know a lot of the p*ssy in it is hot, and they want a piece of it.