Pinkfl and syrio seem to be the only intelligent and reasonable posters on this forum and bradd aswell!
Its funny how most of you are all so jaded about women, that your logic has gone out of the water and you cant reason with any of you because you are all caught up in your 1950s mindset and havent got with the times.
OP go and date women from afghan or Iraq I'm sure they would have no problems being "under you". Your current mindset won't get you far with western women because were not that stupid to let a man rule us just because his a "man". You sound like you have mommy issues.
Hmmmm.... again I am married to a woman who loves to be a woman in a supporting role. She wears a dress, long hair and hopes to be a mom in the next year or so. Our marriage is awesome and I never treat her as an equal, nor does she want to be treated as such. That would undermine my ability as a leader and head of the family and she knows that. Lets hope that DJgirl is correct and that Darth doesn't get 'anywhere' with Western Women because if he does then its a good indicator of how much of a mangina scum bag herb he is.
Remember looney tune, the VAST majority of western women aren't having fulfilling relationships anymore and they aren't getting married... also not having children. Western men are not attracted to western women anymore and its because of women like you.
Darth you are welcome to PM me and I can help you get setup with women outside the west. That goes for anyone here. I'd much rather be married to a good muslim woman than some crazy 'equality obsessed' d1ke b1tch like Miley Cyrus. How many women today can cook, clean or run a family? How many want caretaker roles? If you looked around and answered 0, you'd be correct and probably sitting in some 1st world country. The solution is simple, outsource your wives. Go to a 3rd world country, pick up a woman of your colour and race of choice, marry and bring her home.
Let these western women equal themselves out of existence.
BTW the 50's was a great time for America. Its like the 50's over here in China right now. Women have equality over there in the USA but the country is also broke and morally bankrupt... any coincidence?
Women can do as they please. it's a free world.
I've got news for you compadre, there is nothing free in this world.