If this ******* touches me ONE MORE TIME, it'll be the end of him.

Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
Taker said:
PeterNorthisawesome said:
I'm gonna have to disagree with you dude, for one thing we're still going to be in high school for a while longer, and we do NOT want our bad reps to spoil our game.

Just to say I have a rep for being a good fighter, me doing martial arts and one that can definitely beat the bigger dudes. (Many a man has bled by my hand). I rarely have to enforce that with violence, and when I do it's only VERY mild. NO ONE would ever fight me. Even though some jerks will try to annoy me, they WON'T fight me, not even if they're bigger, that's what a rep does.

Because I don't want to risk having a serious fight when ANYTHING can happen I use a method I picked up around here. Whenever they say I'm retarded or something, I give them a small chuckle, pat them on the head/shoulder and say 'Alright, whatever you say'. Then walk away.

They try to annoy me cause they're jealous of me. The big dude who annoys me hates me as I can tackle him in basketball whilst no one else can. He fouls everyone else most of the time, but he can't foul me which annoys him.

I just take it into mind that they're jealous of me.

I'd also like to quote another law from that book.

Law 44 Disarm and Infuriate with the Mirror Effect

if you just want to annoy him, just do the same thing back to him. He SHOULD stop, but you won't look as good to the other kids so the method above this works better imo.
Dude.. I like you man but I gotta say that you just proved my point without realizing it. Noone messes with you anymore cuz you have a good rep for kicking people's ass with martial arts. How did you get the rep in the first place? you showed them that you knew how to kick a*s. The bullies KNOW NOW that they'll end up getting hurt so they won't mess with you. So Viper and the others out there make sure you kick the guy's ass so you get a GOOD REP for being a good fighter so in the FUTURE noone will try and mess with you. :cool:


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Originally Posted by PeterNorthisawesome

I'm gonna have to disagree with you dude, for one thing we're still going to be in high school for a while longer, and we do NOT want our bad reps to spoil our game.

Just to say I have a rep for being a good fighter, me doing martial arts and one that can definitely beat the bigger dudes. (Many a man has bled by my hand). I rarely have to enforce that with violence, and when I do it's only VERY mild. NO ONE would ever fight me. Even though some jerks will try to annoy me, they WON'T fight me, not even if they're bigger, that's what a rep does.

Because I don't want to risk having a serious fight when ANYTHING can happen I use a method I picked up around here. Whenever they say I'm retarded or something, I give them a small chuckle, pat them on the head/shoulder and say 'Alright, whatever you say'. Then walk away.

They try to annoy me cause they're jealous of me. The big dude who annoys me hates me as I can tackle him in basketball whilst no one else can. He fouls everyone else most of the time, but he can't foul me which annoys him.

I just take it into mind that they're jealous of me.

I'd also like to quote another law from that book.

Law 44 Disarm and Infuriate with the Mirror Effect

if you just want to annoy him, just do the same thing back to him. He SHOULD stop, but you won't look as good to the other kids so the method above this works better imo.

Dude.. I like you man but I gotta say that you just proved my point without realizing it. Noone messes with you anymore cuz you have a good rep for kicking people's ass with martial arts. How did you get the rep in the first place? you showed them that you knew how to kick a*s. The bullies KNOW NOW that they'll end up getting hurt so they won't mess with you. So Viper and the others out there make sure you kick the guy's ass so you get a GOOD REP for being a good fighter so in the FUTURE noone will try and mess with you.
Hey Im a Martial Artist too. I havent had to use any of it, besides tournaments and in class. But I dont think thats my people dont mess with me. Im not sure, im from a small school. Could be I dont let it bother me and show them that. I'll think about it...

Viper here is what Law 44 says:

Law 44 - Disarm and Infuriate with the Mirror Effect

"The Mirror reflects reality, but it is also the perfect tool for deception: When you mirror your enemies, doing exactly as they do, they cannot figure out your strategy. The Mirror Effect mocks and humiliates them, making them overreact. By holding up a mirror to their psyches, you seduce them with the illusion that you share their values; by holding up a mirror to their actions, you teach them a lesson. Few can resist the power of the Mirror Effect."


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
Reaction score
Besides the occasional redneck who thinks they're pretty funny by calling everyone a "queer", to which I usually respond, "hey, let's **** our sisters after school and enjoy a cool Blatz" or something which exposes that they are redneck and most likely have sex with their muffler in the morning.

I say go to the gym with a buddy one day after you've been lifting for a good while, and just bench a ****load of weight. Benching doesn't necessarily make you stronger in a fight, but teenagers don't know that. They'll go to school and tell everyone you just benched 200, and no one will screw with you physically.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2005
Reaction score
Well I just passed out of HS(O level/GCE - UK system) but gotta agree: Kick his ass! There sometimes is just no option. Kick one guy's ass the rest will probably back down. OTOH there will ALLWAYS be some guy who just doesnt get it even if you send em to the hospital(litrelly).

On a similer there is one gay guy who littrely keeps ****ing hitting on me! Bloody hell: all the ****ing DJ techniques and everything|(kino,K/C). I'm a bit of a loner and one of my few friends is like his best friend so uptill now he's just got a fat lip. I tried my best explaining that I'm staright and call me homophobic or not getting hit on by a guy makes me very uncomfortable. But to no avail. Now tell me: does this deserve anything other than good pounding?


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
taiwanesedude227 said:
or you can just fix whatever it is that makes everyone laugh at you
First of all, who's everyone? A few low life losers is not EVERYONE. I'm thinking about just shunning the kids who do, because they NEVER shut up about it, you fix one thing, they laugh at you for something else, they don't stop laughing at you, they don't stop calling you names and there's just no use paying attention to them, so I'm thinking about just ignoring these kids; you fight back at them, it makes things worse, you try to make things better with them, they still act like *******s to you, so I'm just not wasting my time with these kids anymore and if they do talk to me, I'll just ignore them. Basically, if you aren't going to respect me and all you're going to do is talk crap to me, tease me and make me look bad, then you're obviously not worth my time. And like I said, those losers are not everyone and a lot of people in the school either don't care that my voice is slow or if they do, don't make a big problem about it. So yes, I'm shunning these kids and all of their friends, because if all they want to do is talk sh*t to me, make fun of me, and embarass me, they're obviously not worth my time. I'm tired of caring what these guys think and if you're not going to respect me and you're going to be a f*cking *******, f*ck you, there are plenty of other people in the school that I could be hanging out with. Once these kids realize that I just don't care for them anymore, they'll either f*ck off or find a new kid to tease.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2006
Reaction score
PeterNorthisawesome said:
Taker said:
Dude.. I like you man but I gotta say that you just proved my point without realizing it. Noone messes with you anymore cuz you have a good rep for kicking people's ass with martial arts. How did you get the rep in the first place? you showed them that you knew how to kick a*s. The bullies KNOW NOW that they'll end up getting hurt so they won't mess with you. So Viper and the others out there make sure you kick the guy's ass so you get a GOOD REP for being a good fighter so in the FUTURE noone will try and mess with you. :cool:
But I never got into any SERIOUS fights. People just know from what I do everyday that I'm a good fighter. Say for eg someone makes fun of me I give them a PLAYFUL but firm punch in the arm, enough for them to yell 'ow' but not enough to start a full-on fight. He may respond with a punch of his own but most people have bad punches, even the strong dudes so it's ok and we count it as 'even'. But it puts the message across.


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2005
Reaction score
so Viper, has he said anything bad to you yet?

I wanna hear the results of your fight! ;)


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
sasha89 said:
so Viper, has he said anything bad to you yet?

I wanna hear the results of your fight! ;)
Not much to say, principal found out what happened, gave a bunch of dudes that were harassing me saturday schools, gave the bully a 2 day suspension(haha, sucks for him, because now he can't come to the track practices over spring break), gave the guy I fought a 2 day suspension and gave me a 1 day suspension. I got suspended, but sacrificing one day of school, to never have those jackasses harassing me again? Seems like a pretty good cause. Also, since my parents really didn't make a big deal out of it, the suspension was really just like an early spring break for me. Still, I definitely have to learn how to ignore these guys and not let their ****-talking and name-calling, get to me, I have to be the bigger man and just not say anything, because when you don't give the bully attention, he'll most likely ignore you and find someone else to pick on and probably get in trouble again. So yeah, I'm going to stop paying attention to these people who ****-talk, call me names and harass me and their friends, because if you ignore these guys, they'll either desperately try to get your attention or just **** off. If I had been mature enough to just ignore the harassment these guys were giving me in the first place, chances are the fight would've never happened and no one would've gotten in trouble, but oh well, they acted immature, I acted immature and I guess this is what we get for it.

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
How did the fight go, though? Did you win? Get any good shots in? Was there alotta people watching?


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
i am me said:
How did the fight go, though? Did you win? Get any good shots in? Was there alotta people watching?
Yep and despite the fact that I was on top of that guy, those sh*t-talkers still won't admit that I won. The dude I was fighting, fought like a freaking girl though, seriously, all he does is scratches and when he punches, he either misses or it doesn't actually hurt, hiowever, coming from a guy who carries around a f*cking purse, I'm not surprised. Basically, I let him get the first hit, so if anyone asked, HE GOT THE FIRST PUNCH and after that, we went at it, then someone broke it up, who's ass I seriously want to beat, because he talks a lot of sh*t too. I swear, the dude who broke up the fight, was f*cking talking sh*t to ME and telling me to get the f*ck out, b*tch you're not my damn father and you're certainly not staff, so we can go at it to, if you feel like getting an attitude and talking sh*t. Swear dude, whenever I get stronger though, I'm definitely going to beat that kids ass, telling me what to do like he's my damn father and talking sh*t to me, who the hell does he think he is? He may be stronger than me, but he better learn who he's talking to.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2005
Reaction score
Dont take it so bad man, it DID work in a way: those fagots won be bothering you much from now on. This is ofcourse IMHO but sometimes you just have no choice.

Like they say: "When words dont suffice blows must follow" - Aesop.


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2005
Reaction score
Good job, glad you're getting some balls at last!



Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2005
Reaction score
LMAO... ok.. u f*cked yourself in the a$$ early. How? You've made a girl out to be more than what she is... a girl. You've given her more importance than she deserves and now you care how the hell she percieves you... womp. womp. Big mistake. "Do not put the pvssy on a pedastal!" You shouldn't care how the hell she see's you, you're supposed to be the f*ckin man, she should be caring about how the hell u see her! And if she's not, who cares?

2nd. I totally agree with you on kicking a guy's ass ONLY is it's pushing you past your limit. But I think there's some things you could have done that I THINK you left out. Standing your ground, making it known that you're not playing around anymore and you're serious. Then procede to the ass kicking if need be.

Back to my main point. It seems that you need to go throught the articles on this site that deal with SELF-IMPROVEMENT and get that "dream girl" mindset gone for good and get that "I'm the f*cking king, bow before me b*tches!" mindset into full swing. You gotta have that swagger, that charm, that charisma, that posture, that essence that says I'm the MAN, NOT just ANY man, but the F*CKING MAN!


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
dude viper,I'm in the same situation as you,these guy is bullying me and it sucks:mad:


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Dude, if i was in ur school, i woiuld kill all those fags. If they really that bad,. I am coming over for summer and smoking all those moron. Just email me and tell me ur exact adreesss


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Santa Cruz, bolivia
hahahah you were getting punked by the guy with the purse!! I Knew it !hahah, its a good thing that you fought that faggot. did he hit you with his loui vuitton purse while you guys were fighting?lol


Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
Lol hope you decked him good and proper

Viper all you gotta do is not take it. Don't budge one inch. Keep bettering yourself and don't take one iota of ****.

Someone please tell me when you should take any sort of abuse or bullying in a passive way?

Fvcking well done. Shame you couldn't have put him in hospital for a few days, but your probley not old enough for that. You've done what half of the guys on thia board will never ever do in thier whole lives, grab your balls and kick ass to get some **** done. :rockon:

Maybe you should start a martial art or somthing.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
The problem with guys that get picked on is that they have absolutely zero knowledge of how to hold a powerful frame.

Don't fvck him up just yet.

Just look him straight in the eye the next time he does something to you and say "Hey dip****, next time you fvck with me, I swear to god, I will kill you". Don't scream it, just say it with a low, serious tone. Be like Joe Pesci, you shoot the **** and its all fun and games but DON'T fvck with him... or you'll regret it.

edit: Sorry I didn't read the whole thread, apprently you fought him. Rock on! If he continues his crap...^^^ apply the above.