If this ******* touches me ONE MORE TIME, it'll be the end of him.


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
I had the same situation you had man... Only I did the most stupid thing I could have done. I brought a gun to school and threatened to shoot him... What a stupid move! I got arrested and I had to do anger management (there were a couple hot girls in anger management.. they lok like they didn't belong!!)

If I could go back in time... I just beat his ass with a chair (then again he was a gang member)... I'd beat his ass OR I'd just tell someone at school and if he kept doing what he was doing.. then I'd beat his ass...

Dude, I understand you're mad! Just don't **** up like I did and do something like bring a gun/knife... It's better you fight him outside of school... If you are gonna use things like a knife or gun, make sure it's not at school and that there are NO WITNESSES!

I'm speaking from personal experience man.. so please learn from my stupid ass mistake!

Make sure you tell some school official about his physically abusing you! So when he does start some ****, and you fight back.. You won't get arrested or sent to anger mangement! (which is where I think those hot girls were sent for... fights)


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
NeonBase said:
I had the same situation you had man... Only I did the most stupid thing I could have done. I brought a gun to school and threatened to shoot him... What a stupid move! I got arrested and I had to do anger management (there were a couple hot girls in anger management.. they lok like they didn't belong!!)

If I could go back in time... I just beat his ass with a chair (then again he was a gang member)... I'd beat his ass OR I'd just tell someone at school and if he kept doing what he was doing.. then I'd beat his ass...

Dude, I understand you're mad! Just don't **** up like I did and do something like bring a gun/knife... It's better you fight him outside of school... If you are gonna use things like a knife or gun, make sure it's not at school and that there are NO WITNESSES!

I'm speaking from personal experience man.. so please learn from my stupid ass mistake!

Make sure you tell some school official about his physically abusing you! So when he does start some ****, and you fight back.. You won't get arrested or sent to anger mangement! (which is where I think those hot girls were sent for... fights)
Well, I've already told school officials before, but they don't do sh*t and while they might talk to the guy about it, the guy will still do the same sh*t afterwords. Most of the witnesses are his idiot friends, so they'll probably lie for his ass too.


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
Wait, hold up. Next time he pulls something, push him. Hard. Tell him to shut his fukkin mouth. If he retaliates with words, push again. If he attacks, beat his ass. A good slap can work wonders as well. Just remember to use a backhand, with wrist snapping action!


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, f*cking emo's. Oh wait, I'm emo. lol. But I'm the coolest emo kid you'll ever meet.
Viper, no one's considered this option.
You don't need to fight him. I remember my loner days, and even if I fought someone, it didn't make things better. Except that one kid who was 4 years younger than me, beat the **** out of him, it was funny as hell.

But, you need to become a guy that he wouldn't pick on. The only reason he picks on you is because you show too much emotion. That whole post up there was full of emotion. If you wouldn't get so torn up about that kind of thing, then you'd be fine. No one wants to pick on someone who doesn't give a **** about it. If you'd just be cool about things, he wouldn't mess with you.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Aw yeah man, I didn't juggle with this particular bully, but remember that faggot fat dude that was talking **** to me earlier? I showed him his place. Sure, I got a few scratches on my face(This dude fights like a freaking girl, use your hands, not your nails, faggot), but I also got him bleeding some too. Not only that, but I told the school nurse about the whole fight and everything and now he and the rest of the people that were talking **** and ESPECIALLY, the dude who was fighting me, is getting screwed. I'll tell you guys just like I told the nurse, I'm trying to improve myself and I don't need these f*cking *******s harassing me and I was tired of being pushed around. Most funny thing about it, is that it was the dude who got into it with me, who told the nurse and now HE'S the one who's screwed. Now these niggas know not to f*ck with me, because I will straight do them in.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
taiwanesedude227 said:
Why do so many people tease you and laugh at you?
What do you mean so many people? A lot of people don't even care. But yes, these *******s talk sh*t, threaten me, call me names like retarded, just because of my slow voice, call me names based on things that I CAN'T help(My looks and personally, I think their just jealous, because while I'm not nearly the hottest guy in the world, I'm NOT ugly, this one girl even called me sexy today). I'm finally glad that these asswipes are getting in trouble, because I am tired of constantly getting bullied everyday.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
BrandoCommando said:
48 Laws of Power... I would say not to touch him but mess w/ his mind, I love doing that to ppl, more satisfaction that way. why not to touch him? Well,

Law 5 - So much Depends on your Reputation-guard it with your life
Law 26 - Keep your hands clean

...WHO THE F*CK cares about your HIGHSCHOOL reputation? seriously after you graduate you won't see most of the people and the rep u build up is pointless to your future, are u going to put I WAS POPULAR IN HIGHSCHOOL on your resume? NO F*CK u don't. I rather do what I want and reach my goals than be a b*tch like you and stand on the sideline and watch my life waste away. Don't believe all the things you hear make your own freaking decisions your mature enough. In a world like today noone has their hands clean if you do make a mistake just learn from it and move on. So Viper kick that guy's ass and be statisfied if you make an EXAMPLE out him NOONE else would mess with you.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Viper, it always comes down to this: You need to change your attitude. If it was me, and it's not, I'd put him in his place. But I wouldn't get emotional about it, as you already have. Do what you think needs to be done, but know this: it won't make you feel any better about yourself.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Wonderbread166 said:
Viper, it always comes down to this: You need to change your attitude. If it was me, and it's not, I'd put him in his place. But I wouldn't get emotional about it, as you already have. Do what you think needs to be done, but know this: it won't make you feel any better about yourself.
Wrong. Having a positive attitude will not make this b*tch stop harrassing me, however, you'd be amazed at what putting a few scars on his face can do.


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2006
Reaction score
Viper said:
Wrong. Having a positive attitude will not make this b*tch stop harrassing me, however, you'd be amazed at what putting a few scars on his face can do.
Beating him up made you look worse than he ever did when he was making fun of you.

Wonderbread had it right, you can be strong and tell him to back off without punching him and looking like an ass.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Viper said:
Wrong. Having a positive attitude will not make this b*tch stop harrassing me, however, you'd be amazed at what putting a few scars on his face can do.
Having a positive attitude will keep your mind clear, so just in case you do have to defend yourself, you will have a clear head.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
BrandoCommando said:
48 Laws of Power... I would say not to touch him but mess w/ his mind, I love doing that to ppl, more satisfaction that way. why not to touch him? Well,

Law 5 - So much Depends on your Reputation-guard it with your life
Law 26 - Keep your hands clean

Theres other ways to deal with him. Just stand your ground. Whatever you do dont let him see how much it pisses you off. At most show him how annoying and retarded he is; maybe that wont even work, you might have to pretend hes your best friend or coolest person in the world, many choices.... I dont know exactly how you should play it, but I almost wish I was in your shoes for a day just to mess him. :D
That doesn't work, he's just too ****ing ignorant. And pretend to LIKE this guy? Hell no, I hate him and if him and every other f*cking bully in this school died and went to hell, it would be a happy day for me.
Wonderbread had it right, you can be strong and tell him to back off without punching him and looking like an ass.
Not really, he's too much of an ******* and too ignorant, no matter what you say this dude will NOT back off and will keep talking sh*t, the only way to get a guy like this to shut up, is to make him regret it and kicking his ass is the perfect way of doing that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
HMMMM! better idea! folow him after school, whgen his alone, knock him out@ and start loughing likr ****@@@ And dont forgte to update unless u in jail!! :D


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
And dont forget to practice before fighting! and if u want, take some steroids@ LOL

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
dont let him get to u. if he knew u were getting THIS upset because of him, he would laugh. be strongwilled enough to not let him bother u


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Guys would **** with me, but I'm so good with girls, and I so don't give a **** about what they say, that they don't. So stop giving a **** about people who **** with you. For every one person that ****s with you, there's another person who doesn't. Just befriend the people who don't **** with you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
08aisaac said:
Guys would **** with me, but I'm so good with girls, and I so don't give a **** about what they say, that they don't. So stop giving a **** about people who **** with you. For every one person that ****s with you, there's another person who doesn't. Just befriend the people who don't **** with you.
He's right bro...

Why does a bully tease the **** out of people? Cuz it's fun to see how it affects them. If he tries talking **** tell him he's ugly... If he physically harasses you, push him hard and give a firm "**** off ugly ass."

Who gives a **** what this ****er or his friends say. I had this problem and it was because they were all jelous of me... The girls they liked were attracted not to them... they were attracted to me so they were jelous!

They even went to **** like saying how I'm uncircumcized and just childish **** like that! I mean why the **** do they care! I just told them "their mom likes her men uncut."

Don't let them get to you.. they're jelous *******s.. But yeah if he starts something physically, just push him and tell him what I told you to say!

Good luck bro!


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Don't fight or I will call you a pvssy.

If you want to get back at the kid just mess with him psychologically. C/F works. or play practical jokes on him.

Like take a sock full of **** and hit him in the face with it. It is called a "Hot Karl" or something else. No need for this to get physical.

Also you could just do something else. *67 I think will give you a private number and then just call him with prank calls. My friends (I don't do it) do it all the time.



Don Juan
Jan 7, 2006
Reaction score
PeterNorthisawesome said:
BrandoCommando said:
48 Laws of Power... I would say not to touch him but mess w/ his mind, I love doing that to ppl, more satisfaction that way. why not to touch him? Well,

Law 5 - So much Depends on your Reputation-guard it with your life
Law 26 - Keep your hands clean

...WHO THE F*CK cares about your HIGHSCHOOL reputation? seriously after you graduate you won't see most of the people and the rep u build up is pointless to your future, are u going to put I WAS POPULAR IN HIGHSCHOOL on your resume? NO F*CK u don't. I rather do what I want and reach my goals than be a b*tch like you and stand on the sideline and watch my life waste away. Don't believe all the things you hear make your own freaking decisions your mature enough. In a world like today noone has their hands clean if you do make a mistake just learn from it and move on. So Viper kick that guy's ass and be statisfied if you make an EXAMPLE out him NOONE else would mess with you.
I'm gonna have to disagree with you dude, for one thing we're still going to be in high school for a while longer, and we do NOT want our bad reps to spoil our game.

Just to say I have a rep for being a good fighter, me doing martial arts and one that can definitely beat the bigger dudes. (Many a man has bled by my hand). I rarely have to enforce that with violence, and when I do it's only VERY mild. NO ONE would ever fight me. Even though some jerks will try to annoy me, they WON'T fight me, not even if they're bigger, that's what a rep does.

Because I don't want to risk having a serious fight when ANYTHING can happen I use a method I picked up around here. Whenever they say I'm retarded or something, I give them a small chuckle, pat them on the head/shoulder and say 'Alright, whatever you say'. Then walk away.

They try to annoy me cause they're jealous of me. The big dude who annoys me hates me as I can tackle him in basketball whilst no one else can. He fouls everyone else most of the time, but he can't foul me which annoys him.

I just take it into mind that they're jealous of me.

I'd also like to quote another law from that book.

Law 44 Disarm and Infuriate with the Mirror Effect

if you just want to annoy him, just do the same thing back to him. He SHOULD stop, but you won't look as good to the other kids so the method above this works better imo.