If this ******* touches me ONE MORE TIME, it'll be the end of him.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Man, I am ****ing tired of this dude, always touching with me always messing with me and making a fool of me and ****, but today he went TOO ****ing far and now, it's going to cost him. 3 Strikes your out, ******* and oh yes, he certainly is out for;
1. ****ing messing with me, joking on me, hitting me and pushing me around.
2. For embarassing me infront of a girl I like and this wasn't just any girl, but one of the hottest girls in school. The girl probably thought I was joking when I f*cking hit him in the face, but we'll see who's joking tommorow.
3. For almost breaking my f*cking headphones

I'm not taking any more of this losers sh*t anymore, if he f*cking touches me ONE MORE I will f*cking fracture his face or worse, that's how f*cking pissed I am at this loser. Oh yes, I was pissed at him before, but now, I'm tired of it and I'm going to f*cking make him wish he had never messed with me. He make think this is all a f*cking joke, but we'll see who's joking when your face is f*cking bleeding and the whole school sees it, we'll see who's calling who names and teasing who after that. I'm not going to f*cking kill the guy, even though I f*cking want to, but if he touches me one more time, I'm going to take all my f*cking rage out on him. I don't care who sees, what the consequences are, as long as this dude learns that you don't mess around with a guy like me, that's all I care. And don't tell me to calm down, calming down is going to make this dude **** OFF, calming down isn't going to end the embarassment, calming down isn't going to end the teasing, but giving this dude a reason why he should NEVER **** WITH ME AGAIN, WILL. I don't care if he's stronger than me, I will use EVERY ****ING INCH OF MY POWER to beat this guys ass. Sh*t, BECAUSE OF HIM, I MIGHT NOT EVER GET TO GO OUT WITH ONE OF HOTTEST GIRLS IN SCHOOL, BECAUSE OF THIS GUY, I KNOW DON'T HAVE HEADPHONES, BECAUSE OF THIS GUY, I'M FURIOUS. I don't care if he calls his little posse too, I'll still make him pay. This is the last time he embarasses me, infront of the girl of my dreams and this is the last time, he f*cking gets the last laugh. I don't care if we're on the same track team, THIS F*CKER IS GOING DOWN, besides, THIS IDIOT STOLE MY SPOT AS A HURDLER.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Viper said:
Man, I am ****ing tired of this dude, always touching with me always messing with me and making a fool of me and ****, but today he went TOO ****ing far and now, it's going to cost him. 3 Strikes your out, ******* and oh yes, he certainly is out for;
1. ****ing messing with me, joking on me, hitting me and pushing me around.
2. For embarassing me infront of a girl I like and this wasn't just any girl, but one of the hottest girls in school. The girl probably thought I was joking when I f*cking hit him in the face, but we'll see who's joking tommorow.
3. For almost breaking my f*cking headphones

I'm not taking any more of this losers sh*t anymore, if he f*cking touches me ONE MORE I will f*cking fracture his face or worse, that's how f*cking pissed I am at this loser. Oh yes, I was pissed at him before, but now, I'm tired of it and I'm going to f*cking make him wish he had never messed with me. He make think this is all a f*cking joke, but we'll see who's joking when your face is f*cking bleeding and the whole school sees it, we'll see who's calling who names and teasing who after that. I'm not going to f*cking kill the guy, even though I f*cking want to, but if he touches me one more time, I'm going to take all my f*cking rage out on him. I don't care who sees, what the consequences are, as long as this dude learns that you don't mess around with a guy like me, that's all I care. And don't tell me to calm down, calming down is going to make this dude **** OFF, calming down isn't going to end the embarassment, calming down isn't going to end the teasing, but giving this dude a reason why he should NEVER **** WITH ME AGAIN, WILL. I don't care if he's stronger than me, I will use EVERY ****ING INCH OF MY POWER to beat this guys ass. Sh*t, BECAUSE OF HIM, I MIGHT NOT EVER GET TO GO OUT WITH ONE OF HOTTEST GIRLS IN SCHOOL, BECAUSE OF THIS GUY, I KNOW DON'T HAVE HEADPHONES, BECAUSE OF THIS GUY, I'M FURIOUS. I don't care if he calls his little posse too, I'll still make him pay.
I notice how you make a lot of "I'm going to..." posts and not enough "I have..." posts. Lets change that.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
i always wonder if i should beat someoens ass. christ knows enough guys give me reasons to but im usually easy going and ****. some guys really piss me off though. would hitting them in the face help me life, i mean really? christ knows i dont work out and could get my ass beat but just doing some damage can get me some respect.

what do you guys think.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
dannowillbookem said:
i always wonder if i should beat someoens ass. christ knows enough guys give me reasons to but im usually easy going and ****. some guys really piss me off though. would hitting them in the face help me life, i mean really? christ knows i dont work out and could get my ass beat but just doing some damage can get me some respect.

what do you guys think.
That's exactly how I am, I'm a nice guy, but this loser is always TALKING ****, TEASING ME, EMBARASSING ME, THROWING ME AROUND, HITTING ME, GETTING ME IN A BAD MOOD and I'm TIRED OF IT. I don't care what his friends think or any of the people who actually respect him for some DUMB reason think, but I'm pissed at this dude. Today was the LAST time he's EVER going to make fun of me, after what I do to him, because I know, he is going to ****ing touch me tommorow. Don't tell me to tell the guidance counselour or anything, because first of all it makes me look like a snitch and second of all, THEY WON'T DO SH*T AND THEY CAN'T STOP HIM FROM DOING IT. Once you embarass me infront of the most good looking, nicest girl in the school, there's no escape. Not only will I beat his ass, I'll shatter his f*cking reputation, like he did mine.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2006
Reaction score
Lol, dealing with guys like that is always nasty. Getting in a fight he's not very correct... I would say to act cool and stuff, but this guys don't give up no matter what. So, just walk to him, look him right in the eyes, and give him a warning.

Maybe he gives up... If he don't... Well, it's up to you to break his face or not. =/


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Toushi said:
Lol, dealing with guys like that is always nasty. Getting in a fight he's not very correct... I would say to act cool and stuff, but this guys don't give up no matter what. So, just walk to him, look him right in the eyes, and give him a warning.

Maybe he gives up... If he don't... Well, it's up to you to break his face or not. =/
I just can't act cool man, he's always pushing me around and stuff, kicking me, hitting me and I'm tired of being pushed around. Also, how would you talk to a girl you really liked after being embarassed by this loser? And no, even if I do get on good terms with the girl, I'm still kicking his ass.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2006
Reaction score
Pretty bad situation, uh?
Getting into a fight is not cool at all, I think, and won't improve your reputation or whatsoever... It may decrease it, though.
But, if it really is the only available choice, good luck with that. Just don't be to mean with it, lol. Beat his ass, if you have to, but show some compassion when doing it, show that you're better than him. Lol, if you don't, he may charge you for agression.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
Toushi said:
Pretty bad situation, uh?
Getting into a fight is not cool at all, I think, and won't improve your reputation or whatsoever... It may decrease it, though.
But, if it really is the only available choice, good luck with that. Just don't be to mean with it, lol. Beat his ass, if you have to, but show some compassion when doing it, show that you're better than him. Lol, if you don't, he may charge you for agression.
I was in the same situation, this korean exchange student pissed the hell out of me. He touched me, made fun of me and called me names cuz I'm half pacific islander so u know what i did? I ended it, it was too much stress for me and it wasn't worth my time and energy for taking his sh*t in so I BEAT his ass. Almost sent him to the hospital.. did I get in trouble? NO because I did it outside of school and warned him that if he said anything I would f*ck him up again. Theres a fine line between holding back and fighting so make sure that you won't regret it and if you do KICK HIS ASS so there's no quetion who's the boss. :D


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
but what about guys who are *******s AND are bigger than you.

i need sebastians help on this.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
dannowillbookem said:
but what about guys who are *******s AND are bigger than you.

i need sebastians help on this.
First of all being an as*h*le won't matter in a fight, if he's a b*tch he'll try to spray sand in your eyes or go for the low blow. If he's bigger.. you can get BIGGER yourself which will take time but worth it or if your like me learn some martial arts. "It's not the size of the dog or the fire it's the size of the fire in the dog." This quote is so true cuz I seen a 150 pound white guy beat the sh8t out of a 200 pound black dude (no racial implication the situation just happened to contain two races so don't call me racist cuz I'm not) it's all about focus and inflicting more pain on them so they will hopefully quit or can't continue.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Viper said:
Man, I am ****ing tired of this dude, always touching with me always messing with me and making a fool of me and ****, but today he went TOO ****ing far and now, it's going to cost him. 3 Strikes your out, ******* and oh yes, he certainly is out for;
1. ****ing messing with me, joking on me, hitting me and pushing me around.
2. For embarassing me infront of a girl I like and this wasn't just any girl, but one of the hottest girls in school. The girl probably thought I was joking when I f*cking hit him in the face, but we'll see who's joking tommorow.
3. For almost breaking my f*cking headphones

I'm not taking any more of this losers sh*t anymore, if he f*cking touches me ONE MORE I will f*cking fracture his face or worse, that's how f*cking pissed I am at this loser. Oh yes, I was pissed at him before, but now, I'm tired of it and I'm going to f*cking make him wish he had never messed with me. He make think this is all a f*cking joke, but we'll see who's joking when your face is f*cking bleeding and the whole school sees it, we'll see who's calling who names and teasing who after that. I'm not going to f*cking kill the guy, even though I f*cking want to, but if he touches me one more time, I'm going to take all my f*cking rage out on him. I don't care who sees, what the consequences are, as long as this dude learns that you don't mess around with a guy like me, that's all I care. And don't tell me to calm down, calming down is going to make this dude **** OFF, calming down isn't going to end the embarassment, calming down isn't going to end the teasing, but giving this dude a reason why he should NEVER **** WITH ME AGAIN, WILL. I don't care if he's stronger than me, I will use EVERY ****ING INCH OF MY POWER to beat this guys ass. Sh*t, BECAUSE OF HIM, I MIGHT NOT EVER GET TO GO OUT WITH ONE OF HOTTEST GIRLS IN SCHOOL, BECAUSE OF THIS GUY, I KNOW DON'T HAVE HEADPHONES, BECAUSE OF THIS GUY, I'M FURIOUS. I don't care if he calls his little posse too, I'll still make him pay. This is the last time he embarasses me, infront of the girl of my dreams and this is the last time, he f*cking gets the last laugh. I don't care if we're on the same track team, THIS F*CKER IS GOING DOWN, besides, THIS IDIOT STOLE MY SPOT AS A HURDLER.
****y and Funny humor can be used as a defense mechanism as well.

But since you want to fight....do what you have to.

I warn you though, It'll make you look insecure about yourself if you do.
And no, he hasn't cost you the girl "of your dreams." Attraction comes from your personal actions....not what he does to you.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
Viper, you dont get it this site is about improving yourself and givin/asking for advice. It's not your personal therapist. If you have issues that make you depressed and whatever than see a professional. This time you didn;t even ask for advice, you just vented. Honestly I am pretty sure no one here is interested in your life


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
originaldj said:
Viper, you dont get it this site is about improving yourself and givin/asking for advice. It's not your personal therapist. If you have issues that make you depressed and whatever than see a professional. This time you didn;t even ask for advice, you just vented. Honestly I am pretty sure no one here is interested in your life
The situation isn't even big enough to go see a personal therapist about. Besides, a personal therapist will just give you the same crap you here from guidance counselours, "Talk to him", "Ignore him", "Try to become friends wth him", all of which DON'T work and I've tried them all, so I would know. Also, maybe I don't have time to see a ****ing therapist. And maybe it's you who doesn't get it original dj, did you ever think I might be asking for advice INDIRECTLY in that post? Sometime's you have to use the old brain and think outside of the box.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
Viper said:
The situation isn't even big enough to go see a personal therapist about. Besides, a personal therapist will just give you the same crap you here from guidance counselours, "Talk to him", "Ignore him", "Try to become friends wth him", all of which DON'T work and I've tried them all, so I would know. Also, maybe I don't have time to see a ****ing therapist. And maybe it's you who doesn't get it original dj, did you ever think I might be asking for advice INDIRECTLY in that post? Sometime's you have to use the old brain and think outside of the box.
Trust me I was FORCED to see a damn therapist cuz I got drunk and sh*tfaced on new years and my parents thought I was suicidal? WTF! and everything and I went for 3 weeks and it was complete waste of my time. All he does is ask you quetion so you can vent your feelings like a Goth or Emo, I told him about the annoying kid at my school and he said the samething but guess what I kicked his ass and now I FEEL GREAT and no more sh*t from that b*tch. Also who the hell cares about your reputation? it's high school do what you wanna do be more indepedant stop following the crowd you end up accomplishing nothing. :flowers: :nono: :kick: :rockon:

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
If he pushes you around, you have to retaliate. I'm not saying get into a fight cus from wut I know about you, it's just gonna make u look more like a dude with a temper problem than the cool tough dude at school. What you need to do is say somethin back to him. Say something clever to rip on him OR if you really can't because you don't have a good wit, then tell him to back off. See how he acts when u start being the aggressor. If he starts a fight then it his fault cus he started the situation (but if he starts the fight, make sure u defend yourself and aim right below his eyes haha)


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2006
Reaction score
Don't fight him, Viper...

It'll make you look like a total jackass and you'll pay for it. Tell the guy to **** off next time he pulls **** and if he wants to fight, then fight... but dont go looking for it.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2005
Reaction score
L.A., CA
ehhh...I dunno man. I'm not here to preach nor say "DON'T BEAT HIM UP", but you ARE letting your emotions get the best of you.

So let's say you do beat up that prick. You feel the satisfaction of smashing his lights out; the whole principle of revenge just makes you feel so damn dominant.

Not so dominant and powerful once you reach the status as an aggressive manbeater, or some kind of negative image. All because you wanted to seek revenge on that idiot who probably has no luck nor enough maturity to get a girl, you sacrifice your neutral/positive status. You lose more than you gain here my friend, and I personally think you should find alternatives to this situation.

Why not just play it off with a relaxed and suave state of mind man? Especially if this idiot is messing with you in front of the "hottest girl in school." If you fight fire with fire, you KNOW it won't be extinguished, so why use your fists when you can simply use your wits and ****y/funny attitude to shove him away AND look smooth in front of the ladies?

P.S. Just tell the counselor(s)/dean(s) man. Put your pride aside for a moment and think about your safety first. Would you deny a vial of antidote while poisoned just because you think everyone else would think you're a coward?


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
48 Laws of Power... I would say not to touch him but mess w/ his mind, I love doing that to ppl, more satisfaction that way. why not to touch him? Well,

Law 5 - So much Depends on your Reputation-guard it with your life
Law 26 - Keep your hands clean

Theres other ways to deal with him. Just stand your ground. Whatever you do dont let him see how much it pisses you off. At most show him how annoying and retarded he is; maybe that wont even work, you might have to pretend hes your best friend or coolest person in the world, many choices.... I dont know exactly how you should play it, but I almost wish I was in your shoes for a day just to mess him. :D


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
hyphy bay area, ca
TheNewGuy said:
I notice how you make a lot of "I'm going to..." posts and not enough "I have..." posts. Lets change that.
Yes, let's.