If she is lustfully staring at other men or flirting.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2021
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Don’t say anything about it if she is just staring, enjoy the rest of the date the best you can .
And from that day on , no more goin out. She comes to your crib or you can go to hers , order in , fvck her and send her back home.
If she can’t have the class or respect to treat like a human being in public then don’t be seen with her In public.
If she is actively flirting with other men now that’s different. You will say something and it will be the last time she sees you
This sounds simple , it it is not easy if you have built an attachment


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
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Women are pretty obvious about it, like there have been times where ill be walking up to a couple and she'll drop the guys hand as we get close, I've been there before and even though it's a small gesture damn it's noticeable and I think women might not even be cognizant of it


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2021
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Women are pretty obvious about it, like there have been times where ill be walking up to a couple and she'll drop the guys hand as we get close, I've been there before and even though it's a small gesture damn it's noticeable and I think women might not even be cognizant of it
they are obvious and they don’t care, I’ve been there too they will stare into guys eyes, they will drop hands, position themselves closer to the guy they are attracted to.
its a small gesture , but it weighs alot
I guess that’s where the saying “it’s the little things that count” come from


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2016
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It's a give and take...
I've had my GF point out women who were checking me out in front of her. She also has charmed the $hit out of bartenders, Maitre D' 's and servers to get us really good seats and service. When you have an outgoing partner, and you are secure in your position, you don't get butthurt when they get attention.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2021
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It's a give and take...
I've had my GF point out women who were checking me out in front of her. She also has charmed the $hit out of bartenders, Maitre D' 's and servers to get us really good seats and service. When you have an outgoing partner, and you are secure in your position, you don't get butthurt when they get attention.
her getting attention and her staring at a guy like she wants to eat him right in front of you ,are two different things, to be fair.

it’s not acceptable behavior and there is no excuse for it.

I’ve never let my lady charm anyone , nor have I ever talked with her about who she has crushes on or thinks is attractive, I just don’t feel like I have to prove my “security” to her like that.
If we are exclusive, I want her to think” my boyfriend may not appreciate me checking out guys so I’m not gonna do it”

it’s perfectly healthy to have a certain level of fear in the relationship to reinforce healthy boundaries
Which is another reason why I have never given a women consent to charm anyone in exchange for good seats or service,I never want her to feel that comfortable, ever.
if you give these chicks an inch , they may try to take a mile.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Advice from the old lady:

Date unattractive women who nobody notices. This will cease to be an issue.

Oh wait. You want an attractive girl? She’s had to learn to deal with (often excessive or unwanted) male attention. And you got an “F” in mindreading as well. Guys with this concern are either low value or insecure or both. You do not know what someone else is thinking.

Now. If she’s holding someone else’s hand or kissing/cuddling with someone else? This is physically observable behavior and yes you might have a point. Just understand that EVERY dude is trying to get with a hot girl. So if you find your girl hot? Guess what? So do others. I’m a gregarious person, outgoing and social. Men always want to acknowledge me and sometimes hug me to say hello (if I know them). It’s a nuanced thing to understand as a woman but women who get lots of male attention inherently must learn to manage this, because it’s going to occur (the attention).

If you’ve never dated or been around beautiful women it’s going to be an adjustment to calibrate to how she deals with the attention. You cannot reasonably expect her to be rude or ignore everyone (that’s rude and has adverse effects) or expect her to be a b itch to everyone else either.

I get approached constantly. My boyfriend understands this. This morning actually he joked with me about how many men would try and hit on me (we are attending an event for the sport in which he is semi-pro this week and so will be around lots of other participants)…I always politely shut them down nicely by saying that I’m here with BF. I’m nice but matter-of-fact about it. Everyone knows who I’m with in short order. But there are advantages conferred to my BF because he’s with a socially adroit partner as @2Rocky alludes to above. If I averted my eyes and refused to interact with anyone whatsoever that would be awkward and weird.

So be sure this isn’t your own insecure nature, OP. It’s either that or low interest on her part. And there are likely other observable signs if it’s low interest. Dismiss for low interest. Check your own insecurities if she’s into you.

My .02


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2021
Reaction score
Advice from the old lady:

Date unattractive women who nobody notices. This will cease to be an issue.

Oh wait. You want an attractive girl? She’s had to learn to deal with (often excessive or unwanted) male attention. And you got an “F” in mindreading as well. Guys with this concern are either low value or insecure or both. You do not know what someone else is thinking.

Now. If she’s holding someone else’s hand or kissing/cuddling with someone else? This is physically observable behavior and yes you might have a point. Just understand that EVERY dude is trying to get with a hot girl. So if you find your girl hot? Guess what? So do others. I’m a gregarious person, outgoing and social. Men always want to acknowledge me and sometimes hug me to say hello (if I know them). It’s a nuanced thing to understand as a woman but women who get lots of male attention inherently must learn to manage this, because it’s going to occur (the attention).

If you’ve never dated or been around beautiful women it’s going to be an adjustment to calibrate to how she deals with the attention. You cannot reasonably expect her to be rude or ignore everyone (that’s rude and has adverse effects) or expect her to be a b itch to everyone else either.

I get approached constantly. My boyfriend understands this. This morning actually he joked with me about how many men would try and hit on me (we are attending an event for the sport in which he is semi-pro this week and so will be around lots of other participants)…I always politely shut them down nicely by saying that I’m here with BF. I’m nice but matter-of-fact about it. Everyone knows who I’m with in short order. But there are advantages conferred to my BF because he’s with a socially adroit partner as @2Rocky alludes to above. If I averted my eyes and refused to interact with anyone whatsoever that would be awkward and weird.

So be sure this isn’t your own insecure nature, OP. It’s either that or low interest on her part. And there are likely other observable signs if it’s low interest. Dismiss for low interest. Check your own insecurities if she’s into you.

My .02
This has nothing to do with women being attractive
You get an “F” in reading. You are out of context my friend 2rocky is out of context as well
This is about having respect

I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to shut down men, Who try to pick you up if you are in a relationship, especially in front of your boyfriend
when you go out with your man do you stare at other guys like you wanna rip their clothes off?

sounds like you date a lot of low value or insecure men ,atleast that’s what it looks like you’re projecting in this post.
I said if the woman is lustfully staring at other men
Nowhere in this post , did I say anything about men staring at her

if you are an attractive women ,I’m sure you’re mature enough to handle male attention in an appropriate way while you’re out with your man.
the biggest difference between women and girls is the ability to carry themself with class (freak in the sheets, lady in the streets)

basking in the attention of strangers when you’re out with your SO shows a lack of respect,maturity and moral values in my opinion
It also shows insecurity because you need to have all eyes on you or else you don’t feel attractive.But it’s not a deal breaker with me, I just wouldn’t take any woman who acts like a teenage girl in high school seriously


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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or do like a friend I had in college did.

he was out with her in a festival or something, there she was staring to a guy in full army clothes, he notice, he take her to the guy, and tell him, look since she is staring at you a lot she find you pretty cute, hell I find you cute too, so here talk with each other, then he leaves,

hi GF go after him fumming, and he just tell her i'm not a fool or you behave or you can leave, tale says after that she never looked the other side again


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2021
Reaction score
or do like a friend I had in college did.

he was out with her in a festival or something, there she was staring to a guy in full army clothes, he notice, he take her to the guy, and tell him, look since she is staring at you a lot she find you pretty cute, hell I find you cute too, so here talk with each other, then he leaves,

hi GF go after him fumming, and he just tell her i'm not a fool or you behave or you can leave, tale says after that she never looked the other side again
Haven’t had a chance to try this one yet
It’s perfect for me and it’s my style
I believe some chicks do this to see how you’re gonna react
If you’re gonna recite some feminist “I’m confident in myself” bs or are you gonna be a man and stand up for yourself.

roaming shark

Don Juan
Aug 3, 2021
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I agree with OP, if she does stare lustfully then she is immediately and surgically demoted to fun only. One of the golden rules that I’ve learned in dating these hooligans is that “genuine desire” is literally a pre requisite for anything serious or long term. And when I say desire, I mean my girl has to be literally blind to all other men. I’ve experienced the opposite and once you see what real desire is, anything less is fools gold. I’m glad I’ve awaken to this reality.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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I agree with OP, if she does stare lustfully then she is immediately and surgically demoted to fun only. One of the golden rules that I’ve learned in dating these hooligans is that “genuine desire” is literally a pre requisite for anything serious or long term. And when I say desire, I mean my girl has to be literally blind to all other men. I’ve experienced the opposite and once you see what real desire is, anything less is fools gold. I’m glad I’ve awaken to this reality.
I like how you likened the other to "fools gold"


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2019
Reaction score
her getting attention and her staring at a guy like she wants to eat him right in front of you ,are two different things, to be fair.

it’s not acceptable behavior and there is no excuse for it.

I’ve never let my lady charm anyone , nor have I ever talked with her about who she has crushes on or thinks is attractive, I just don’t feel like I have to prove my “security” to her like that.
If we are exclusive, I want her to think” my boyfriend may not appreciate me checking out guys so I’m not gonna do it”

it’s perfectly healthy to have a certain level of fear in the relationship to reinforce healthy boundaries
Which is another reason why I have never given a women consent to charm anyone in exchange for good seats or service,I never want her to feel that comfortable, ever.
if you give these chicks an inch , they may try to take a mile.
You're right. and don't ever let anyone trust shame you into compliance... it also helps if the dudes in your environment know it's going to be easier for them to mess with someone else. it only takes one example.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2019
Reaction score
If you can take her off me
Then she’s not my girl.
agree, but as they say, none of them is our girl. every girl has the same basic push buttons. if a dude takes my wallet or car when I am not looking it's not going to be well for him later. I don't lock my car much anymore, it's not needed.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2019
Reaction score
Haven’t had a chance to try this one yet
It’s perfect for me and it’s my style
I believe some chicks do this to see how you’re gonna react
If you’re gonna recite some feminist “I’m confident in myself” bs or are you gonna be a man and stand up for yourself.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
To make her oblivious to such things, you have to be the guy every girl looks at when you walk with her.

This way she'll be focused on you, and the attention you get and try to keep you locked.

Wherever I go, 90% of the women, in girl gangs, with dates, alone etc check me out, overtly or covertly, it doesn't mean much btw.

They lock eyes with me when I turn to them before quickly breaking it.

This wasn't the case when I wasn't jacked, groomed, styled etc.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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You cannot mind read OP. You are saying she is “lustfully” staring at other men. This is your perception. Completely yours. Totally subjective. You have zero way of knowing if she is lusting or simply observing people or looking around. People are not blind.

My sister always says “married, not blind” in acknowledging that there are attractive men who exist besides her husband. She has been faithfully married to her (very handsome) husband for 25+ years….and she herself was a NCAA division I cheerleader at a major state university for 4 years and a competitive gymnast. She has only had two sexual partners, her high school sweetheart and her college sweetheart, who she married. Never went out in college, always studying, with boyfriend or exercising. But I digress.

Your insecurity is showing. Sorry. Amused mastery would mean you simply observe her behavior and remain unphased by it. If you need to you apply Silence & Distance and see what she does. If she is low interest you dismiss. Quit trying to mind read. You have no idea if her looking at her environment is “lustful” or not. Why are you taking her places where you feel threatened by other men?



Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2021
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You cannot mind read OP. You are saying she is “lustfully” staring at other men. This is your perception. Completely yours. Totally subjective. You have zero way of knowing if she is lusting or simply observing people or looking around. People are not blind.

My sister always says “married, not blind” in acknowledging that there are attractive men who exist besides her husband. She has been faithfully married to her (very handsome) husband for 25+ years….and she herself was a NCAA division I cheerleader at a major state university for 4 years and a competitive gymnast. She has only had two sexual partners, her high school sweetheart and her college sweetheart, who she married. Never went out in college, always studying, with boyfriend or exercising. But I digress.

Your insecurity is showing. Sorry. Amused mastery would mean you simply observe her behavior and remain unphased by it. If you need to you apply Silence & Distance and see what she does. If she is low interest you dismiss. Quit trying to mind read. You have no idea if her looking at her environment is “lustful” or not. Why are you taking her places where you feel threatened by other men?


this is just more female manipulation and shaming tactics , you wanna give me a jealousy test and stare at other men while we’re out then if I say something, I’m “insecure”
So I got it, I will not say anything. I just know not to ever take you seriously, or take you out.
It’s totally fine if you wanna check out other guys but I don’t have to watch you do it