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I Have Anger Problems/I Don't Know What To Do


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I've been thinking about branching out to Asian Women, I just haven't really dated women other than black women. I'm just being honest here, but I'm more ATTRACTED to black women due to the shape of their body. Even a FAT black chick (if the fat is positioned on her right) is sexy to me.

The only way I date other types of chicks, such as white chicks or latino or asian, is mainly when they have a body LIKE a black girl. The white girls I've been with had hips and a.ss, they also had a lot of "black girl like characteristics" so it was almost just like I was dating a black girl. If you noticed in the "7 plus" category I listed above, all of those chicks are BLACK.

But the problems I'm reporting aren't just black women per say, it's the entire market as a whole from a feminist/gynocentric standpoint.

Guys like T.O. make great points, the only issue I have with them is that it just comes across like a "Pastor" preaching on Sunday morning, rather than an actual Quarterback playing in the game on Sunday afternoon. What do I mean? It's one thing to talk about what somebody OUGHT to be doing, but when that guy is reporting to you DIRECTLY FROM THE FIELD on what's going on, its a totally different story in terms of pre-judging why he didn't do X, Y, and Z.

Again, not saying T.O. is wrong in theory, but T.O. wants me to NEXT the chicks who I feel aren't up to my standards. The problem is, I would be NEXTing every damn body. Who the hell do I sleep with then? NEXTing everybody isn't practical. It would be one thing if the chick I'm looking for I actually have MET, thus, I could easily tell the other chicks "bye bye" and only focus on her. I've never even MET the chick I "want" before, I don't even know if she fvcking exists.

So T.O. wants me to just NEXT the chicks I KNOW exist, to save myself for the chick I don't even know exists? That advice, while right in theory, just isn't practical.
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Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Also Penkitten I didn't say Beyonce was a "7", I put her in the "7 plus" category, which is 7 - 10. I don't really label any chick as a 10, because make-up and money often determine how CUTE a "cute girl" can look, if that makes sense? But a CUTE girl usually would range between a 7 - 10 depending upon how much money she has to FIX herself up to be "cute", so I just throw them all in a "7 plus" category.

What a lot of guys might not understand, is that girl you call a "10" looks like a 6 or 7 in the morning when she takes off all the make-up, hair extensions, and maybe if you took away the plastic surgery she might have done as well. Cute chicks who don't have a lot of money don't have the luxury of looking like a "10" all of the time.

I know with black girls for example, a cute black chick usually needs a nice WEAVE along with some make-up, foundation, etc. to look like a solid 9 or even a 10. But that shyt cost MONEY, weaves are expensive as hell and a lot of these chicks just don't have the money like that considering they are saddled with student loan debt lol.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
So T.O. wants me to just NEXT the chicks I KNOW exist, to save myself for the chick I don't even know exists? That advice, while right in theory, just isn't practical.
That's exactly how I view it. I have yet to see a really good woman. I date all across the board: tall, short, hot, average, thin, thick (not obese because that's a red flag), and the only thing I've noticed is if their looks are lower on the scale, it takes longer for their fvcked up 5hit to surface. My GF is one of the more decent women I've dated in the last few years, but she sure as hell isn't perfect either. I'm tolerating a lack of things in common and a lack of a hot body (she has a really plain body) just because she pisses me off LESS than all the other bull5hit I've dated in the last 3 years.

It's come to the point where I naturally equate a hot woman with fvcked up 5hit that I won't tolerate. I look at her ass, think about how nice it would be to sink my teeth into it, and then my interest is gone. I don't have the motivation to seek out hot women anymore because I don't need the bull5hit that comes with them.

Right now, I'll keep my pretty (but plain) gf, deal with the occasional quirk she displays, and be satisfied with that until/unless she starts to make my life miserable. It will eventually happen because she's asked me a couple of times what I think about marriage. I don't want to marry her and I don't want to live with her. If she proves herself faithful after a decade of being my gf, then I *might* consider living with her.

Yes, a decade.

If I'm going to bring a woman into my home, she needs to prove she's absolutely worth it. Time, loyalty, devotion and respect all come into play. If she can nail all of that, she'll deserve to share a home with me. Until a woman comes along who can do all that, I'll enjoy and make the best out of living on my own.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
It's come to the point where I naturally equate a hot woman with fvcked up 5hit that I won't tolerate. I look at her ass, think about how nice it would be to sink my teeth into it, and then my interest is gone. I don't have the motivation to seek out hot women anymore because I don't need the bull5hit that comes with them.
You go from one girlfriend to the other, right? So basically, you put all your eggs in one basket everytime... As a long time member of SoSuave, what's your opinion on spinning plates? I know you've been goign from one girlfriend to the other since that one special girl fvcked you up 3 years ago, but I don't know if you ever put plate theory in practice before her... Did you?

I'm not all that great at juggling multiple women at the same time myself, but I have enough experience to say that the bullsh!t of one women means nothing to me when I have another woman/women to go to that day or week. It's become such an overused advice on here but it holds great value: "Spin more plates!" Or as they said in the old days: "FTOW!" **** ten other women and then see how much you care about the bullsh!t some particular girl is giving you...

Now we're on it, I gotta say you seem to have lost it altogether since that horrible Christmas 3 years ago, Des. You are a man who has given up, negative experiences have beaten you into submission... I don't blame you, it's a warzone out there and I'm struggling to survive the dating scene too man. But you are a man who has given up hope, you don't have the guts to fight anymore because you are too afraid that you'll lose the fight. You're not willing to take any risks anymore, you just settle for mediocrity or even lower than mediocrity and convince yourself you should be happy with that, coz it's better than nothing. You don't dare to dream anymore coz you fear that your dreams will never come true and only end up in disappointment for you...

You're like that guy from the book "1984" who keeps resisting his oppressor who tries to get him to agree that 2+2=5. He keeps resisting and won't accept the false truth which the oppressor is trying to force upon him. But after he's tortured enough, he breaks and admits 2+2=5. He doesn't just say it to save himself, no...he TRULY believes it at that point! His mind has been broken and his ability to see the truth has been hacked, the truth has become such a great danger to his well-being that he really can't seperate truth from fiction any longer, his survival instinct kicks in and makes him believe the UNTRUTH coz knowing the TRUTH has become too big of a danger to his well-being.

It's like you've been tortured too much by that experience 3 years ago as well...

Same goes for Tenacity. You can beat him around his ears with logical arguments as much as you want, he will persist in his own defeatist ideas anyway. I don't understand why we even try tro help this guy, isn't it clear how his mind works??? He just basically declared that he doesn't even dare to believe that there is a good woman for him out there!
Obviously, she does exist. There are enough guys on here (although they are the great minority) who have found a great girl. You can present these examples to Tenacity but his mind will just come up with some other fabrication to dismiss the truth and keep believing in his own defeatist idea that the good girl he deserves does not exist.

I've come to known you more personally through PM's, though, Des. So I guess that's why I'm taking the time to write this sh!t down to you... You seem to have gotten sucked into some whirlpool too deep to ever get out again, but maybe there's still hope, you know...

Anyway, you are not really out there in the dating scene, are you? You've lowered the bar to levels which were totally unacceptable to the old you, and when you find a girl who meets those bare minimum requirements, you hold onto her like some homeless person holds onto waste food from a restaurant's garbage can. You try to stick with her until she eventually gives you reason to leave, then you rinse and repeat....

The person you currently are and the way you currently approach life...do you think you will look back at that with proud when you lie on your deathbed as an old man? How about getting back that eye of the tiger and starting to believe in achieving great things again? How about getting back in the dating scene, set some high standards for yourself, pile up the list of girls' phone numbers, pile up the number of chicks you get into bed, enjoy being succesful with girls, spin a high number of hot plates and enjoy them, with the ultimate goal of eventually walking into a plate that has enough quality to TRULY make you happy?
How about becoming better in dealing with women's bullsh!t? How about getting so confident and happy about yourself that the disappointment women present to you can't bring you down anymore? How about becoming the best fvcking you that you can be, rising above all the goddamn odds which are against you and triumph over all of it?!

So are you willing to believe this is possible? Are you willing to put in the hard work to walk this path? More importantlly, are you willing to walk this path even though the outcome is uncertain?

If you were a great sprinter, would you devote your life to training for the Olympics, knowing that when you finally arrive at the Olypmics after years, there is a chace that someone else will be faster and all your training has been for nothing? Would you rather play it safe and NOT p[articipate in the Olympics so you could save yourself from that possible disappointment? Or would you rather go out there, say "to hell with it!" and give it all you got?

If you live your life passionately and push yourself to the limit in order to achieve great things....well maybe you won't achieve those great things. But I'm sure you'll STILL have a more fulfilling life and feel better about yourself in that case, than when you live a life where you didn't try at all and just played it safe all the time to prevent yourself from experiencing disappointment.

Watch this from 1:12

So.... Do you wanna go for it, give it your best shot and work your ass off to achieve success and happiness? Or are you too afraid to try, did you stop believing in yourself and in success, and rather "do it tomorrow..."???

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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
I think Tenacity will always argue in favor of his own self-described problems. Why work to get something better when "good enough" is right here? After all, if one is not GUARANTEED a specific measure of success, why bother putting in the work?

You won't see better women unless you start DISQUALIFYING. But you refuse to DISQUALIFY unless you first see a high quality woman.

(Not unlike those branch-swinging-monkey-women who won't let go of an old relationship unless they're firmly rooted in the next.)

Don't get me wrong, this is a hard self-defeating cycle to get out of it. Most never do.

Most will NEVER believe it unless they first see it.

Many accept that philosophy.

(perhaps a clue is that most of the men here espousing the disqualify philosophy have a good number of years on Tenacity)

Self-rationalization is a powerfully effective tool to protect the ego.

Who am I to argue?

Enjoy your life.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Diehard and TO,

I don't know what you guys are talking about. I acknowledged that the recommendation offered to NEXT EVERYBODY in sight and just WAIT until a quality woman pops up is right in "theory", the stuff isn't practical because, once again, I will ask you guys the following questions (let's see if you address them this time or not)......

- What am I supposed to do until I run across a quality girl (based on my own criteria)?

- Am I supposed to jack off until a quality girl that I want comes along?

- Am I supposed to sit here with blue balls until a quality girl comes along?

- What if the criteria I have set for a quality girl is too high based on current market standings? Thus, NEXTING everybody in sight does nothing but push away pvssy, a good time, and the only TYPE of women I'm going to get anyway, based on market standings?

You guys still have YET to answer these follow-up questions, yet you continue to respond with "why do we keep trying to help this guy" type of statements, as if I'm not reading AND responding with follow-up questions to what the hell you just said prior. My act of asking follow-up questions is not in total disagreeing with you, I'm asking for more elaboration and clarification.

Also another thing that I'm noticing is that, I'm a REALIST and I don't think you guys like to look at the world as it IS, you prefer to look at the world as you would prefer it to BE. Based on that, I know damn well you take issue with my threads because everytime you click on a Tenacity thread, you are going to read some REAL ANALYSIS based on how the world currently is, and you would rather operate based on how you would PREFER the world to be. This is the problem people like T.O., DieHard, Hithard, BeTheChange, your boy Guru, and others have with "Tenacity".

I just don't get how you guys can sit up here and be so "positive" about everything, when every damn thing around us is falling apart? Our country is in $20 trillion debt, our families are screwed up, the job market is screwed up, our currency is devalued every single minute, our educational system is corrupt, our government is corrupt, the overall quality of both women AND men are the worse its been EVER.

Tenacity comes on Sosuave to discuss these things to try and find either a solution or some way to COPE with this reality. But you guys in particular, come on Sosuave to I guess, just discuss "positive possibilites" rather than the negative realities.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
Didn't I lay out some examples.

As for the woes of America....
No one fixed anything by whinging.
People are not blind. Change will come. But that's nothing to do with this thread. More of an excuse to remain where you are.

You do not base anything on real analysis. Your marriage stats you were sprouting were BS. All you do is parrot the fear. Advice was given. You can't take it.
How is your social circle?
How many good friends do you have?

Once again everyone else is wrong. There's a reason why you can't make it work. It's all you.
To the other posters, good advice.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
Your questions were addressed. How hard is it seriously.
Spin plates, improve social circles and expand your existing pool of women. This advice was given time and again.
Also stop standing at the kiddie pi$$ end of the pool and get a bit deeper. You are pulling poor quality for a reason.
All the advice was solid. The fact you do not know how to put into practice is very evident.

All your threads always end up the same. Ten you are stuck like fu.ck. My prediction is you ain't improving this year either.

I've noticed you starting to include the state of the economy. Is everything ok work wise?


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Your questions were addressed.
NO they were not.....you and T.O. SKIP over follow-up questions I ask, then continue on with your usual "Tenacity is just too negative" mantra.

Spin plates, improve social circles and expand your existing pool of women.
I'm already fvcking doing this, been doing this for over 6 years now.

Also stop standing at the kiddie pi$$ end of the pool and get a bit deeper. You are pulling poor quality for a reason.
And what's that reason?

My prediction is you ain't improving this year either.
Here you go with these generic statements again, so I'm going to ask you AGAIN like I asked you four pages ago. When you say I need to "improve", what do I need to improve upon? Thinking more positive?

I've noticed you starting to include the state of the economy. Is everything ok work wise?
I've always been talking about the economy, so when someone discusses how fvcked up the job market and the US fiscal situation is, that means they are having problems work wise? That's your logic? Could I be doing "ok" work wise but the economy still be fvcked up?


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
Brazilian Women are your answer Tenacity:

As a guy who spent a couple years down there, I can tell you without a doubt your life would be 100x better down there. They love 'bunda' which is ass down there and all the girls try and have this huge ass when they are walking around. Its puzzling for white guys as we don't usually like that kinda stuff but the Brazilians, thats ALL they think about. Also the food is the best in the world, I can put my hand on the bible, the food in Brazil is better than the best sex I've ever had. Also there is very little racism if any... there is a bit of class war going on but there is quite a bit of race mixing going on between black/white and Japanese. The best girls I can tell you about were 3, a white girl who was so friendly, she drove me around SP trying to help me find an apartment, a black girl who I picked up on the street by saying hello and a Jap girl who I met online who was so nice she let me stay in her house for 2 weeks. I wish I wasn't such a PUA douche bag at the time or things could have worked out REALLY well for me. Spinning plates is just wasting time, seriously.

If you just took a flight to Brazil this year, I guarantee, you'd probably never come on the forum again or bother talking to these guys. There is no shortage or women down there that like black dudes, especially Gringo. All of them can COOK and their cooking is A M A Z I N G. I think the ratio of women to men in Brazil is something like 8 to 1. Its insane the amount of women that are on the street, and a lot of the times they'll come up and talk TO YOU. Everyone is laid back, life is really chill and if you are into teaching English, you can clean up quite well, I used to make between 30 to 50/class hour (CAD). It blew me away how nice women were to me there, I would sit beside them on a bus and strike up a conversation for 2 minutes then get a number. I had so many numbers I had to delete them from my phone to make space. No pretense, no ' I'm black, your white ' bullsh1t going on like you've got in Amurica.

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Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
If you can't figure this stuff out BEFORE you bone her, you're doing it wrong. No way to beat around the bush about that...

This is directly related to YOU. If a girl has HIGH INTEREST in you, then she'll be loving and loyal. If she doesn't, she'll be "low quality."

This is the HEART of the false "low quality woman / high quality woman" dichotomy. IT DOES NOT EXIST.

Any woman that has HIGH INTEREST in you will act loyal and loving and supportive.

This is the root of your problem. You are NOT creating interest in women other than a fleeting desire to bone you.

The game required to generate the HIGH INTEREST which results in loyalty, caring, friendship, etc., is not even in the same UNIVERSE as the game required to get laid.

In fact, I would say that is more dependent on personality that one's level of game. Since if she likes YOU, it has to be the REAL YOU, not some behavioral techniques you "do" from time to time.

You are NOT generating deep feelings of emotions. You are not making them think about you when you are not around. You are not making them imagine a future with you in five or ten years. You are not getting them to imagine what kind of a father you'll be.

You are NOT making them "fall in love" with you. If a girl "falls in love" with you, she'll be loyal, caring, friend, etc.

(I'll bet Clyde thought Bonnie was a "high quality woman" since she was LOYAL to the end. I've seen their car with all the bullets).

You seem to think that "loyalty" "friendship" "caring" etc are TRAITS like being tall or short. They are not. They are highly DEPENDENT on the person they are with.

If you worked for a company that made sh!tty products and was losing money ever month, would YOU be a loyal employee?

If you worked for a company with HUGE upside potential, for both YOU and the company, would YOU be a loyal employee?

YOU are the company. The girls are the employees. They don't see YOU as somebody they WANT to be loyal to. To be caring about. To be friends with.

This AND your qualification problem. You keep dating unqualified girls.That is easy to do. Simply qualify them (based on what you said above) and DON'T date / bone them. Stop doing that and 90% of problems will vanish.
Qualifying via friends or social circles can cut the time. If your social circle is of a higher standard, then you have a little more in your favor. Being able to read people through their small actions is also important. To walk away the moment you see a problem saves the most time.
Women do change over time. But the more boxes she ticks going in. The more likely things will run more smoothly.
Prime beefs post is words of wisdom. Set the quality within yourself.

Qualifying doesn't take long. In fact I can help.
Online dating for partner = FAIL
That's just some of the stuff. You are telling me that you can't filter through it.
Are you so blind to this stuff you need us to hold your hand. Seriously... everyone has pointed out and told you things you can try. Are you that stuck you can't understand the very basics. What do you want? Point form answers to every movement.

1. Wake up.
2. Get dressed.
3. Eat breakfast.....

You say you have been doing social circle work for 6 years. I call bull**** on that. You said you have 3 friends and you don't trust them. You really suck at social circle game if that's all you have got. You wouldn't be on here whining all the time if you didn't need to improve.
And you need to improve on a lot:
I question your basic social ability.
You don't understand the basics of qualifying, setting standards or sorting women.
You are angry and bitter at women.
You ask for advice and then feel threatened when it's pointed out "you" are the problem.
The list goes on but what's the point. You can't even accept the basics.

Go through the thread. Go through the countless posts made in your threads. Your questions were answered. You are just too headstrong to want to do anything about it. You actually ignore advice and have done so over and over unless it fits your world view.

All your threads boil down to the same thing. Seeking validation on why you are right and everyone else is wrong. No skin off my nose. It will be interesting to see how long you twist for.

It was a serious question about your job. I've found the guys that whine about the economy are generally doing it tough, or think they deserve more then they are getting. That's from experience champ. Not my "logic".

I question a lot of your advice. You can parrot a lot of the stuff but you can't make it work. The funny thing is that the guys you really disrespect are the ones that keep taking the time to try and help. And I don't mean me. Let's see if you are still whinging about how unfair it all is in another year.
I genuinely hope you start to progress.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
But you guys in particular, come on Sosuave to I guess, just discuss "positive possibilites" rather than the negative realities.
Isn't it interesting how on discussion forums people tend to give advice based on their OWN realities and don't consider the other person's?

I have no doubt you are living in a negative situation Ten. I've advised you many times to get the fvck out of dodge and try somewhere new. It's obviously not going to happen for you where you are now. You are beating your head against a wall. I'm usually the one to say that location doesn't matter. I've had success with chicks no matter where I was but you seem to be in a real rut and going somewhere new would do you a world of good. Take an extended vacation if you can just to prove it to yourself.

You seem to think the entire world is fvcked up and have this negative view on things that are outside your scope of vision. Is it possible that some of the people giving you positive advice might be doing so based on a positive reality?


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
Agree Slickster, but Americans have convinced themselves that America IS the entire world and everyone is somehow envious of their 'way of life and their freedom'.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

I find Americans are the least well traveled of all the colonies when I'm out and about and the first ones to criticize how others live. Between Americans and the Japanese, I'm not sure which is more Xenophobic and adverse to living among other cultures. Despite writing on this forum, I often avoid Americans like the plague when I am in China, they all have this 'know it all, gonna tell you what its about' attitude. I forget that this is a forum primarily frequented by Americans who have grown up in a culture that tells them they are right about everything and their country 'IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD'.

I find Americans tend to identify VERY strongly with what part of America they were raised in. In Canada, you could be born in Vancouver, Calgary, Churchill or Sudbury, it wouldn't make much difference to your personality and you wouldn't really identify as such. In China, I identify as Canadian but the geographical portion of Canada is usually not important. My American friends have weird sayings when they meet like 'East Coast!", "Florida!", "TEXAS!!!", "Ohio!", "Milwaukee!", or "Southern Georgia!"... I have no idea WTF they are on about but they seem to take a lot of culture from their cities or regions... and constantly relate sh1t back to 'how it is in XYZ American City".

When you get colonials together like the British, Canadians, Australians or South Africans. We ask where each other are from and drop it there. "Oh you are an Ozzy? Oh cool". Then we go about finding ways to survive in our new setting and experience the new culture together. Americans on the other hand have to CONSTANTLY remind us about the way things are back in "AMERICAN CITY" and why this or that would not vogue in "AMERICAN CITY" or blah blah blah America, guns, presidents, wars, freedom, american politics.

They are also the most closed off and suspicious people you'd ever meet. While the colonials are out enjoying themselves at a bar, the Americans are all huddled together, discussing american politics or something from America. You try and approach an american on the street, you'll likely get met with anger or indifference. Americans are easily the least social people you'll ever meet in the world.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Brazilian Women are your answer Tenacity:

As a guy who spent a couple years down there, I can tell you without a doubt your life would be 100x better down there. They love 'bunda' which is ass down there and all the girls try and have this huge ass when they are walking around. Its puzzling for white guys as we don't usually like that kinda stuff but the Brazilians, thats ALL they think about. Also the food is the best in the world, I can put my hand on the bible, the food in Brazil is better than the best sex I've ever had. Also there is very little racism if any... there is a bit of class war going on but there is quite a bit of race mixing going on between black/white and Japanese. The best girls I can tell you about were 3, a white girl who was so friendly, she drove me around SP trying to help me find an apartment, a black girl who I picked up on the street by saying hello and a Jap girl who I met online who was so nice she let me stay in her house for 2 weeks. I wish I wasn't such a PUA douche bag at the time or things could have worked out REALLY well for me. Spinning plates is just wasting time, seriously.

If you just took a flight to Brazil this year, I guarantee, you'd probably never come on the forum again or bother talking to these guys. There is no shortage or women down there that like black dudes, especially Gringo. All of them can COOK and their cooking is A M A Z I N G. I think the ratio of women to men in Brazil is something like 8 to 1. Its insane the amount of women that are on the street, and a lot of the times they'll come up and talk TO YOU. Everyone is laid back, life is really chill and if you are into teaching English, you can clean up quite well, I used to make between 30 to 50/class hour (CAD). It blew me away how nice women were to me there, I would sit beside them on a bus and strike up a conversation for 2 minutes then get a number. I had so many numbers I had to delete them from my phone to make space. No pretense, no ' I'm black, your white ' bullsh1t going on like you've got in Amurica.

Like when Eddie Murphy came to pick his bride in "Coming to America"


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
You make a good point LiveFreeX. It is important to note that there is some international advice being given here.

I don't know how well travelled you are Tenacity, but I find it odd that someone would formulate opinions on the world based on what is going on in the Detroit MI area. If you can't look beyond your tiny perspective of the world and at least acknowledge that there is more out there then you have no business complaining or making generalizations about how things are.

What holds you there anyway?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
You go from one girlfriend to the other, right? So basically, you put all your eggs in one basket everytime... As a long time member of SoSuave, what's your opinion on spinning plates? I know you've been goign from one girlfriend to the other since that one special girl fvcked you up 3 years ago, but I don't know if you ever put plate theory in practice before her... Did you?
I certainly have, but I generally have trouble spinning more than 2 plates at once since it's time consuming. Once I find a decent woman, I keep her around for a while. If she fvcks up, she's out the door.

I honestly do prefer being in a LTR as opposed to dating multiple women at once. I find it somewhat depressing to date multiple women who are displaying red flags from the get-go. I find myself saying "here's another fvcked up bytch to add to the roster". There's just so many crummy girls out there that a half-decent one is a welcomed breath of fresh air.

Now we're on it, I gotta say you seem to have lost it altogether since that horrible Christmas 3 years ago, Des. You are a man who has given up, negative experiences have beaten you into submission... I don't blame you, it's a warzone out there and I'm struggling to survive the dating scene too man. But you are a man who has given up hope, you don't have the guts to fight anymore because you are too afraid that you'll lose the fight. You're not willing to take any risks anymore, you just settle for mediocrity or even lower than mediocrity and convince yourself you should be happy with that, coz it's better than nothing. You don't dare to dream anymore coz you fear that your dreams will never come true and only end up in disappointment for you...
You may be somewhat right here. I've taken lots of risks, been married, been with lots of women, still have lots interested in me, got myself the badge of an incurable STD, and I should continue to be hopeful? Instead of mulling over all the garbage I've dated and the garbage I'll continue to date in the future, I'd rather find a way to adapt to the current state of women to keep myself from becoming miserable with the whole experience of dating and relationships.

It's like you've been tortured too much by that experience 3 years ago as well...
It's not just her that fvcked me up. I ended up in STRs with two women after her who seemed great at the beginning. Both were rolling in orbiters, but one kept it a secret that she was fvcking other guys besides me while being "committed" to me. Those 3 years since my last decent relationship were filled with dating, fvcking, and being in STRs with terrible women. That's a long time to spend playing in a trash heap.

The person you currently are and the way you currently approach life...do you think you will look back at that with proud when you lie on your deathbed as an old man?
Yes. The things I'm proud of achieving are personal goals I set for myself. Having a good woman is no longer included in that list. If the woman I'm with now decides to stick around until the end, then she'll have proven herself to be valuable. The thing is, I no longer take these women at surface value. If they're magnificent, they'll make the effort to stick around.

Fvcking a hot woman is no longer on my list of high priorities. Having a woman who caters to me, stays loyal, and takes care of me is of higher value because it's so fvcking rare, even with unattractive women. I have no desire to waste my time searching for that woman who has everything, but rather search for a woman who can fulfil the need of sex and companionship. I could have ended up with a fat 21 year old for that, but she wasn't attractive enough due to her weight.

How about getting back that eye of the tiger and starting to believe in achieving great things again?
I'm always achieving great things. I've got some magnificent goals that keep me going in life.

How about getting back in the dating scene, set some high standards for yourself, pile up the list of girls' phone numbers, pile up the number of chicks you get into bed, enjoy being succesful with girls, spin a high number of hot plates and enjoy them, with the ultimate goal of eventually walking into a plate that has enough quality to TRULY make you happy?
I have better things to do, like achieve all those other goals. I'm working on a plan to build myself a home just outside the city. I'm working at putting my music out there. I have other small hobbies that eat up my time as well. These are all more rewarding than the 20+ years I've been searching for the "right" woman. I keep ending up back at square one with that one. Where's the reward? I feel like I'm throwing money into a slot machine and I'm repeatedly hitting nothing.

How about getting so confident and happy about yourself that the disappointment women present to you can't bring you down anymore? How about becoming the best fvcking you that you can be, rising above all the goddamn odds which are against you and triumph over all of it?!
I've already done that, and continue to make improvements to myself. Women don't have a place in any of this.

The only way to eliminate the disappointment of women is to keep myself out of it emotionally. When you invest in a person emotionally, you make yourself vulnerable. You can't invest emotionally and eliminate vulnerability at the same time.

I have no desire to waste anymore time picking through a garbage pile, looking for that discarded gem. Even then, that gem was likely discarded for a reason.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
What do you think of Aussie women?
Like louder American women. Who hit the wall earlier. My last 3. LTRs were Chinese, Romanian and shrilankan. Voted with my feet a long time ago. Had a few dates with Aussie girls end of 2015. OK for practice but u wouldn't want to keep one.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Guys, I'll tell you what I'm going to do:

- I'm going to take more time and study the personality, gaming and conversation aspects that I'm doing with women currently. T.O. and Hithard are saying the game is off and I need to work on it, okay, I'm about to break my entire current routine out and look to where I can improve on it.

- In terms of qualifying, first off, I'm not nexting every girl I meet until the girl I want comes along. That makes no sense. What I WILL DO, is make sure the criteria I have set makes sense and try to APPROACH more women who look like they fit that CRITERIA, rather than other women who don't. But if the girls I'm approaching and get, end up not being the girl I want, I'm not NEXTING her, I'm going to continue to date/fvck her until I find the girl I want.

- LiveFree and Slick say I should travel out more and also consider foreign women, this was something I have been needing TO DO. I'm about to work on getting that done.

- Not sure what to do with the guy friends thing, as I said my closest guy friends are mainly guys I do business with and it's a professional relationship. Most of the guy friends my age are more "associates" because they are sort of on the immature side and I can't trust them. BUT, I'll work on finding more closer guy friends who are near my "peer". I'm not sure how this equates to me not being a "sociable" person, countless people have this same issue, but whatever.

I just hate this notion that "Tenacity is running away from the truth and doesn't want to do the work," that's just wrong. You can follow my fitness thread to see how I transformed my body. I have outlined how I changed my financial situation many times.

But like I said, I'm going to do the things above. In terms of the anger issues, maybe doing the things above will create a different REALITY as you guys said, and maybe I will start seeing better women come into my life? Hell, that would be a breath of fvcking fresh air lol. While that will surely make my dating/relationship situation BETTER, it still won't mean that the market isn't fvcked up. Just like with the economic/job market, I'm doing OK right now, but that doesn't mean there aren't structural problems in the economic/job market just because "Tenacity" is doing OK.

I hope I find the type of chick I want, maybe I can do some type of legal relationship based shyt with her as long as I get my Attorney on it QUICK and have everything ironed out so if she screws me the fvck over....I'm ready for it.
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Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Also, I want to see if any of you guys might be down for this idea?

I wanted to setup a Conference Call and maybe this week, we all log in and have a discussion over some of the topics we have been discussing on this forum for awhile. My discussions on "the market", guys like T.O. and Hithard's discussion on why it's not the market, discussions on marriage, etc.

I just don't understand why our communications have to be limited to anonymous Discussion Forum "chat". I'm one of the only guys on this forum who has his pictures posted and goes "technically" under his REAL LIFE identity.

I think that some things are better discussed through a live conversation and discussion, we can only go so "far" with this online discussion board chats.

Anybody down for this? I'll set the conferencing line up if you guys are down.