Okay.....let's see....
Actually I come out of the gate using the pet names of boo, baby, etc. From everything to "hey baby, what's up lol"....to "hey boo, damnnn I wouldn't mind slappin a rang on it

"....or some variation of that.
Honestly, I think the rantings towards my family are the effect not the cause. What do I mean?
I believe the cause is coming from something in relation to how I grew up and the combination of:
- Not being attractive to women in terms of looks, personality, or finances (style)
- Being roasted a lot, which is what some might call bullied, but we refer to it as roasting and I myself am NOT a good roaster at all so all of my comebacks would fail miserably
- Not being included in many social groups growing up and when I was, it was basically to be the class clown for the most part, or the A.SS of the group
That was my life until about late 2006 when I lost everything for the most part. I entered a period of homelessness, cut contact with ALL of those prior people, and focused 100% on college/work which I climbed out of the financial issues and got into the middle class by the middle of 2010.
Today, I think the build up of ALL of those years of issues from my black social circles, social groups, and black women, have led me to LASH out. The family just gets included with that...NO...I don't hear from my family a lot, but to be very honest with you that's not the thing that bothers me the MOST.
What has always bothered me the most in the previous years, were the times they would gang up and roast me.....or the times when black women as a group would all diss me....it was like I was an easy target for someone to get an entire GROUP or an entire ROOM of people to burst out laughing over.
Want me to be 100% honest right now? Okay.....if you want you break Tenacity down...I mean COMPLETELY break me down? Get a group of black people in a room, put me in there...and have them all start roasting me for a straight 15 minutes.
Every ounce of self esteem, confidence, all of it...will be DRAINED from me within 15 minutes. It's always been my kryptonite.