I have a new female friend


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
I posted a few days ago about a cute asian chick I met at work, that I thought was digging me.

Well, the jury's still out on whether she digs me. I got her number, we played phone tag a bit and then we had an interesting phone conversation. Basically, she told me her entire life story. I was okay with this, because I didn't have to talk much.

Long story short, her mother is sick/dying and she just broke up with her boyfriend AND she is moving back to Australia in one month. She said she had no one "out here" (in California) and I said that's a shame, you seem like you need some fun in your life, yadda yadda.

Up until this point in the convo I mention nothing about us hanging out or doing anything...I remain engaged, listening. Then eventually she asks if I want to have coffee NOW (I'm leaving the house in ten minutes). I say sure, and we set up a meeting place.

Right before she hangs up she says, "Oh by the way. I was a little bit awkward calling you because I wasn't sure if you were asking me out the other day."

I said, "I was asking you out to coffee."

And she siad, "Okay, as long as you know I kind of just need a friend right now." And I said that's fine...even though I was a bit bummed, naturally.

But this might be good. I have never actually had a platonic female friend that I haven't had to WORRY around.

When I think about it, an intense anxiety has attached itself to my idea of women. This might be a chance to have a different experience.

And who knows, I still say there's a chance of BJ/nakedness action.

In the meantime, I'll make other calls.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
She just needs a friend dude, it would be wrong of you to take advantage of her because she is vunerbale (not saying you would of course)...if you feel that you can be the shoulder for her then by all means do it and be polite she might reward you for it...who knows.?


May 25, 2005
Reaction score

So you've just been LJBF eh? Let us decipher/analyze your messages from what she has told you...

Basically, she told me her entire life story. I was okay with this, because I didn't have to talk much.
When a girl tells you her life story, and this is a word out to the other DJs out there. She has labeled you her friend. You know girlfriends that tell each other everything, yeah you know exactly what I mean.

Long story short, her mother is sick/dying and she just broke up with her boyfriend AND she is moving back to Australia in one month. She said she had no one "out here" (in California) and I said that's a shame, you seem like you need some fun in your life, yadda yadda.
Yep as I have thought, exactly what a girl would tell her girlfriend.

Up until this point in the convo I mention nothing about us hanging out or doing anything...I remain engaged, listening. Then eventually she asks if I want to have coffee NOW (I'm leaving the house in ten minutes). I say sure, and we set up a meeting place.

Right before she hangs up she says, "Oh by the way. I was a little bit awkward calling you because I wasn't sure if you were asking me out the other day."
Girls know within 3-5 minutes if a guy is a potential possible boyfriend or friend. She probably labeled you from the very beginning and you never knew. But she knew, she knew what usual moves guys always do, they don't have a problem with that, they have a problem with dealing with guys they feel little attraction for.

I said, "I was asking you out to coffee."
A man does not need to give straight answers to a woman. And you said the "jury is still out" what kinda language is that. Bush tells his Republitard gangsters "The Jury's still out on whether there's WMDs, but let's keep sending innocent patriotic democrat soldiers out there to die for us"

And she siad, "Okay, as long as you know I kind of just need a friend right now." And I said that's fine...even though I was a bit bummed, naturally.

But this might be good. I have never actually had a platonic female friend that I haven't had to WORRY around.
Then why are you talking about her then? Stop rationalizing, ignore her or come to terms and use her for a purpose.. such as social proof.

When I think about it, an intense anxiety has attached itself to my idea of women. This might be a chance to have a different experience.
You're rationalizing yourself again, STOP THAT S HIT.

And who knows, I still say there's a chance of BJ/nakedness action.

In the meantime, I'll make other calls.
Sure "you will make some calls" Sure. Calls to where? Phone-Sex operators?


Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
ITss like being trapped in a revolving door. you have to stop before you can get out and get a drink or you will die of thirst.

tell you girl to go to the side and move out of your way because you want to get out of the revolving door and get a drink!

See what I mean?


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
Darth, your assessment isn't a very thoughtful one. You are taking a complex situation and putting it into a dogma machine and crapping out pat, oversimplified answers.

This girl has NO ONE in california, no friends, no family, she's out here all by her self and desperate for some kind of friendship. On top of that, with her recent breakup and sick mother, it's perfectly understandable why she wouldn't want any kind of relationship.

As well, she told me today that she is bipolar and has been incredibly depressed. This stuff, combined, makes me feel like I'd be dealing with a little too much if she were interested.

Hanging out with her today was quite refreshing. In particular its interesting seeing how people acted and behaved around me and her. The guy at starbucks was asian and clearly had a thing for her...seeing the look on a guy's face when he is being WAY TOO OBVIOUS, was enlightening.

And by the way, this all-or-nothing, ****-me-or-get-the-****-out mentality is not the way to be a secure, attractive guy. I'm not compromising myself or making any kind of concession by hanging out with her as friends, because without her as a friend, I'd be sitting on my arse all summer (my friends are all out of town too).

So, to summarize, its often a good thing to try to take the SITUATION into account and not just the "DJ rules."



Don Juan
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
Hey Mikey. When taking all the aspects that you have presented about your situation with this girl, we can conclude one very important thing:

You are not getting sex out of this girl.

You have been friended thoroughly. How you feel about that, whether you like it or not, is irrelevant. There is no chance for anything more with this girl than what you have now.


Senior Don Juan
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
Only reason I befriend a girl is that I will become her next possible boyfriend, a female friend is useful but only if you never had romantic feelings for her.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
I think you like her. I think you were disappointed to find out she just wanted to be friends and now you are hoping that it will grow into something more. I also think this chick has problems. Are you being honest with yourself or are you compromising on what you really want? People play this "wounded bird" routine to get support from other people. You don't owe her this. In fact, even if you were "friends" - isn't she just looking to gain emotional support from you in exchange for you getting to be in her presence? Have some guts. Tell her that you originally approached her because you were interested in her as more than just friends. You understand she doesn't want to date so you're going to move on.

Then move on. It will free up your time and refocus you on getting what YOU want - a hot woman who is interested in you as a MAN, not a friend.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
She's no friend; you're just her unpaid councellor.

This is the worst place to be if you are attracted to this girl. She will expect you to give up all your time, friends and drop everything for her, but will give you nothing in return.

I've been there, and I bet 95% of the guys on this board have been there at some point and will tell you the same.

Now she was upfront in telling you she wants a friend and not a boyfriend, so you should be upfront and tell her you want to be friends, not her shoulder to cry on. She will either disappear or respect you for it.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Well Mikey, I 'd say, U got gr8 chances of getting her laid. To say, U have an impressive rapport goin' on here. But B/J???. hmmm...think abt it again...lol


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2005
Reaction score
P*ssy attracts other p*ssy so female friends are not bad. Getting a girls life story can be a really good thing, in fact it actually strengthens attraction with the right guy. The problem is you have to touch and kiss this girl if you think you have a chance, if not settle and use her as bait to attract other females.

If youve bonded at a deep level and shes told you all about her life this intimacy will look really good to the women you see and meet while youre with her(who dont know or care if youre f*cking her because territoriality kicks in)-- women are competitive and see men as property, even their guy friends, so you just let **** play out and you might end up with two when you thought you had none :D

The problem with the dogmatic approach subscribed to by many on this board is that it does not follow the true nature of the GAME.;) Rather than playing go-for-broke Blackjack, every hand independant of the other, look at things from more of a Monopoly perspective. This broad may or may not f*ck you, and you shouldnt care.

Shes like a single property on the board. By herself she aint worth much to you, but as you acquire the others in the set, then houses, then hotels she begins to show her HIDDEN value. Look at girls together not as the sum of their parts, but as something built with chemistry which has boundless potential.:D ;)


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
I think TheLadiesChoice is on the money here. Female friends are GREAT, for a variety of reasons.

And for those of you who say I like her, I say you are right. I never denied that. When you say I would REALLY like to fyack her, you are also right. But you're incorrect to say that I'm wasting my time or abasing myself, because it was fun to hang out with her...I'll get to learn a lot and have some company, which makes me her quite well-paid therapist, if you could consider me that.

Mortukai, two things:

1. You do not know whether I will have sex with this girl.

2. The possibility of sex is not the only valid reason a guy has for hanging out with a girl.

Let's face it, a lot of these Don Juan principles can be taken in an unproductive or unhealthy way. NOTHING is a threat to your or my manhood. We are men. And not being seen in a romantic light has nothing to do with this. I'm okay with it, but I also acknowledge that things change.



May 25, 2005
Reaction score


ask for advice..


so you came here to rant rather than seek some way to your madness, pathetic.


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
Wow, darth. You're way too easily insulted. My criticisms are not directed at YOU personally, but for some reason you interpreted it that way.

What I advocate is that people try many different things and see what works for them in attracting women. Be scientific, not dogmatic. Just because the Don Juan Bible says something is a certain way, doesn't mean it necessarily is, and it's up to the individual to use the ideas on this site to his discretion, as a STARTING POINT for experimentation.

When Galileo claimed to see moons around the planet Jupiter, he was met with a lot of resistance that was based on unexamined preconception. Take Francisco Sizi's "refutation":

"There are seven windows in the head: two nostrils, two ears, two eyes and a mouth; so in the heavens there are two favorable stars, two unpropitious, two luminaries, and Mercury alone undecided and indifferent. From which...we gather that the number of planets is necessarily seven. Besides, the Jews and other ancient nations, as well as modern Europeans, have adopted the division of the week into seven days, and have named them from the seven planets; now if we increase the number of planets, this whole system falls to the ground...Moreover, the moons are invisible to the naked eye and therefore can have no influence on the earth and therefore would be useless and therefore do not exist."

Back in this time, this was a common way of thinking. Authority and conventions were far less questioned. But now we know it only sensible to seek the truth based on observation and experience, not what others say.



Don Juan
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
Hey Mikey,

There's a sure-fire way to find out if you will ever have sex with this girl or not. It's really simple. Just make a move on her. In a few seconds you'll know exactly what your chances of getting into her pants are.

But the longer you wait, the less chance you have, and the more she'll start seeing you as her "brother" or girlfriend. In other words, there's no way she'd fvck you.

Don't kid yourself man, there's no way to "befriend" you way into a girl's pants. You can't sneak your way in by being nice and friendly and listening to her about crap, in the hopes that she'll repay you with sex before she leaves and forgets about you forever. Wake up man. She rejected you. Have some dignity and walk away. All this "But she's a great friend and I have fun with her" crap is just your justification for not having the balls to ditch her. It's your way of guarding and preserving your hope that you'll be able to fvck her. It ain't happening, and you're sacrificing your dignity by being her emotional tampon. She is using you for what she wants, and you aren't getting what you want. I don't care if you like hanging out, what you really want is sex, and so long as that is the case, you are emasculating yourself by being her girlfriend.

Find another girl (there's billions of 'em), who will **** you, and I gaurantee you can have fun hanging out with her at least as much as you do with this girl, only you'll also be getting sex, and you won't be dealing with bullsh!t emotional issues. And to top it off, she probably won't be leaving for another country within the month either. All good things can come from ditching this chick and finding another. Stop being a chump.


Senior Don Juan
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
After reading Mikeyboi's replies to several people, it's no wonder why he's in the position he's in now with this girl.


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
There's a sure-fire way to find out if you will ever have sex with this girl or not. It's really simple. Just make a move on her. In a few seconds you'll know exactly what your chances of getting into her pants are.
This is silly for a couple of reasons. I know she's not interested in me NOW. You fail to acknowledge that people change their minds, and often continue developing an impression of someone long past the first 3-5 seconds.

Don't kid yourself man, there's no way to "befriend" you way into a girl's pants. You can't sneak your way in by being nice and friendly and listening to her about crap, in the hopes that she'll repay you with sex before she leaves and forgets about you forever.
I agree, but this is not what I'm trying to do.

All this "But she's a great friend and I have fun with her" crap is just your justification for not having the balls to ditch her.
Wrong again. I've ditched girls before. I've been forward and told girls that I wanted to be more than friends, and that I didn't need them as a friend. I've stopped doing that because to me it is the equivalent of burning a bridge. Right now I need to be around women and see them as more than pieces of meat...hanging out with my single guy friends "prowling" on Friday and Saturday does not help that, and until recently, that was my way of trying to meet a girl.

Seeing this girl through the lens of everyday life, and most importantly, having an experience where I am around a girl just being natural, not trying to get in her pants, is a kind of therapy for me.

I think we can safely agree that so much of the time, the way guys screw up with girls is by seeming to force the romance along, or to betray their desires too soon.

Here I have a situation where my goal is not sex, but just to relax around a girl. I've never really done that before, but the practice is valuable. Men who are around women a lot, and who seem like they LIKE women (not just for sex) are more comfortable around women and thus able to LET themselves seem attractive and relaxed. They more often exude natural confidence than a guy whose only use for women is sex or dating.

I don't care if you like hanging out, what you really want is sex, and so long as that is the case, you are emasculating yourself by being her girlfriend.
You have a lot to learn about masculinity. This has nothing to do with it. You think that a male platonic friend serves the same function to a girl as her girlfriends? Men have different (non-physical) things to offer to women. I do know that my cousin considers a friendship with a guy to be more relaxing---no fear of being gossiped about or judged as harshly by other women, more straightforward communication, stricter loyalty, and so on. I'm not saying this is always the case in a male-female friendship, but all I need is 1 instance to destroy your assumption that platonic friend equals girlfriend.

You are just spouting off all these unjustified assertions based on what you have read or were told.

After reading Mikeyboi's replies to several people, it's no wonder why he's in the position he's in now with this girl.
This goes without saying, doesn't it? My responses are consistent with my condition: I advocate making female friends, to get some women on your side and not see them as objects or enemies. And I have done just that.



Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
As long as you know you won't regret whatever outcome you receive after all the time and energy you've spent on this girl, you're alright dude.

Besides, you don't seem like you'll be devastated if this girl doesn't fvck you.


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
This is silly for a couple of reasons. I know she's not interested in me NOW. You fail to acknowledge that people change their minds, and often continue developing an impression of someone long past the first 3-5 seconds.
Yes, but in which direction is her opinion of you going to be heading? Is she going to be seeing you more as the sexual man, or as the androgynous friend? You can make a girl start to feel attracted to you past the initial impressions. I know, I've done it before. But to do so you have to shake her out of the "friend" mentality she has you in. You do this by demonstrating that you are a sexual man, like telling "inconsequential" stories of sexual conquests or humorous sexual anecdotes, or talking about success in other areas with other ladies, or, better, gaming other ladies in her presence.

But the more you are only displaying your "compassionate, generous, friendly, comfortable guy" image, you'll only be digging yourself further into her "just friend" pit.

You simply cannot cross your fingers and hope that over time, she'll realise what a great guy you are, and then decide to take things to a closer level. It never happens.

Wrong again. I've ditched girls before. I've been forward and told girls that I wanted to be more than friends, and that I didn't need them as a friend. I've stopped doing that because to me it is the equivalent of burning a bridge. Right now I need to be around women and see them as more than pieces of meat...hanging out with my single guy friends "prowling" on Friday and Saturday does not help that, and until recently, that was my way of trying to meet a girl.
So now you're trying to meet girls by being an AFC?

Ok look, I think you need to be honest with yourself here. You say that you really want to fvck this chick. Hell, you tried to make a move, and got shot down. Don't worry, it happens to all of us. And you still want to fvck her. This fact alone will color your entire relationship with this girl. She has the power, because she rejected you, and you stuck around. Now you're her lap dog. That's what she is thinking. It doesn't matter what you are thinking, because she sees things as you were this sad guy who tried to make a move on her and she had to turn you down, and now you're hanging around like a lost puppy, begging for scraps. So she feeds you her scraps: her bagage, her life stories, her problems... all the crap she doesn't want to tell anyone else because she's afraid of what they'll think of her. This means that she doesn't care what you think of her. You are her emotional tampon.

Now, you can sit here and tell me that all you want is a friendship with a girl (or some girls) so you can see them as people too. Great. That's a good thing to have. I have several girls who are my friends. Good friends who I've known for years, and hang out with often. But to me they are like one of the guys. We watch movies, make fun of sh!t, talk about random crap that happens in our lives... etc. Basically their gender doesn't came into it. We are just buddies. And at no point have I ever been their emotional tampons. We talk about things that are bumming us, just like guys do. No tears or sympathy or acting like I'm a girlfriend.

And how did I form these friendships? I never tried to hit on the girl. I just thought, "She's pretty cool, and although I feel no sexual attraction for her, I reckon we could be good mates". You can't have a female as a friend who you feel attracted to sexually. It just doesn't work, especially if they know your feelings.

I think we can safely agree that so much of the time, the way guys screw up with girls is by seeming to force the romance along, or to betray their desires too soon.
Well, I don't agree with that. The absolute best success I've ever had with girls has always been when my sexual intentions are clear from the get-go, but never explicit. That "I know your attracted to me, and yes, I'm kinda attracted to you" undertone. It's the times when I've hid my desires that have been the hardest and have resulted in the most failures.

You have a lot to learn about masculinity. This has nothing to do with it. You think that a male platonic friend serves the same function to a girl as her girlfriends? Men have different (non-physical) things to offer to women. I do know that my cousin considers a friendship with a guy to be more relaxing---no fear of being gossiped about or judged as harshly by other women, more straightforward communication, stricter loyalty, and so on. I'm not saying this is always the case in a male-female friendship, but all I need is 1 instance to destroy your assumption that platonic friend equals girlfriend.

You are just spouting off all these unjustified assertions based on what you have read or were told.
No, I'm speaking from personal experience, and the collective wisdom that I have gained from this site and others like it. You are correct, that true guy friends are often very valuable to girls, because they don't b!tch, or gossip, or attack them and play those immature school-girl games. But these guy friends do not feel attracted to the girl. They see her as "one of the boys", and she knows this. A true platonic friendship is where neither party is sexually attracted to the other. But when one party would, given the chance, sleep with the other, that's not a true platonic friendship. That's "I'll be a platonic friend until I get a chance to fvck her". These sorts of relationships always end up with the girl holding all the power and manipulating the man into being her pet AFC.

If you want some great, close female friends, then find some cool chicks who you don't feel sexually attracted to, and become friends with them. Treat them exactly like one of the guys. Talk about all the things you talk about with your guy friends. Do the same sorts of things. Invite her out with your group of friends. But don't try and fvck her and then become her emotional tampon.

Dude, I think it's great that you have the attitude of "whatever happens, happens" with this chick, and I think it's great that you want to start having female friendships. But this particular chick is a write-off. Ditch her and get another. You say you have no problems ditching chicks. Great. Then do so. You really have nothing to lose that wouldn't be lost anyway when she fvcks off to Australia. Her friendship potential is minimal at best. Use your head.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by MikeyBoi
I think TheLadiesChoice is on the money here. Female friends are GREAT, for a variety of reasons.

Let's face it, a lot of these Don Juan principles can be taken in an unproductive or unhealthy way. NOTHING is a threat to your or my manhood. We are men. And not being seen in a romantic light has nothing to do with this. I'm okay with it, but I also acknowledge that things change.


Youre on your way to theTRUE nature of the game my friend.
Deep down you know that what you feel INSIDE needs to be organized, identified, and channelled, not distorted by the perversion of the Dark Sideof the Force:D

Now the next step is quite simple but ESSENTIAL to the GAME:
Do not spend any money on this female:D EVER:cool: Or ANY female for that matter:D If she wants to spend time with you for ANY reason shes gotta PAY your WAY. Your new line is "I dont have my wallet" or "Im broke";) Bring like $7 with you so it aint obvious....

Once females start picking up the tab youve got them hooked EMOTIONALLY whether they realize or acknowledge it :D When other girls see this **** they go "whos this m*therf*cker gettin PAID to spend time with this broad?? :D I GOTTA KNOW, WHATS THIS M*THERF*CKER LIKE???

A real man doesnt base his SELF ESTEEM(not ego) on what triflin hoes think of his Pimpin ass:rolleyes: Womens attitudes CHANGE and FLUCTUATE like the weather-- now does it make CENTS to consider this YOUR barometer for achievement???:rolleyes: Of course not MikeyBoi, of course not. If this girl THINKS shes got you hooked, LET HER:D