hey es_mer8,
I hear what you are saying but you miss understand me totally.
I never said being rich, or clever, or whatever had anything to do with you getting a girl.
A woman is interested in you because she's interested in you. And I do believe that most of the time (nay all of the time) they probably don't know why they are interested in you. I don't think it's something that you can put a finger on. . . that's just the nature of the beast.
Please read some of antidump's and bondjamesbond's wonderful posts.
Lets have a look at your situation. This hot 9 chose someone that you regard as worthless. Maybe he is, and maybe he isn't. All that matters was what she felt about him. Maybe it was the fact that he earned that much or maybe not. You won't know and I'm sure she won't tell you. And this guy hardly did any work at all to get her. She was already interested in him from the beginning. What can you say to that? Maybe if you hung around longer you could get her to change her feelings but don't count on it. I'm not saying that it's impossible because that's the reason why some people still hang on to someone they hope would notice them eventually.
I'm not bitter and I'm not saying DJing doesn't work. What you got to realise is that there is some kind of a power game at play here:
I'm sure all human beings on this earth can be incredibly interesting creatures if we give them a chance to get to know them - regardless of their background and what they look like. But unfortunately after the age of say 13, your sexual and aggressive feelings kicks in. We all define ourselves in certain ways that reflect our status and aspirations, our needs and our wants. And I suppose we are sometimes not even aware of them. When you're a child you are infinitely curious about the world and your sexual feelings doesn't cloud this curiosity much. When you're an adult it always seems that your sexual and aggressive feelings get in the way of things and dominates virtually all social interaction with the opposite sex. I suppose that some of the gem of information on this site (but most of it is drivel) is to advise us how to deal with this social interaction in a graceful way, so as not to appear weak, or desperate, or needy.
When you want someone they have the power. When someone wants you, you have the power. It's as simple as that.
I once had a friend who no matter what could not take the fact that such a girl never liked me. He over analysed and kept on kidding to himself that she did deep down, and of course he got nowhere. He embarassed her in front of the class and kept calling her when it was too aparent that she never had any feelings for him. He dragged me and our friends down with his drivel and crap about how all he needed to do was get alone with her in the right situation so that she will realise that she liked him after all. . . blah blah blah.
This was ten years ago and he still maintains that he was in with a chance if he did the right thing. Total drivel. . . He's acting like a creep.
Anti-dump's advice is that men should not flirt and that the woman should be impressed with you from the start. That I agree with. In respect it means that you shouldn't take any cr*p from a woman.
Let me give you an example. I once liked this woman who never liked me. In actual fact she found it awkward to be around me and gave me constantly negative signals and dropped hints like:
"we have different interests"
"we don't have anything to say to each other"
"I can't be in your world"
"I don't think I'm your type"
and so on . . . . Eventually I got the
message. I was so young then that I was totally - and I mean totally - p*ssed off. I was so totally p*ssed that I hadn't realised that the best looking female in the college (she's easily a 10) actually likes me. I only realised when it was too late and she left college, but all the signs from her was there, but my mind was too cloud in incredible anger towards this other woman. There were at least 3 situations with this 10 that had I asked her out she would have said yes. I was just too p*ssed to see it. Why did this female like me and not the one I was initially interested in? I really don't know. I totally did no work to get this 10 interested in me, but she was and that was the end of it.
I repeat I'm not saying to anyone to settle for second best. What I'm saying is that you have no control over who is interested in you and who's not, and I suppose that's where your DJing comes in. (I personally don't do any DJing myself.) They could be a 10, or as low as a 3.
The purpose of this site I suppose is help people find out and filter out the "red herrings". By red herrings I mean females who are professional daters or who like to toy with men's feelings because it gives them such a power trip. And that's where the advice of anti-dump and bondjamesbond comes in.
By all means be confident and make an approach to anyone that takes your fancy. Life is too short not to. And f*** what other people think, because it's usually cr*p anyway.
And my advice to anyone reading this: don't take crap from anyone,
even if they are in your social circle.