I Challenge the Top DJ on This Site!

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Mar 18, 2006
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I'm the best Don Juan and Keyboard Jockey on this site!!!

The PuertoRican_Lover has yet to lose a challenge - I am The Last Man Standing!!!

Just give me a few weeks to get in shape, and a job, and a car, and a license for the car, and a haircut, and some pick-up lines, and some confidence!

Oh mommy, please help me!!! :(


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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Jlaix said:
Bro, my abilities infield arent up for dispute, thousdands upon thousands of guys have seen me game all over the world, that part is not up for discussion.

I refuse to hold an infeld challenge at one of my bootcamps, students pay about 2K each to learn from us every weekend, I will not include them in this drama.

I am not backing down, I just want to know who the top DJ here is, and I will fly him out and challenge him.

Nuff said

Your full of sh1t. Guys like you that charge people money would never challenge anyone. ITS BAD FOR BUSINESS. Your a fvcking troll.

I will predict this guy will not challenge anyone. He is a TROLL


Oct 25, 2001
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You know guys...arguing and insulting each other does NOT make your dycks grow bigger. Trying to "compete" online for "alpha" status is retarded...

just sayin...
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Wyldfire said:
You know guys...arguing and insulting each other does NOT make your dycks grow bigger.
Actually, for some homos in here, it does!!!! :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Wyldfire said:
You know guys...arguing and insulting each other does NOT make your dycks grow bigger. Trying to "compete" online for "alpha" status is retarded...

just sayin...

Yes your right. Going up against one of these phony PUA's would be a dream come true. I even made a thread on this a while ago saying these guys are not players. They are hustlers- They game insecure guys out of money.

They are as bad as murderers and rapists. Gaming people out out of there insecurities.

I would love to expose these idiots for the phonies that they are.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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Damn, Shezz lives in England. I guess there aren't any really good guys to left take up that challenge but norpacwolf.

Anyway, this site isn't really for ambitious sargers. A lot of guys come here with major social anxiety problems. We just want to live that good life, that means not getting obsessed with anything - including pick up.

Getting obsessed with pick up means giving a few grand to these "Real Social Dynamics" guys, and getting scammed:

(scroll & search for Real Social Dynamics, or "Boss Playa" for the sketchy review)

Create Reality

Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2002
Reaction score
Pick up obsession is a very bad thing. Ever watch Night at the Roxbury? THAT is pickup obsession, and regretfully how I envision alot of people on this forum.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Create Reality said:
Pick up obsession is a very bad thing. Ever watch Night at the Roxbury? THAT is pickup obsession, and regretfully how I envision alot of people on this forum.
hehehehehe...I still remember those SNL skits. Learning to be successful with the opposite sex is really very easy. You just have to become comfortable in your own skin, look your best, and learn to be comfortable engaging people in conversation. Then just never respect anyone else more than you respect yourself and don't cling to people or relationships like it's a life preserver. If a person gets those concepts down they really don't need sites like this or some workshop.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2005
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Jlaix, there is no "sosuave method". :kick:

DJ (Don Juan) is not a PUA.

Being a DJ means being the REAL man, the best you can be and forever keep improving all aspects of your life. This is philosophical stuff, inner game in your terms.

Ofcourse we want to be good with women as that is essential for being a real man. Woman makes a better man. It's women who got us into this path of self-improvement in the first place. Women have the power to transform the biggest nerd into a normal decent guy.

We teach skills for our fellow DJs and draw this knowledge from any source. Also from your teachings. Along this we give the message what it means to be a DJ. So, there's no reason for us to compete against you. Do you understand? I know that you do this for money, you make your fvcking living teaching how to pick up women, and it's ok. You may have some good stuff, i know i've myself learned something from the articles this Durden-guy wrote. But you want to do this just to brag afterwards how your method is also better than "sosuave method" and that will make guys come to you.

Also, you do this for living so it's essential that you get results fast so guys see that your method works. I think your method works well to get girls interested in you initially and have some lays here and there. But this is just a part of game. The goal (for DJ at least) is also to keep the girl. You can teach some basic stuff in few evenings but you can't completely change a person from nerd to a cool guy. See, the girl will see through you very fast and then you better have something going in your life, something else than your PUA skills.

Being obsessed by women is good in the beginning, women keeps our motivation high. But for longer period of time that's fvcking degrating for the value of DJ. Remember, women are just one aspect of our life, we cannot let that dominate what we do. That kind of guy is not a real man. Have some balance.

But everyone here realize, there is no sosuave method. We teach stuff that is much deeper. For anyone interested, a good starting point would be to read everything Pook has said. Learning PUA skills is good for DJ, but being a DJ is a path that's never ending. Jlaix, being a DJ is a very good philosophy but you cannot come here and challenge the "top DJ". It's ridiculous. You sarge every night and keep your skills honed. That's your life. DJs have also other things going in their life. There might be some DJs who have just began their path and are very eager to sarge. But the guy you are competing against isn't a fullfledged DJ as he is still maturing. And if you challenge a mature DJ, you will probably outperform him easily as DJ has better things to do in his life than sarge 24/7. And realize, mature DJ has nothing to prove for you or anyone, he has women in his life and gets women easily too if that is what he wants.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2005
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You should film yourself going up against Mystery and the other top PUA gurus.
That would be pretty fun.
The best of the best - the elite against each other rather than going up against us lowly KBJ's ;-)

It would be good exposure and fun for you and all those involved.

A PUA cage match - MM vs. NLP vs. Gunwitch, Juggler, Annihilation...which method will reign supreme!!!!!!
The Gumball Rally, the Cannonball Run of poon chasin'.
Who will get served!!!????

Number closes and kisses are worth 1, under clothing contact earns ya an 8 (touching the naughty bits), handjobs and bj's are 15, and intercourse nets 25 points.
First to 100 wins.

The community votes on the location, which is only divulged at the last minute to avoid plants and staged encounters (like exes and booty calls showing up pretending to be an unknown target).

Women are allowed to play. But they must pick up other women, not men.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Jlaix said:
Nobody is stepping up, just online amoging.....just what I thought.

I will up the ante, I will award $1,000 cash if you beat me infield.

If I'm that bad you'll win, and just got yourself a free trip, $1,000, and shame me on sosuave.
I almost feel its unethical for fellow men to have to learn the hard way, so here's a little common sense to anyone who's considering taking the bait.

$1000 - ~$300 or so for a paid escort service girl = $700 profit for him, which covers his flight, allows him to see a new area, and lets him brag here too.

I have to remind myself on occasion that common sense things that come intuitively to me, don't necessarily for everyone else.

Go troll somewhere else, ... troll.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Wyldfire said:
You know guys...arguing and insulting each other does NOT make your dycks grow bigger. Trying to "compete" online for "alpha" status is retarded...

just sayin...
Besides.... they're overrated anyway, and i'm only slightly over average. It sometimes sucks for me because I have to hold it back a little when I'm c****** because my natural instinct is to want to "deliver it all" during an O, but I just end up hurting her if i do so. The last time, I just said wth, i'm going to do it anyway in a moment of selfishness, and she was none too happy about that afterwards.

Ll Principe

Don Juan
Oct 28, 2006
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South Africa
One posts a thread challenging other PUA's / Don Juan's, we are taught as an alpha male to respect eachother and be humble. All I see is ego and arrogance wanting to prove to who is the "champ."

Everyone here is a champ in their own way, each person here has their strong points and their weak points. Some will have more confidence than others, others will have better looks and so on. For you to post here and ask for a challenge you are basically insisting that you have no flaws in your game, which by being with many women and learning the art of Don Juan does make ones brain work.

I also usto think like that, Im only 20 now, but been learning since I was 16, when I was 18 after learning so much I thought "I knew it all" - And that nobody in my Country could match me or even come close. Im not sure how old you are, but regardless your maturity level and humble approach to the game leaves alot to be desired.

I dont know you, I dont know what you are capable of. You obviously trust yourself to beat anyone, lots of people online here would definetly being able to challenge you and probably beat you. It is very hard to determine the ultimate PUA from this because various factors are involved...

3 hour sarge , Day and Night.

What if the challenger is having an off day?
What about Murphy's law? Laws of attraction?
I , for one, attract more blondes than brunettes, if their isnt any blondes in the club at night, Im at an immediate disadvantage bound by the rules governed by the laws of attraction.
- I can continue with lists and lists of factors involved but I think you get my drift as to someone may have an "off-day" , you cant quite tell, one has to have a Consistent competition based over a long period of time.

If one wants to have this competition it must clearly state that its a short term winner and short term objectives. Lets start to look at this logically now, the ABC way. 1+1= 2.

You want to challenge someone? Fine.
You want to prove no-one catch match you? Fine.

Dont like mentioning names but alot of people have been "shaken" by your topic, by the clear responses, 3rd page already its clear people have taken interest in this topic and therefore you have already gained yourself a competitive advantage. Im sure you know this:wave:

Go on, take someone, pick someone, challenge them. How about everyone that wants to challenge you, let them challenge you, each day a new competitor , that way nobody can complain.

One thing Id like to ask you, do you see yourself as Humble or as Arrogant?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Jlaix said:
... just online amoging.....
This from a guy who starts the thread with "I'm a PUA... I can... "

It does sound like you're doing a lot of ego stroking.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Ll Principe said:
One thing Id like to ask you, do you see yourself as Humble or as Arrogant?
Hey now, mature introspective questions have no use in the PUA society, please treat our guest fairly.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Indeed it's not about how many women we can shag, competing for status, or seeking validation.

The fact is, the best DJs on this site are contented with themselves and their lives. They do not need to prove anything and take part in any challenge. That's the difference between your methods and our philosophy.

You need to take a look at yourself and ask why you feel the need to issue challenges like this? To make you feel good? To prove something to your PUA friends? Only you can answer that one.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
A PUA asking a DJ for a challenge?

I think what you are asking, sir, is not unlike a NASCAR racer challenging asking a rally or hillclimb racer to a NASCAR race.

PUA's run the course around and around and around in a circle.

DJ's run the course in a straight line from start to end point.

Your challenge is flawed. You are trying to measure sucess with "a woman" or "several women". You are basing success on external objects or beings. :nono:

PUA goal: women
DJ goal: himself

If you challenged me, the measure would have to be "who had the most fun" or "who had an experience they'll never forget".

Besides, how would you find the "Top DJ"?

The "Top DJ" wouldn't accept your challenge anyway. Going out to have a "women pick-up competition"? Absurd. Why would the "Top DJ" bless undeserving women with his attention or time? To win a contest? Laughable.

I for one have nailed plenty of barsluts. In fact, far too many. Did they deserve it? No. Do I have anything to show for it? No. Could I brag about it? Sure. Would bragging impress anyone? No.

Now, it is apparent that your challenge is a publicity stunt. Video cameras? So you can sell movies and make some money? Cool, I congratulate you on your enginuity and exploitation of the market. Your movie could promote your wares and help peddle your product. You get an A+ in marketing.

I'll gladly get "out picked up"... if you cut me in on the profits. There would have to be something in it for me. It doesn't sound like a good time, I don't care to have bragging rights, women aren't any sort of prize... but pay me? Now THAT would be lucrative. A thousand dollars isn't going to cut it, I want a percentage. A percentage of the movies sold, as well as a percentage of the products sold as a result. And free drinks...

...for me and my friends, because I STILL wouldn't be out to pick up women, I'd be out to have a good time.


The guy on the left... me. The guy on the right... a computer generated "perfect man" based on scientific survey.

Coyote Ugly: Me, 14 years later.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Vulpine said:
Lol, nice...

Anyhow, this guy offers to fly out with $1000 in prize money for a PU contest?

Who cares if it's for ego or promotional...what has anyone got to lose? If you got the skills, that's easy money...for simply doing what you would be doing anyways.

This is where the rubber meets the road and KBJs are separated from PUAs.

If I was at that competitive level and had the skills...I'd man up and do it. Competition drives progress. I think friendly challenges are great.
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