Oh man, I'm frustrated. This is retarded. I seriously feel like a social reject because I can't get a girl interested in me. I don't know where to go to meet these women or how I'm supposed to get them interested in me. All I know is what doesn't work. Clubs don't work, work doesn't work, school doesn't work, social circles don't work. I see all these other guys with girls and yet I can't get one, no matter how low I lower my standards (and don't think I haven't lowered them a lot). I'm obviously desperate, and apparently people notice that I go after lots of girls (one guy I know asked me if I was trying to date every girl we know). I don't know what to do anymore. I pretend that it doesn't bother me but it actually does. I should be happy with my life but this is starting to drag me down.
Now that that's over with, sorry for my little rant, I needed to get it off my chest. There's nothing anyone here can help me with, because nothing I've read here thus far has worked. I am thinking about stopping to pursue women, at least to get rid of people's impression that I try and date every girl (which I do, I try and play the numbers game, hasn't worked thus far). I'll probably start pulling back from social gatherings for a bit, got a lot on my plate right now and I'm not happy.