I have my doubts that there are any 100% legit absolute DJ's on this forum. Yes, many of us have some, or many of the qualities you list, but I have read stuff from even our most respected posters that falls short.
As an example, I will elaborate briefly on some of your topics here that falls short.
Señor Fingers said:
• Open-minded towards all subjects and people (live and let live).
• Worthless, generalized ideas based on theoretical calculations.
A bit of a contradiction here. Many great discoveries from people like say, Einstein begin with theoretical calculations, and are then field tested for value. Everything was theory at one time. There are guys out there right now who would never believe some of the stuff we talk about, and pass it off as theory. Perhaps guys like you might prejudge an idea without trying it, and pass it off as speculation. Where in fact you may be the one speculating that it wont work. Do you see the contradiction?
Señor Fingers said:
• Fresh ideas which spring from a life with purpose and meaning.
Now this statement is so fundamentally flawed, I could post half a book explaining why. But, in short I'll do my best to do it quickly and clearly.
First thing to be understood is
Life has no meaning. Life is more than meaning. Meaning means utility. An airplane has meaning, a car has meaning. They operate with a particular function with a certain end result. You press the pedal, you go. You hit the break, you stop. There was meaning, a reason you hit the break - because you needed to stop.
But tell me, what is the meaning of a rainbow? What is the purpose of a sunset? Life is far beyond meaning. So now your contradiction.
"Fresh Ideas, that spring from meaning and purpose." Fresh ideas cannot come from meaning and purpose, because meaning is a closed concept. You hit the break, you stop. It had purpose, it has no need for improvement, end of story. There is no different or better way to do it.
Now a real fresh idea can only come about in the spirit of carefree play. That is what all the great geniuses did. They played. Einstein played the violin to get inspiration for math. He came up with the THEORY of relativity while playing with his friend at a children's park.
Señor Fingers said:
• Recycled ideas and repetitive posts, rooted in obsession and a refusal to grow the f*ck up.
Refusal to grow up??? Now you sound like a bitter parent who is trying to convince his child to "grow the fvck up."
What does growing up mean?
It means you have conformed to the society, to the crowd. You have joined the Matrix and lost all that life really has to offer. You no longer play. You no longer enjoy. Now you just do what is expected of you. You are a dead person. A grown up is just a miserable person waiting to die.
And how can a dead person have fresh ideas? He cannot. He can only use recycled ideas, and repeat what he has learned from other grown ups. And when he hears a genuine fresh idea, he passes it off as theory. HMM
So fresh ideas can only come from the refusal to grow up. The refusal to conform. The refusal to follow the crowd.
I hope you understand what I am saying, and understand that I am not attacking you, but I am attacking this Matrix mindset that is coming through you, of which you are likely unaware.