Master Don Juan
Originally posted by DEKKA
first of all you can't make somebody jealous if a.)they have lots of options or b.) they have low interest level in you. if you are in either one of those two boats with this one you're s.o.l.
now, here's the deal, ususally when a guy suspects somethings going on, he's not just a paranoid bastard, he's right. guys know how guys are and if she's goin out with "friends" that are male all the time that should trigger the "somethings not right" thing in your head cuz in todays society guys cannot be friends with women they are attracted to in a platonic way(women can however) if she's out with them and they are attracted to her you can bet they are at very least makin out.
in some cases there is no solution that can fix the problem with a specific girl, only solutions that fix the dynamic so you don't ever percieve a problem(because you have so many other options). men that have lots of options don't perceive a problem with one girl in particular because they aren't afriad of loss. they don't worry about "is she cheating on me" and stuff. the focus is shifted from her to you(where it should be).
bottom line, you can't make somebody jealous if they aren't really really into you already.
as far as nexting her, nah i wouldn't, just wrap your tool so she doesn't bring you home a surprise and work on expanding your crew to include a few more chicks, the boost in confidence, you may find, will bring her around, and if it doesn't se la vie.
you are right, but that's the beatuy of the w hole thing!
first, if a guy is hanging out with a girl constanty and she has a BF he is either a) not interested in her sexually or b) and AFC. Either way, if you are doing your job, you have nothing to worry about.
I NEVER have a problem with a girl seeing other guy friends. First, because I am confident I am doing my job, and If I am not, then mabye she does need to find someone who can. Secondly, if I told her no, she would do it anyway.
One of the hardest decisions I have had to make in my life was telling my ex girlfriend that she could go and "see" her old BF, because they were still "friends". Now, I wasn't stupid, I knew what was going to happen. But we had already had sex and I knew we had a connection with each other. I knew that me and her weren't going to last if he was still in the picture, and the only way I could get him out of the picture was to let her "test the field". I knew when I told her she could see him they would have sex. I accecpted for the greater good of our relationship. Besides, they would have anyway. They were together for quite a while.
Low and behold, a month later she was over my house crying and told me she had something to tell me. I pretended like I didnt' know what was going on as she told me what happened. I pretended to be semi-hurt and when it was all said and done, she never really talked to him again.
Now if I would have handled that by saying "no, you can't see him under any circumstances" she would have found a way to see him, and probably would have gotten together with him.
Me and her aren't together any l onger, but not because of that. We are still good friends, and I learned a valuable lesson on dealing with women.