Totally disagree with this POV. It applies to women, not men. At 20 a guy is still a boy. Between 20-40 he's supposed to discover himself (the ancient maxim of 'know thyself), explore and conquer the world, amass wisdom and wealth. Become a leader. A man is not a woman whose fertility peaks at 25 and therefore is weird that some think he's supposed to play house and change diapers at that age. Guys who are +50yrs old throw around hundreds of pounds of weights in the gym but can't handle a child? Charlie Chaplin who was in poor health had 8 kids after the age of 55 but guys nowadays who are much healthier at the same chronological age can't? That doesn't make sense to me.
Wake up *slap* it's 2025 now bro. You're talking 90's gibberish.
The days when the majority of men pulling 25 year olds in their 40's are LONG gone. Charlie Chaplin? How long ago is that and secondly that is a massive star. Yeah ,Deniro got a child while being 173 y.o, but that is the exception and NOT the rule. Dicaprio can date 25 y.olds because he is one of the most famous stars. Should tell you something that even he can't keep them.
The real problem with your line of thinking is that it gives men a
false sense of security.. Men are wasting their prime( 20 /35) on video, pron, getting high and doing nothing and then when they are 40 they wanna wake up. The only way to be the type of man with some attractiveness in his 40/50's is by having a foundation you've been building for many years. And with that I'm talking everything: physical, financial, spiritual, game , skills in the bedroom, kitchen, cleaning game ect ect.
If you look like 60 at 35 no woman is gonna want you just because " the internet said so". I know many dudes who learn this the hard way nowadays , desperately trying to "passport bro" their way to some nasty poon from a 3rd world shytehole.
Any young guns reading this: be URGENT. Father time is undefeated.