How my looks got me dumped!


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
King Frodo said:
i dont know what caused the turn in the relationship. just two weeks ago we were livin it up in san fran and she seemed happy and ****. but now, boom. she ditched me for a "hot guy."
since i've been dwelling on this **** i found him on myspace and his profile talks about how he has "something big waiting for the ladies." so now i know my ex girlfriend banged this dude and he is hung...great
Your situation is like Dejavu for me. I went through something similar long time ago and.......::sigh:: im a lil tired of giving out guys all my good advice lol but in your case, if you really liked/loved this girl then i know what she did was a Big blow to your heart and you feel so upset and betrayed inside. One thing i did also was thinking about what she was doing with the other guy. I wasnt able to sleep. I was with this my ex fiance for 4 years when she did this.. so imagine my pain. I knew she was blowing him every night and the thought made me shaky. it was like demons not letting up on me.. my heart aching every second. trust me dude, Its a Hard thing but trust me when i tell you. You WILL BE OK. I am now engaged to a great women who treats me really good and is 1 billion times better than the tramp i sobbed over. I get all pumped up when a girl sh!ts all over a guys heart because everything comes full circle... You will be doing great and she will be trying to get in contact with you wondering "how you are" while your banging other hot girls. I feel sorry for women out there, many complain about guys being jerks and players but sometimes its the women who create those guys... after breaking the guys heart, hes bound to change his view on women. If your really broken up.. PM me and l'll give you some good advice on what you should do. I know how you feel. I feel your pain, along with the hundreds of other guys who have had their hearts torn to shreds as well.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
King Frodo said:
all you guys who are replying with "go out and bone other chicks" or "stop being a whussy" are stupid. you've been coming to this site for god knows how long and that's the best you can come up with. you like to act all tough on a CYBER FORUM and pretend like you get chicks when all you really are doing is arguing with all the other frustred idiots.
if you dont have any advice for me about my gf getting pounded by some dude then dont post. if you do, help me...cuz i want her back. i miss her kiss.
I'm still wondering why you are so head over heels for a woman who wasn't committed to you. It's as if your very existance depends on it.


Feb 23, 2005
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this story should sum up what to do.

I was with my ex for almost 2 years lived with her for almost 8 months. To make a long story short, she was a player when i met her but i met her right after i broke up with another chick so she was the rebound. she respected me cause i didnt give it easy to her right away blah blah. but during the relationship our respect for one another was up and down just cause of sh!t that happened before (long story). so when i was living with her she would come home like at 4 am without letting me know. like 230 is fine but 4? a couple times i checked her phone obviously cause you need to know whats up (red flag) so i suspected sh!t i was like 85% sure she did some sh!t like once or twice my respect for her was obvioiusly dropping and same with her towards me.

she went on vacation during christmas to go home for a month, no plans for me and her. she comes up does some really stupid sh!t about not letting me know that her friends were picking her up and that she wanted to end the relationship over the phone when she was in the airport coming home. so she gets home we talk and everything seems cool. a week later i get fired from my job cause my manager is a fvcking idiot. two days before i get fired we are drunk and im like "do you wanna marry me" she says "you better ask in a cute way." so she starts acting all weird bascially the two days later and says im not motivated in life and blah blah blah. she didnt support me. i try to talk to her she refuses and decides going out with her friends that night is more important than our relationship. i say fvck it and pack my sh!t and move down to the city (45 minutes away) my parents own a house.

i called her one day later and she was like i dont know i need to find my self and other bs. she starts calling me like every other day whining about school and othe rsh!t she bascially needs me there for her. so dumb me is and she comes down we fvck when she comes over. she came down on vday i got her some sh!t like sh!t bf do for their gfs. i give her a gift and she says oh i didnt realize it was vday iwas like wtf. so anyways we fvck when ever she leaves we still were kissing each other etc. so then contact is non existent. i start intiatiing through email in indirect ways. i call her once a week shell call back like 4 days later. then later on i come to find out she is "hanging out"/fvcking with a guy that both of her best friends were fighting over and fvcking him while i was living with her. so that just showed me something. i let her know shes pathetic one time. when i was with her after she showed some disrespect for me i never fully trusted her ever again that went on for over a year always wondering, checking her phone, stressing, etc. pointless sh!t. thats not how a relationship should be i wanted to win her back so bad at first. but now that i think about it yea i still miss her company sometimes barley anymore though. but my life has totally changed and the outcome well be a lot better. before i was looking at settling down with a girl that was so selfish and disrespectful and sacraficing for her. now i can do whatever the fvck i want whenever use my earned money how i want instead of worrying about taking care of someone when i need ot take care of myself first espically with the salary and lifestyle i like. and before i was only thinking i need to keep a good job in the sales field grind all day which blows so we could get a house together etc. now im going back to school to get my masters in a field that is more to my taste and i dont have to worry about a selfish girl.

honestly why would you wanna be with someone like that a girl that cheated on you and doestn give a fvck about you and thinks they can walk all over you? i ask myself that plenty of times still till this day sometimes. and the answer is there is someone who is way better and you should have way more self respect for yourself.

Sun Tzu

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2006
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PlasticSurgeon said:
Do you know this dude? Maybe you can sabotage something of his
You scare me, PS. If and when you become a real doctor, I'll be sure to avoid your office when it's time for my facelift.

Isn't this shallow, mindless dimwit who dumped him the one who is accountable for what happened?

King Frodo

Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score
so i just got off the phone with her best friend and she was all like "you need to get over it, steph has moved on and she has found something BIGGER"...she reallly emphasized the "bigger." so now i know i was dumped cuz im not good looking enough and i aint packing enough heat. now i have to think about her blowing a cucumber and loving it.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
King Frodo said:
i dont wanna bang any other girls, maybe i have oneitis or whatever, but damn, she was the one. now she is living it up with that meat head. the worst part about this is our mutual friend told me that she has already slept with this dude and he "rocked her world"

This is wrong on every level one can imagine. Think of it in this perspective: She comes back to you, hair flowing in a summer breeze, her eyes sparkling, her arms open, then her mouth closes in on yours and you smell this guys fvckin' nutcheese on her breath.

There the slvt should be good and dead in your heart. Thank me later.

King Frodo

Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score
dont get me wrong, i wont take her back, as much as i want to. it's just that i love her and i hate the thought of some "hot" dude with "big" things going for him plowing away at her. god damn, she would get loud for me, she's probably screaming for that cucumber.

Sun Tzu

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
KarmaSutra said:
This is wrong on every level one can imagine. Think of it in this perspective: She comes back to you, hair flowing in a summer breeze, her eyes sparkling, her arms open, then her mouth closes in on yours and you smell this guys fvckin' nutcheese on her breath.

There the slvt should be good and dead in your heart. Thank me later.
Whew!!!! That did it for me, KarmaSutra...
Next time I need to get myself desensitized about something, you're my "go to" man. I feel so filthy just having been exposed to your illustration. Good work. :crazy:


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
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how long have they been together? probably not long, yes, i'll bet she will come crawling back after he plays her. but yes the hard thing to do but right thing is to move on and cut her out of your life, because she has shown her true colors, all your "hearts beating as one" stuff is false, she's not the one for you. you need to take the advice you are given on this site, move on. this guy on myspace is probably running around screwing a bunch of girls, she had to be looking, and wasn't committed to you at all if she was able to do this and go on myspace and contact this guy. you're not going to leave someone you love because you happened to come across some myspace profile, think about it.


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
U DONT WANT HER BACK! how can u trust her after she did that to u??? after NINE MONTHS too!@!!!!

on an good note, THIS thread does a perfect job to demonstrate that looks are important in a LTR (as I had said in the looks thread) :)

but yea, shes a **** ***** ****in dyke for doing that to u


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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I'm still not convinced that your analysis of the problem is accurate. She said the guy is "hot." That doesn't equate with "good-looking." Even if he were better looking than you (I haven't seen a pic of either of you, and I'm not really one to judge men's looks), he would probably have to be *significantly* better-looking for that to be the cause of the break-up.

It sounds to me like you had too high of an interest level in the relationship and acted too AFCish.

Also, it is possible that this girl is wh0rish and that she never really commits to anyone. In such a case, your lust might have clouded you into thinking that your "hearts beat as one," when in reality you didn't have that much in common (in terms of values, interests, etc).

In any case, these guys are right when they tell you to get over her. I could be wrong, but I doubt she's all that special.

King Frodo

Aug 18, 2006
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alright guys, i checked out this dude's myspace profile and i'll admit it, he is better looking than me. you can tell by the number of 9's or 10's he has on his friend list and that are commenting on his page and hopelessly throwing themselves at him. dude is a pimp. im sure he will just play her and probably wear her out like no tomorrow. from what my ex's friends are telling me, he got the tools to turn her pretty loose. it sucks to think about.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
then don't think about it.

In any case, some women do care about looks more than other women, but ON AVERAGE, women care less about them than men. That's why we say looks aren't that important. This women could be a statistical outlier who cares about them a lot.

But either way, (judging by your mopey posts) it sounds like this guy has way more going for him than just looks, compared to you.

Stop looking at their ****ing myspace pages. Ignore them.


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
King Frodo said:
So i have been with my girlfriend for 9 months now, and her and I were doing great. We were like two peas in a pod, I mean our hearts really did beat as one. (and even as i'm writing this i'm getting all bent out of shape and tearing up). Anyways, i really liked her, I mean, I loved her. And she would tell me the same thing.
Now some background on her, she is a 8 out of 10 and 23 years old. I've been told im a good looking guy, im tall, have decent abs, go to the gym.
So the day before thanksgiving she calls me up and tells me how she would like to breakup. Of course im like "why" and she tells me there is "someone else." - yeah that old line.
So i get it out of her that she just wants to date this guy because he is "hot," as she put it and not because he has a cooler personality than me. She is just in it for the looks i guess. I suppose there is nothing i can do either, seeing as though i can't change the way i look.
Any thoughts on how to win her back?

Dude she's shallow.If you go for those kinda girls well try your best to win her back although I doubt it'll work out but if you don't go for shallow girls dump her instantly she's not worth it.I don't attract shallow girls because I'm not a looker but even if I did I wouldn't deal with them any way.Those girs just bring problems.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
King Frodo said:
alright guys, i checked out this dude's myspace profile and i'll admit it, he is better looking than me. you can tell by the number of 9's or 10's he has on his friend list and that are commenting on his page and hopelessly throwing themselves at him. dude is a pimp. im sure he will just play her and probably wear her out like no tomorrow. from what my ex's friends are telling me, he got the tools to turn her pretty loose. it sucks to think about.

bro your begining to cry over a girl, ESPECIALLY ONE THAT IS SO DAMN SHALLOW, leave her unmoral pathetic ass.

A girl who ONLY cares about looks and how hung a guy is is worth the same as a hooker in vegas.

You should be happy the guy is a player and will dump the girl after hes done boinking her.

King Frodo

Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score
you guys dont get it. i am letting her go. but i am just trying to prove that looks clearly matter to chicks.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Troy, MI
nice had me until this:

King Frodo said:
i hate the thought of some "hot" dude with "big" things going for him plowing away at her. god damn, she would get loud for me, she's probably screaming for that cucumber.

well, that and your user name...the way you wrote the details about some other dude plowing your girlfriend- you're enjoying yourself way too much for it to be true. Nice try, though. :whistle:

King Frodo

Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score
you idiot, im not trolling. i came here asking for help to get her back, and now i realize i dont want her back. and as for my name, i just like LOTR


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
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southern africa
She's very immature, you dont need her, find someone else that will like you for who you are, i bet ur'e a great guy thats why she liked you in the first place...

King Frodo

Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score
thanks, but my point is that looks clearly matter. and to all the those people who say otherwise - **** you