Some of you guys are simply incapable of thinking outside of your own experience.
Virtually 100% of the twenty-somethings here have NO CLUE what the social climate was like in the 70s and early 80s.
News Flash, Einsteins:
You are brainwashed by the feminist educational system that you are a product of. You simply have no eyes to see beyond your own experience, which you take to be gospel truth. The media is feminized. Education is feminized. Your entire view of the world is feminized because YOU are a product, YOU are the handiwork of that corrupted system.
YOU are the end result.
I was in high school in the 70s and I can tell you that even though feminism was in its formative years, there was respect, a complete lack of flaking (it was utterly unheard of), a feeling of being fortunate (on the female's part) for being asked on a date, and a sense of personal responsibility, although far below ours. At least there was a semblance there.
It troubles me to see so many of you younger guys screaming "Misogony!" when you are so wet behind the ears you can't yet see beyond your own education. Hey when I was in my twenties I "knew" everything, too. The troubling part is the re-writing of history that some of you have gulped down hook, line, and sinker.
I suppose I would be just like you at 25 or so, having grown up in a feminized society the way you have. All I can hope is that a few of you can open up your minds just enough to listen to people who actually lived and were sexually active before you were even born. It is so easy for youth to dismiss and ridicule the wisdom of age, the very same wisdom that a percentage of youth will be espousing once you gain enough experience to break beyond the bounds of your education.
It only makes sense to find out from people who were actually there, and not so easily buy into what you were taught by a culture which has a VESTED interest in YOUR brain-washing.
Feminism was allowed and facilitated by the weakness of men, and the politicians' lust for votes. It was inevitable. Only education can start to turn the tide. Nature WILL normalize, but decades if not centuries of the so-called "gender war" will continue to at best make life very difficult in this arena and at worst destroy lives.
Remember, if you are about 35 or under, you yourself may just be an unwitting pawn in the game because you were born into it, were educated by it, and know nothing else. Therefore you spread the gospel of "women have always been this way" and you throw around your beloved word, "misogonyst". Still, I'm encouraged, because a few of you younger guys are able to see beyond your own experience.
This isn't about sitting around and ruminating about the good old days. No, it is EDUCATION. Discussions about the very real menace of feminism demonstrates to some of the younger guys that it is possible to be a part of real change.