How easy is it to pull hotties in Texas?

May 26, 2013
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Post 59:

Agreed about college, not just minorities but White guys from groups that look more ethnic are disadvantaged as well. One of my friends is a Sicilian with dark features and he can't get these girls. Most of these girls want a guy who looks White and by that I mean Northern or Central European. But that is just in college. After college you see these girls going interracial more.

Which is why I wish we could get some kind of a movement going to counter the college hype here in the USA because unless you are at Arizona St or UCSB, you won't be living the college experience. SEC schools are run by frats so if you aren't in one or playing college ball you will fail to hook up with anything higher than a 6 or 7.

I feel that for most men things actually start to get better after college. Even though they are near less hot girls, the ones they are near are more open to them. The same Southern Belle that would not have even thought about standing next to a minority in college would open up to the idea of being with him once she is out in the real world, one of friends who is a Latino has told me about this.
May 26, 2013
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skinnyguy said:

Look I never said I'm not working on myself. I know I'm not Channing Tatum.
I'm trying to get into tip top shape and working to improve my social circle game. But it is an uphill battle. Rex - do you think I'm stupid enough to drop 5k on a PUA bootcamp?
Don't drop any money on a PUA bootcamp.

Invest in getting a better body, work on getting a better style, and most importantly leave California because it is not the best place for you.

1. You are Indian and the Indian FOBs have screwed it up for almost all Indian guys there.
2. You like White girls, there are not many of them in California compared to other races.

Move to a state where over 70 percent of the population is White, you will be seen as a commodity. Don't know what else to say here.


Sep 11, 2013
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Ambitious Player said:
I oppose telling a guy what he can be attracted to or can't. My preference is strictly for White, Latin, and mixed looking women, you can put a 10/10 that is not of my preference on my bed right now and it will still be disinterest from me. Never got why people get so up in arms the second any minority shows attraction to White women, its normal if you are growing up in America. Yet when a White guy talks about having Yellow Fever no one says a word. I like myself and am comfortable in my own skin but I would take a blonde bombshell over an exotic beauty anyday because that is just what I grew up finding attractive.

What I can't stand is the *****ing because not only is it annoying, it alienates a lot of people of your own race because they get insecure. OP lives in California, it takes a unique kind of guy to do well there, especially with White girls which he loves because they are far from the majority and not in demand. He should take my advice and move to some state like Idaho or Montana where almost all the women are White so he can have what he wants.
Agreed, San Francisco is horrible for Asian males because they do not have an exotic factor there. Too many of your own race will make a white woman's bvtch shield skyrocket because most of them are AFC as hell towards white women. No homo, but I have an Asian friend that is a model that goes to my school. I will admit he was bisexual, but he struggled with the girls here hard. He recently just said **** it and went for guys. What pisses me off is that white males marginalize their women for hooking up with minorities, proceed to still our own, and turn feral when we call racism on the dating game.


Sep 11, 2013
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Ambitious Player said:
Don't drop any money on a PUA bootcamp.

Invest in getting a better body, work on getting a better style, and most importantly leave California because it is not the best place for you.

1. You are Indian and the Indian FOBs have screwed it up for almost all Indian guys there.
2. You like White girls, there are not many of them in California compared to other races.

Move to a state where over 70 percent of the population is White, you will be seen as a commodity. Don't know what else to say here.
Go to a place like Minnesota or Wisconsin. The hottest white girl I've gotten was from Wisconsin.


Sep 11, 2013
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Ambitious Player said:
Post 59:

Agreed about college, not just minorities but White guys from groups that look more ethnic are disadvantaged as well. One of my friends is a Sicilian with dark features and he can't get these girls. Most of these girls want a guy who looks White and by that I mean Northern or Central European. But that is just in college. After college you see these girls going interracial more.

Which is why I wish we could get some kind of a movement going to counter the college hype here in the USA because unless you are at Arizona St or UCSB, you won't be living the college experience. SEC schools are run by frats so if you aren't in one or playing college ball you will fail to hook up with anything higher than a 6 or 7.

I feel that for most men things actually start to get better after college. Even though they are near less hot girls, the ones they are near are more open to them. The same Southern Belle that would not have even thought about standing next to a minority in college would open up to the idea of being with him once she is out in the real world, one of friends who is a Latino has told me about this.
Being in a Frat just puts your foot in the door. Plenty of my frat brothers go through periods of dry spells. The ones that clean the floor are the white pretty boy frat stars. The dad looking ones usually just have hot gfs or slam pieces.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
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I'm gonna chime in. I think I'm a little younger than the OP and bigneil but none the less,
I'm a 23 year old Lighskinned black guy living on Long island. I only recently became attractive (turned 21 and developed some nice muscle tone) The only girls I've had sex with are white (11).. As a matter a fact I've only girls ive kissed have been white (30+). I've been to Albany NY and Oswego NY. Nothing but hookups n both those college towns. I'm having so much success in Long Island I've been able to be as selective enough to find foreign white girls that don't even have a green cards yet. My ex is Turkish and the current chick I'm dating is Polish. Both straight off the boat. I think you guys should come around here if you want white women as minorities.

However. I took a trip to LA and Socal 2 weeks ago.. And from the second I got off the plane i could feel the odds stacked against me. The second I rolled down Beverly Blvd in my 2013 Malibu rental and pulled up next to AMG this and M3 that be driven by people my age.. My game didn't matter. I went to a bar with some friends in Santa Monica and I had a ****ty wingman.. But now that I read this argument you're having.. I realize that he was Indian. The girls were receptive to me, 6'1 with an athletic build. But when he came to make conversation they seemed turned off and thats when I struck out. I was in LA and OC for a whole week and didn't get a single number.... And I talked to some ugly chicks too lol.

Came back to NY to rotate my polish main chick and my ginger side chick today and tmrw.
Socal sucks unless you're a boss In the social structure or unless you're pulling up in that 2014 AMG/M#/ISF etc... Pulling a bad ***** felt like playing halo on legendary... No bueno


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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This "race" thing is dumb. Some girls don't date outside their race, period. That is their own preference or family beliefs. So, to b1tch and moan over it is dumb. If you aren't making anything of yourself, you will fail with women in all 50 states


Sep 11, 2013
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goldengoose said:
This "race" thing is dumb. Some girls don't date outside their race, period. That is their own preference or family beliefs. So, to b1tch and moan over it is dumb. If you aren't making anything of yourself, you will fail with women in all 50 states
It becomes an issue when you can barely land *****s and most girls of your own race would rather date some clown looking white guy than a male of their own race.
May 26, 2013
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Telfon said:
I'm gonna chime in. I think I'm a little younger than the OP and bigneil but none the less,
I'm a 23 year old Lighskinned black guy living on Long island. I only recently became attractive (turned 21 and developed some nice muscle tone) The only girls I've had sex with are white (11).. As a matter a fact I've only girls ive kissed have been white (30+). I've been to Albany NY and Oswego NY. Nothing but hookups n both those college towns. I'm having so much success in Long Island I've been able to be as selective enough to find foreign white girls that don't even have a green cards yet. My ex is Turkish and the current chick I'm dating is Polish. Both straight off the boat. I think you guys should come around here if you want white women as minorities.
Thanks for the tips. BTW I hope by minorities you mean all minority groups though.

IMO, The South and Southern California are the WORST places in the USA for anyone that likes White girls.

South (Outside of Texas) - White girls are not the majority, most girls are Black. The Black girls tend to be more open minded and often throw themselves at guys (too bad I am not into Black girls or girls with darker skin in general). The White girls have a major superiority complex because if they aren't fat or seriously deformed in the face, they are considered good looking.

So Cal - girls in general are stuck up and materialistic, White girls more rare than other races, hence the superiority complex. Still not as bad as the south.


New Member
May 11, 2014
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I live between Dallas and Fort Worth in the city of Arlington.
I saw the demographics not too long ago and i know from walking around the campus at UTA that there is a LOT of indian guys and girls(and they are pretty hott too). I wouldn't worry about things like exoticness. No matter where you go in america, everyones seen a million of every race before.
I see indian dudes with white girls pretty often actually(I always thought the Texas girls were kinda dumbed down by the culture and schooling compared to Washington State, which makes for a fair share of easier girls, but a fair share of ignorantly stuck up girls as well.)

But I have to point out a major thing your overlooking. If there was a hell on earth, just the farthest from optimal place to live, I would say it is Texas. In the north west you have consistent weather seasons, more open minded and intelligent people, Way more reasonable laws, and hell even the wildlife here is messed up. If your in a parking lot eating fries in WA and you see birds coming closer, they are pretty, clean looking birds. But in texas your have some Jurassic park birds that look like picasso did something to them or they survived a car driving over them. The bugs during summer is awful. One day its 85 then the next its 39 then its 90, and it does this crap almost all year. During the true summer its too hott to even want to go outside unless it's running for a pool. There's no way in hell you will be picking up girls if you are already limiting yourself and now have the added heat making you sweat like crazy.
I didn't read all of your posts so idk why you would choose texas but if you do, girls will the last of your issues. lol.

(the above opinion may be biased because of how awesome Washington is)


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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mgsgta3 said:
I live between Dallas and Fort Worth in the city of Arlington.
I saw the demographics not too long ago and i know from walking around the campus at UTA that there is a LOT of indian guys and girls(and they are pretty hott too). I wouldn't worry about things like exoticness. No matter where you go in america, everyones seen a million of every race before.
I see indian dudes with white girls pretty often actually(I always thought the Texas girls were kinda dumbed down by the culture and schooling compared to Washington State, which makes for a fair share of easier girls, but a fair share of ignorantly stuck up girls as well.)

But I have to point out a major thing your overlooking. If there was a hell on earth, just the farthest from optimal place to live, I would say it is Texas. In the north west you have consistent weather seasons, more open minded and intelligent people, Way more reasonable laws, and hell even the wildlife here is messed up. If your in a parking lot eating fries in WA and you see birds coming closer, they are pretty, clean looking birds. But in texas your have some Jurassic park birds that look like picasso did something to them or they survived a car driving over them. The bugs during summer is awful. One day its 85 then the next its 39 then its 90, and it does this crap almost all year. During the true summer its too hott to even want to go outside unless it's running for a pool. There's no way in hell you will be picking up girls if you are already limiting yourself and now have the added heat making you sweat like crazy.
I didn't read all of your posts so idk why you would choose texas but if you do, girls will the last of your issues. lol.

(the above opinion may be biased because of how awesome Washington is)
I have lived in the Midwest before so believe me I can deal with the weather. The temp change thing I'm very familiar with. I've been coddled out here CA for so many years, but I know that this isn't reality.

I'm going out to San Antonio for a wedding this fall. I'm going to drive up to Dallas just for a day to check it out. Going to check out Plano, Addison, Downtown, etc. I can't really make up my mind until I've seen the place but from what I've heard it sounds great.

As for the minorities, yes there are Indian people out there, but they don't have a stigma attached to them the way they do in the Bay Area. Women out here in their online dating profiles write stuff like "No Indians please". From what I have seen, women in the South are WAY more liberal than women in California when it comes to dating. California women are some of the most racist phucks I have ever seen in my life. When I was in Florida man, I was getting numbers from white girls left and right. And then there was the Austin chick…I'll probably never get a hotter girl than her for the rest of my life.