How easy is it to pull hotties in Texas?


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
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S Town
skinnyguy said:
Women in Texas are down to earth and less gold digging.
how would you know when you never been there? man you are trolling here and bringing up race to start fights.

skinnyguy said:
I heard that in Texas, if you're a minority you can be considered exotic.
skinnyguy said:
you will never understand this because you are black.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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asa_don said:
how would you know when you never been there? man you are trolling here and bringing up race to start fights.
I've been to texas. Austin to be exact. The first bar I went to I walked up to an HB 8.5 and got her number and Facebook without trying. I do really well with southern white women. In Florida I was the man.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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Dhoulmagus said:
You live in a liberal state!!! Go to an area that doesnt have that many black guys because they will your ruin your image. White girls do not like overly aggressive cat calling men and this is what most black guys do. This raises their bish shield tremendously. Stay out of the south too! Theres a reason your ancestors migrated to Cali. I have a bunch of family that lives up north and out west and we never hear from them. They never take any initiative to come down to visit our family and i sure as hell dont blame them.

Why would black guys ruin my mans image, he's Indian.

And what's up with this super pedestalation of white chicks?

Are you bitter cause' you can't get you a Hot chick, or awhite one?

I mean its cool to have a preference, I like da white womenz too, but damn, to move states? LOL

Don't leave Cali homie, if anything, goto another area in Cali, or if you really want the white chicks, move up north.

Don't see the logic in moving somewhere with evenMORE racial tension then where you live now.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
SmooveMooves said:
Don't leave Cali homie, if anything, goto another area in Cali, or if you really want the white chicks, move up north.
He is "Up North,". skinnyguy is in the San Francisco Bay Area, which is in Northern California. This area includes the cities of San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland. The Bay Area is also home to world's tech industry which is located in the South Bay's Silicon Valley. Most importantly and most relevant to the conversation is the Bay Area is home to the University of California at Berkeley, (California Golden Bears. Jason Kidd's alma mater,) and Sanford University, located near San Jose. Potna is over here talking about he can't score nerdy white girls who good to two of more prestigious schools in the country, (the two best on the West Coast,) in the most liberal area in the country. That says more about him, than the quality of women he's tryin' to holla at.[/b]


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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Maximus Rex said:
He is "Up North,". skinnyguy is in the San Francisco Bay Area, which is in Northern California. This area includes the cities of San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland. The Bay Area is also home to world's tech industry which is located in the South Bay's Silicon Valley. Most importantly and most relevant to the conversation is the Bay Area is home to the University of California at Berkeley, (California Golden Bears. Jason Kidd's alma mater,) and Sanford University, located near San Jose. Potna is over here talking about he can't score nerdy white girls who good to two of more prestigious schools in the country, (the two best on the West Coast,) in the most liberal area in the country. That says more about him, than the quality of women he's tryin' to holla at.[/b]
I meant the Northern states, if he was really bent on moving for games sake.

If homie can't pull snow bunnies in N.Y then my mans game really needs some serious work.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
Why don't you just tell people your Ecuadorian, or mexican, or anywhere South American. Learn how to salsa dance and work on a south american accent, most people would believe it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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SmooveMooves said:

Why would black guys ruin my mans image, he's Indian.

And what's up with this super pedestalation of white chicks?

Are you bitter cause' you can't get you a Hot chick, or awhite one?

I mean its cool to have a preference, I like da white womenz too, but damn, to move states? LOL

Don't leave Cali homie, if anything, goto another area in Cali, or if you really want the white chicks, move up north.

Don't see the logic in moving somewhere with evenMORE racial tension then where you live now.
I haven't had sex since August so why should I keep torturing myself? Not to mention texas has no state income tax and houses cost 1/5 what they do out here.

Rex - I'm a cal bear. The women out here are trash and NOT attracted to my race, period. Southern women actually look at me cause I'm different to them (my race doesn't have a negative stereotype there). Sheesh no one believes me!


Sep 11, 2013
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skinnyguy said:
I haven't had sex since August so why should I keep torturing myself? Not to mention texas has no state income tax and houses cost 1/5 what they do out here.

Rex - I'm a cal bear. The women out here are trash and NOT attracted to my race, period. Southern women actually look at me cause I'm different to them (my race doesn't have a negative stereotype there). Sheesh no one believes me!
San Francisco is a bad area to meet women especially if you are Asian. Go down to southern Cal or Arizona. Trust me, the south is not a good place for minorities to game women. You will have to work 5 times as hard as your white counterparts and you will only be able to pull damaged goods or trashy white women. The Southern belles are pretty much locked up out of high school and it is not acceptable of them to date minorities.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Dhoulmagus said:
San Francisco is a bad area to meet women especially if you are Asian. Go down to southern Cal or Arizona. Trust me, the south is not a good place for minorities to game women. You will have to work 5 times as hard as your white counterparts and you will only be able to pull damaged goods or trashy white women. The Southern belles are pretty much locked up out of high school and it is not acceptable of them to date minorities.
I lived in LA for four years. It's worse down there - you have to be a celebrity or balling in a Bentley to score.

I think it's different for different minorities. Blacks might be viewed negatively because of slavery but Indians were never slaves so maybe it's not as bad. I find southern women to be much more friendly and fun loving. Out in Cali the women do not know how to party and are only concerned with Gucci handbags and getting orbiters on Instagram.
May 26, 2013
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OP might be right about San Francisco being terrible for an Indian dude. The FOBs might have ****ed it up so bad that even alpha Indian guys like Kal Penn and Jay Sean would not be able to land White girls there. Not to mention there aren't that many White girls there who are dating options anyways (a good number of them are said to be Lesbians). So the few that are there are chasing after White guys or Black guys (who have a better reputation there). You should head to San Diego or a part of California where Indian FOBs haven't royally ****ed up your chances.

The South is not the place for any guys that like White women. People forget that the south is almost 50 percent Black and there are a lot of Mexicans in Texas too so you will have a hard time finding your ideal Nordic or WASP beauty there. Now I will estimate that around 50 percent of women in Texas are White, of those 50 percent you can estimate that at least HALF are:

1. Not desirable (obese, unattractive, etc.)
2. The kind that won't date you (strict preference for White men, white supremacists, redneck, etc.)

So you are left with 25 percent of all the women in Texas if your preference is for White women. Now those 25 percent of women are going to be the ones who have athletes, high quality guys, and guys that are well ahead of you in the game chasing after them.

But if you really want White girls here is my solution:

Get rid of the nerdy look, work out a little, get a flattering haircut, get better style, and go to a state where over 80 percent of the population is White (Vermont, Montana, Idaho, Minnesota, or Wisconsin).


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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some of you guys should just jump off a cliff


Oct 20, 2006
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skinnyguy said:
Out in Cali, the dating game is pretty much trash. More guys than girls, and the girls are sucking off all the white guys while minorities like me have to settle for fatties.

I heard that in Texas, if you're a minority you can be considered exotic. Anything is better than the West Coast of course.

Who here is from Texas and can give me some perspective on this? I love Southern belles. Much more down to earth and DTF.
In my business travels I have seen many cities and the #1 factor in how often a man scores is Male/Female ratio. As you'll see below, this varies tremendously:

1) Orlando, FL (I lived there 2004-2008). I hated it there and it was a lonely place. I would hook up with girls from work but all the guys would want to kill me because girls were rare there. Had a 6 month relationship but she was an A-hole. I'd get shot down asking for table dances it was so bad.

2) Cedar Rapids, IA (I commuted there 2007). So many gorgeous, sweet, blonde-haired women I almost fainted when I went out one Friday night.

3) Dallas, TX (I lived there 2008-2010). There are so many beautiful women that I was literally NEVER single. In my first hour I went to a Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, after they just closed, and left with a HB8 22 year old ****tail waitress. Then she stormed out when I picked up a hotter girl at the bar we went to. I dated that girl for a while but dumped her for a girl at my work, and I broke her heart for another girl who I dumped before moving.

4) Cleveland, OH (I visited there in 2010-2011). There are tons of hot women and I picked up an HB8+ in all 4 times I ever went out (always on business trips). Ended up in a LDR.

5) Melbourne, FL (I lived there in 2011). There are so few women you seriously need a NICE boat to get a date. If you only have a regular boat they will give you the "as if" attitude. It's like an old age home too. I had to import girls from OH.

6) Houston, TX (I lived there 2011-2013). There are so few women that I ended up dating a stripper for the entire time I was there. There is a great downtown but it's like a ghost town at night. The strip bars though are so packed with beautiful women you can score for $200 during happy hour, but the regular bars are vacant. Still, I dated a couple other hot women.

7) New York City, NY (I lived there part time Winter 2012-Spring 2013). I didn't meet hardly any women. Most of the HB6 bartenders would give you an attitude and then have some biker dude show up and kiss them on the cheek. I ended up renting a room from two hot Russian girls and dated one of them before my contract ended, but it was tough there. The strippers don't do any thing there.

8) San Francisco, CA (I lived there part time Summer 2013). In the few months I was there I had so many beautiful women to choose from that I had to seriously pass up a handful who I might have otherwise married. I left in October but I had a phone interview this week, so I texted FIVE girls in my phone 2 days ago. ALL FIVE wrote back within 1 minute and want to see me. I was going to double book dates since I'm only there 1 night for the interview. One sent me a picture of herself in a bikini and I'll bet it would score 9 on Hot or Not. Basically, if you are straight and can afford to pay your taxes they will love you in the Bay area. The strippers are crazy and are fully nude. They are so aggressive I had to run. They have no-touch, no-nudity bikini bars where I met most of my girls.

9) Austin, TX (Living there part time in 2014). There are so many beautiful women that at the strip bars I picked up a bartender, waitress, casino dealer, and have so many strippers numbers I lost count. 3/4 of them write back but I haven't tried to pay any. For some reason they cost more than Houston, and that novelty wears off quick, plus I'm afraid to blow it with the non-strippers who I know will find out. That happened in Houston and it's the kiss of death. At the grocery store there are seriously more hot women per capita than the average Hooters. I went on a date with one girl who described Austin as an all you can eat buffet for men. You see scrubs in flip flops with Duck Dynasty beards who are on dates with girls so hot you'd lick their a*sh*le on the spot (the girl's that is). I've only been here 80 days so far and I expect great things.

To be continued...


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Great post bigneil. Since you had success in SF I am guessing you are white lol. But you prove my point that Texas is an awesome state with lots of beautiful women who are DTF. I think I want to move to Austin and never leave.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
What you said about SF reminds me of what my friend said about Orange County. I wonder if the easiest places to score women are where the most gay guys live, because it throws off the ratios.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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How could you have a tough time in NYC? Single women outnumber single men there by a decent number. And there are tons of attractive and different kinds of women there. I grew up in NYC and still live close enough to visit frequently.

Its definitely a place where a guy can do well and have options. I dont know how you are saying you didnt meet many women. Its a city of 8 million, with loads of different cultures, and plenty of people move here to try and find something new in life.

I wonder how hard you even tried to meet women. Theres women for the broke guy with not much game, theres women for the middle class guy who likes hanging in Union Square, and theres women for the rich upper class executive who only hangs out in the most posh lounges in midtown.

No man should have trouble in NYC if hes decent looking and at least knows how to have a simple conversation. Then again, I dunno...based on the women you attract and go after (strippers, bartenders, etc) seems like that might be why you werent meeting the right kind of girls in NYC. Either way, theres something for everyone in that city.
skinnyguy said:
Great post bigneil. Since you had success in SF I am guessing you are white lol. But you prove my point that Texas is an awesome state with lots of beautiful women who are DTF. I think I want to move to Austin and never leave.
Im black and live in the northeast. I also have made friends with people who have lived out west in Cali. Look, if you live in a diverse liberal city and cant score women, then the problem is not the location, its you.

I went to a small liberal upstate college and had a good time in college (nothing crazy though). If I had gone to a more populated diverse Cali Bay area college, Id have drowned in poon.

And wtf is this Texas crap? Trust me when I say you will do worse in Texas if white girls are what you want. Do try and find a blue city....but moving from a liberal blue state to a conservative red state for dating purposes is beyond silly.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Jaylan said:

How could you have a tough time in NYC? Single women outnumber single men there by a decent number. And there are tons of attractive and different kinds of women there. I grew up in NYC and still live close enough to visit frequently.

Its definitely a place where a guy can do well and have options. I dont know how you are saying you didnt meet many women. Its a city of 8 million, with loads of different cultures, and plenty of people move here to try and find something new in life.

I wonder how hard you even tried to meet women. Theres women for the broke guy with not much game, theres women for the middle class guy who likes hanging in Union Square, and theres women for the rich upper class executive who only hangs out in the most posh lounges in midtown.

No man should have trouble in NYC if hes decent looking and at least knows how to have a simple conversation. Then again, I dunno...based on the women you attract and go after (strippers, bartenders, etc) seems like that might be why you werent meeting the right kind of girls in NYC. Either way, theres something for everyone in that city.
Im black and live in the northeast. I also have made friends with people who have lived out west in Cali. Look, if you live in a diverse liberal city and cant score women, then the problem is not the location, its you.

I went to a small liberal upstate college and had a good time in college (nothing crazy though). If I had gone to a more populated diverse Cali Bay area college, Id have drowned in poon.

And wtf is this Texas crap? Trust me when I say you will do worse in Texas if white girls are what you want. Do try and find a blue city....but moving from a liberal blue state to a conservative red state for dating purposes is beyond silly.

1) Have you ever been to NYC? It is one of the hardest cities in the WORLD to pick up if you're an average guy. It seems that you expect bigneil to pursue homeless women. The only women worth pursuing there are professional women (i.e. have a bachelors at least and work in Manhattan). The pretty much all want one thing: an investment banker with a 12 inch penis earning $3 million per year. How is an average guy supposed to compete with that? In places like Texas and Florida, the women have more reasonable expectations and aren't gold diggers.

2) You make it sound like Cali is full of hot girls in bikinis who want to party all the time. Sorry my friend, you're wrong. The Bay Area is 50% Asian (asian girls don't like me and I don't like them that much). Asians, latinas, blacks, indians, mixed race chicks ALLLLLL want white guys!!!

3) Go to Austin and go to Los Angeles, and tell me which place is easier to pick up women.

4) I'm starting to understand why people call you Gaylan


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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1) Did you read my last post? I GREW UP IN NYC FOR 2 decades and still go there! It is actually one of the easiest places to meet women because you can find girls of all different backgrounds and of varying social strata. No I dont expect bigneil to meet homeless women, I expect him to get better women than what I consider the gold-digging/attention wh0re tier of strippers, bar tenders, and waitresses.

If he couldnt find quality sexy women in NYC that arent strippers or bar tenders, then he was not doing something right. Women are usually complaining about how hard it is to find a decent guy in NYC since the ratios are in guys favor, and make us settle down at a later age.

There as soooooo many college educated working women ALL over NYC...and plenty are very down to earth. Many dont need unrealistically large penises or the pipe dream salary you mentioned. If you go to big cities in Cali, Texas, or Florida you can find down to earth women, and you can find entitled gold diggers too. You speak from the position of a defeastist whiner. I speak from EXPERIENCE. Ive grown up with, gone to college with, dated, fvcked and am friends with these college educated professional women that you think are so hard to attain.

2) Dude, I have friends who have lived in the Bay Area, and actually went to college there. There are plenty of sexy women. And while many women may have a preference for white dudes, you shouldnt be a failure at dating if youre in shape, at least average looking, know how to dress, and actually put yourself out there.

Get a fvking Tinder account or something. But stop whining. Its not your locale. Its you dude. Either you are not attractive, dont know how to make yourself attractive, or that you refuse to better yourself.

3) Have YOU even been to those places? Sh!t, you cant even pick up women in a liberal as fvk blue city, but you want to move cross country to a red state where you will undoubtedly do worse with women...especially considering you dont do well now.

Are you serious?

4) Im starting to understand why people see you as a whiny b!tch ass race troll. I give you realistic advice from my own life experiences, and you want to insult me because I dare tell you to work on yourself rather than move thousands of miles away where youd fail at getting laid again.

Stop fvking crying, work on yourself, and go get laid. No pity parties here kid. You moving across the country wont change the fact that your presently an incel. Improving yourself and learning how to get out there and talk to women will change that.