How easy is it to pull hotties in Texas?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Jaylan said:
If he couldnt find quality sexy women in NYC that arent strippers or bar tenders, then he was not doing something right. Women are usually complaining about how hard it is to find a decent guy in NYC
you sound like a white knight now. those same women who complain about not finding a decent guy go off and blow an azzhole investment banker the next day. stop believing what women say!!!

jaylan said:
Get a fvking Tinder account or something. But stop whining. Its not your locale. Its you dude. Either you are not attractive, dont know how to make yourself attractive, or that you refuse to better yourself.
lol, Tinder. tell me exactly how that will help if I'm not white.

jaylan said:
3) Have YOU even been to those places? Sh!t, you cant even pick up women in a liberal as fvk blue city, but you want to move cross country to a red state where you will undoubtedly do worse with women...especially considering you dont do well now.
well you clearly didn't read my posts either…I hooked up with an HB 8.5 white girl almost the moment I got off the plane in Austin…it definitely easier there for minorities, and my experience proved it. I haven't hooked up with a white girl since I moved to Cali 13 years ago.

jaylan said:
4) Im starting to understand why people see you as a whiny b!tch ass race troll. I give you realistic advice from my own life experiences, and you want to insult me because I dare tell you to work on yourself rather than move thousands of miles away where youd fail at getting laid again.

Stop fvking crying, work on yourself, and go get laid. No pity parties here kid. You moving across the country wont change the fact that your presently an incel. Improving yourself and learning how to get out there and talk to women will change that.
you can call me a whiny race troll, but have you ever seen a white race troll on this site? hmm that's interesting…maybe because whites have it easier than indians!! So call me a troll if you want but you won't be able to show that I'm wrong in my analysis.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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skinnyguy said:
you sound like a white knight now. those same women who complain about not finding a decent guy go off and blow an azzhole investment banker the next day. stop believing what women say!!!
God, you are being thick headed right now.

I KNOW these women and grew up and still live close to NYC! And no, they dont just go screw an investment banker the next day. You only believe that because of your internalized sense of low value. NYC is truly a playground for single men who can talk to women in the slightest. In aint freaking hard at all.

lol, Tinder. tell me exactly how that will help if I'm not white.
You freaking swipe right, thats how. Ive matched with pretty much only white girls on that app. And Im currently seeing one of them now. Sure I may not be doing as well as I would be if I was a white version of myself, but theres plenty of women on Tinder for me not to think about that much.
well you clearly didn't read my posts either…I hooked up with an HB 8.5 white girl almost the moment I got off the plane in Austin…it definitely easier there for minorities, and my experience proved it. I haven't hooked up with a white girl since I moved to Cali 13 years ago.
So because of your fluke experience in Austin, you think that means minorities do terrible in Cali? I know several guys who would laugh in your face and tell you its one of the better places to meet women in the United States.
you can call me a whiny race troll, but have you ever seen a white race troll on this site? hmm that's interesting…maybe because whites have it easier than indians!! So call me a troll if you want but you won't be able to show that I'm wrong in my analysis.
Im calling you a race troll because instead of you trying better yourself and actually have a mature discussion with people responding only seek to get answers from people who will agree with you, while you ignore the rest. Nevermind the fact that you decide to insult someone just because they are telling you the TRUTH with regards to how NYC dating works, and his first hand experiences as a minority in a northeastern metro area.

You disliked my opinion based on my real life experiences, so you immaturely insult me. Seems like troll behavior to me, especially since guys like you and a few others on this site constantly stay stuck on this race sh!t. We have had enough threads on the matter, yet we keep having to rehash the same crap.

And btw, the problem here is that people are telling you that being a minority in the conservative south is gonna hurt you more than being a minority in the liberal east and west coasts. Youre ignoring this all because you hooked up with one chick in Austin. Well ok, good for you...but that doesnt change the fact that in the deep south, white women have an even bigger preference for white men than in other areas of the nation (many love their country boys especially).

Not to mention that theres more social stigma to interracial dating in the south vs on the coasts of the USA. So given all this, people in the know are telling you itd work against you to move thousands of miles for some tail, especially when you live in a state that has areas where a minority fella can do just fine dating.
May 26, 2013
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I imagine OP as being one of those Indian kids that is nerdy looking and new to the game. Problem is that he is in Southern California, where only the top tier guys get laid. If he was to go to San Diego he might have somewhat better luck with Los Angeles? I have known guys that did well everywhere else go to Los Angeles and get left in the dust. The place is made to break men who aren't top tier or have their **** together. It is not because OP is Indian, it is because he is in one of the hardest places in the world to get laid if you don't have your **** together.

OP, take my advice, go to some state in the Midwest where like over 80 percent of the pop is White and work on improving yourself. Getting hot girls in California is playing the game on hard mode.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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I think it's about time OP showed us all what he looks like so we can make a fair assessment of what is really going on.

post your picture OP.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
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It's not the's his body. account...sense of humor...freaking stinky breath or something.

To move to another state for the purpose of so pathetic. It's like I'm trying to get 8s and 9s and I blame them for my failure and then only go for 2s and 3s.

So you're having a hard time...big deal.

Get buff...get some money...Some nice clothes. ..A positive frame of mind.

Don't bash California. It's a buffet of variety of girls here.
You say they don't like indians...then be the first sexy ass puck
Indian they ever laid eyes on ...

That's enough time wasted on this subject...what's ur next gripe?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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_sideways_ said:
It's not the's his body. account...sense of humor...freaking stinky breath or something.

To move to another state for the purpose of so pathetic. It's like I'm trying to get 8s and 9s and I blame them for my failure and then only go for 2s and 3s.

So you're having a hard time...big deal.

Get buff...get some money...Some nice clothes. ..A positive frame of mind.

Don't bash California. It's a buffet of variety of girls here.
You say they don't like indians...then be the first sexy ass puck
Indian they ever laid eyes on ...

That's enough time wasted on this subject...what's ur next gripe?
Actually that's not pathetic. You work out in order to get girls right? How is that different than moving to a different state? You're changing things to get girls in both scenarios. Me moving to another state is no big deal. I'm highly qualified and can get a good job anywhere. Fvck, it's much cheaper to live in Texas and you don't have to be a millionaire to buy a house so there are other benefits as well. Like I said, I had girls checking me out in Austin which has never happened to me in any city in California…SF, SJ, LA, SD.

I'm not really bashing CA…it's not bad if you're white or a celebrity. It's just not good for ME. And other Indian dudes.

I'm scrolling through Tinder right this moment … I will let you guys know if I get any lays.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
What's Harder?

What I'm trippin' off of is dude is an Cal alumnus. Once you get outside of the Ivies, Berkeley is one of the most prestigious schools in the country. I would dare say that getting into and graduating from (skinnyguy probably graduated with honors,) Cal is hellva lot HARDER than scoring chicks. Dude why don't use that same work ethic and attitude you used towards your course work to getting chicks. Potna has been up and down the state and still managed not to get some. Unbelivable. BTW, did indulge in coitus with the girl from Austin and do look like Bobby Jindal, the Governor of Louisiana?



Sep 11, 2013
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Man, a white version of me would be killing it in the south. I put in little to no effort to get the girls I usually pull. People/strangers always want to have small talk with me.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
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I'm not understanding all the hostility towards the OP. He's right, race does matter in certain areas/situations. People's views are complicated. I completely understand the OP wanting to move to give himself better options.

This thread reminds me of the time my friend, who is Mexican, took a girl (also Mexican), to see the movie "The Best Man." At the time, actor Morris Chestnut was a huge sex symbol in the black community. My friend was in shock when the women in the audience swooned when he appeared onscreen. I told him to think about it logically, is there really much of a difference between Morris and Brad Pitt?! He realized there wasn't.


Sep 11, 2013
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Jules_Winfield said:
I'm not understanding all the hostility towards the OP. He's right, race does matter in certain areas/situations. People's views are complicated. I completely understand the OP wanting to move to give himself better options.

This thread reminds me of the time my friend, who is Mexican, took a girl (also Mexican), to see the movie "The Best Man." At the time, actor Morris Chestnut was a huge sex symbol in the black community. My friend was in shock when the women in the audience swooned when he appeared onscreen. I told him to think about it logically, is there really much of a difference between Morris and Brad Pitt?! He realized there wasn't.
No, he is making an idiotic decision of leaving one of the most liberal parts of the country to the most backwards.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Dhoulmagus said:
No, he is making an idiotic decision of leaving one of the most liberal parts of the country to the most backwards.
Your argument was that being black in the south is suicide when it comes to women.

So you're saying that black Auburn football players don't get laid? LOL

You would do horrible in Cali. Chicks here want a millionaire who looks like Matt Damon.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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Sep 11, 2013
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skinnyguy said:
Your argument was that being black in the south is suicide when it comes to women.

So you're saying that black Auburn football players don't get laid? LOL

You would do horrible in Cali. Chicks here want a millionaire who looks like Matt Damon.
Literally less than .01 percent of the southern black population. San Francisco is a bad place to meet girls. Go down to LA, San Diego, and Arizona. Quit being picky on what advice to accept.
May 26, 2013
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Funny thing about the Auburn comment, I have heard from friends who have gone to SEC schools that a lot of the White frat boys and White football players get the Southern belles there, not the Black football players. With all that being said, I think OP might be better off in Texas or the south. The stigma is strong against Black men dating White women but I don't think that it would be as powerful against a Westernized Asian male who assimilates. Still need to max out the looks and know how to talk to women.

Being Brown or Asian in the bay area probably is a death sentence same way as it is in Toronto, assuming OP wants White girls. When there are too many people of your race in an area, you lose your appeal to other races. Put a Black guy in California and I am sure he will do amazing because there are not as many Black people in California.

OP, I will repeat it again, if it is White girls you want, go to the Whitest states such as Vermont or Wisconsin.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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OP I find it strange that you want to leave one of the most liberal, culturally diverse, and ethnically diverse areas in the USA for the state of Texas. One of the most conservative, white, culturally stringent areas in the USA. To find women that will want to date a Indian guy? Makes no sense. Texas would be one of the last places I would recommend for someone like you.

Good luck to you though.

FYI I live in the S Cal area.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
skinnyguy said:
you will never understand this because you are black.
See, that's where you got it twisted, I do understand. Rex understands like a :cuss: because (with the exception of race and being a Cal alum, REX WAS SKINNY GUY DURING HIS BITTER PHASE

Later, I'll address some the issues that skinny guy brought up, I can't right now because I should really be studying for the this ****ing accounting test, but right now, you've got to let go of this bitter :cuss:, it's only hindering you. Women are a lot of things, one of which is they're very INTUITIVE. They sense the the apprehension, lack of confidence and the negative energy that coming from you.

Also, you've had success before, (with some minor tweaking,) all you have to do to get laid in CA is do what you we're doing in FL. Finally, you're in the Bay dude. If you're serious, you need to contact Jeffy from RSD nation. Potna lives in San Francisco, I'd strongly suggest that you sign up for the next S.F. boot camp, or if you got the dough, reach out to Jeffy for personal instruction. At the end of the day, dude, you have to not feel like you're worthy and deserve the snow bunnies. You have to WANT the snow bunnies. Personally I feel that unless you look like the Governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, your problem with women mainly psychological. If Bobby Jindal can come up on a cute wife, I don't know why you can't.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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Maximus Rex said:
unless you look like the Governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, your problem with women mainly psychological. If Bobby Jindal can come up on a cute wife, I don't know why you can't.
^Indeed. And should the skinny one ever get to the bottom of these psychological issues he might find the reason that he is so attracted to snow bunnies is because of his hatred of his own kind/self.

Hence why it is so important to Fix oneself first. Once you do, the rest will take care of itself. It's all about Inner Game.
May 26, 2013
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I oppose telling a guy what he can be attracted to or can't. My preference is strictly for White, Latin, and mixed looking women, you can put a 10/10 that is not of my preference on my bed right now and it will still be disinterest from me. Never got why people get so up in arms the second any minority shows attraction to White women, its normal if you are growing up in America. Yet when a White guy talks about having Yellow Fever no one says a word. I like myself and am comfortable in my own skin but I would take a blonde bombshell over an exotic beauty anyday because that is just what I grew up finding attractive.

What I can't stand is the *****ing because not only is it annoying, it alienates a lot of people of your own race because they get insecure. OP lives in California, it takes a unique kind of guy to do well there, especially with White girls which he loves because they are far from the majority and not in demand. He should take my advice and move to some state like Idaho or Montana where almost all the women are White so he can have what he wants.


Sep 11, 2013
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Ambitious Player said:
Funny thing about the Auburn comment, I have heard from friends who have gone to SEC schools that a lot of the White frat boys and White football players get the Southern belles there, not the Black football players. With all that being said, I think OP might be better off in Texas or the south. The stigma is strong against Black men dating White women but I don't think that it would be as powerful against a Westernized Asian male who assimilates. Still need to max out the looks and know how to talk to women.

Being Brown or Asian in the bay area probably is a death sentence same way as it is in Toronto, assuming OP wants White girls. When there are too many people of your race in an area, you lose your appeal to other races. Put a Black guy in California and I am sure he will do amazing because there are not as many Black people in California.

OP, I will repeat it again, if it is White girls you want, go to the Whitest states such as Vermont or Wisconsin.
Black athletes at my SEC school get wh0res. Sure they might be a little better looking than the average wh0re, but they go through black football players like a knife through hot butter. I'm pretty sure guys on this site have a few misconceptions about southern belles. Even white trash *****s would consider themselves southern belles and try to imitate their fashion/lifestyles. I live in southern belle paradise....attractive, upper middle class/wealthy, sorority, conservative, antebellum south bearing, traditional white girls from the wealthiest parts of the state. These girls wouldn't want to be seen dating a minority even if you were Tiger Woods. They might change once they are out of college and away from their groupthink paradise, but you are more likely to hook up with a female kkk sympathizer than one of these girls. You are not in the game with any of these girls regardless of who you are.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Ambitious Player said:
Yet when a White guy talks about having Yellow Fever no one says a word.

Look I never said I'm not working on myself. I know I'm not Channing Tatum.
I'm trying to get into tip top shape and working to improve my social circle game. But it is an uphill battle. Rex - do you think I'm stupid enough to drop 5k on a PUA bootcamp?