How easy is it to pull hotties in Texas?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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I decided to make this its own thread. I'm thinking of maybe moving there eventually.

Out in Cali, the dating game is pretty much trash. More guys than girls, and the girls are sucking off all the white guys while minorities like me have to settle for fatties.

I heard that in Texas, if you're a minority you can be considered exotic. Anything is better than the West Coast of course.

Who here is from Texas and can give me some perspective on this? I love Southern belles. Much more down to earth and DTF.


Apr 9, 2010
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Depends where in Texas. Austin might be the city you're looking for as it's the most liberal.

I live in Houston and the women here are hot as fuk, but I haven't been on my A-Game lately so I can't tell you much about them.

But if you're a minority, then I would stay away from conservative, confederate white girls.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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What makes you think a Texan woman is going to be more open to an Indian than a Californian woman?

Besides, it's not your race per se, OP, but your mentality that is more likely not working for you.

skinnyguy said:
Jaylan gets it.

Indian guys are unattractive, unathletic, nerdy, have no social skills, and are overall undesirable to women who want alphas (99% of the population). They are the male equivalent of black women. And yes, I'm Indian.

Any questions?
^ this kind of mentality is going work against you whether you're in California, Texas, New York or the moon.

Check out the new Cobra beer campaign. It stars a really cool Indian guy who is everything but what you described:
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Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
Your Delusional Bruh

skinnyguy said:
I decided to make this its own thread. I'm thinking of maybe moving there eventually.

Out in Cali, the dating game is pretty much trash. More guys than girls, and the girls are sucking off all the white guys while minorities like me have to settle for fatties.

I heard that in Texas, if you're a minority you can be considered exotic. Anything is better than the West Coast of course.

Who here is from Texas and can give me some perspective on this? I love Southern belles. Much more down to earth and DTF.
So you're going from the most liberal state in the union, to a more conservative state, (that arguably has more racial hang ups,) and the women are more inclined to stick to their own racial and ethic groups in hopes of increasing your chances of success? :confused: Really, bruh.:confused:

Your perpetual crying and whining is an ever increasing nuisance on the board.
Seriously, how often do you even approach women? Because if you're approaching at least three chicks a day in sincere honest attempt to number close, then you're not serious potna. There's not "magic formula" to this. The only way you get better, is through introspection, reflection, taking the advice of others, implementing the advice, and months practice, practice, and practice. It seems becoming ever increasing clear that you're unwilling to endure the learning curve.

Again, using myself as example. Rex is sprung on "T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.," (in other words he has a severe case of oneitis concerning this chick.) Rex has done everything possible get this chick's to return his affections, but alas it was to no avail.

Concerning "T.H.Y.C.E.A.C." has only two viable solutions

1) Continue to sit here yearning and wishing for "T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.," to have an epiphany and realize that she wants to mess with Rex.

2) Get out in the field and find a chick hotter and slimmer than "T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.," that wants to be with him.

Considering that as Rex is literally experiencing Option One and it sucks, Rex's only option is #2.

The fact of the matter is deep down inside you don't feel as if you're worthy enough to have hot women in your life. You have to conquer you're own feelings of self loathing and lack of entitlement before a chick even begins to find you attractive.

On another point, arranged marriages are part of your culture, why don't you do that route it will make your life easier.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
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You got to fix your attitude before you move anywhere.

I live in Canada. Cali has as many people in that one state as my whole country has and I find manage to find woman. You are telling me in a state of 38 million + people all you can find are fatties?

Step your game up man, stop being so negative. I have a lot of brown friends here who are successful with all type of women from different races.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
A friend of mine who moved to Orange County CA says that he's never gotten laid so easy. So many guys are gay that it throws off the male:female ratio.

The hottest women in the south are at college football games. A&M, TCU, UT, Baylor, there are a ton of big schools in TX.

I worked in Macon Georgia with an Indian guy. He got plenty of interest from women when we went out. But he tended to reject them because he didn't want to embarrass his family by dating a non-Indian woman. He later moved to NYC and married a hot Indian girl.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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i knew this guy was the indian race troll all along


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2014
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Houston, TX
I live in Houston, so believe me when I say: you are the same you in Texas that you are in California.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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sylvester the cat said:
What makes you think a Texan woman is going to be more open to an Indian than a Californian woman?

Besides, it's not your race per se, OP, but your mentality that is more likely not working for you.

^ this kind of mentality is going work against you whether you're in California, Texas, New York or the moon.

Check out the new Cobra beer campaign. It stars a really cool Indian guy who is everything but what you described:

Actually is BECAUSE of California women that im bitter. When I was in Orlando I had white women lookin at me left and right. So the truth is there are regional differences whether you admit it or not.

Rex- it's counterintuitive. Cali is less liberal than the south when it comes to dating. Here women throw me in to the "nerdy engineering fob" stereotype even though I'm none of those things. In places with fewer minorities, the women are less hostile because they don't know the stereotype.


Sep 11, 2013
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You live in a liberal state!!! Go to an area that doesnt have that many black guys because they will your ruin your image. White girls do not like overly aggressive cat calling men and this is what most black guys do. This raises their bish shield tremendously. Stay out of the south too! Theres a reason your ancestors migrated to Cali. I have a bunch of family that lives up north and out west and we never hear from them. They never take any initiative to come down to visit our family and i sure as hell dont blame them.


Sep 11, 2013
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Bible_Belt said:
A friend of mine who moved to Orange County CA says that he's never gotten laid so easy. So many guys are gay that it throws off the male:female ratio.

The hottest women in the south are at college football games. A&M, TCU, UT, Baylor, there are a ton of big schools in TX.

I worked in Macon Georgia with an Indian guy. He got plenty of interest from women when we went out. But he tended to reject them because he didn't want to embarrass his family by dating a non-Indian woman. He later moved to NYC and married a hot Indian girl.
Yessss, the hottest girls flock around the sec schools. The hot ones usually date within their hometown or are sluts and will fvck any wannabe country boy


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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It doesn't matter what state or country you are in, if you lack the certain qualities that hot women are looking for, you will always have to take the leftover scraps. When your inner self is beta and you never made anythng of yourself, don't expect to get quality women of any kind.

Skinnyguy, you seem to be lying in your threads. You said you had a 9 in one thread, and now you only settle for fatties. You also claimed to have been in a bar fight on a date then went solo looking for women. What's up with that?

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
It's All on You, Bruh

skinnyguy said:
Actually is BECAUSE of California women that im bitter. When I was in Orlando I had white women lookin at me left and right. So the truth is there are regional differences whether you admit it or not.
Bruh, before I address the issues that you've brought forth, where actually are in in California? NorCal? SoCal? The Central Valley? Listening to how you tell it, you're making it sound like you're either in Truckee or Crescent City.

skinnyguy said:
Rex- it's counterintuitive. Cali is less liberal than the south when it comes to dating.
Dude, I'm from California, (the Bay Area,) and I know cats from L.A. California is not less liberal the South. Even in these terms even the areas in the South are are conservative in regards to dating are probably smaller rural areas that you don't want to be in anyway.

Dhoulmagus said:
White girls do not like overly aggressive cat calling men and this is what most black guys do. This raises their bish shield tremendously.
Listen, bruh, NO WOMAN LIKES MEN THAT OVERLY AGGRESSIVE AND CAT CALLS THEM! Unless of course they like the dude. Dude, the South is probably the easiest place in the country to score chicks. This isn't the 1950's dude. White chicks love the brothers, especially Southern ones. Don't you watch Maury or Jerry Springer? If you can't come up thick Southern belle Scarlett O'Hara snow bunnies, it's not an issue of race, it's and issue of your game. By the way, I saw your picture in the picture, so you can't blame your looks. No homo.

skinnyguy said:
Here women throw me in to the "nerdy," engineering fob" stereotype
That's you're problem. Isn't because you're an Indian, skinny, in California or because you lack money or separated from birth from Channing Tatum. It's because you're a "NERD" and you're displaying negative NERD CHARACTERISTICS! The lack of confidence, deference to women, hesitancy in your game, being emotional, a lack of entitlement, assuming things will go wrong, talking about things women aren't interested in, etc. Once you stop displaying negative nerd characteristics, then your luck will change.

skinnyguy said:
im bitter.
And this is why you fail.


Sep 11, 2013
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I will admit, places like the metro area of Nashville are good, but it is still not worth it. My advice would be to wife up in a liberal state with a hottie and move to Nashville or something. That's my plan lol. Yes, the south has high intermarriage race between black males and white females, but nine times out of ten the woman is trash tier. My dad has scored a nurse, doctor, and a phd, but they were all from up north somewhere lol. No matter how much money a black man has here, the southern belles will never give them a chance. I grew up in a wealthy area in Memphis, Tn and I'm in a fraternity at a sec school, and I have never witnessed this ever in my life. Southern belles pretty much exclusively cling to guys from their home town unless they are sluts.

What's funny is that I had a black friend from hometown come up to one of our fraternity parties. He was determined to score a hot white southern belle and I was like good luck chuck. The first round of girls show up and he's pretty much drooling. The girls pretty much ignore him and he is like I'm not giving up yet. Midway through the party, he's outside smoking a cig and "I ask him how has it been". He pretty much says, "You were right bro, how do you take this shvt?"

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
This thread is a large troll gathering. Especially when seeing Skinnyguy and Dhoulmagus in here and that's coming from a black guy who lives in Texas. I don't even know why I'm taking a minute out of my time to even respond to the thread.

The game is generally the same no matter where you go in the US. If you suck in California then you're most likely are going to suck in Texas too.


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Gray The Prince said:
This thread is a large troll gathering. Especially when seeing Skinnyguy and Dhoulmagus in here and that's coming from a black guy who lives in Texas. I don't even know why I'm taking a minute out of my time to even respond to the thread.

The game is generally the same no matter where you go in the US. If you suck in California then you're most likely are going to suck in Texas too.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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skinnyguy said:
Actually is BECAUSE of California women that im bitter. When I was in Orlando I had white women lookin at me left and right. So the truth is there are regional differences whether you admit it or not.
oh yeah, cause im sure once you move to TX or florida you are going to be getting lots of pssy all of a sudden

skinnyguy said:
Rex- it's counterintuitive. Cali is less liberal than the south when it comes to dating. Here women throw me in to the "nerdy engineering fob" stereotype even though I'm none of those things. In places with fewer minorities, the women are less hostile because they don't know the stereotype.
women just dont find you attractive


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
I used to live in Houston.

I tend to think the discrimination level is MUCH HIGHER there due to the huge influx of Mexicans and Vietnamese (bad voodoo history with the whiteys in shrimping business). People in that area, or for most of Texas - heavily discriminates against the minority because almost everything is posted in Spanish AND English when you go to Texas. That gets a bit irritating to the native English speakers and builds/grows some levels of resentment in the general population.

Funnily, I also lived in San Francisco, California area before moving overseas to Europe. I find there is much less racial tension (but U.S. as a whole is really phucked up racially speaking and discrimination compared to Europe).



Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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You guys think Cali is soooo liberal that's a huge joke. People here are way more racist to guys like me and the white men are having sex with 90% of women. I was getting more play in Florida than here, prolly cause the girls are way less snooty. Cali chicks are the absolute worst bc of how entitled they are. Women in Texas are down to earth and less gold digging. Rex - I live in the Bay Area which is the worst place in the nation for me to live in terms of dating. you will never understand this because you are black.