How do you handle these Girls?


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Okay fellow DJs, I want to know your thoughts on the center of attention/ flirty girls. I have a girl like this at my work, and she flirts with almost every guy at my work. I mean she's hot and "seems" to like me (along with every other guy in the place), but what do you Djs do about girls like this? Are they worth the time, or do they just have incredibly low self-esteems and need to be the center of attention? I know everyone has met at least one girl like this.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
they do have low self esteem and need constant approval from others.

i wouldnt bother wasting my time with these types. even tho ur going out w/her or become bf/gf, what makes u think she wont flirt with the next guy down the street?


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Good point. But, for future reference, is there any way to attract girls like this, i.e. doing the opposite and showing them little attention?


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
Bottom line is that it's best to avoid these women, but it's difficult because they are usually hot, so you want them. The only thing you can do is prepare to get burned if you decide to play with the fire.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2004
Reaction score
Chico, CA during school, and Irivine off-school
Originally posted by ScrewIt
they do have low self esteem and need constant approval from others.

i wouldnt bother wasting my time with these types. even tho ur going out w/her or become bf/gf, what makes u think she wont flirt with the next guy down the street?

But isnt this the same as a DJ? whats wrong with a female DJ? a don juanette? If i'm not mistaken, DJ's flirt with a lot of women and think highly of themselves, are confident in getting women, so whats wrong with a woman doing the same thing? Its like you're saying that a woman doing what you're doing is a bad thing. Maybe she doenst want to settle down, and just have fun like the next DJ wants to do. Chew on that.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension
I don't know why did you get this idea of Djs being "attention wh0res"!


1. Djs are not seeking approval;
2. Djs have good self-steem;
3. Djs dont need constant attention;
4. Djs dont have/need a lot of female "friends";
5. Djs have control of their life and emotions.

And so on...


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lordlaxative
Good point. But, for future reference, is there any way to attract girls like this, i.e. doing the opposite and showing them little attention?
Exactly, don't do what the others do and tell her how hot she is, blah, blah. Bust on her, call her a little brat, etc. Make her work for your attention, not the other way around.


New Member
Dec 10, 2003
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Originally posted by Lordlaxative
Good point. But, for future reference, is there any way to attract girls like this, i.e. doing the opposite and showing them little attention?
Simple, you bring other chicks into the equation. As soon as you introduce competition or USE her to pick up other chicks, you'll get some serious attraction.



Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
Attention H0s aren't that bad.

They probably had a childhood where they were neglected from parents or where boys didn't think she was pretty so she had to be more aggressive about it. They're usually the types who had bad fathers who neglected them.

That is their outside apperance that they seek constant attention. What they're seeking for is a guy that gives them the "right" attention. (ie. Father Figure.)

I've seen AW with boyfriends and the boyfriends are usually the strong/silent type while their gf run around the room flirting. I guess only those types can emotionally handle these wild women.


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
This is actually my case also... There is a cute chick at my work who is an attention hoe.. I've noticed that girls like this are hard to break. Be prepare for a long journey.. I'm a bit hesitant to pursue because of the high maintenance involved... It seems like what ever hard work you did to attract them you must keep it up, because they will dog you as soon as you let your guard down... This is what I’ve done to attract attention hoes... Its sad... but it worked for me...

How to attract...
1. You must always have a rude attitude.. Call them names etc..
2. Never.. i repeat... never do anything nice or AFCish..
3. Have a mind set that they are or will be talking to other guys.
4. Never get jealous on the stupid things they do... Brush it off..
5. You have to make them work for you... Reward them for doing a correct behavior and ignore them when they are not.
6. Don't hang around them too much.. Call them only 1-2 a week.
7. break dates and make up the next date the most incredible date she ever had...
8. compliment them a little...!
9. have a strong mind set because this relationship is not long term.... DO NOT FALL IN LOVE....!! that is the key... a break up is inevitable.....! HAVE THIS MIND SET FROM THE BEGINNING.!
10. Study her what she likes and dislikes... do the opposite..
11. If things don't work after this then... you didn't loose a thing.
12. She must know from the beginning you are not a guy that puts up with games...
13. Be prepare to work this for 1 – 2 months before you go out on first date..

Keep in mind you are the prize not her..! She is single because she gets bored with her bf... So you have to make sure you are constantly on your feet and your game is in check 100% of the time.. The minute you lay off she will send you through the worst emotional rollercoaster of your life! You actually have to treat them like Sh!T every day....

Once you got them...
If you want to have a long term relationship then you must dominate them completely... 24/7.. You have to make them feel worthless. Always have the put out or get out attitude... Never show them your emotions... If your pissed. hang up or walk away.. It will drive them insane...! Self control is the key..

The way i look at it is this..... I think in order to become a true DJ you must go through torture and do exactly as stated above. It will make you a man because a girl like that isn't going to broken in without a hard fight.. This is going to make you or break you..
its hard...
But i like a tough challenge.... I recommend every guy to go through on of this... LOL... maybe two..


Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2002
Reaction score
If you can do what Lordlaxative said then got for it. And remember to not catch any feelings for her. Thats a big no no. From my expiriences these kind of girls are "loose" so be careful.

But isnt this the same as a DJ? whats wrong with a female DJ? a don juanette? If i'm not mistaken, DJ's flirt with a lot of women and think highly of themselves, are confident in getting women, so whats wrong with a woman doing the same thing? Its like you're saying that a woman doing what you're doing is a bad thing. Maybe she doenst want to settle down, and just have fun like the next DJ wants to do. Chew on that. But isnt this the same as a DJ? whats wrong with a female DJ? a don juanette? If i'm not mistaken, DJ's flirt with a lot of women and think highly of themselves, are confident in getting women, so whats wrong with a woman doing the same thing? Its like

There are many things wrong with it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by dirtymexican
This is actually my case also... There is a cute chick at my work who is an attention hoe.. I've noticed that girls like this are hard to break. Be prepare for a long journey.. I'm a bit hesitant to pursue because of the high maintenance involved... It seems like what ever hard work you did to attract them you must keep it up, because they will dog you as soon as you let your guard down... This is what I’ve done to attract attention hoes... Its sad... but it worked for me...

How to attract...
1. You must always have a rude attitude.. Call them names etc..
2. Never.. i repeat... never do anything nice or AFCish..
3. Have a mind set that they are or will be talking to other guys.
4. Never get jealous on the stupid things they do... Brush it off..
5. You have to make them work for you... Reward them for doing a correct behavior and ignore them when they are not.
6. Don't hang around them too much.. Call them only 1-2 a week.
7. break dates and make up the next date the most incredible date she ever had...
8. compliment them a little...!
9. have a strong mind set because this relationship is not long term.... DO NOT FALL IN LOVE....!! that is the key... a break up is inevitable.....! HAVE THIS MIND SET FROM THE BEGINNING.!
10. Study her what she likes and dislikes... do the opposite..
11. If things don't work after this then... you didn't loose a thing.
12. She must know from the beginning you are not a guy that puts up with games...
13. Be prepare to work this for 1 – 2 months before you go out on first date..

Keep in mind you are the prize not her..! She is single because she gets bored with her bf... So you have to make sure you are constantly on your feet and your game is in check 100% of the time.. The minute you lay off she will send you through the worst emotional rollercoaster of your life! You actually have to treat them like Sh!T every day....

Once you got them...
If you want to have a long term relationship then you must dominate them completely... 24/7.. You have to make them feel worthless. Always have the put out or get out attitude... Never show them your emotions... If your pissed. hang up or walk away.. It will drive them insane...! Self control is the key..

The way i look at it is this..... I think in order to become a true DJ you must go through torture and do exactly as stated above. It will make you a man because a girl like that isn't going to broken in without a hard fight.. This is going to make you or break you..
its hard...
But i like a tough challenge.... I recommend every guy to go through on of this... LOL... maybe two..
this is all good for somebody who's looking for a girl they can screw and have fun with until they find a better one.

but what about the people that want the relationship to become a long term? you don't want your parents genes to goto the grave with you do you?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
I have seen this once but it was the guys going to see her because she was good looking and flirty. She worked right beside my place of work so the guys from my work would go over there. I just ignored her... LOL and guy was i guess i came off as mysterious because of it and then she started to test me... She had a boyfriend and was making moves on me and i didnt even realize it until it was too late... Maybe that was good because i didnt give in.. Then one night she was like let's hang out tomorrow. Something i didnt see coming because she had a boyfriend(although in a long term relationship). Well i messed that up because i fell for her too fast i believe. and her interest level started to dwindle. that was a year ago though and i have learned a little since then.

I ignored the flirty girl to an extent... Although i did make eye contact a couple times while the other guys were hitting on her. I believe doing that just made me come off as mysterious ito an extent i think.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
And please, just watch an episode of Sex and the City. Those women are female DJs. And there is nothing wrong with a woman doing what men do.
You couldn't be more wrong, but you're still young, so you don't know any better. Real women don't chase d!ck like Kim Cattrall's character. They have guys lined up after them, and they pick and chose which one they'll be with. A girl that throws away an advantage like that by sleeping with every guy that crosses her way (i.e. Kim Cattrall/female DJ), throws away the one thing that gives her value, and sells herself short.

I don't understand how you can model your life after Sex in the City characters, when the whole concept of the show is that they are flawed characters and their own worst enemies. I was watching a couple of episodes with this girl I'm seeing, and in one of them, Kim Cattrall's character has the flu, and her window curtain falls off and she starts calling every guy she has slept with to help her put it back on, and none of them come.

Then she calls Sarah Jessica Parker and starts telling her how men are scum and that all they only use her for sex. NO SH!T, REALLY? If you open your legs for every sleazeball's d!ck, you will win their lust, but you'll never win their respect.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2004
Reaction score
Chico, CA during school, and Irivine off-school
like i said, still with the lame double-standard? so its ok for men to sleep around, but not women? how does that work out? so how do you feel about the women you sleep with that you aren't in a relationship with? if you think of them as sluts, then you're a sleazeball like you describe in your post.

FYI, i'm in a serious monogamous relationship. Just because i dont find anything wrong with women doing as men do in the single world, doesn't mean I do it. I dont model my life around the sex and the city characters, and if you actually watched the show, you'd know that Samantha (kim cattrall) is the only one who is that promiscuous. Carrie (sarah jessica parker) is looking for a partner, for a guy she can settle down with and the same with Charlotte. Miranda (the redhead) is an independant woman who believes that she doesnt need men to make her happy and therefore doesn't see a reason to settle down, but also isnt as promiscuous as Samantha.

So lets make this clear: A female DJ sells herself short and gives up any value she has by being a female DJ but a male DJ still has self-worth and doesn't sell himself short. How does that work?


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
I'm not saying that there isn't a double standard. I'm saying that whining about a double standard is like whining about taxes. You can whine about it all you want, but it wont go away, so you may as well learn to coexist with it. You're not gonna convince men to respect girls that open their legs for every a$$hole that crosses their line of sight. Your complaints will always fall on deaf ears.

A female DJ sells herself short and gives up any value she has by being a female DJ but a male DJ still has self-worth and doesn't sell himself short. How does that work?
1.) It's a social norm for most of the world's cultures for men to pursue women, and for women to pick and chose which one of their pursuers they will stay with. That's why men have millions of sperm cells, and you have one egg. Men compete for women, it's in our nature.

2.) If we know that a woman chases and pursues men, it tells us that she has no men pursuing her. Because if she had guys pursuing her, she wouldn't resort to to pursuing guys. If she has no men after her, it means that something is wrong with her. because men are ALWAYS after women. If something is wrong with her, it means she has no value. I can't make it anymore simple.

3.) If a man pursues a woman, he's doing what society expects him to do, he's working within the social norm.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2004
Reaction score
Chico, CA during school, and Irivine off-school
Originally posted by MindOverMatter
1.) It's a social norm for most of the world's cultures for men to pursue women, and for women to pick and chose which one of their pursuers they will stay with. That's why men have millions of sperm cells, and you have one egg. Men compete for women, it's in our nature.
Well since you put it that way, i agree. I thought you meant that women who pursued men were purely sluts. But one thing you left out: Men that tirelessly pursue women left and right and never settle down are sluts as well. They wh0re themselves out to women so they can feel in control. You might not agree, but thats how i feel about promiscuous men.

But read up on your female anatomy! Women dont have ONE egg! we have thousands! the only difference between sperm cells and ova is that men constantly make sperm cells while women are born with the number of ova, and the ones she will carry for the rest of her life. Thats why women go through menopause, thats when she runs out of eggs and cant have her monthy cycle anymore.

But in all honesty, there is nothing wrong in my mind of a woman taking control and being aggressive. It may not be the societal norm, but it is starting to shift. Some men now prefer for them to be pursued by women so they dont have to do all the work. And some women dont want to sit around and wait for Mr Right and want to find him on their own. But then again, your arguement makes women seem superior to men in that its up to US to decide who our mates are, whether we are the pursuers or the pursuees. You cannot carry a baby, therefore you must have a woman present to make a baby with. Women, on the other hand, do not need a physical man in their presence to have a baby. We can go down to the local sperm bank and off to the local IVF clinic and have the doctors there fertilize the sperm and egg cells and have them implanted in us. So i guess we pretty much win no matter what. We have our sperm banks, and our vibrators, so what it all boils down to is that we only need men for their sperm. And occasional company.

Don't think that i'm a man-hater or anything. I'm in a relationship right now and i wouldnt trade it for the single life that i speak of ever. I just feel that men shouldn't feel superior to women, and that women shouldn't feel superior to men and that there should be a feeling of equality among the sexes. Men need women to carry their offspring, (and to cook and clean and to take care of them) and women need men to be the provider, for companionship and to be a father to their children. Its all equal.