Originally posted by MindOverMatter
1.) It's a social norm for most of the world's cultures for men to pursue women, and for women to pick and chose which one of their pursuers they will stay with. That's why men have millions of sperm cells, and you have one egg. Men compete for women, it's in our nature.
Well since you put it that way, i agree. I thought you meant that women who pursued men were purely sluts. But one thing you left out: Men that tirelessly pursue women left and right and never settle down are sluts as well. They wh0re themselves out to women so they can feel in control. You might not agree, but thats how i feel about promiscuous men.
But read up on your female anatomy! Women dont have ONE egg! we have thousands! the only difference between sperm cells and ova is that men constantly make sperm cells while women are born with the number of ova, and the ones she will carry for the rest of her life. Thats why women go through menopause, thats when she runs out of eggs and cant have her monthy cycle anymore.
But in all honesty, there is nothing wrong in my mind of a woman taking control and being aggressive. It may not be the societal norm, but it is starting to shift. Some men now prefer for them to be pursued by women so they dont have to do all the work. And some women dont want to sit around and wait for Mr Right and want to find him on their own. But then again, your arguement makes women seem superior to men in that its up to US to decide who our mates are, whether we are the pursuers or the pursuees. You cannot carry a baby, therefore you must have a woman present to make a baby with. Women, on the other hand, do not need a physical man in their presence to have a baby. We can go down to the local sperm bank and off to the local IVF clinic and have the doctors there fertilize the sperm and egg cells and have them implanted in us. So i guess we pretty much win no matter what. We have our sperm banks, and our vibrators, so what it all boils down to is that we only need men for their sperm. And occasional company.
Don't think that i'm a man-hater or anything. I'm in a relationship right now and i wouldnt trade it for the single life that i speak of ever. I just feel that men shouldn't feel superior to women, and that women shouldn't feel superior to men and that there should be a feeling of equality among the sexes. Men need women to carry their offspring, (and to cook and clean and to take care of them) and women need men to be the provider, for companionship and to be a father to their children. Its all equal.