Master Don Juan
i hate to keep reffering back to richard dawkins, but he has half a chapter reffering to nothign but Enstien. Enstien was what is called an Pantheist.
Pantheists don't believe in a supernatural God at all, but use the word God as a nonsupernatural synonym for Nature, or for the Universe, or for the
lawfulness that governs its workings.
Enstien has been quoted as saying:
I don't try to imagine a personal God; it suffices to
stand in awe at the structure of the world, insofar as it
allows our inadequate senses to appreciate it
It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious
convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I
do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied
this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me
which can be called religious then it is the unbounded
admiration for the structure of the world so far as our
science can reveal it.
I am a deeply religious nonbeliever. This is a somewhat
new kind of religion.
the jewish faith basically disowned him...
'It is sad to see a man, who comes from the race of the Old Testament and its teaching, deny the great tradition of that race.
one rabbi was quoted as saying
a lawyer,a roman catholic wrote hiim after he claimed he did not believe in a personal god saying
We deeply regret that you made your statement . . . in
which you ridicule the idea of a personal God. In the past
ten years nothing has been so calculated to make people
think that Hitler had some reason to expel the Jews from
Germany as your statement. Conceding your right to free
speech, I still say that your statement constitutes you as
one of the greatest sources of discord in America.
We respect your learning, Dr Einstein; but there is one
thing you do not seem to have learned: that God is a spirit
and cannot be found through the telescope or microscope,
no more than human thought or emotion can be found by
analyzing the brain. As everyone knows, religion is based
on Faith, not knowledge. Every thinking person, perhaps,
is assailed at times with religious doubt. My own faith has
wavered many a time. But I never told anyone of my
spiritual aberrations for two reasons: (1) I feared that I
might, by mere suggestion, disturb and damage the life
and hopes of some fellow being; (2) because I agree with
the writer who said, 'There is a mean streak in anyone
who will destroy another's faith.' . . . I hope, Dr Einstein,
that you were misquoted and that you will yet say something
more pleasing to the vast number of the American
people who delight to do you honor.
and he got this one from the university of oaklahoma
Professor Einstein, I believe that every Christian in
America will answer you, 'We will not give up our belief
in our God and his son Jesus Christ, but we invite you, if
you do not believe in the God of the people of this nation,
to go back where you came from.' I have done everything
in my power to be a blessing to Israel, and then you come
along and with one statement from your blasphemous
tongue, do more to hurt the cause of your people than all
the efforts of the Christians who love Israel can do to
stamp out anti-Semitism in our land. Professor Einstein,
every Christian in America will immediately reply to you,
'Take your crazy, fallacious theory of evolution and go
back to Germany where you came from, or stop trying to
break down the faith of a people who gave you a welcome
when you were forced to flee your native land.'
God does not play dice' which is one of his more famous quotes (that thiests try to pin on him as a believer in a higher power) should be translated as 'Randomness does not lie at the heart of all things.
I hope that clears up any misconception about him being a theist... i just get erked when people try to say something he was. I'd be peeved if I died and someone said I was a religion I wasn't
Pantheists don't believe in a supernatural God at all, but use the word God as a nonsupernatural synonym for Nature, or for the Universe, or for the
lawfulness that governs its workings.
Enstien has been quoted as saying:
I don't try to imagine a personal God; it suffices to
stand in awe at the structure of the world, insofar as it
allows our inadequate senses to appreciate it
It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious
convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I
do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied
this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me
which can be called religious then it is the unbounded
admiration for the structure of the world so far as our
science can reveal it.
I am a deeply religious nonbeliever. This is a somewhat
new kind of religion.
the jewish faith basically disowned him...
'It is sad to see a man, who comes from the race of the Old Testament and its teaching, deny the great tradition of that race.
one rabbi was quoted as saying
a lawyer,a roman catholic wrote hiim after he claimed he did not believe in a personal god saying
We deeply regret that you made your statement . . . in
which you ridicule the idea of a personal God. In the past
ten years nothing has been so calculated to make people
think that Hitler had some reason to expel the Jews from
Germany as your statement. Conceding your right to free
speech, I still say that your statement constitutes you as
one of the greatest sources of discord in America.
We respect your learning, Dr Einstein; but there is one
thing you do not seem to have learned: that God is a spirit
and cannot be found through the telescope or microscope,
no more than human thought or emotion can be found by
analyzing the brain. As everyone knows, religion is based
on Faith, not knowledge. Every thinking person, perhaps,
is assailed at times with religious doubt. My own faith has
wavered many a time. But I never told anyone of my
spiritual aberrations for two reasons: (1) I feared that I
might, by mere suggestion, disturb and damage the life
and hopes of some fellow being; (2) because I agree with
the writer who said, 'There is a mean streak in anyone
who will destroy another's faith.' . . . I hope, Dr Einstein,
that you were misquoted and that you will yet say something
more pleasing to the vast number of the American
people who delight to do you honor.
and he got this one from the university of oaklahoma
Professor Einstein, I believe that every Christian in
America will answer you, 'We will not give up our belief
in our God and his son Jesus Christ, but we invite you, if
you do not believe in the God of the people of this nation,
to go back where you came from.' I have done everything
in my power to be a blessing to Israel, and then you come
along and with one statement from your blasphemous
tongue, do more to hurt the cause of your people than all
the efforts of the Christians who love Israel can do to
stamp out anti-Semitism in our land. Professor Einstein,
every Christian in America will immediately reply to you,
'Take your crazy, fallacious theory of evolution and go
back to Germany where you came from, or stop trying to
break down the faith of a people who gave you a welcome
when you were forced to flee your native land.'
God does not play dice' which is one of his more famous quotes (that thiests try to pin on him as a believer in a higher power) should be translated as 'Randomness does not lie at the heart of all things.
I hope that clears up any misconception about him being a theist... i just get erked when people try to say something he was. I'd be peeved if I died and someone said I was a religion I wasn't