How can I get over my negative opinions of black girls?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
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Thanks for the link speakeasy. It was very informative. Still, I wonder if he was exaggerating a bit to make his point.

He admitted that it was possible he was reading too much into things:

A white man placed a bag on the vacant seat next to me and continued to stand. I wondered why he didn't sit. And then I asked myself if I was looking for things that weren't really there
Also, one has to keep in mind that he was apparently traveling to one of the most racist places imaginable. The amount of racism a black man would experience in a small town in Georgia is hardly typical of all white people.

Even so, if even half of it is accurate, it's still eye opening.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2009
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Black girls? Just get really drunk before you look at them


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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ElStud said:
Well I'm black and what I've seen from growing, has given me very negative opinions about black women and dating. See when I went to school most of the black women fit into the stereotypes. You know, loud and ghetto basically.
Since you brought it up and you're black, may I ask whyTF is your race so loud? There are few things louder than 4-6 blacks loitering outside your window. Used to have that happen back when I lived in an apartment and damn, if a black couple didn't move in right next to me, and they occasionally do the same thing.

Seriously, I can listen in detail to an entire black conversation with the window closed and on a 2nd floor.

I couldnt handle the volume either so I don't blame you. My ears are sensitive.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
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I'm black myself but have a rather unique classy style of attire myself and whenever i see a poorly dressed ghetto loud mouth nigg@ H0e i don't even give'em a second glance.

My take on dating black chicks go for the "classy, sexy, preppy or sophisticated ones". In other words don't even bother with the low quality "I'm black and fit the typical ignorant stereotype" women but instead Aim for higher quality yourself.

Thats the advice i've followed and to this date the only "black date" i had was junior yr in high school at homecoming with this classy, sophisticated and rich black chick.

To bad i was more concerned with getting F|_|cked up and ditched her only to get money stolen from me by a "convict" who i thought was a friend lol. Different story though! LMAO Then again n those days my "Aloofness" got the better of me. It's quite different now however.

It's also quite apparent to me that I am more attracted to classy and preppy women of all nature as they are to me(like minded thoughts Law of Attraction BTW). Primarily in america for example that mold fits a typical suburban raised white women. Now I'm not saying I'm opposed but i am saying what most of the people here can't see. It's not so much that it's black, white or Mexican but more less their attraction. Obviously looks are important but so is how a women carries herself.

Unfortunately the average black women is perceived as loud and ignorant. And the average white women is perceived as soft spoken and modest. Obviously these are just average stats and they can vary to extreme wings on either side IE White trash and classy black chicks etc. I know for me personally and i would think it's safe to say that most men prefer a classy, modest and beautiful women as opposed to a trashy, ignorant and ugly lady. Regardless of color if i found you low quality your low quality.

I do prefer Caucasian tone women however, which is not limited to American women. Personally i prefer foreign women who have some culture in their life and aren't as misinformed as the "typical American" European, Czech, French, etc but not limited to women of Latin nature being Dominican, Italian, Brazilian Etc. Pretty much IT'S HIGH QUALITY WOMEN. If a "man" won't date a women who he finds attractive merely on the perception that he will receive from others( white man black chick) or whatever the case may be he really isn't a man but a wimp

Now if it's HIS PERSONAL PREFERENCE to only date a certain color i still think it's kind of silly but in the end it's his choice. Truth be told though i think high quality men should date high quality women bottom line. If you consider yourself a gentlemen don't deal with the bottom feeders unless she has potential to be a Classy lady.


Feb 10, 2005
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speakeasy said:
At this point, it's like arguing with a brick wall. You simply can't believe that ANY white woman would date a guy who is black for reasons that have nothing to do with race. You are so racist that you can't even see such a thing as a genuine interaction between whites and blacks that isn't overshadowed by racial drama. You are one demented individual. I just went mountain climbing over the weekend with a group of 3 whites. One of them male, 2 of them female. You know what, we had a blast together. And guess what, the subject of race, or anything even remotely attached to it never came up. We just went to camp, scale a mountain, share some stories around the campfire and have a good time. WTF did race have to play into anything? Why do you insist that you cannot have any genuine connection between a black and white without race having something to do with it??
I feel like I'm talking to brick wall too. I can be friends and hang out with black people. But being sexually/romatically interested in them or in girls who are is a different matter.

That percentage is the very much the minority. They've done polls on stuff like this before. And I don't think the percentage that would be willing is anymore than 25%. Now keep in mind, when people poll, they tend to give answers that are political correct, so if only 25% said yes, you can assume the number is probably lower in real life. On top of that, keep in mind that's only if they'd be willing, not whether you'd actually do it. I might be willing to skydive, but that doesn't mean I'll actually bother to do it. If I had to guess, I'd be willing to say that the number of WW that would would be willing to date a BM is probably around 10% tops(keep in mind though most of them probably haven't and probably aren't actively looking for one, but maybe if some wealthy black guy came dropped out of the sky who was good looking and nice they'd be open to the idea - maybe). And the number of WW who are ACTIVELY looking for a BM is probably no more than 1%.

ISimilar trends hold true with Latina and Asian women, though Asians are probably less inclined to date blacks than whites and perhaps Latinos somewhere more accepting than whites.

I can't believe your bias. If 25% of white women said they would be open to dating black men even if not all of them would that still leaves a percentage of white women that is greater than the amount of black men by maybe 2 or 3x. Would that I was in an enviroment where 2-3X as many women of my preference were open to dating me. Throw in the other races and black girls and tell me it's not an advantage.

Tell you what. Why don't you turn yourself black, go out sarging and then you'll have some authority to tell us what benefit you have from being black out in the world.
And why don't you make yourself white and see if it makes everyone like you more.

You might find this article interesting. I remember reading it back in college and just looked it up and found it. It's called "Black like me." It was about a white guy who did a reverse Michael Jackson. He used chemicals to turn his skin black and shaved his head. He said he already had thicker lips which helped. He then went out in the world to see what it would be like as a black person because he didn't believe all the stuff black people keep saying about racism. He found the results to be shocking. Check it out if you're curious:
Big surprise there you were exposed to that piece in college. You can create any story. It's called propaganda. Using your logic, if you made a black guy white skinned people would treat him way better. No way they would. Borat already went to the extreme with playing an unfavored ethnicity and he was tolerated pretty well actually. These dramatics don't prove much. I've already hung around enough white and black people to see that white guys face a lot more opposition. For instance all the black guys I know are always treated politely/friendly by white girls they approach even if the girls aren't interested. Most white women will not hesitate to try to shatter a white guys confidence for approaching her if she's not interested. I live in reality and see what it is. I don't base my beliefs off of ethno-centric, liberal propaganda.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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ketostix said:
I feel like I'm talking to brick wall too. I can be friends and hang out with black people. But being sexually/romatically interested in them or in girls who are is a different matter.
I have my doubts, and i will actually explain why. The way youve been talking about black people, i dont see you really getting along with black people. Heres what you said in the other thread, paraphrased, you arent attracted to black women, therfore logically, white women shouldnt be attracted to black men, yet thats not the case. White women who are attracted to black men are incompatible with you because all black guys behave differently and have different interest than you. Hence, if white women who like black guys who would obviously have nothing in common with you, why would you befriend a black guy?

I still think your arguments have been juvenile and sophomoric throughout the duration of this "discussion."

Borat already went to the extreme with playing an unfavored ethnicity and he was tolerated pretty well actually. These dramatics don't prove much.
You dont think the fact that cameras were around had anything to do with it? Its called the hawthorne effect. Again, you make a flawed argument.

I've already hung around enough white and black people to see that white guys face a lot more opposition. For instance all the black guys I know are always treated politely/friendly by white girls they approach even if the girls aren't interested. Most white women will not hesitate to try to shatter a white guys confidence for approaching her if she's not interested. I live in reality and see what it is. I don't base my beliefs off of ethno-centric, liberal propaganda.
I doubt youve hung around many black people, let alone any with some amount of class. Because if you had, you wouldnt say the things you do. And i bet you shun at anyone you see in an interracial relationship. Maybe theyre treated the black guy friendly because the girls are scared, or because they didnt say something stupid, there ARE confounding variables ya know. There COULD be a sound reason the behaves she does around each man who approaches her. You dont base your beliefs off of ethnocentrism? You think its a problem that whites are the minority....IN THE WHOLE WORLD. Yet you dont think you view the world ethnocentrically?

Im sure your rebuttle will consist of what i said, but the opposite. Great job.

What if a girl had sex with an asian guy? Would everyone be disgusted? No...and why not? Because of the color of his skin. I think a lot of you would even be turned off if a white girl had sex with anyone with pigmented skin. As f*cked up as it is, all this jabber has led me to believe it.

If you wouldnt date a white girl who had sex with one black guy, who was the whitest black guy in the world, then you have a deeper issue in regards to black guys. Step your "discussion skills" up, cause youre slacking.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
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It goes without saying that this doesn't apply for every black woman but I figured I'd put it in the beginning because it doesn't go without saying to some...

ketostix said:
If I saw a black girl dating white guys I'd assume she had something against black guys.
Most of the stuff ketostix said I disagree with, but this one I aactually agree with. In my experiences, black guys with white woman... there are a couple who exclusively date them (the number is growing I'm noticing) but there are also a hell of a lot who are just fvcking everyone irrespective of race. As for black women, there doesn't seem to be nearly as many open to interracial dating. I have actually met a few that will tell you point blank that they are tired of black men, in the same manner that these new-age lesbians nowadays say that they've had too many bad experiences with men and decided to switch it up...

Bigtrucker2008 said:
EXACTLY. A lotta times, they feel as if they have something to prove and they have to be "strong" (if you call that strength). It comes off as being masculine. Not saying that ALL black females are like this, but many are. That "niggas (refering to men) ain't shi+" type of attitude. It causes bad effects in the entire black community. Because the guys most of them want are the thugs. So, in turn, in order to get the chicks, many black men turn to that "thuggery". (NOT saying that this is true with EVERYONE, but for the most part it is. Be real with yourself.)
I think the women want thugs because they don't have any strong male figures in their life so they are drawn to the over-the-top, excessiveness that a thug embodies.

I agree that black women to an extent make some men act hard and do silly sh!t to get some, but at the same time, we as black males bring a lot of the stereotypes on ourselves. As black men, we create certain stereotypes amongst ourselves through our friends such as: monogamy is a myth, b!tches aint sh!t, money = success, etc etc.

As for El Stud. I feel what you are going through. If you aren't outspoken as a black male, it is very easy to identify with your average white women instead of your average black woman. There is nothing wrong with it unless you secretly want to identify with the black women, then you would have Freudian issues in your subconscious that I learned in my Psyc 101 but forgot the name of.

But I look at it like this. In my life thus far I went from Public school to a private high school, to a decent university to a community college. I have been exposed to a wide variety of black women. I've met the girl with three kids at the club drunk and I have met the girl who is 3 years into her university degree and stays home on the weekends. I've met the girl in the club, drunk and high but with a degree and dreams of opening an art school and I've met the quiet black girl in the library who ended up being a insecure woman that always hurt those around her.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
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The fact is, regardless of race or demeanour, you never know what is going on until you get to know someone. That is the best part of a relationship imo. There is nothing like getting to know someone like few/no-one else has. To learn about their past and understand why they act the way they do and anticipate their reaction truly is a beautiful thing.

But yea, I went through stages where I was only attracted to black girls and I went through stages where I was only attracted to white girls. Through experiences thus far I am currently more interested in black girls than any other race but that isn't to say that a white/latina/asian/ or whatever other race couldn't sweep me off my feet tommorow. All you can go off is experience.

Speaking of experience, mines so far with outspoken women (black in this example but outspoken women on the whole are all the same) is that they are extremely insecure and overcompensating with these aggressive tactics, like DSMR76 said earlier in the thread. When you crack the shell or get to know them they are really just acting out because they are afraid of being hurt. To paraphrase a great poster at mASF, "They put up this big wall, and if you manage to sidestep around it, they are behind the wall, naked"

Also, the problem has to do with the fatherlessness but also the mothers as well. If black women are notoriously insecure because of the lack of fathers in their family, then you can only assume that most women don't have a fighting chance of turning out normal if the mothers raise their daughters and ingrained the same characteristics that caused her to scare a way a good man 20 years ago. (Credit: Corey Holcomb)


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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macallik said:
As black men, we create certain stereotypes amongst ourselves through our friends such as: monogamy is a myth, b!tches aint sh!t, money = success, etc etc.
NO!?! You're exactly the same as white men, and we couldn't tell you apart at all if the color were changed. NO? Make your mind up then. Either you're different in some ways, or you aren't. I point out a definite difference by personal observation, not indirect bias, and you go and neg my comment. Well, neg right back at you.

Point out some general differences in white males, including or only including negative ones if you like. Then notice how it won't bother me in the slightest. My skin's a bit thicker than yours, chief.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
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lol @ you negging me. I'd be more than happy to argue with you but I don't really know what your point is. I'll just reiterate my point in laymen's terms and then maybe you can readdress your rebuttal a little better and we can get this party started.

I think that in the black community, men often feel obliged to live up to standards with women that are at times impossible and other times anticommital.

There are no differences between races but rather culture and experience. I honestly do not feel that you have the same standards concering women as I do. Not because of the color of your skin but rather then environment you grew up in.

The environemnt I am referring to is predominantly black so I suppose I am generalizing when I say "we as black men" but that is the MASS majority in this circumstance. It doesn't mean all black people and it doesn't mean only black people coz If a white person grew up in the environment they would have the same ideas and traits as well.

It is a dominant mindset amongst the average black man in America so i refer to it in the afforementioned way
Jun 14, 2008
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My current girl is half black and she is a player and was banging guys behind my back and lied about it and is still trying to play my ass after I caught feelings for her. She turned me back into a raging AFC with her playa skills. I did well at the beginning using DJ skills and being confident all the time and banged her for 2 months but then she got me to turn into an AFC by playing me.

I'm going to stay away from them too from now on.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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Vlad the Impaler said:
My current girl is half black and she is a player and was banging guys behind my back and lied about it and is still trying to play my ass after I caught feelings for her. She turned me back into a raging AFC with her playa skills. I did well at the beginning using DJ skills and being confident all the time and banged her for 2 months but then she got me to turn into an AFC by playing me.

I'm going to stay away from them too from now on.
You...have f*cked up. So because she was HALF black, she cheated on you. She cheated on you because youre a chump and dont know what youre doing. You turned into an afc, because you were an afc on a make believe holiday of pretending to understand what youre doing. Was she half white half black? All girls cheat man, dont be a f*ckin dumbass.
Jun 14, 2008
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oakraiderz2 said:
You...have f*cked up. So because she was HALF black, she cheated on you. She cheated on you because youre a chump and dont know what youre doing. You turned into an afc, because you were an afc on a make believe holiday of pretending to understand what youre doing. Was she half white half black? All girls cheat man, dont be a f*ckin dumbass.

She was cheating on me from the beginning. You think I was the only guy in her rotation? I was probably the 4th guy.

I'm not pissed off because she is black.... and she never really cheated on me because we aren't exclusive.

I'm pissed off because she lied from the beginning of the realtionship, telling me she is dating nobody else. Then I go on to find out she is banging other guys. then she updates her profile and she brags about being a player.

I'm not racist, but black girls know how to play a guy and I don't want to deal with that I'm not a player and don't want to deal with one. I'm not saying all black girls are a player but they do know the game better than the guy most of the time.


May 23, 2008
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No VLAD, you are the fool - for trusting and loving a hor!!

Maybe it wasn't her blackness that made her a hor - it may have been the other half! :rolleyes:

What color in you made you a fool to trust a hor?


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2009
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If you can't look at a woman and tell if she has potential then start over. Here in St. Louis, if you try to "game" a black girl then of course you will get turned down. Black people tend to say "I'm real" or "I'm the realest" for a good reason. Game is elementary. A real man doesn't play games. Its hard to believe the obvious is so hidden to a lot of people. And yes you can blame the struggle black people have. Control women without game

I won't even talk to most white girls now a days because they are so simple minded and vulnerable. They are just little princesses. Isn't she just the cutest!!! uh huh!!! Its probably because I have 3 sisters, yeah I'm white.

I got with a white girl one time it was the most boring **** ever. I was never real with her yet she was crazy in love with me, I literally handed her back to her ex and said I don't want her. She called for weeks in tears. Bad part is all white girls I've seen are like that. The ghetto or hoosier white girls are just confused hoes. Most white girls live in a fantasy world which make them targets for real world people to manipulate.

So, if you want to game a black girl find one close to a million white girls. For the rest of the black girls, game is seen as insecurity because your not being your self (real). And if you are being yourself, you most likely confused or depressed. Or maybe you just have no personality. Black women dislike white girls because they take all their men. Most of the black men with white girls are using and manipulating the white girl with a "game" that doesn't even get discussed on this board.

Oh yeah, some black girls will play you like chess if your not real with them. Just stick to your white girls if you think your not ready. I'm all for mixing this world up. Sorry to offend most yall


May 23, 2008
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I got it stud- just paint your face black
Jun 14, 2008
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PSYCHO said:
No VLAD, you are the fool - for trusting and loving a hor!!

Maybe it wasn't her blackness that made her a hor - it may have been the other half! :rolleyes:

What color in you made you a fool to trust a hor?

OMG... is this LMS?!?!?!

I dont care what color she is. I still like the girl. I'm not gonna deny that. My game did fail, so alot of the fault is on me.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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Vlad the Impaler said:
I'm not racist, but black girls know how to play a guy and I don't want to deal with that I'm not a player and don't want to deal with one. I'm not saying all black girls are a player but they do know the game better than the guy most of the time.
Youre a f*ckin retard. So you dont think white girls know how to play a guy? You think only black girls play guys? Any attractive girl can play a guy. You dont know anything about women which is why you get played like atari. With the mentality you have, every girl will play youre dumbass.


Don Juan
May 28, 2009
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There are two issues.

First of all, most everyone your age is going to exhibit a high level of knuckleheadedness. That's the nature of being a teenager: young, dumb, full of cvm.

Second of all, you can't force yourself to be attracted to any one or any group through sheer will power. When you see individuals exhibiting attractive traits, you will be attracted.

And when you see people exhibiting unattractive traits, you will be repulsed. Go with the flow.
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Jun 14, 2008
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oakraiderz2 said:
Youre a f*ckin retard. So you dont think white girls know how to play a guy? You think only black girls play guys? Any attractive girl can play a guy. You dont know anything about women which is why you get played like atari. With the mentality you have, every girl will play youre dumbass.

Why do you think she played me? I knew what she was doing the whole time thats why I dumped her azz. The only mistake I made was taking her out and spent some cash on her but it was doing things I enjoy like going to baseball games.

The 2nd mistake I made was calling her a week after I dumped her and got her to come back which caused a whole boatload of other drama that I'm still sifting my way out of.

You're right, I probably made a mistake saying only black girls play guys. It's what the thread is about and this is the only black girl I have dated and she was a worse player than other girls because she never spent a dime on me and I let her get away with that crap. I got tired of it quick and showed her the door but I was not smooth about the dump at all. In fact I handled it horribly because dumping girls is not my specialty I need alot more practice.

Most girls I date will at least bring me beer.