I want you people, you guys, and girls (I'm sure some view, but don't post) imagine life WITHOUT school. Imagine not going anywhere FORCED to be there, TOLD "these things are what you need in the world, OUR world, and they will make you valuable to yourself." Imagine this world ABSENT of that pressure, of that expectation, of that "path." Imagine you are 5 and don't know of leaving your home. You don't go somewhere else where COMPLETE strangers, not familiar with your community, teach you things that are mandated by the Government whom are told by Big Business "this is what we need." And by mandate of the Federal Government and the school's need for funding and accreditation, and teacher's and professor's tenure, they oblige.
It's handed down from the top, TOLD that these things will make a better world. A world which we, the majority populate are told will help us lead happier, fulfilling lives. And that these skills are USEFUL to us in the world THEY created for us.
And now imagine that GONE. Imagine you, or your parents that brought you into this world DECIDE what's of value, and what isn't. They teach you things useful to survival within the country you reside. They teach you about money, since when you're young, you can earn it, and grow it, even at the tender age of 5. And they teach you to defend yourself, because not everybody is 'nice' in this world, and 'good', and when you have a family, you will need this. And they teach you household skills, that save you money and time, and build your value up as a useful member of the community you live in. They teach you language arts, so you can communicate with other people of other cultures. They teach you your heritage, of a family and race to be proud. They focus on what you LIKE or LOVE, and build upon that from an early age. And at an early age, you work alongside Dad, fixing things, building things, creating things. Learn to use your own mind at a young age, growing ever-more confident in your abilities. Growing more confident that you are right and ok. Never experiencing at a tender, young age, the slurs and backhands of complete and utter strangers that see you as but a paycheck and a number.
You learn from your parents, bringing the bond of family ever-more closer, knowing you have a safety net to return to, but not needing it because you're prepared. You aren't held back as a person by simple teenage trivialities, like drinking, and sex, and drugs, and video games. And though they're fun, and a way to waste time or relax, they aren't YOUR LIFE. They don't consume your free time to the detriment of your skills, which eventually atrophy in the aforementioned world. Instead you focus on self-confidence building skills. And your mother, if you're a boy, teaches you about women. About what she does. And how women are.
This is an idealized scene, to say the least, but just imagine what you would do WITHOUT forced schooling?
The supposition behind FORCED schooling is that people wouldn't do anything with themselves if they were not pushed to do SOMETHING. This is completely and utterly wrong. Look at our forefathers, and our fore-relatives, who worked from sun up to sun down, JUST to survive, and brave few who broke free of their circumstances. Were they lethargic? Did they lay about because they had no HS education, or college education? Today more than ever kids do that. Today more than ever, the idea of chores is a distant past where parents' would also, God-forbid, SPANK their kids!!! They don't know about it, just like they don't know Atari or Pong. Kids don't know, and it's not entirely their fault. This was engineered from the start. And it's the lax nature of parent's, most parent's anyways, to ALLOW it to happen. Playing victim. Being afraid, or ignorant.
The driving force to better oneself and one's circumstances is as NATURAl as the sun rising, as the tree growing, as the lion hunting. It's WHO we are. We do not NEED the threat of truant officers, or a ruler, or a vengeful God. Improving is what our consciousness is about. Pure and simple. We as conscious receivers are here to EXPERIENCE perception, and do that by ENHANCING that experience. The only thing school provides is a negaton of that fact and a hindrance of our TRUE abilities, but disallowing kids the chance to remain innocent and to follow their TRUE fancy, which yields ultimate joy. Eventually nature will win out, and the person who follows one's fancy as the grasshopper who never prepared for winter, will live or die. Eventually they make happen what their greatest desire is, or they die, or they change their desire to survive and find a means. They don't need to be TOLD "This is what our economy needs..." Because what you witness is the creation of someone else's dream. What you see is someone's dream unfolding, telling you THIS IS THE REALITY we will have, without asking the other participants, because THEY believe we are nothing more than ignoramuses meant to generate wealth. That we are virus, a plague, an infestation not fit or worthy of our lot in life. Is this true?
You men, you women, KNOW your worth. You know your dreams. Much of them are not in concert with that? And yet, you are told "Life is not about following your dreams." Then what is it about? I ask. When your last breath is done, what is LIFE about if not wanting to experience every desire that comes into your conscious being and following that path, GOOD or BAD? What is it? To turn the wheels of industry...for more profits to buy more things, yet living unfulfilled? To procreate but to disdain your procreations and leave them unfulfilled too, following your aimless path? To lie down with unkempt, unclean women, of whom you would never sire a child, to fill that hole inside you yearning to experience your deepest desires?
Unlock Reality.