"Hey, I need a quick female opinion on something."


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Royal Elite
Once again theory at it finest!

I ask how many of those have you actually "tried" and how many times?

I have used all of them on numerous occasions and they have ALL worked on numerous occasions.

A woman knows if she wants to deal with you with the first couple of seconds of seeing you. Before you open your mouth, or say a word. Now you can actually mess up after opening your mouth, but she already has an idea long before you say a word!

Desdinova I know you mean well so I wont attempt to be rude, but the bottom line is it is very clear by most of your post most of the things you speak are theory formalized by most of the post you have read here.

Bang on...


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Just be REAL

Originally posted by Jariel
I like the way you put this because this is exactly what I hate about the PUA style.

A woman is attracted to you or she is not. That's nature. Now, the only way she will know for sure is if she gets to see a genuine side of you. If anything, a contrived opener will decrease your chances by making you look false, unable to think on the spot and unoriginal.

Breaking the ice with anyone is best done using "phatic communication" - referring to a situation, a common interest or observation. People have been doing this for centuries.
Every guy in the word tries to use a situational opener....god damn...

This is a rediculous mindset that will get you NOWHERE in this game.

Why are you posting adivice when you obviously havent field tested this stuff...?


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Inc. ©
See, that's KBJ BS right there. I knew somebody would point that out. Everyone thinks you have to be alpha this alpha that, but that's not the way it works in reality. The bottom line is if she is sitting there minding her own business and you approach her, you have to see the reality of the situation. I acknowledge that I am interupting her. Now, what I don't do is wait to see if its OK to talk to her. I don't pause. I don't wait for her to tell me I'm not bothering her. I go right into my opener.

Another thing that is 100% true is that the way you say things is the key. I wouldn't approach with a really short opener anymore. I wouldn't just say "are you single" or "are you from ____". Any guy can blurt something like that out. If you put together 6+ words or so (haha like that is hard) and speak confidently, she'll respect you.
Don't appolagize for anything except for negging too hard...


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: Just be REAL

Originally posted by white_hype

some people (a lot) don't know how to show their genuine side well.. maybe they get nervous and blank out, not knowing what to say but in reality they are a really bad ass cool dude but just have trouble showing it right away to strange new women.

I like to think of routines/canned stuff as training wheels. It eases your nerves so you can actually go out there and get field expereince. I use them sometimes b/c even if I'm not that nervous, I just blank. I just don't know what to say, I THINK TOO MUCH. THis way I can just go up there, relax, and spout this crap off. I still receive all the benefits anyone else would by approahcing a girl (natural high, confidence booster, realise that its no big deal etc)

there is no one way to "get" a girl and for you to critize someone else for ANY reasons really shows what kind of person you are. What have you gained by posting what you posted? do you want others to agree with you so you feel better about yourself/your methods? are you really trying to help someone by saying "canned" stuff is bad and that it is somehow wrong and everyone sholud do things the way you think they should be done b/c why? b/c you are jariel and have a lot of posts?
Agree 100%.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: Re: Just be REAL

Originally posted by Jariel
Yeah that's sounds very natural, as long as you have reason for asking (maybe her accent). To me that sounds like a genuine ice breaker rather than a gimmick or chat up line.

White Hype: I totally see your point about the "training wheels" and there is courage to be found in familiarity. However, I do believe the best openers are the ones that don't sound like openers (like the above example) or at least seem like they've been thought out on the fly.

I know what you mean about a "better" opener, but sometimes it's too good to the point of sounding unatural, whereas some you might get a yes or no, but can be followed up with other questions.
You don't understand....the whole point of these openers (as I explained above) is that you can tell a story after that displays high value and attracts the woman...



Don Juan
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
The bottom line is that if your good enough to use "Hi, whats your name?" or "HI, I'd love to get to know you!" what the f*ck are you doing on this forum.

Only redicusly solid naturals can use this.

The rest of us that weren'y born with or taught natural skill have to learn through expearience how to become naturals. We do this by using failsafe openers.

If you open with the same line once with low energy and another time with high energy and do this expeariment 10 times, you will find out which energy works best for you.

This is where canned material is so beneficial. It helps you learn what your doing right and what your doing wron and it helps you get over your approach anxiety.

Sure, 'natural game' is awesome. It would be wicked if we could all walk up genuinely and say 'hi. I saw you from across the room and wanted to get to know you" and not creep a girl out. But we CANT!

But this doesnt work in the real world. The average guy does this... and it doesn't matter what you say if your body language, projection or frame are sh*t.

This is why we use canned stuff. We make one variable in the PU equation static (un changing ----> the opener) than we can see what reactions we get when we change our body language, energy, projection and so on..

Anyone that says otherwise is either a super natural (and naturals dont waste their time posting on boards like this ) or an AFC that tells himself that he knows about game an then masturbates nightly while us guys that are trying this stuff get p*ssy!




Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
Originally posted by Royal Elite
Not to offend anyone because that is not my intention but all these openers suck!

Why? Simply they demonstrate that you are weak and cowardly. It's one thing to ask for the time because you really want to know it and then progress to conversing with her but an entirely different thing to want to hit on her and use an ulteriour motive.

Men and women were designed to be together. Stop acting like male/female relationships is taboo. If you want to hit on a woman hit on a woman.

You are here to learn to be MEN not sneaky, cat burglers who try to develop ways to steal a woman's number from under her nose.
Okay, I agree 95% with this.

95% because you should not straight-out hit on her. And that leads me to comment on your openers, which unless you have field-tested proof of success, I would not recommend them to anyone. To put it rather bluntly, they suck.

Showing interest right off the bat kills your game. And by introducing yourself first thing, you make for a rather choppy rest-of-the-conversation. It is very easy to succumb to the "interview" lame style of approach when you get names right off the bat.

I'd recommend just basic chit chat, until you actually delve somewhat deeper into rapport before you get names. I've met quite a few people, and I feel (imo) that a name can be meaningful to someone, and that is one reason people like it when you remember theirs. It is important in a specific way to everyone. I don't know, I can't explain it...but if you've done enough approaches, you'll know whether it is or is not your style to get names right off the bat...I am not at all for it. Ok ok, say you did exchange names, and the conversation completely died shortly after. What was the point of getting their name? You'll never run into them again, and now they know your name for some guy who started lame-ass conversation with them. A name is more important than you think...it's who you are known by...it is your reputation, it's everything.

I have tried that, and 1-3 times out of 25 or so approaches with that direct style, worked. Why? Yes, you're right, women like a man that gets to the point...but, mostly it was because I was better than them. It usually happened that I was better-looking and more interesting than the girl, and obviously she would be flattered. So, yeah, if you're approaching Hb5s and Hb6s only, and you yourself have good looks and great social skills, sure then, go ahead with that advice.

The most important thing is to be real. And this is where I agree with Royal. Don't ask a girl the time if you really want to fcuk her. That's lame. Yes, your opener should be interesting, it should capture her attention moreso than what she is currently occupied with...even if she is merely occupied in her thoughts and appears to be doing nothing. But, don't contrive an entire conversation nor the first few lines of an opener more than 1 minute prior to opening.

Yeah, take a minute to think of something interesting and creative, but do it on the fly. Because too much thinking can be detrimental...ever heard of mental masturbation? Too many guys will talk about openers etc, and when it comes to the actual approach they forget everything and don't even approach. Don't be like that, and just say "hey/hi" if nothing else comes to mind.


New Member
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by RockstarPUA
The bottom line is that if your good enough to use "Hi, whats your name?" or "HI, I'd love to get to know you!" what the f*ck are you doing on this forum.

You beat me to it ~Rockstar.
A cold approach, that is that personal, that quickly is impossible to do for a majority of guys. If you can do that, you don't need advice from this forum, and you can't give advice because you work differently to other guys.

I've been in a few situations where I've seen a girl, move in on her and decide to just blast her with my confidence and use a 'natural' line such as:

"Hi, I I'd love to get to know you better..."

Only to suddenly feel the instant rapport I had skydive, and I can sense her defensively locking up

"..uhh..so I can ask you this quick question, as I need a female perspective.."

Bang, theres a possiblity I'm not dangerous.

Its like making a sale. Imagine how well you'd do if a customer walked into a shop:

"Hi I'm looking to buy a TV."
"Excellent, buy this one." *Point to a really good TV in shop - the best deal you have*

Unless the customer is a highly suggestible idiot, you won't make sale right there. Despite the fact that it is the best TV for the customer, you are going to be regarded with suspicion making it far more difficult for you to sell anything else to the customer. Which is why sales doesn't work like that. You first make the customer trust your advice, then you tell them what to buy.



Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: Just be REAL

Originally posted by RockstarPUA
Every guy in the word tries to use a situational opener....god damn...

This is a rediculous mindset that will get you NOWHERE in this game.

Why are you posting adivice when you obviously havent field tested this stuff...?
This is where you are wrong. I have field tested EVERYTHING I advise on or advise against. I make friends, meet women, open new social circles and always leave people with a very high opinion of me wherever I go, so I'm posting based on fact and personal experience.

The difference between me and the average PUA, however, is that PUAs have generic openers, whereas I have developed conversational and social skills.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2005
Reaction score
It's all just a means to an end anyway. Those of you saying it is bad to be too direct with your intentions are exactly right, because then she thinks you only want her for one thing.... so what if you beat around the bush at first? You still get the number. That said, I don't see how you can go wrong with any situational, opinion, or c/f opener. Asking her what her name is is harmless enough, but you must be careful not to come across as desperate, because obviously it can be kinda awkward if you aren't super confident and don't know how to continue talking. If she is a cute girl who might not get hit on much at all, if any, feel free to say whatever the hel-l you want, ask her name, who cares. If she is super hot, wearing big sunglasses to conceal half her face giving you the subliminal fu-ck-off signal, and surrounded by three of her males slaves, it might be a good idea to hit her right there with a neg. hit, or risk losing her attention within seconds. I still have more luck with situational openers than any other kind. There is almost ZERO risk of coming across as awkward, desperate, showing to much interest, or being seen as just another guy who wants to fu-ck her. Most of the time I just have something to say, or ask a girl, usually relevent to the situation, and I say it. Coc-ky comments work well too, as long as you keep it light and positive. By being direct, you can be successful, but why do it when you have more chances of success AFTER you have built a little rapport with her? The benefits of being more indirect at first are better than the benefits of being completely direct.

Let me ask you one more time, how do you think most guys get the girls? Do they fabricate perfect openers? No. All they do is talk, just like they would with anyone else. Successful guys are almost always super-social, and this is how they do it, by simple conversation. If you aren't that social, or naturally reticent, it doesn't kill you to start talking to random women you see.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
Let me ask you one more time, how do you think most guys get the girls? Do they fabricate perfect openers? No. All they do is talk, just like they would with anyone else. Successful guys are almost always super-social, and this is how they do it, by simple conversation. If you aren't that social, or naturally reticent, it doesn't kill you to start talking to random women you see.



I need a beeer!

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Originally posted by Inc. ©
See, that's KBJ BS right there. I knew somebody would point that out. Everyone thinks you have to be alpha this alpha that, but that's not the way it works in reality. The bottom line is if she is sitting there minding her own business and you approach her, you have to see the reality of the situation. I acknowledge that I am interupting her. Now, what I don't do is wait to see if its OK to talk to her. I don't pause. I don't wait for her to tell me I'm not bothering her. I go right into my opener.

Another thing that is 100% true is that the way you say things is the key. I wouldn't approach with a really short opener anymore. I wouldn't just say "are you single" or "are you from ____". Any guy can blurt something like that out. If you put together 6+ words or so (haha like that is hard) and speak confidently, she'll respect you.
KBJ BS my ass - excusing yourself and apologizing for approaching a woman is AFC behavior.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2005
Reaction score
yeah, don't apologize. Men and women get together all the time, so don't act like it is awkward or anything. Inc, if you think you're wasting her time, so does she. It's amazing how that works.... the woman often matches your own demeanor: if you act casual, so does she. If you act nervous and awkward, she probably does too. You automatically put her up on a pedestal when you act like that, whether you mean to or not, because she subconsciously reacts to how you are acting. Furthermore, I know it's how you say it that matters, but why not just say, "hey, how's it going?" or "hey, how are you doing?" to start the convo rather than what you are using? It doesn't get much more natural than that.

Inc. ©

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
If a woman is lying on the beach reading a book, I'm going to have the decency to acknowledge that I'm interrupting her. Now, get off your ass and in the field before you criticize. What works works.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by pimpfromdayone

Let me ask you one more time, how do you think most guys get the girls? Do they fabricate perfect openers? No. All they do is talk, just like they would with anyone else. Successful guys are almost always super-social, and this is how they do it, by simple conversation. If you aren't that social, or naturally reticent, it doesn't kill you to start talking to random women you see.

You are right.

But you also have to realize that the majority of guys that get laid are a) relying on social circles to introduce them to their women thus they don't need an opener and b) they rely on fools mate (luck, drunk girls, getting drunk themselves which gives them that fake confidence that might fool the odd girl now and again).

If you are already good with women than by all means go up and say "Hi, you look nice so I thought Id come over and chat" or something more direct.

The problem is that most guys here need to work on their bodylanguage, projection, tonality, dress and so on before they can successfully aproach a woman directly.

How do they do this? By using the routines and stories over and over. This will help them learn the basics.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Inc. ©
See, that's KBJ BS right there. I knew somebody would point that out. Everyone thinks you have to be alpha this alpha that, but that's not the way it works in reality. The bottom line is if she is sitting there minding her own business and you approach her, you have to see the reality of the situation. I acknowledge that I am interupting her. Now, what I don't do is wait to see if its OK to talk to her. I don't pause. I don't wait for her to tell me I'm not bothering her. I go right into my opener.

Another thing that is 100% true is that the way you say things is the key. I wouldn't approach with a really short opener anymore. I wouldn't just say "are you single" or "are you from ____". Any guy can blurt something like that out. If you put together 6+ words or so (haha like that is hard) and speak confidently, she'll respect you.
What you say is not important.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Originally posted by Inc. ©
If a woman is lying on the beach reading a book, I'm going to have the decency to acknowledge that I'm interrupting her. Now, get off your ass and in the field before you criticize. What works works.
I've probably spent far more time in the field than you have, so don't lecture me about being a KBJ

If you want to be an excuser and to be someone who apologizes for being a Man, go ahead, but don't tell others to make the same mistake.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
"Hey, I need a quick female opinion on something"

is another way of saying.

"Hey, I don't understand women."

Girl thinks... gee... some ladies man you are.

as a man you should just be yourself. If you want to ask a girl a question then ask it. But don't make up questions for the sake of a conversation. That is just stupid.

Only say what needs to be said. You are a man so be yourself don't try to talk like a woman does.

If you sound like one of her girl firends she will make you into one.

Asking about shoping.... are you kidding me? lol


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by 00Kevin
"Hey, I need a quick female opinion on something"

is another way of saying.

"Hey, I don't understand women."

Girl thinks... gee... some ladies man you are.

as a man you should just be yourself. If you want to ask a girl a question then ask it. But don't make up questions for the sake of a conversation. That is just stupid.

Only say what needs to be said. You are a man so be yourself don't try to talk like a woman does.

If you sound like one of her girl firends she will make you into one.

Asking about shoping.... are you kidding me? lol

there is so much fvcking KJ theory crap here its ridiculous. Most people here are here to learn, otherwise why would you even come here? why is everyone acting like an authority on this crap and why is there so much fvcking misinformation going on?

asking about shopping and you won't fvck her? really? are you fvcking kidding me?