"Hey, I need a quick female opinion on something."


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Queensland, AUS
"Hey, I need a quick female opinion on something"....It's a time honoured opener for many DJ's which sets up for more things to come. Man I love this this stuff. I used to ask "Hey excuse me. Can you tell me what time it is?" or "Can I borrow a pen please" but there were starting to get a bit boring after a while and doesn't set up more conversation dynamics than the others.

I've got a few examples:
* "Hey, I need a quick female opinion on something, which cologne do you think smells the best out of these?” – A great opener for shopping malls or on the street.

* "Hey, I need a quick female opinion on something, what types of chocolates do girls like the most? I need to buy something for a female friend.” - Another opener when shopping. There are absolute truckloads of hot girls doing their shopping especially in the morning. You can substitute other nice things instead of just chocolate. (e.g. ice cream, drinks etc)

There are some original openers on the board but I want to see some awesome and unique Opinion Openers. Something that includes sassy, C&F ones as well as new openers.

E.g. "Hey, I need a quick female opinion on something, why do girls always wear those silly looking shoes?” Then point to her shoes with a serious look on your face.

Anyways lads keep ‘em coming and don’t forget….keep on macking them HBs.

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
* "Hey, I need a quick female opinion on something, which cologne do you think smells the best out of these?” – A great opener for shopping malls or on the street.

Yes, this works great... I asked this of about 20-30 people one day, and ended up with aqua de gio... and an extra notch in ball size.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Queensland, AUS
Hello is great but an opener that has a lot of thought and uniqueness would be more interesting and allows the girl to have some input and take interest on. It conveys that her input will be valued and you could work on from there.

This is not some super high-technical opener and doesn't take a harvard degree to think of one.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score

This is one of the first solid posts I've seen here in a while.

Those are some great openers.

Two things to keep in mind:

1) Using a time constraint. You have to use a time constraint or else the set will feel akward because they're not sure if you are going to follow them around.

Say: "Hey guys, I need a quick female opinion on something....I need to get back to my friends....but I am curious and I need a female opinion....Who lies more....guys or girls?"

Style did a study where he approached 100 sets with a time constriant and 100 without. I forget the exact statistics but it was like 50% stayed without the time constraint and 95% stayed with.

2) Realize that the opener is just to catch a woman's attention so that you can convey your personality and your high value. So you want to have an awesome story to tell that shows that your high value...

For example:

DJ: "Hey guys...I need a quick female opinion on something.....I have to get going to work....but do you guys remember those My Little Ponys? Those little horsie dolls that girls used to play with....."

Girls: "Yes" or "No" or whatever...

DJ: "Okay okay get this....I went shopping the other day at Toys R Us for my little cousin. Shes five and we're really close. We hang out and stuff.... so for her 6th birthday i went to go get her a birthday present. For some reason she has a fascination with horses...and so I decided to get her a My Little Pony doll..."

Girls: "awww..." or "why the f*ck are you telling us thi..."*I will cut off the girl if she gives attitude*

DJ: "So I go out to the store and there is like a WALL of my little ponies with all differnet colours and ass tattoos. Why are they different colors? Do they have super-powers or something?..."


The problem with "hello" is that if you don't have the right bodylanguage, frame, confidence and projection to back it up, you will be just like any other guy around.

What are you going to say after? How are you going to build attraction (via displaying high value) with 'hello'?

I could go up and say "Hello" but I'd still follow it up with stories and stuff like that.

The great thing about canned routines is that they will help you figure out first hand what works for you and what doesn't. This is awesome because you will learn enough so that you can go up to a woman and say ANYTHING including a simple hello and build attraction.

I hope I've helped. :)



Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Ahh.. the female psychi. Such an easily manipulating thing. RBB adds Gem of "Time Constraint" to belt. Mana levels 345. Ex level AFC 987.

I'll try to remember to incorporate it into my BC experiences. Filter out what works for me and what doesn't. So many things to remember from the DJ arsenal.... :p


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Originally posted by RockstarPUA
The great thing about canned routines is that they will help you figure out first hand what works for you and what doesn't. This is awesome because you will learn enough so that you can go up to a woman and say ANYTHING including a simple hello and build attraction.

I hope I've helped. :)

The natural evolution of most PUAs who stick to it, at least from what I've seen from both LA and Dallas, is going from routines to a more natural based game.

Obviously, the spontaneous material you come up with isn't as high octane, but it's significantly more congruent as well as being comfortable and fun. You can still succeed because by the time you've reached the next level, your body language, ability to subcommunicate, as well as simply being congruent are tight and easily make up for it.

You'll still use some of the basic tools like time constraints and so forth for situational openers.

Openers: sticking out my tongue, booty bump, play fighting.

"Hey guys, where do you guys go to pick up hot chicks?

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Just be REAL

Not to offend anyone because that is not my intention but all these openers suck!

Why? Simply they demonstrate that you are weak and cowardly. It's one thing to ask for the time because you really want to know it and then progress to conversing with her but an entirely different thing to want to hit on her and use an ulteriour motive.

Men and women were designed to be together. Stop acting like male/female relationships is taboo. If you want to hit on a woman hit on a woman.

You are here to learn to be MEN not sneaky, cat burglers who try to develop ways to steal a woman's number from under her nose.

A nice opener if you are very adapt at conversing is simply
"Hi, I find you attractive and I would like to get to know you better/get your number/get together sometimes"

"Hi, my name is such, and such, and I was wondering if we can get together sometime"

Until you get better with your conversation skills just keep it short, simple, and to the point!


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
This stuff takes incredible timing and distance proximity.

How many hot chicks are hanging within a few feet of the cologne selection? Do you just hang there all day waiting for girls to walk up? Do the employees look at you like you're retarded? It'd be quite the coincidence for you to see a hot single girl just when you enter the cologne section. Or do you expect us to walk around the mall with a couple bottles of cologne?

You make it sound like you do this ALL the time. Maybe you have like 100 openers for 100 different situations and walk around the mall looking for those situations. That might work, but it's dumb. "on the street?" What? you carry a couple colognes on you? What kind of stupid girls aren't like "wtf are you doing carrying around cologne?"


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by mrRuckus
This stuff takes incredible timing and distance proximity.

How many hot chicks are hanging within a few feet of the cologne selection? Do you just hang there all day waiting for girls to walk up? Do the employees look at you like you're retarded? It'd be quite the coincidence for you to see a hot single girl just when you enter the cologne section. Or do you expect us to walk around the mall with a couple bottles of cologne?

You make it sound like you do this ALL the time. Maybe you have like 100 openers for 100 different situations and walk around the mall looking for those situations. That might work, but it's dumb. "on the street?" What? you carry a couple colognes on you? What kind of stupid girls aren't like "wtf are you doing carrying around cologne?"
Haha you can use any routine anywhere.

As for the cologne one, you spray one kind on one arm, one kind on the other and then hit the streets. :)


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Queensland, AUS
Of course most of us know how to say "Hello" and other simple openers. The reason I started this thread is to allow a bit of fun and playful openers to add to the ones YOU have already mention. Just another addition the DJ arsenal.

I appreciate your concerns but these new openers are more suitable to club scenes and something different to the other 100 guys who use your basic openers who get shut down (no offence. I should have mentioned that club scene, parties, pubs etc are the target).

We are not trying to be sneaky or concealing our desire but just playing around and most of all having a bit of fun...Dont we all? I am not trying to make this harder, I am just finding more creative and unique ways to add to social dynanics as well as GENUINELY acquiring a female's opinion about something I may need help or advice on. Its up to you.

AsianPlayBoy, I love the butt bumping and poking my tongue out bit. It separates us from the other AFCs around who supplicate by buying drinks, putting on stone cold expressions and "trying to be toooo smooooth". My friend does the whole tongue thing and bumping butts and it works magic.

RockstarPUA that was an awesome post...nice touch


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Just be REAL

Originally posted by Royal Elite
Not to offend anyone because that is not my intention but all these openers suck!

Why? Simply they demonstrate that you are weak and cowardly. It's one thing to ask for the time because you really want to know it and then progress to conversing with her but an entirely different thing to want to hit on her and use an ulteriour motive.

Men and women were designed to be together. Stop acting like male/female relationships is taboo. If you want to hit on a woman hit on a woman.

You are here to learn to be MEN not sneaky, cat burglers who try to develop ways to steal a woman's number from under her nose.

A nice opener if you are very adapt at conversing is simply
"Hi, I find you attractive and I would like to get to know you better/get your number/get together sometimes"

"Hi, my name is such, and such, and I was wondering if we can get together sometime"

Until you get better with your conversation skills just keep it short, simple, and to the point!
This is coming from a guy that is either a) a complete natural or b) an armchair philosopher that doesn't know anything about women.

These routines are to help you get a conversation started so that you can work on your conversation skills.

If you say "HI, I'm Rockstar, I want to get to know you. We should get together sometime' you will get blown out. Women will laugh, turn around or walk away.

I've tried it a lot.


Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Just be REAL

Originally posted by RockstarPUA
This is coming from a guy that is either a) a complete natural or b) an armchair philosopher that doesn't know anything about women.

These routines are to help you get a conversation started so that you can work on your conversation skills.

If you say "HI, I'm Rockstar, I want to get to know you. We should get together sometime' you will get blown out. Women will laugh, turn around or walk away.

I've tried it a lot.

This basically it is something YOU are doing wrong. I have never in all my years on earth had a woman laugh in my face. I dont even know anyone personally who has. If this is something that is happening to you it is something you are doing wrong.



Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
A nice opener if you are very adapt at conversing is simply
"Hi, I find you attractive and I would like to get to know you better/get your number/get together sometimes"
Yeah, that needy opener will work :rolleyes:

"Hi, my name is such, and such, and I was wondering if we can get together sometime"
If some guy on the street came up to you and said that, would you get together with him? :rolleyes:

This is coming from a guy that is either a) a complete natural or b) an armchair philosopher that doesn't know anything about women.
I'll go with option b

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Desdinova
Yeah, that needy opener will work :rolleyes:

If some guy on the street came up to you and said that, would you get together with him? :rolleyes:

I'll go with option b
Once again theory at it finest!

I ask how many of those have you actually "tried" and how many times?

I have used all of them on numerous occasions and they have ALL worked on numerous occasions.

A woman knows if she wants to deal with you with the first couple of seconds of seeing you. Before you open your mouth, or say a word. Now you can actually mess up after opening your mouth, but she already has an idea long before you say a word!

Desdinova I know you mean well so I wont attempt to be rude, but the bottom line is it is very clear by most of your post most of the things you speak are theory formalized by most of the post you have read here.


Inc. ©

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Hey guys....I first field-tested this opener yesterday and it was really good...here it is:

"Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you, but are you from _______?"

I think this is better than the female opinions because you get right to personal chit chat and don't have to talk about cologne or whatever gimmicky crap you bring up. I need to field test it some more, but I think it's pretty solid.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I ask how many of those have you actually "tried" and how many times?
I tried them too many goddam times.

Desdinova I know you mean well so I wont attempt to be rude, but the bottom line is it is very clear by most of your post most of the things you speak are theory formalized by most of the post you have read here.
I will not post something that I haven't tried out in the field. Experience is the greatest teacher that one could ask for.

If I may make my own observation, it really seems like you're trying to lead a revolution rather than help others succeed in their dealings with women. Your approaches lack rapport. Establishing rapport is necessary to make a woman comfortable enough to give you her phone number.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2005
Reaction score
I can almost guarantee that 99% of the guys with hot gf's do not have to resort to any secret tactics like this, nor do they even have to think. They of course have the natural personality characterisitics women like, but they don't go around thinking about how to design the perfect opener, which shows little or no initial interest, includes a neg hit if she's hot, and is at the same time very fun and hints at interest. They just don't do it, and yes, part of the reason is that they never do approaches, since they meet women through friends/social gatherings most the time.

The point is, you shouldn't go out of your way, with words, to demonstrate how much of a man you are. Give her a simple "hi, what's your name?" or a say something relating to the situation, or possibly opinion, and then proceed from there. Even if you have the perfect opener, you still have to have to be able to sustain her interest throughout the rest of the convo. Once you say something, you have to continue talking or they will just leave. If you say something canned or with attitude as your opener and don't continue on like that, she will notice how incongruent your words are and try-hard will be written all over you. Just be cool, casual, and act like you are not putting any effort into it at all. That's how I see it at least.

The biggest problem with most men is that they don't know what to say, and it is a justified fear. If you can't hold a decent convo or be entertaining, you will definitely have some trouble, but even when you are good with convo, the opener is just ANYTHING you can say to get you in the door. One good thing to do is get them talking about THEMSELVES. For one thing, every girl likes to talk about herself or have a man guess info about her, and also, it makes it much easier because she is basically going to provide info that will lead you through the rest of the convo. For instance, I walked over to one girl from class and asked her where she was from because she sounded northern or something....... I basically just got her talking about herself, she turned slowly after a few seconds to start walking away, possibly to see if I followed, and I being smooth as I am (haha, yeah), started walking with her, simple as that, and ended up with the #.

I have tried to start convos just with coc-ky comments, neg. hits, and a few diff. entertaining things (similar to the cologne thing), but where do you go from there? At some point you must transition into a slightly more serious mode, if you want the #. I don't know about you, but going from that to a more personal convo is a little awkward. Maybe I am just not skilled enough, I don't know, but as someone already said, perfect openers are not needed and are counterproductive to a truly experienced DJ.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Desdinova
Yeah, that needy opener will work :rolleyes:

If some guy on the street came up to you and said that, would you get together with him? :rolleyes:

I'll go with option b
hmmi dont know but i tried the hi, etc give me ur number, **** doesnt work well. but i will try it mo' to have a better average. rigth now its 0 to 1