Here's The Magic Pill

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
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In life, we must all be striving for something greater. To reach a place that we haven't reached, to cross boundaries that haven't been crossed.

For many, many, many, many believe that this is impossible so they fall to the wayside. But only a select few believe it is possible, so they dig and dig until the discovery is found.

Genius and success is not CREATION, but it's discovery. You observe something and say, hey, that could be this or that. Hey, I could do this or that. Hey, I can be that or this.

And before you know it, you've got your own unique success plan, you've obtained success, and now.....those same people who believed it was impossible, now follow you. You are their leader.

Why do I say all this? Becase everybody on this site is a leader. Everyone of you. All of you came here with problems with women, but all of you have an inner drive to be the best.

So here's what I'm telling you, IT'S OUT THERE. But you have to discover it. You have to BELIEVE it's out there...why...well, because it is! You have to dig and dig until you've found it.

And there's many, many, different avenues and areas to be a success in, pick one, then dig to find that strategy.

So where does women fall on this? Well, Ice-T said it first then Jay-Z remixed it, he say, you know what, I got 99 problems. Police, money, haters, etc., but a bytch ain't one of those problems. What did he mean?

Why was that so? Surely women must be a problem, I mean, women ARE a problem....right?


Women are women, and always have been. The real "problem" is that we've become scared to be men, and this has pissed women off. They have needs, they need to be satisfied, and you sit your azz up there AFRAID to be a man? What the hell is your problem!

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
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What do I mean by being a MAN?

Do I mean have muscles? No.
Do I mean be tough? No.
Do I mean be strong? Not in the way you think.
Do I mean have money? No.
Do I mean "accept your responsibilities?" No.
Do I mean have confidence? No.

Guys, all of those things are what's called, MATERIAL GAINS. They are things that a woman can have! A woman can have muscles, she can be tough, she can be strong, she can have money, she can have confidence....

That stuff has nothing to do with being a MAN. The media puts too much out of context. They say a MAN shoudl do this, or do that, dude, a MAN is a MAN period. He doesn't have to do ANYTHING BUT EXIST to be a MAN.

All of you reading this right now, are MEN. All of you.

But what's the problem? Why is it that you don't get laid liek you want to? Well, it's because when a woman comes around, you STOP being a MAN. Lol, period.

Pook said a man is a male not afraid of his testerone.....let me break it down further, because even when I first read that I didn't understand it.

A man is a male not afraid of his HORNINESS.

Testerone is sex drive.....horniness is just the result of testerone.

A man is a male that is not afraid of this HORNINESS.

Okay, so understand, you are horny, and that's a good thing, you are a MAN, and that's feels damn great!

But now, there's one more requirement.

I need you to take your horniness, that you are feeling right now....oh yeah, imagine that nice, sexy, Beyonce just bouncin that big, juicy, azz in front of you, yeeeaa you feel that horniness.

Now, take that energy, take that energy, you got it? Take it and spread it all through your body. Let your toes feel that eneryg, let your head feel that energy.

Watch as your hand naturally starts to grabs your balls. Watch as your voice as you move slower, move smoother, move more seducitively.

Yes guys, you are now in Sexual state....yes, and watch how the women love you now.

You are a piece of trash, but they love you like you just won a World Championship. (Just an example, most of us are not pieces of trash)
You are not a pretty boy, you don't have a golden body, but they are rubbing your fat azz stomach like have a firm 6 pack.

Yes guys, doesn't it feel good to be a man? Doesn't it feel good to interact with the female species? They are beautiful aren't they?

You guys keep it up, go out in the town...and take the female species on a monster ride.

And while you do that.....I'll be doing the same.


DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
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bump, bump, bump, bump, bummmpppp

Guys: John why the hell did you bump this?

John: Because I can bytch!


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
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DJF or John said:
I need you to take your horniness, that you are feeling right now....oh yeah, imagine that nice, sexy, Beyonce just bouncin that big, juicy, azz in front of you, yeeeaa you feel that horniness.

Now, take that energy, take that energy, you got it? Take it and spread it all through your body. Let your toes feel that eneryg, let your head feel that energy.

Watch as your hand naturally starts to grabs your balls. Watch as your voice as you move slower, move smoother, move more seducitively.

Yes guys, you are now in Sexual state....yes, and watch how the women love you now.

You are a piece of trash, but they love you like you just won a World Championship. (Just an example, most of us are not pieces of trash)
You are not a pretty boy, you don't have a golden body, but they are rubbing your fat azz stomach like have a firm 6 pack.

Yes guys, doesn't it feel good to be a man? Doesn't it feel good to interact with the female species? They are beautiful aren't they?

You guys keep it up, go out in the town...and take the female species on a monster ride.

HAHAHA, I feel like i just got patterned, Ross Jeffries-style!

Anyways, keep up the good posts man, I totally agree with you that most younger (20s) chicks are just looking for c0ck most of the time and DO not want relationships.

That IS the reason that most of you guys with ambition, looks, money, etc fail. Chicks try to play all innocent, but really they're the ones running around dating like 8 guys and having sex with 12 while you're wondering if she likes the trim package on your beamer.

Sort of depressing, really. To hell with this new sexual revolution. I'm really disgusted by and tired of dealing with hors that just want to use me for my d1ck.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Serlized says,

"That IS the reason that most of you guys with ambition, looks, money, etc fail. Chicks try to play all innocent, but really they're the ones running around dating like 8 guys and having sex with 12 while you're wondering if she likes the trim package on your beamer."

Now this guy understands the TIME.

"Sort of depressing, really. To hell with this new sexual revolution. I'm really disgusted by and tired of dealing with hors that just want to use me for my d1ck."

Me too buddy, me too. But you know what? It's better to understand the dog than to NOT understand the dog and get bit by his azz.

Many, many, many guys today DON'T understand the dog....and the dog bites the fvck outta them. The guy thought the dog was theri "best friend," but the dog turned out to be using them all the time, and really seems liek it was just waiting for a great time to BITE that azz.

I'm thankful I understand the TIME and new TREND today. But I don't think it's just younger girls, it's all of them. I've seen some 45 doing it. I don't think it's an AGE thing, it's a MARKETPLACE THING.

2 Words = Free Will.

Why should the chick be a NATURAL woman and support and care and nurture a man?


When she can run around like MEN, and stick and move and fvck this guy, that guy, that guy, this guy, the mail man, the pastor, the choir boy, the gay boy, the thug, the dj, the business man, the lawyer, the ex-con, the fat guy, the buff guy, the skinny guy, the funny guy, the goofy guy, etc, etc, etc.

If you can get that pvssy wet....then you're invited in to mop it up with your dyck.

Again, I said that if you can get that pvssy wet....then you're invited in to mop it up with your dyck.

Free Will. And TODAY....every women HAS IT, and every women will USE IT. And guys know it too. They know it. They just CHOOSE to PRETEND it's not there.

They know god damn well their chicks RUN THEIR AZZ. All this talk about being the "Prize," lol, yeah okay.

What's a Don Juan?'s my definition:

A Don Juan is a PUA, a Natural Man, and a Informed Player. He understands how to sexually attraction and fvck women, for that is his PUA-ness. He understands Ecomonics, Nutrition, and Social Dynamics, thus he is successful in the community and life. For this is his MAN-ness. And he understands the TREND of today's dating world. He understands that women look to be FVCKED first...LOVED second. For dating/relationships, he doesnt' seek self-improvement, working out, or making money to obtain women...he does that for his MAN-ness success. He seeks sexual power, sexual flow, sexual vibe, and sexual state to obtain women...then he keeps the ones that could possibly be a potential relationship partner. That is usually 3% of his "Pipeline."


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
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Clearly your theory here is not any magic pill or simple solution. If it were so than it would not have sparked a whole bunch of debate. And you say relationships are outdated? Relationships happen left and right. Marriage may be outdated, but not relationships.

For someone who claims to be successful in all areas of life, you sure do take every opportunity to prove it to us. In every other post you slip in how much money you make or how busy you are, yet you somehow find time to post every few hours in an online forum. For some reason I don't trust you and you seem like a really sketchy dude. A lot of people here seem to be buying into your "theory" (which is stolen from gunwich) really quickly and it just shows how easily some of the guys here are influenced.

Also, considering your account has been banned more than once (didn't learn your lesson the first time?) throws up another red flag.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
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For to be a TRUE Don Juan....we must

1. Be a PUA

2. Be a MAN

3. Be an Informed Player of the Game.

>> For I can't JUST be a PUA and not be a Man or an Informed Player of the Game. For if I do that, then I will KNOW and be ABLE to get azz, but yet, my lack of knowledge will fvck me up. I will get chicks pregnant that I shouldn't, they will milk me for my cash (and I don't have much anyway, I probably have a dead-end or "ok" job). I will still SEEK relationships, thinking that JUST BECAUSE I banged a chick and she is quote on quote "on my dyck," that I got it "made." But then I find out she's been "on other guys dyck too," and I will be bitter and pissed off. I will be innerly unhappy due to money problems, and "relationship" problems. But I can get azz though, that's for sure. It's the 99 problems but pvssy ain't one syndrome.

>> For I can't JUST be a MAN and not be a PUA or an Informed Player. For I will have it all, I will be successful, but women will use me, they won't love me fully, and they will usually fvck guys that are complete and total OPPOSITES of me! Yes that's right...I'm talking about the totaly losers in life! I will be confused, I will probably hate women, I will probably settle with a woman and get married, KNOWING DEEP DOWN INSIDE, she is riding good dyck behind my back.

>> For I can't JUST be an Informed Player and not a Man or a PUA. For I will be nothing but a KEYBOARD JOCKEY. I will have all this KNOWLEDGE, yet, I will be broke and a loser, with no azz and no life. So what's the point of having the knowledge?

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
(DJF walks back in)

Lol, I couldn't help it, I'll be back on topic in a minute.

Hey dude first off. People like YOU, make me sick. Here we discuss the topic of Sexual Vibe, getting laid, the current "state" of the dating marketplace. And YOU want to jump up and start discussing ME. Have you not learned that by discussing ME you will lose? Why? Because YOU DON'T KNOW ME.

"DJF. Clearly your theory here is not any magic pill or simple solution. If it were so than it would not have sparked a whole bunch of debate."

All the dogs barking up a tree doesn't make it the right one. Adding into the fact, that majority of men on this forum and in AMERICA, aren't even MEN anymore....of course what I say will piss them off! They are manufactured and made by people like Oprah, not people like Gunwitch or Pook! They were made by their mother, their sister, they STILL listen to the bullshyt women tell them. They need a re-programming, a new program...and CHANGE is painful.

"And you say relationships are outdated? Relationships happen left and right. Marriage may be outdated, but not relationships."

I didn't say, IDIOT, that relationships don't happen, I said they are outdated, they don't mean anything, because women are sticking and moving. Just about EVERY hot chick I know IS IN A RELATIONSHIP. But ummm, lol, wtf does that mean? What's the point when your chick will still FVCK the guy that makes her hot? That's 95% of women, when you find the 4-5% that are still WOMEN, then you have something.

"For someone who claims to be successful in all areas of life, you sure do take every opportunity to prove it to us."

Did I not just go through this with another guy? What the fvck am I proving to you? I can give two shyts about you bytch. What the fvck are you goin to do fo me? I make these threads because guys made threads when I was learning, that helped me. So this is my GIVING BACK to the forum. Lol, this guy is fvckin funny. What the fvck makes YOU think I give a fvck what you think bytch?

"In every other post you slip in how much money you make or how busy you are, yet you somehow find time to post every few hours in an online forum."

Every few hours? Dude, first off, I don't have to EXPLAIN when I post to you, alright? You can take your sour pvss azz to another thread. I post when I have time, this is my discussion thread, and if I want to post 75 fvcking times a day I will do that bytch! I paid my dues early on, I can AFFORD to sit on my azz. Can you?

"For some reason I don't trust you and you seem like a really sketchy dude."

Then why the fvck are you in my thread? See that Back button at the top of your screen? Push it.

"A lot of people here seem to be buying into your "theory" (which is stolen from gunwich) really quickly and it just shows how easily some of the guys here are influenced."

I dont' have no theory little boy, and I don't steal shyt ( at least not anymore, lol, I don't have to.) I don't come on this forum and sign up to be nobody's HERO, I make a post, I post what the fvck I wanna say, you agree or disagree, you flame or praise, quite honestly, I can give a fvck if you even READ IT. Lol.

"Also, considering your account has been banned more than once (didn't learn your lesson the first time?) throws up another red flag."

Dude, if you are seeing so many "red flags," shouldn't you already be the fvck out of my thread? I mean, if all these "flags" are coming up, then run your azz back to the High School Discussion Part where you came from...and lol don't read another word I say. Go motafvcka.

And don't come back.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score

I came across something that is very similiar to what you are trying to tell us.

"This explains in part why women often fall for the 'bad guys'. Bad guys are out there fully believing in themselves and often ultra ****y. They strut their stuff, play with their mobile phones, dangle their Porsche keys and emit vibe upon vibe of ****y confidence, and women are unconsciously drawn to it just as ms peacock is drawn to the best display of feathers. When they talk they give off powerful sexual vibes. They never turn off their sexuality. In fact they rarely turn it down. And we are pulled by our primitive urges towards them. Women also take varying amounts of time to recognise this, see through it and dismiss it. Some do it instantly, others fall into the trap and take longer to extricate themselves."

The author of the article is actually a woman. She discusses the sexual state throughout the article.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
rakish, this is the first chick that I have EVER heard admit the truth. Man, I wish other guys would understand and CATCH this, she said...

"When a man learns to be in touch with and accept and feel good about his masculinity and is comfortable with being a sexual being and doesn't cut off his sexuality in order to appear less threatening to women, he will become attractive."

"He will be emitting his own wall of testosterone. When he is like this surrounded by his maleness, and he knows how to make women feel good by genuine concern and interest not false flattery, we will sense his charisma and be drawn like a dog to a juicy steak. We smell the confidence, we feel the warmth, and if he can make us laugh on top of that we are guaranteed to melt."

Okay, now, everybody go get laid now. You have no more excuses, the information has been given to you.



Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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Okay, I´m going clubbing now. I´m gonna try it. I´ll post a FR later...


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, I just got back. The only problem with that sexual state thing is that you can easily get into a fight. I was approaching this one chick, then suddenly some douche bag came and punched me in the face and we had a fight. I had a bloody eye and he had a broken nose. End of the story ;)

sarge on :cool:


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Hi, ive been reading this forum for some time, but just now decided to sign up. Lol its really interesing to read and learned alot. But i gotta say that whoever u are John, your posts basically slap common sense into me whenever i read them. Just wanna say that they are simple but genius lol. This whole sexual state talk... ive had some successes and failures with women, and trying to find some kind of a pattern. Then i read a couple books regarding "seduction" where authors write about faking ur body language and using "push pull" bull****. Even being the "prize" is very hard to actually implement if ur not used to it. But i get what u call IOI's from girls when im in the sexual state and it makes alot of sense to me. I would definitely like to learn more about it and how to take it further and use it to my advantage. Keep up the good work man and write something back
p.s. clear ur inbox cuz i meant to send this in a message

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Well hey, again guys rakishness hit it on the nail here:

Check out what this chick says, she basically explains it a bit better than I did.

You know hey, I want guys to understand.

I don't get up here and make this threads so guys can start saying how wonderful I am, I don't make these threads to brag, hell...I have had some success but I am still growing and taking an azz whipping while doing it lol!

I am not perfect, by a long shot. I have a lot of shyt I still have to learn, I am 23, I humble myself to the older guys I am in business with and even on this forum, so I can LEARN.

But quite honestly, I really believe, that this whole "women" thing is overrated. There's too much thought going here, too much analyzing, too much discussion, there's just too much of it.

I didn't ASK to be attracted to women. I was BORN attracted to women, women MAKE ME HORNY....okay, I didn't sign up for that shyt. God made me that way.

So I have a RIGHT, as a MAN, to allow a woman to see that I am still A MAN..and I am ATTRACTED TO HER!

1.) Nice Guys - They hide their horniness. They use morals, values, what mommy and daddy said, and all that crap, and don't show any sexual desire. Now...again, if sexual desire is NATURAL....and you don't show it...then how in the hell is a girl NATURALLY supposed to like your azz? And then the Nice Guy wants to bytch and complain and call me a lowlife, because he got LJBF'ed and the chick started rubbing my dyck! Hell that's your fault dude!

2.) AFCS- These guys don't hide their horniness....they show it...but they don't understand how to use it and channel it correctly. The proper way for a man to be HORNY, is to have all the natural horny energy but EXPRESS it through your EYES, your VOICE, your WALK, your GESTURES....yes, I am talking NON-VERBAL shyt here! Even if your personality is loud and crazy, your sexuality SHOULD still be NON-VERBAL. I know crazy wild guys that say, "I'm about to fvck you baby!" But they are still in a non-verbal type of way communicating it. Then I know guys that do the same thing, but they express it verbally.'s hard for me to explain, you just have to try and catch this.

Some guys call this "Inner Game" and that's really what's happening. You are taking all yoru horny energy but expressing it THROUGH the inside of your BODY and the inside of your MIND. And women do the opposite, they express their horniness through the outside of their body.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
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3.) PUAS- Here's guys that know how to express their horniness non-verbally. I guess what I mean when I say non-verbally, is that you are making out with the chick in your mind, and your body is giving off those sexual vibes. That is the proper way a MAN should EXPRESS and DISPLAY his horniness and sexuality. When you do that, you are going to attract majority of women, despite if you look great, have money, or have ambition. The PUAS of the world, THIS IS ALL THEY DO! Lol, they just go from chick to chick. Seriously, I see it all the time.

4.) DON JUANS- Here's the guy that I am. Here's the guy YOU guys shoudl strive to be. This guy has ambition, he is striving for success in life, but he also has the MAGIC of the PUA. Yes, he can do ALL THE THINGS the PUA can do! But unlike the PUA, the Don Juan also is a successful person and influenical leader in his community. He's a role model, a GREAT MAN. And he can also make a chick wet and hot JUST LIKE the PUA.

So guys, honestly, life is a constant search for wisdom. I mean, I believe that to be successful in business, it's not really about how hard you work, it's how smart you work. If any analzying, theorizing, or discussions need to be done, it should be done on business.

But not women.

I mean, there's nothing else to this guys. And I just really hope that you guys "catch" what I am trying to communicate lol, even though I know I'm not the best communicator.

And why do I want you to catch this? Because in my heart I believe all of you are the Don Juan types, or the soon to be Don Juan types. I believe that you strive to help make the world a better place, but you struggle with self-esteem and "believing in yourself" issues, becaause of women and others in the world.

Take my word on it. Women love you, all of you. And you are the ones that will give her BETTER nvts than any PUA ever can.

And the world loves you. It's because of YOU that the world evolves, your brain, your heart, your fight, your will power. We need you.

We want you.

And for that....I say.....God Bless You.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
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Well tonight I think it's time to add more to this thread.

Tonight I will speak on the following:

1. Why most Men Failed Before, and Will Keep Failing with women

2. The only true SECRET to getting all the women you ever wanted.

3. How to obtain a great relationship.

I think this would be great for the guys here.

Tonight, let's look forward to this discussion. :yes:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
DJF or John said:
Well tonight I think it's time to add more to this thread.

Tonight I will speak on the following:

1. Why most Men Failed Before, and Will Keep Failing with women

2. The only true SECRET to getting all the women you ever wanted.

3. How to obtain a great relationship.

I think this would be great for the guys here.

Tonight, let's look forward to this discussion. :yes:
Thats great!!
I also have a question. How subtle are you with your sexual state? Like do you touch the girl while you are in this state. Or are you just projecting this state with your eyes and voice?
Keep up the discussion.