Here's The Magic Pill


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
DJF or John said:
I said this before, but sexual state, sexual flow, and sexual mindset, is what gets a woman to fvck you today.

You don't have to have good looks, you dont' have to be a man, you dont' have to have goals, you don't have to have ambition, you don't have to be a provider, you don't have to be a protector, you don't have to be any god damned thing but a man that can SHOW OFF HIS SEXUALITY (sexual state) and BACK UP HIS SEXUALITY (fvck good).

And the man with the MOST sexual state, the MOST sexual power, THAT'S the man that the girls are calling. That's the man that they are running to. That's the man.....whether he be a priest or a devil, a straight man or a fvcking gay man...that's the man that the girls are SPENDING THEIR TIMES WITH.

I said, 95% of women DON'T LIKE YOU, they just want you to fvck them good. That means, my dear Frank, that the field is no longer as it used to be!

Women used to require boys to be men, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men to be protectors, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men to be provicers, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men to have ambition, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men to have goals, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men to have good looks, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men have a "life", THAT'S OVER.


Look at this site! Look at how it preaches that you must be a man, you must be successful, you must be this or wrong is that sermon?

Why you will find and notice, that the guy with nolife, no goals, no nothing, will fvck all the chicks in the town and the chicks will TAKE CARE OF HIM!

Becasue in TODAY'S WORLD....chicks are looking for one thing, and one thing only, SEXUAL POWER.

If you have sexual power, you have her. You have her time. You have her wallet. You have her car keys. You have her friends. You have her parents. You have her family. You have her fvcking everything.

Why is it that you think, guys that act more like thugs and bad boys fvck more than guys that act more like nice guys and great guys of society? Why is that? Think about it.......

Sexual Power, sexual state, sexual mindset, is DIRTY. Oh yes, it's dirty.

I sit there, and during a normal conversation, I am seducing the fvck outta this chick. My hand is on my balls, my lips are being licked, my eyes are pentrating her god damn soul, and that bytch can't do anything but get horny. Lol...and I'm doing this shyt in church! How wrong is that! Lol, how unethcial is that they say!

Nice guys and great men of society, this sexual state, this sexual power, this sexual mindset, lol, these guys are so busy chasing down giants, winning business proposals, and conquering worlds...they have no fvcking idea waht a sexual mindset is.

Matter of fact, when they are talking to a chick, their mind if on anything BUT SEX! They are programmed to NOT SHOW A CHICK ANY DESIRE!

This doesnt make any sense whatsoever. First of all guys think about SEX all the f*cking time. If guys did not show any DESIRE like you claim, then the majority of attractive women would not be so big-headed and arrogant thinking that every guy wants there goods.

2nd...this so called "sexual" vibe is not the silver bullet that gets all women. It has its place, but there are way too many other factors that come into play, and yes that includes shallow things like your looks, social status, financial status etc.

By your logic then, if I looked like Brad Pitt, was an international rock star, and made millions a year, then NONE of that would matter to a girl because all she wanted was for me was to grab my balls, lick my lips, stare at her seductively, and speak in my bedroom voice.

And based on your post history, including being banned TWICE under DonJuanForever and Pvssy-Eater, I seriously question your credibility.

In some of your posts you mention that you were depressed, all people hated you for some reason, women stopped liking you when you drop your "sexual" state, feelings of emptiness etc.. And then RIGHT after in another post you go on and give your "magic bullet" advice to eternal contentment and happiness.

And in case you rebuff this....

As DonJuanForever

Dude...based on what I just read in those links do you really think that me or anyone else on this forum should take any of your advice seriously? Sure your method may get you azz but as you have pointed out yourself in your other posts you did so at the expense of your happiness and relationships with other people.

There is a reason for having ambition, for winning business proposals, for conquering worlds. Its to keep us sane and happy. To give us a purpose to this short life we have. Something you dont seem to have.
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DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Well it's been quite a long weekend, so let's bring back this discussion, and keep everything flowing, shall we?

Well I guess out of mature respect....I should take a look at sstype's rantings.

"This (post) doesnt make any sense whatsoever."

Great, than you have the free will to hit the back button and reply into a post that you "understand." I mean, if you don't understand the post, then how can you truly comment on what it's saying?

"First of all guys think about SEX all the f*cking time. If guys did not show any DESIRE like you claim, then the majority of attractive women would not be so big-headed and arrogant thinking that every guy wants there goods."

Majority of women are big headed and arrogant because they are acting like ME now. As I stated before, they are naturally submissive, humble, etc., but they have taken a FREE Will Masculinity steroid pill, and they are now trying to be as free as men now. They are sticking and moving, that's why they have those "attitudes." Their "attitudes" is just in direct relation to the usual ****y and arrogance that a Natural Man has. Women have these attitudes as a result of them trying to be more like US.

sstype, you have to understand sexual state. I look at a Beyonce picture, and I get horny, I want to fvck Beyonce. The diffference between the AFC and the PUA, is that BOTH ARE HORNY, the PUA knows how to control and channel his horniess into a subtle, smooth, seductive, sexual flow and vibe, while the AFC doesn't understand how to control his horniness, thus it spills over everywhere and there's nothing seductive about that. The AFC comes off goofy and lacking experience, the PUA comes off seductive and having mucho experience.

"2nd...this so called "sexual" vibe is not the silver bullet that gets all women."

Well, sorry to say. But with the current state of the marketplace, men without "sexual vibe" are going to either:
1. Get flaked alot
2. Get no action
3. Or be used

"It (sexual vibe) has its place, but there are way too many other factors that come into play, and yes that includes shallow things like your looks, social status, financial status etc."

The "shallow" things you mention are NOT shallow to US, they are SHALLOW to women. Make no mistake about it, everybody loves a rich guy, a confident guy, a popular guy, okay...that's not the situation. Because of the way women are acting today, and that's more free willing like men, women require MORE OUT OF MEN. Understand something sstype, women are looking to get laid FIRST! They are looking to be fvcked FIRST! All of the other stuff, great body, great career, etc., shyt, women are independent these days. They don't need men to take care of them, they don't need protection, provision, all that other shyt. The MAIN thing, that a woman needs from a man a great, wonderful, fulfilling, sexual experience! The guys that have the sexual state, will "sell themselves" to the chick, that they could possibly give her this wonderful experience. Then the guys that DELIVER, those are the guys that these chicks latch onto.


DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
"By your logic then, if I looked like Brad Pitt, was an international rock star, and made millions a year, then NONE of that would matter to a girl because all she wanted was for me was to grab my balls, lick my lips, stare at her seductively, and speak in my bedroom voice."

Brad Pitt is going to get laid NOT because he's Brad Pitt (has money, has fame), it's because if you really watch his personality, he has a LOT of sexuality in there. Okay, that's the sexual vibe I am talking about.

There's way too much focus around here on "Who I am as a Person." It's too much. While that's great for me as a person, it has nothing to do with women.

When looking to get laid, the focus should be more on, "How much of a sexual vibe am I projecting? How is my style and talk and walk, presenting me? Am I really sexual? Do I have my sexual vibe, voice, moves, down pat?"

Because I am famous and have a lot of money, that's great for me! I don't have to go to work in the morning!

But this is 2007, not 1937!

You better have more than just a Mercedes and a great 6 pack!

If I am famous and have a lot of money, but have NO SEXUALITY, then Yes sstype I will get laid! But it will be at the cost of a portion of my wallet! I will have to use my bank account to purchase her pvssy.

I mean again, you are having the same problem God of Getting Laid had. He seen women haning on guys with great looks, and he concluded that guys with great looks get all the women! he doesn't understand what's going on under the surface, things occurring where NO ONE CAN SEE!

The attraction, the seduction, occurrs UNDER THE SURFACE! NOT ON TOP OF THE SURFACE! It's the power and flow occurring between the man and the women on the inside of them, that leads to the outside manifestion of kissing, huggin, fvcking. And that power and SEXUAL STATE. Sexual Power. Sexual "chemistry." It's a feeling that a girl has about a guy that she can't put into words, but she just knows that she wants to fck that guy. Okay, that "feeling" that women can't comprehend, is a result of sexual state!

This is why asking a woman, "How do I get more women?" this is why women always give you the wrong answer! They just KNOW when they like a guy, they dont' know WHY they like a guy! Trust me, if they KNEW, they would tell your azzes!

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score

"And based on your post history, including being banned TWICE under DonJuanForever and Pvssy-Eater, I seriously question your credibility.
In some of your posts you mention that you were depressed, all people hated you for some reason, women stopped liking you when you drop your "sexual" state, feelings of emptiness etc.. And then RIGHT after in another post you go on and give your "magic bullet" advice to eternal contentment and happiness."

Okay, let's go back to discussing the "topic." I am in no position and in no way receiving any commission off of any post or thread that I create, so I have no requirements whatsoever to present any "credibility" to anyone. John is my main focus, and when I created this thread, it was for guys to discuss the topic so John can grow. Yeah I was banned before, nothing against the moderators, but all a guy has to do is email then and say so and so is pissing me off and the moderators will usually ban the guy. Okay, so getting banned doesn't put a damper on someone's "experiences." And as for the previous posts, again, when I post I post what I feel, what I think, what I experience. What I was saying in those previous posts, was that my business had taken off great, I had perfected my little sexual vibe and I was getting laid, yet, if I wanted women to convert back to women again. I wanted women to be more submissive and humble again, and I was pissed off because of this "knowledge" I had, lol. I mean, hell, the truth hurts, and by me really knowing the truth, bitterness, disappointment, etc, will raise up and cause me to bytch a little.

"Dude...based on what I just read in those links do you really think that me or anyone else on this forum should take any of your advice seriously? Sure your method may get you azz but as you have pointed out yourself in your other posts you did so at the expense of your happiness and relationships with other people."

Again, I just explained why I made those posts. And should you take my posts seriously? Well to be honest sstype, I didn't ask you to reply to my posts. Most guys read through these forums and take what they can and what they feel will relate to them, and then the rest they come back to. If you don't feel what I'm saying relates to you, then there's the Back button, go into another thread. But don't sit here and research my previous posts and try to come to some conclusions on "who I am," dude seriously, you will never be able to figure out who I am, lol. Hell, I'm still trying to figure out everything about who I am, that's why I'm here. You should keep the focus on yourself, and not on others. So again, if you care to respond to the topic, I'll be glad to continue discussing it with you. But if you want to continue bashing me personally, then I will just ignore you from now on.

"There is a reason for having ambition, for winning business proposals, for conquering worlds. Its to keep us sane and happy. To give us a purpose to this short life we have. Something you dont seem to have."

Again, lol, you need to focus on the topic and not on me, because just your last statement alone shows you know nothing about what you're talking about. I've been winning business proposals since I was 18, I run my own sales office, and I sell 4 different services in 5 different countries. So again, next time, stick to the topic.

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
Brad Pitt is going to get laid NOT because he's Brad Pitt (has money, has fame), it's because if you really watch his personality, he has a LOT of sexuality in there. Okay, that's the sexual vibe I am talking about.
That's just stupid. stop posting.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Well Master Bates again, there's the Back button.

I made this thread to discuss this topic further, and I dont' want this turning into a flame war.

If you don't understand what I'm saying, either read it again or discuss it. I don't want any flames going on in this thread.

Now Grow Up.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
Haha, sorry I'm with this guy.

Master Bates said:
Brad Pitt is going to get laid NOT because he's Brad Pitt (has money, has fame), it's because if you really watch his personality, he has a LOT of sexuality in there. Okay, that's the sexual vibe I am talking about.
That's just stupid. stop posting.

You WANT this to be the magic bullet. I can tell from your posts that you desperately wish your theory were true.

You're missing something. Girls give/promise sex to lure in other things they want: friendship, attention, intimacy, status, looks, humor, stability, money, children, etc.

Therefore, YES, ALL that stuff matters. Sorry.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
Get this in your head:

Most girls are afraid of being viewed as a 'slut.' Why? Think about it.

Because it decreases their relationship market value.

Nobody wants to be in a relationship with a slut. They want to fvck a slut. But no relationship.

So... why is it that girls are careful of their sexual status?

Because they want the relationship. One guy. One set of goods.

Which set of goods would she pick?

A. Garbage man bum who can fvck.
B. The 'catch' who can fvck.

This theory is bullsh!t.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Alright guys, one more post and I'm going to bed because I have 4 big appointments tomorrow.

DevanE, I am excited that you understand this. And yes, this in not logic, it's not scientific based, it's none of that stuff. It's the whole reason why God of Getting Laid was ticked off, he said everything I said had no logical reasoning, well...IT DOESN'T!

What can I do, lol?

Blue guy, what's up man....

"You WANT this to be the magic bullet. I can tell from your posts that you desperately wish your theory were true."

No I don't blue guy. I love women, I always have, and I always will. I enjoy fvcking them, but I really want to go back to the old days. I want women to be submissive and not all these promiscious (spelling) stuff. I want them to be at home and take care of the house and kids, while I go out and rage hell on the world, conquer the world. I want to come home and kiss my wife, knowing that I kicked azz and provided for my family. But TODAY, that stuff just isn't here anymore.

"You're missing something. Girls give/promise sex to lure in other things they want: friendship, attention, intimacy, status, looks, humor, stability, money, children, etc. Therefore, YES, ALL that stuff matters. Sorry."

No dude, that's not correct. Understand, as I stated before, I sell for three different companies on commission, when I make a sale I am paid on average of $1500 -$2400 a sale. I try to keep making at least 10 sales a month, that's my goal, I average around 12. Okay dude, I make NO SALES FROM THIS SITE. I make NO SALES from these threads. I am not in anyway trying to sale anything, why, for what purpose?

I am literally posting what I have experienced, trying to see if other guys had had these experiences, and try to UNDERSTAND this whole thing a bit more.

That's why I keep posting here. I'm trying to find out more things about John.

For the record, and not to go back to sounding "depressed" as sstype pointed out that I sounded in the previous posts, I DON'T LIKE THIS SHYT! I stated that!

I am sick of all the sexual state shyt, I am sick of all the women fvcking around and shyt! I am sick of it.

I want women to be fvcking women again! I want to feel more like a MAN when I am fcking a chick, I feel like a fvcking Male Stripper.

So no, I don't like this shyt, I wish it wasn't true. I am a naturally good guy, a good person. So no, I don't like this shyt, but I'm also not going to put my head under a pillow and PRETEND that this shyt is not REAL. It's real, and I have to learn to deal with this shyt, even though I cannot stand it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
DJF claims that you don't have to have anything going for you (looks, personality, or anything) as long as you know how to move your lips, d!ck and hands well. He also claims that the relationship days are over.

He's making stuff up. Why? Read his first post. It's obvious.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
blueguy, you say I'm making up stuff? FOR WHAT DUDE?

For what reason? Because I'm bored?

I have shyt to do around here! I don't have a lot of free time.

You know why I'm here? I can give a fvck if ANYBODY on this site likes me! I can give a fvck if anybody on this site praises me.

I want to learn more about what the fvck I'm experiencing.

When I argue back and forth, it's not to prove that I am the "God of Getting Laid," like some people claim they are.

I am argueing because I understand, that most guys don't really know just what the fvck is goin on! I'm trying to bring a different point of view, some clarity, to something that a lot of guys have no clue what the hell is going on!

Adn why do I want to bring this clarity? Because I want someone to UNDERSTAND just what the fvck I'm talking about, understand just what the fvck I'm saying, SO THEY CAN HELP ME OUT! Lol.

That's why I keep coming back here, I want to help John. I want someone to help me understand why the hell women are doing this shyt? If anything, I want to try to stop it as much as I can....but when guys clearly don't even understand what's going on, seems like I spend more time trying to get most of you guys CAUGHT UP with just what the fvck is happening!


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
Okay. I see what you're saying. The world works on a bartering system. Sex is of high value to a lot of people. But it's not the only thing that is valued to people. Different people place different values on different things:

Woman A Needs:
Need to feel important - 10
Sex - 6
Attractive partner - 8
Funny partner - 9
Partner to raise children - 10

Man A Needs:
Need to feel important - 5
Sex - 10
Attractive partner - 9
Funny partner - 3
Partner to raise children - 2

These two are not compatible in the long run.

Many people trade certain things for another not necessarily in the same category.

Women are not after only sex. They want other things too. Resource needs and social needs are never going to go away. They are basic human needs. Relationships are never going to go away.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2006
Reaction score
Relationships won't go away until a majority of guys understand what is REALLY happening.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
Down to the nitty gritty of it - the world of full of people engaged in a cut-throat war - everybody after themselves. Everybody has ulterior motives.

But by all means, when you have a fair trade, you have a fair trade. And it can last quite awhile and bring quite a bit of happiness.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
I saw the title of this thread expecting to be amused by the pretentious ravings of a nut case ... but I'll be damned, this comes (ahem!) as close to living up to its billing as possible... if one's goal is simply to get laid.

Definitely Bible material IMNSHO. Not to minimize the importance of being the best man you can be ... there is much more to life than just getting laid a lot ... but it's amazing what the sexual state DJF writes about can do ...



Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Well DJF, I think I will have to respectfully disagree with a lot of what you said but you are entitled to your opinion. And the reason I brought those former posts up was not to attack you, but to show everyone that despite all your successes, you still had other serious issues.

Success in one aspect of our lives usually comes at the expense of others. We are not all perfect, we shouldnt try to be. Its what makes us human.

DevanE said:
LOL...this is pretty much the truth to getting women you show or project your sexuality in a channeled and controled manner where they can SENSE that you will fuk them. It's funny to me that the people who are questioning this have NO IDEA how powerful this really is. I guess it comes truly from experience. The thing you guys have to realize is that he isn't condoning this way of living but rather he is telling you what you CAN do to be successful with women. It's not a theory or any of that bullsh** this is all true.

BUT it's NOT the magic pill, their are other aspects to this but this is the main ingredient for success. Many to fail to realize that logic itself cannot explain everything which is what I'm noticing in a lot of the "criticisms". This is more of a natural thing for a man because a man's greatest weakness, his insatiable desire for sex, IS used as his greatest weapon for seducing women. Dudes nowadays are sooooooo scared to say something God forbid nasty in public so women yearn for a guy who is in touch and know's how to man-handle them how they should be...wait you want "logical" answers...? Oh well the reason women WANT a guy to be in touch with his sexuality is so she can "blame" him for fuking her and bring out the deep-rooted taboo desires she wishes someone would free.

Yes I understand that women are a lot more free nowadays then ever but they are still women at heart waiting to be submitted through powerful and pu$$y backfliping sex. :up:

Look, sexual state should be used with caution given today's anti-male/masculinity culture. YOU may think you are seductive, smooth, and cool but if the girl your gaming thinks you're a creep then at the very least she will run away from you.

Just be careful. With all these harrassment/rape charges flying around like nothing, all it takes is one screwed up chick to ruin you.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
DJF or John said:
I want someone to help me understand why the hell women are doing this shyt?

I think these 3 articles might help you. Most of what the author says I don't agree with...but...some of what he says is on point. See if it helps you.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, DJF I wanna get this straight. By sexual state you mean to be as agressive as possible without verbalizing sex? How do you do this. Do you just have to picture you having sex with her and apply lots of kino and make it obvious that you wanna fvck her?