Here's The Magic Pill

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Well let's finish this discussion here a bit.

Btw rakishness thanks for those links, I'm studying those currently.

sstype, I like you man. You see, we can have a "discussion" and politely disagree with each other, without being outright childish and immature like the God of Getting Rejected has to be, lol. Okay, what you got?

"Well DJF, I think I will have to respectfully disagree with a lot of what you said but you are entitled to your opinion."

See, this is why I like you. We can both learn from each other. Hey dude, I don't know everything, I come here to contribute as well as learn.

"Look, sexual state should be used with caution given today's anti-male/masculinity culture. YOU may think you are seductive, smooth, and cool but if the girl your gaming thinks you're a creep then at the very least she will run away from you."


"Just be careful. With all these harrassment/rape charges flying around like nothing, all it takes is one screwed up chick to ruin you."

Hey now you know what, you got a very great point there. Lol, it's the "NBA Basketball Player" problem lol. You got a chick that clearly wants to fvck you, then you fvck her, then she wants to say you raped her, lol.

Here's the thing, this situation is a possibility, period. The only thing I would suggest is to just WATCH the women that you fvck.

It's a discernment type of thing. See, I already know that majority of the women I fvck, I can't call and ask a favor for shyt. Lol, but I have a good number that I can do this with. See, the women that I know that I'm just fvcking and aren't really "friends" to me, I keep at a distance.

I mainly use those chicks for social proof. It's a spiritual discernment you just have to have about people, that's all.

But yes, now you are seeing the true power of this sexual state.

Hey let's go to Chrisz...take it away Chris!!

Chrisz: "DJF how you doing man?"

DJf: "Ahh man I'm just chilling. I lost a bad account today, I had it in the bag then I lost it. Well, you can't get em all right? But hey, I did get the other two though. What's up man?"

Chrisz:"Okay, DJF I wanna get this straight. By sexual state you mean to be as agressive as possible without verbalizing sex? How do you do this. Do you just have to picture you having sex with her and apply lots of kino and make it obvious that you wanna fvck her?"

Okay. Follow me here.......

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
You know when you are horny right? Okay, the difference between the PUA and the AFC, is that the PUA knows how to control and channel his sexuality (horniness) the AFC doesn't know how to.

Because the AFC doesn't know how to channel it properly, most times they just don't embrace it all around the chick. This is how Nice Guys are formed, they tried embracing it before, they didn't do it correctly, they got slapped, and they said, "I will never do that again. I'll just be really nice."

Horniness is our NATURAL sexuality. It's a natural occurence. When a good looking chick like Ciara comes next to you (lol, if not Ciara, think of another one) you naturally get horny for her, that's our natural sexuality.

Now, the trick is, you have to know how to control and use your horniness, in a way that GETS HER HORNY. It's what I call a spiritual connection.

So here comes a chick.....

(She enters the room, sexy as fvcking hell)

Every man's dyck in the room gets hard, every man starts to think hot, nasty, freaky, thoughts about the chick.

Every man is now horny, every man now has EVERYTHING he will need to get the chick.

But what does the PUA do? Well, he takes this horniness, grabs it by the horns, and says, "Follow me."

And the PUA takes his horniness and channel it through his body, through his words, through his eyes, through the way he walks, through the way he talks.

The PUA is now in "Sexual state."

So the PUA approaches the chick in this state, the chick matches his flow, and they end up fvcking.

Now, why did the chick match his flow? Because let's go back to the natural flow of things.

HORNINESS, horniess remember as I said earlier, horniness is a natural occurence. The reason we are horny is because we are SUPPOSED to be that way, in order to MATE with women.

Guys that are NOT HORNY, have NO CHANCE! There's no way for the chick to connect.

So the PUA got laid, not because he used patterns, not because he was a challenge, but becuase he used the natural flow of things to connect with her (which at this point, she can't HELP but be attracted to him), so that's why the PUA got laid.

Now, so what happens when the AFC tries to use his sexuality, but he doesn't control it properly? Wouldn't the chick still connect with him, because he's showing his horniness?

Well, here's the thing........and this is why this is so important.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
The chick also connect with the guy that can't control his horniness, but majority of chicks DEMAND MORE out of a guy. They don't just want a guy that can be MAN ENOUGH to be horny, they want a guy that KNOWS HOW TO SATISFY HER. This is compared to the, "Would you fvck a nice looking fat chick or the blonde bombshell?" You are attracted to both, but your quality says, "Well...I think I'll take the bombshell."

Okay, if the guy can't even control and channel his sexuality properly, that's a sign that he can't even fvck her properly.

The girl is disappointed.

Now don't get me wrong, the guy that STILL embraces his sexuality and even though it spills all over the place, THAT GUY WILL STILL GET LAID. Lol, yes. It's just that his conversion ratio is smaller.

And yes, he'll get hot chicks too. And what usually happens, is that a chick will eventually show the guy hwo to calm the fvck down, and how to properly channel his sexuality.

Then over time, this guy becomes a PUA. (Sorry to give you my story right there, lol)

But understand, YOU MUST NOT RUN AWAY FROM YOUR HORNINESS. You must take your horniness, and channel it. Channel it through your eyes, your voice, your walk, your talk...this is what is meant by Sexual state, and using this, gets you laid quick, without much effort, without great looks, without being a rock star, and without all that other stuff.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score

This is why in other posts I said, "There's Nothing Wrong With You."

There's too much talk around here about having to be THIS GUY or THAT GUY...when the GUY you are has nothing at all to do with why or why you didn't get laid.

Every man gets horny, period.

The guy that gets laid often and more frequently, knows how to control and channel that horniness, period.

Does it matter if I am a janitor or a CEO?
Does it matter if I have a 6 pack or a 12 pack?
Does it matter if I am a thug or a total sweet guy?
Does it matter if I am tough or a weak?

I said in a previous reply, that if you diagnose the wrong problem, you can only prescribe the wrong solution. Everybody talks too much about the problem being, "There's Something Wrong With Me!" So they prescribe Self Improvement, working out, etc.

Now, understand...we all have growing to do as Men. Self Improvement, working out, is for that growth.

Okay, but understand, THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO with getting laid. NOTHING!

That has to do with your overall growth, comfort, and character. That has nothing to do with getting laid.

Women do a LOT of Self Improvement things too. When they gossip in circles, they are really talking out loud to themselves. When they watch movies, they are really trying to improve themselves as a person. When they go to church, etc. And the list goes on.

Okay, none of that stuff has to do with our dycks getting hard. Our dycks get hard because of her body, she can be a worthless piece of shyt, a nobody, a evil person, a stripper, a janitor, a whatever. If the chick has a body, she's going to get laid.

I'll continue this discussion later this week.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
DJF or John said:
I'll continue this discussion later this week.
Please do bro.
This is very interesting discussion. And something that I am currently trying to perfect. You see I'm one of those guys who lets it spill over. And that gets me into trouble sometimes...hahaha..Anyways....keep up the discussion.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
DJF or John said:
Well let's finish this discussion here a bit.

Btw rakishness thanks for those links, I'm studying those currently.

sstype, I like you man. You see, we can have a "discussion" and politely disagree with each other, without being outright childish and immature like the God of Getting Rejected has to be, lol. Okay, what you got?

"Well DJF, I think I will have to respectfully disagree with a lot of what you said but you are entitled to your opinion."

See, this is why I like you. We can both learn from each other. Hey dude, I don't know everything, I come here to contribute as well as learn.

"Look, sexual state should be used with caution given today's anti-male/masculinity culture. YOU may think you are seductive, smooth, and cool but if the girl your gaming thinks you're a creep then at the very least she will run away from you."


"Just be careful. With all these harrassment/rape charges flying around like nothing, all it takes is one screwed up chick to ruin you."

Hey now you know what, you got a very great point there. Lol, it's the "NBA Basketball Player" problem lol. You got a chick that clearly wants to fvck you, then you fvck her, then she wants to say you raped her, lol.

Here's the thing, this situation is a possibility, period. The only thing I would suggest is to just WATCH the women that you fvck.
Hey thx man...I realize I should not have been harsh on you. The last thing we need on this forum are out-azzhole contests.

I think you clearly defined it more to where I can agree with you. Controlled "sexual state" is very beneficial towards transitioning to a f*ck as opposed to desperately horny, according to what you believe.

This I agree with...its the same exact thing as "sexual transmutation" aka channelling your sexual energy.

Its an important aspect, although, not the ONLY aspect I believe is necessary for obtaining different types of women


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2004
Reaction score
kingston, ontario
so, uh, how exactly does one get into this sexual state? Quit wanking it? walk around with a hard on? lol, sorry, but seriously could you give a better description of it, maybe some more examples? thanks


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
shrewd said:
so, uh, how exactly does one get into this sexual state? Quit wanking it? walk around with a hard on? lol, sorry, but seriously could you give a better description of it, maybe some more examples? thanks
From what I read it´s this:

makes you speak with a better more attractive tone of voice (bedroom voice)
causes you to hold eye contact better and more sensually
causes you to touch her more and more sexually (getting her ready for the sexual encounter)
causes you to keep a level of physical closeness that builds a strong sense of comfort in her
causes you to not pander or be a beggar (as you realize are just as valuable sexually), so,
you don't buy her drinks like the rest of the losers do
you don't give insincere compliments like the rest of the losers do
you don't pander to her to entertain like the rest of the losers do
you don't brag like the losers do
you don't come off sexually androgynous and hide your masculinity like the losers do
And as a result of all this, you are not branded yet another everyday chump hitting on her.
I believe being sexually agressive without verbalizing it sums it all up. I got a question though. If you act agressive (always kino her etc..), doesn´t the girl lose interest in you cuz you stop being a challenge cuz u made it clear that you like her early on?


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2006
Reaction score
You make some good points about guys over thinking things and the use of sexual tension, but to say that confidence and looks have nothing to do with picking up is retarded. Ugly guys with no confidence very rarely pull fit girls thats a fact.
Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score
Zebedee said:
You make some good points about guys over thinking things and the use of sexual tension, but to say that confidence and looks have nothing to do with picking up is retarded. Ugly guys with no confidence very rarely pull fit girls thats a fact.
actually, that idea sounds like an oxymoron to me. I mean, I can picture an ugly guy attempting PU, but being unconfident how would he muster up the courage to try a PU in the first place? If you're unconfident you're not even gonna try to pickup.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Hey fake skip, get outta here. That's that fake god of getting laid guy. I told the guy, lol, make a fake Pook...that would be funny.

But it's ashame how guys have all this time. I have 5,000 businesses I have to see, and this guy has so much FREE TIME to do all this stuff.

Hell guy, I make $2500 a sale, why don't you come and help me make these calls and produce leads for me? I'll pay you 50% of the sale. 4 leads should equal 1 sale.

You got a lot of free time, so hell, come make me and yourself some money.

I will repost more on this thread a little later.


DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Alright guys....I think it's time for a little bit more of this discussion.

Tonight I will be adding more to this discussion. BTW, has anybody been applying what I said here and achieving better results?



Don Juan
Dec 2, 2006
Reaction score
The key that I got out of this thread is to make my intentions known.....and (surprising at first to me) it seems to be working. Basically I'm no longer fearful of discussing sexual things in a discussion with women.......I'm even taking it a step farther.....

I'm experimenting with NLP and this to link any thoughts of me with sex. I will give updates on how this works for me.



Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I'm reading Women (1978) by Charles Bukowski at the moment. Although he is known to embellish, it's great de-niceguyification reading just the same. This guy (or the alter-ego character in the book) just does what he wants whenever he wants. He just ignores LMR and presses on.

It's not really a DJ manual, but it's good fun to read from a PUA perspective.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
And Boschy understand, it's not about being a nice guy or a bad guy.

That has nothign to do with it, I keep telling guys, that WHO YOU ARE has nothing to do with it, so BE YOURSELF.

The problem is that MOST nice guys, either hide their horniness around chicks, or they will show it, but they show it verbally and bluntly, and that's not sexy.

The nice guy needs to be horny around a chick, but channel his horniness through his eyes, his walk, his talk, his behavior, his conversation.

It's a total non verbal, "I'm bout to fvck you."

It's not the usual dumb shouting and over-aggressive crap.

Again, the difference between the PUA and the AFC, is NOT WHO THEY ARE! The PUA can be a nice guy and the AFC can be a total jerk!

The difference between the PUA and the AFC, is the PUA knows how to channel his horniness to make her feel very wanted, sexy, and gives her a great romantic experience. The AFC doesn't know how to do this, so he either hides his horniness or shows it off wrongly, both are incorrect.

I'll post more here later.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
DJF or John said:
And Boschy understand, it's not about being a nice guy or a bad guy.

That has nothign to do with it, I keep telling guys, that WHO YOU ARE has nothing to do with it, so BE YOURSELF.

The problem is that MOST nice guys, either hide their horniness around chicks, or they will show it, but they show it verbally and bluntly, and that's not sexy.

The nice guy needs to be horny around a chick, but channel his horniness through his eyes, his walk, his talk, his behavior, his conversation.

It's a total non verbal, "I'm bout to fvck you."
What's a good way to get into the state? I'm starting to understand u but it's still confusing