Here's The Magic Pill

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Here's a copy and paste I replied to Frank in another post. I decided to post this here, don't say I didn't "give back to this site," and "help you guys," just as guys like Pook, Anti-Dump, Gunwitch, and others like da dynically, PRL, Mind Over Matter, and others have helped me.

If you read this and say you still don't "get it," then PM me and I'll talk with you separately. Peace.

Oh Frank, oh Frank, how art thou heart hurts so much!

"Those words can pierce into your heart like a sharp sword, because she's basically telling you that she doesn't view you at all on the same level of attraction. I have experienced that at least from three, different women. I have to be honest."

Oh Frank, oh Frank, how why art thou heart hurt so much?

"I'm not going to lie, and you sensed this in my post, I have been through so many heartbreaking experiences with an overwhelming majority of American women that I have met and those experiences greatly affected my life and my self-esteem."

Frank, oh Frank....maybe it's me, DonJuanForever, who can shed some light on thee!

Okay, I'm not Shakespere, I'm not Othello....but one thing I am is up to date.

Today, in this world Frank, we live in a world that is NO longer a family-oriented, big house, little dog, two kids, nice car, happy go lucky home. Those days are over, those days were over when my Mother and Father were born during the Baby Boom.

The field today is different, but actually, it's a positive and negative to this.

Women have always since the beginning of time, LOVED and LIVED sex much more then we ever could. It's just that TODAY, they have come out the closet.

They have taken off the veils, and they have taken charge, and they have now become like US! Lol, that's right, they stick and move.

They want to get it, and they will get it. The man with all the sexual power, that's the man that she wants. She wants to fvck, and she wants to fvck often, many, many, many, many, many times!

So while 90% of guys HAVE NOT caught up with this new trend, and are still stuck in the wrong ERA, allow me to bring you to the other side?

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
I said this before, but sexual state, sexual flow, and sexual mindset, is what gets a woman to fvck you today.

You don't have to have good looks, you dont' have to be a man, you dont' have to have goals, you don't have to have ambition, you don't have to be a provider, you don't have to be a protector, you don't have to be any god damned thing but a man that can SHOW OFF HIS SEXUALITY (sexual state) and BACK UP HIS SEXUALITY (fvck good).

And the man with the MOST sexual state, the MOST sexual power, THAT'S the man that the girls are calling. That's the man that they are running to. That's the man.....whether he be a priest or a devil, a straight man or a fvcking gay man...that's the man that the girls are SPENDING THEIR TIMES WITH.

I said, 95% of women DON'T LIKE YOU, they just want you to fvck them good. That means, my dear Frank, that the field is no longer as it used to be!

Women used to require boys to be men, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men to be protectors, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men to be provicers, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men to have ambition, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men to have goals, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men to have good looks, THAT'S OVER.
Women used to require men have a "life", THAT'S OVER.


Look at this site! Look at how it preaches that you must be a man, you must be successful, you must be this or wrong is that sermon?

Why you will find and notice, that the guy with nolife, no goals, no nothing, will fvck all the chicks in the town and the chicks will TAKE CARE OF HIM!

Becasue in TODAY'S WORLD....chicks are looking for one thing, and one thing only, SEXUAL POWER.

If you have sexual power, you have her. You have her time. You have her wallet. You have her car keys. You have her friends. You have her parents. You have her family. You have her fvcking everything.

Why is it that you think, guys that act more like thugs and bad boys fvck more than guys that act more like nice guys and great guys of society? Why is that? Think about it.......

Sexual Power, sexual state, sexual mindset, is DIRTY. Oh yes, it's dirty.

I sit there, and during a normal conversation, I am seducing the fvck outta this chick. My hand is on my balls, my lips are being licked, my eyes are pentrating her god damn soul, and that bytch can't do anything but get horny. Lol...and I'm doing this shyt in church! How wrong is that! Lol, how unethcial is that they say!

Nice guys and great men of society, this sexual state, this sexual power, this sexual mindset, lol, these guys are so busy chasing down giants, winning business proposals, and conquering worlds...they have no fvcking idea waht a sexual mindset is.

Matter of fact, when they are talking to a chick, their mind if on anything BUT SEX! They are programmed to NOT SHOW A CHICK ANY DESIRE!

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Frank what am I saying?
Should I just be "Frank" about what I'm saying lol?

Lol, I hate to keep going back to sales, but if I didn't keep up with my customers, I couldn't sell shyt. What if I still SOLD to my customers today like they were SOLD 20 years ago? Would not I look stupid? All the advances in technology, implementation problems, "finding a reason to buy" problems, customers needs have changed, etc.

Okay, why are guys still approaching women like their grandfathers did? Lol, that day is over!

The relationship days, are over!

This is the day, of getting laid!

That's right, laid!

Adn as soon as you get up to date with the market, the sooner the sales will fly the fvck in.

- Stop trying to get relationships. 95% of women DON'T LIKE YOU, they just want DYCK.
- Stop trying to please women, 95% of women want a great dyck, and if you give them a great dyck, THEY WANT TO PLEASE YOU.
- Stop living in theories, like, "What do I say?" "What did she mean when she did this?" "What shoudl I say on the phone?" "How shoudl I eat my popcorn at Norbit, should I eat it slow or fast?" The days of planned routes, planned procedures, planned actions, ARE GONE!

What's the solution to this new marketplace? The only solution is to become valuable, and understand, if the marketplace has CHANGED, what was valuable BEFORE, won't be valuable NOW.

Yesterday, it was VALUABLE to have goals, ambitions, charm, confidence, masculinity, toughness, being a hero, being a provider, good looks, etc., etc.

TODAY, it's VALUABLE, to have a high amount of sexual POWER. Sexual flow, sexual vibe, sexual, sexual, sexuallllllll.

You guys have got to get with the fvcking program. You have got to get with the current.

Why are you still theorizing? There is no theories!
Why are you still planning? There is no plans!
Why are you spending so much time in self-improvement seminars, gyms, etc. all to get laid? There's no PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS ANYMORE!

Listen to the girls scream, listen to them:

"Come and fvck us!"
"Come and fvck us!"
"Come and fvck us!"
"Come and fvck us!"

I will UP my sexual flow and state, and I will deliver these bytches the best sexual experience of all time and keep that bytch coming back each night!

"Come and fvck us!"
"Come and fvck us!"

I will learn how to STAY in sexual state, LIVE in sexual state, and give her a nut BEFORE I even stick my dyck in!

"Come and fvck us!"
"Come and fvck us!"

I will learn how to FVCK, so when I fvck that bytch she will have the best nuts she's ever had in her life!


I now know, that what mattered yesterday, is not what my focus is on today! For yesterday! I used my muscles, my career, my car, my toughness, my manness, my confidence, and leverage them to get women!


But now I know, that TODAY...I must focus on my sexual state, and have the highest, smoothest, greatest, sexual state going....

"Come on Daddy!"
"Come on Daddy!"

And lure the bytches into my sexual world....through my sexual power...that Sexual state!


And then...I will fvck them, like they have never been fvcked before!"


What's my name!


What's my name!





Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Dude, a lot of people come here everyday and look for a golden tip or a technique that makes them think they can seduce any woman, but you know what? I think this is it. Your post is a real eye opener. I don´t care if you act like a dyck in a lot of the threads here as long as you contribute good stuff to this forum. So, what you´re basically saying is that when you talk to a woman you have to imagine that you want to bang the sh!t out of her, however without talking about sexual stuff with her. I´m gonna try that. Although I don´t like you, I appreciate what you just posted :up:


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Well, i kinda agree. Sexual state is definitely very important, but it almost sounds like you are promoting being a bum. Career, ambitions, money, not important? I don't know what world your living in, but these things are still important, maybe not in picking up girls but in life.

Overall, great post though:rockon:

Would you agree that even an AFC with no knowledge could be a lady killer if he learned about sexual state?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
Yes DJF......BUT....many people on this forum actually WANT relationships with women. Not just fcuk buddies. lol.

As we all know...the human animal is a VERY SICK and PERVERTED animal. And many bad boys, jerks and players use this fact to have endless sexual "conquests".


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry i find you post pretty simple minded, You make it sound like all you do is make yourself horny and girls will flock to you, This idea is absurd you talk about grabbing your balls while your talking to girls while i wish it was that easy its not. I'm not denying that sexual state dose not work, it absolutely works but you must also understand that just because a chick feels hot and horny around you docent always mean shell sleep with you in an instant, there are other social factors involved. Allot of girls are not that comfortable with there sexuality, so there is calibration that is involved. Also while this may get you allot of make outs and phone numbers, when it comes down to sex You'll instantly fall into LMR or buyers remorse if you don't build some sort of comfort. While this sexual state technique is something good to have it's not always practical, seriously if i walked up to a girl at a bar and your already in a sexual state shell be weirded out, its about progressing both her and yourself into that sexual state of harmony.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Well here we begin a pretty nice discussion. That's why I posted it here in the Discussion portion and not in the Tips section.

Let's look at what's going down currently,

Thirtyplus says,

"There is no Magic Pill. Thanks for your contribution though. Sexual state is important; but it's not a magic pill."

Hmmmm, maybe you are correct, depending on how we define a "magic" pill. Some see magic pills as, "If I take this pill right here, I will lose all this fat, and keep it off, and not have to workout!" Well, we know that fat burner pills supplement weight loss, they dont' do all the work.

In this context, let's try to look at sexual state and the current "state" of the market more as a different "magic" pill. Let's look at sexual state as something "magical" something from the imagination, fantasy world...that effects women personally, physically, mentally, romantically, etc., in this world. In that context, I call it magic, and since I am prescribing this dosage, I call it a "pill." Lol, but of course I can give it to you in liquid form as well.

Let's go to Frisco next...

"Sorry i find you post pretty simple minded, You make it sound like all you do is make yourself horny and girls will flock to you, This idea is absurd you talk about grabbing your balls while your talking to girls while i wish it was that easy its not."

Let's not confuse sexual state with horniness. Horniess is just a NATURAL feeling you have when you wanna fvck, sexual state involves Horniess, but it goes beyond horniness. When you are in sexual state, quite honestly, the girl's horniness NOT your horniness is at the forefront. Sexual state, while very hard for me to explain, is a spiritual connection, where you are in this separate world of sex and passion, that effects the way you feel, the way you move, the way you talk. And when you get around women in this "world" they draw into you like never before. That's why I call this a "magic" dosage, because it's the ONLY thing I've seen so far, where I can really honestly just THINK IN A WAY, and I literally BECOME that, without really putting in much effort.

Frisco continues....

"It absolutely works but you must also understand that just because a chick feels hot and horny around you docent always mean shell sleep with you in an instant.."

But the sell is already made. This is the classical Romantic novel situation occurring. If you read romantic novels, it's always a girl that is madely hot over a guy, yet in a way of flirting, she trys to run from him so he can come and obtain her.

I'll continue this later


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
''Sexual state, while very hard for me to explain, is a spiritual connection''

Exactly right you have to find the Sexual harmony were the women is comfortable and still enjoying being with you without felling like a *****. So you tease her bring her into that world of complete sexual vibe and then be dead to her and ignore her attempts to reanitiate that sexual vibe then bring it back when shes not expecting it. If you don't ever have that off switch so to speak then you come off as a perverted needy type of guy and shell get bored of you and lose interest.

"But the sell is already made. This is the classical Romantic novel situation occurring. If you read romantic novels, it's always a girl that is madely hot over a guy, yet in a way of flirting, she trys to run from him so he can come and obtain her."

I don't read romantic novels, but In my experiences in life I'm the one who has the control i show her sexual interest get her into my sexual vibe once shes in it and enjoying the experience cut it off on a high point. Shell still be hot an horny and shell then begin to try harder be sexyer and more sexual to to get you back into that vibe, but resist and shell become hornyer. It sets up this fun challenge for her while showing you have control of yourself.

I'm out to sarge now but I intend to write a post tomorrow on this idea of Sexual state, Vibe, Trance so we can have a discussion on it see what you guys think about it.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
Ill just stick to having goals in life and improving myself.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
I'm in ur house eatin' ur furnature
Yea uh, I'll stick to my goals and being a man. I might not get as much sex as dirty, useless sex drones (which is essentially what those people are), but I will live a fulfilled life. The reason why we are not exactly like animals is that we try to have more purpose in our life than eatin and fvcking all the time.

What dignity could you possibly have as a living fvckstick? Don Juan is a BALANCED way of life. It teaches you not only relationship skills, but also conversational skills and other self-improvements. You invest your time rather than just spend it fvcking.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, chrizz doesn't like you...he just wants Chrizz....but I do agree with the post for the most part......don't be a 400 pound piece of flab though.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Let's Finish

So let's finish this discussion a little bit, here.

Let's go to the 3 Amigos, asdfghjkl, mjazz, and samri72. Let's see what they all said respectively,

asdfghjkl says

"Sexual state is definitely very important, but it almost sounds like you are promoting being a bum. Career, ambitions, money, not important? I don't know what world your living in, but these things are still important, maybe not in picking up girls but in life."

mjazz continues...

"Ill just stick to having goals in life and improving myself."

samri72 adds,

"Yea uh, I'll stick to my goals and being a man. I might not get as much sex as dirty, useless sex drones but I will live a fulfilled life. What dignity could you possibly have as a living fvckstick? Don Juan is a BALANCED way of life. It teaches you not only relationship skills, but also conversational skills and other self-improvements. You invest your time rather than just spend it fvcking."

So let's take a look here at what you guys are saying.

Perhaps there's a confusion in the wording of text? By no means, do I want anybody to conclude from this post, that you ought NOT be anybody in life.

I am somebody. I am in sales, I love sales, I love being in the field, and love making over 6 figures a year. I have an excellent tax program, where I pay under 10% in taxes a year, yes...under 10% legally! I make a lot of money, and I keep a lot of money.

I have a great body, I love to workout. I eat right, and you ought to see me in the gym, I'm like a WWE wrestler in there. Something like Dave Batista, you do know that's my boy right?

I have a great car, great house. I have great people in my social circle.

I am a very inspirational/spiritual person. I go to church, I love the Lord, lol, even though I do have a lusting problem as we ALLL can see lol.

Okay, so why does this matter? Well, here's the thing....
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DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
You ought to make money to have a better and more free life.
You ought to work out to live a longer and more productive life.
You ougth to have positive people around you to keep yourself going in great directions.
You ought to have a great car, because bad cars, are costly and full of trouble.



That stuff has to do with ME. MY LIFE! MY GOALS! What I WANT TO BE!

Women don't give two carrots and a kangaroo's penis about that stuff anymore.

She looks like at your fancy cars, she looks at your muscles, she looks at your high and mightly career and your great inspirational self....but then she asks the question...but can he fvck me?

Will he fvck me?
How will the fvckin be?

See, this is why women lay up with guys who have NO AMBITIONS, no life, no nothing! It's because, the lowlifes, HAVE the fvcking power, they KNOW how to use their sexual state.

I want guys to understand, TO BE A DON JUAN, is to be a PUA and a the same time!

The PUA gets laid all over the place. He gets laid because he's perfected his sexuality. He understands sexual state, and uses it to his advantage. With all the different "methods" on the internet, while they all seem different, if you look underneath them all, they all have a subtle seductive, sexual tone and flow about them. The author of the theory is just thinking that the patterns and the neg hits, and the challenge, what is getting him laid. But what actually got him laid was his sexual mindset that he USED the patterns in, that he USED the neg hits in, that he USED the challenge in.

The MAN has ambitions, he's a leader, he's makes great dough, he has a great body, he's an inspirational, a role model, etc. He invests his time into things that are of the most importance. To a man, he understands that time is an allay, and if he leverages it, diversifies it, and uses it to his advantage, then he can produce for himself a lot in a short amount of time.

But see we run into problems, we when take our BEING A MAN, and say, "Now women will love us!" Those days are over.

This is why so many great guys keep having problems with women. That is why this site is here! Most of these guys ALREADY have ambitions, have great careers, are SOMEBODIES! But to these guys, they dont' understand why women are so twisted? Why the women fvck the losers, why the women lay up with these lowlifes?

Lol, and as funny as it is. While the guys are lowlifes and have gotten EVERYTHING ELSE wrong in life and as far as being a MAN...they seemed to have gotten one thing correct. And that's their sexual flow and power.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
So what you is saying is that you live your life for yourself not for them chicks, and you just go around nailing every bird you can cause you can.

Hmmm makes sense I like it.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Shoutouts to Chris! Stay tuned through this post. I believe that if this post becomes as popular as the "Looks Thread," then the moderators might have a problem as a high number of "members" wont' be showing up as often no more lol.

Shoutouts to Frisco! I look forward to a great discussion, I mean, isnt' that what this forum was made for? It's great to finally get back to having a discussion, like Pook and the boys did back in the day. They didnt' all agree, but they politely disagreed and held discussions that educated the masses.

Let's end here tonight with rakishness,

Here's what he said,

"DJF......BUT....many people on this forum actually WANT relationships with women. Not just fcuk buddies. lol. As we all know...the human animal is a VERY SICK and PERVERTED animal. And many bad boys, jerks and players use this fact to have endless sexual "conquests"."

Rakishness, here's the thing. I want relationships too, but similar to the guy that wants some pvssy real bad, WE MUST BE UP TO DATE with the marketplace. For example, the guy who's not up to date with the marketplace, that wants pvssy "so bad" might not use protection, he might not know about the potential diseases that are out today. He comes back with HIV, being shocked and amazed that this even existed!

Why am I saying this? Rakishness, this is no longer 1940.

The days of relationships have passed. Now, are they still possible? Yes. But understand, they are few in between. And to obtain a great and serious and honest relationship is to obtain a true, genunie, authentic, WOMAN, without the supplements!

What do I mean?

Well see, no longer do women act as their authentic natures, while they are still women, they have supplemented their natures like a Bodybuilder does with taking steroids. What's the effect?

A different person.

Steroids are not like creatine, creatine is fine, steroids are not.

Women have been taking the steroids of Free Will MASCULINITY. They pop in a dose of these steroids everytime they are in groups. In groups, women become sterodized, changed, and become different people. Well, if you dont' believe me, listen to my baby girls talk....

Shelia, "Yea girl, did you see John today at the Marco?"

Lisa, "Yes girl, wit his sexy azz...."

Shelia, "Yea he alright, but you know he be fvckin Tamara..."

Lisa, "Oh that tramp fvckin John..."

Shelia, "Yea girl, and that shyt pisses me off because I love that motafvcka."

Lisa, "Yea, John is sexy girl..."

Shelia, "Shyt, why I got to be all depressed over this nygga, I need to start fvckin trickin, makin me some money, gettin it whenever the fvck I want it."

Lisa, "Hahaaa! I know that's right girl!"

Shelia, "You feel me? Shyyttt, watch me, I'm gon show you how it's done."

And here guys it begins! Shelia now is CHANGING from her natural woman self, and taking a steorid pill of Free Will Masculinity, and now choosing to act like me!

Now, like I fvck around, stick and move, now, Shelia starts doing the same damn thing!

And her "Girlfriend" Lisa, well, Lisa is just there as a supporter, like a guy giving another guy a "spot" in the gym, she's there to ASSIST her "Girl" while she gets bloated!

And now the problem begins. You see, how the woman, as natural, as sweet, as kind, submissive as she is. She wishes now to have the same free will as John, and stick and move like he does.

Adn it's so bad TODAY, that every girl has adopted this mindset of Shelia. And they all hang with "Girlfriends" who give them spots in this wacko gym of theirs!

So why is sexual power so important? Well, let's listen back in to my baby girls talk,

Lisa, "You know, Shelia, it's gone be a lot of nyggas at the Marco tonight."

Shelia, "MMM.. hmmmm, I know. That's why I'm gone wear that tight azz new pant set I brought the otha day...and get up on me some nyggass...."

Lisa, "Oooh, and the fine ones too. The ones that make you feel all good inside and shyt.."

Shelia, "Girl yes. A nygga that make ya pvssy do backflips when he just look at yo azz!"

Lisa, "Hahahaha."

So there it is! You heard it right here!

What are the girls looking for now? Yes, the guy that "Makes her pvssy do backflips, when he's just looking at her azz."

In other words, the guy that makes her wet BEFORE the sexual encounter.
The guy that makes her want his azz, WITHOUT even do ANYTING SEXUAL.

Being in sexual state, being in that mindset, that "Makes her Pvssy do backflips." She doesn't understand HOW you do it, she just knows WHO DOES IT, and the guy that does it, that's the guy that gets laid.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
9 does one get a relationship with this new marketplace?

Women, who are just looking to get their pvssy backflipped all over the place, and not really looking for a does one compete with this, that wants a relationship?

The only solution I've found is that there must be a discovery of a chick, that is a loner.

That's right, a loner.

And she has chosen to not JOIN HER CROWD of peers, and adopt this same mindset as other women have.

This type of woman, is still a submissive, natural, woman.

And don't get me wrong, every woman wants a man to make her pvssy do backflips. But this particular type of woman, she first looks at the man that has this special, unique, KINGSHIP, about him.

This type of woman, is the woman attracted to the DON JUAN. The man that has a spiritual kingship about him, a very true and pure MANNESS.

And while sex is still a big thing here, it's not the main thing.

But these women are very few, and it's takes filterin in the field to find her.

I still, myself, am on the quest to acquire more "hers" in my life. I only so far have found maybe 2.

These are the only chicks that TODAY, you can truly be in a relationship with. You can't date Shelia and them no more, because the next guy that makes her pvssy do backflips will get to stick his thang in, JUST LIKE you did. You THINK your chick isn't cheating on you, lol, you have no idea. If she resembles Shelia and them (95% of women), then trust me, some other guy is stickin while you aint' lookin. THAT'S WHY...I said about being a "Sexual Dawg," lol, it's more like insurance/protection. And please don't get Shelia and them pregnant, Lawd Have Mercy...

I look forward to continuing this discussion tomorrow.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
John, firstly i was in disbelif about your "magic pill"
but i read it all and i finnaly understand you.

To be succsesful with women you don't need to be rude or anything.
You need to get her uncouncious so fcking horney without even talking about it. By the way you move, your voice tone and etc'.

When you are able to give her the message without even comeing close to the subject. Oooooooh she shall say with pleasure when you get her there.

when you feel like haveing sex and you are able to pass the feeling.

Correct me if i am wrong.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles baby!
Bro, the magic pill is the pill your girl takes so people don't post threads about if you want your girl to get abortion!