Yay its the over the hill lesbian and capn save a Str8up to the rescue once again even though the current and all his previous attempts at saving were unwarranted and unneeded and didn't work the last billion times he tried em lets try em again and see if hitting our head against a wall produces a different result this time.
Another promising thread soon to be derailed by the mental titans gracing us from the NLG tard farm.
"I have never posted on NLG, don't even belong to it.
It hardly matters as you clearly possess their mentality.
So why don't you take your sorry ass over there and stay there?
I've had just about enough of your sympish fagg0try you continually spout here and you really should of been banned after you drove backbreaker away from this forum for a good long while by your being a d!ckhead but I digress.
"So what you are saying in your oh so friendly way is Str8up should let this girl stay with him, for free mind you, plus he should take her out and buy her dinner drinks etc on a regular basis while she is staying there, all so he can maybe get some pvsyy with a girl who is only half into him?"
I think I may of posted in this thread earlier ace.
When you're done getting over being butthurt due to my being of superior intellect to you, you can go and check it out and watch your strawman argument here crumble into dust.
"WTF? Get a life dude."
Says the douchebag that was sooo butthurt over my reality based comment to him that he stuck around and browsed over a thread for like an hour and found I edited in some replies to his extra worthless douchebaggery comments due to my 10 post limit being up from giving actual quality worthwhile advice to people here a concept that is foreign to cordoncordouche and his like minded in thinking douchebaggy NLG ilk.
"Quit acting so desperate to get laid. Are you a man or a kid?"
Do you spit? or do you swallow?? Hey just asking a random worthless question and finding out how it must feel to be cordoncordouche and say completely worthless things. I guess it feels alright but I don't particularly get any deep satisfaction from doing it but hey different strokes for different folks right? So go on being a douche that makes no sense bucko. Don't let me stop you. I don't think even the greatest scientific minds in the world getting together could come up with a process to reverse your retardation and degenerative thinking.
"As for your name calling and overall immature behavior, it is exactly for reasons like you that I avoid posting here much anymore."
Anything I can do to help this place improve makes me smile. Sosuave smells much better without you and iqqi around. You should of stayed gone.
"You're a know it all, or at least you think you are."
You're a douchebag or at least I and anyone else who reads all the AFC rants that you've posted here thinks you are.
"But in reality you are lonely, and sad, and desperate for attention using this forum to somehow validate your pathetic life. So you post your endless drivel on here day after day after day, hoping that someone will agree with you and give you respect that you so obviously lack in your everyday existence."
I know it eats you and fingz up inside that the membership made me the #1 ranked poster on the reputation list due to my advice being so good in their individual opinions but could you try to keep the crying about it to a minimum in the future? My ears are positively ringing from it.
And actually my mission on the forum is simple and it is this...to help all the young lurker posters out there in anyway that I can and learn new things from posters I view to be interesting and intelligent with new things and ideas to teach me. Str8up and many others provide this sort of learning that I seek. You on the other hand are just a whiny d!ckhead that wishes we could live in the Pook era forever and regurgitate the same tired sh!t over and over and over again until the end of time.
"Good luck."
Yep you too ace.
And whenever you score a real girlfriend as opposed to that phoney picture of that worn out blonde bar skank of a cougar picture that you post from time to time that you found on Myspace or some magazine that you scanned a picture from all in a pathetic attempt to try and prove you have some game let us know. I'll be the first in line to award you the gold star of acheivement.
Anyway sorry Str8up for continuing the war or words and in a way helping cordoncordouche fag up your thread but I am trying to keep it all contained in as few posts as possible through edits so maybe you can salvage this topic and get it back on track despite the best efforts of the NLG B team to do otherwise.