There are three reasons why a guy doesn't want a girl to know where he lives.
1. He is ashamed of where he lives
2. He has something to hide
3. He is worried that the girl might be crazy
With Die_Hard I would bet on the third. You asked for some help, so I will give you some. Hope you listen to me. are really wound up and uptight about this chick finding out where you live aren't you? Things have seem to gone downhill with her after your first post about her. I can say with absolute confidence that this relationship is destined to be a failure, in fact it is doomed already if you look at it logically. I can tell that just by reading your posts that this woman is the one that has the power in this relationship. Look what she is doing to you...she has you freaked out, worried, you are upset about her finding out where you live and how fast she is moving in on you. She is the agressor, the pursuer, and you are the one backpeddling and second guessing her. She is suspicious of you and wants to know everything about you, texts you when you're out with your buddy. Look how freaked out you are now about her just after one date, a few texts, and a few phone convos. You haven't even had sex yet and aren't even in a relationship yet, and look how she acts, like you are already in one. Don't you think its going to get worse if you're going to be in one? She will get worse and if you are this AFC now, it will be a big mess if you enter one.
From everything you wrote about her, I can positively say that this woman has BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) from all of her early behavior. There is another guy that I wrote to in the discussion forum who has a similar situation like you, except she buys him expensive gifts, but their behavior is the same. You should read it. Its the one about where "he thought she was an 8" My advice to you is if you can bang her, do so, and then don't get involved anymore, but sometimes you are better off not doing it because she might become more attracted and attached to you.
You thought she was innocent and pure.....that is how all BPD girls try to seem but they are not. You even stated that you think she is not the innocent girl that she portrayed to you at the beginning.
BPD girls fall really fast and try to hook a guy really fast and they end up falling fast too, just like you said you were/are falling fast.
You said you met once, and were falling already....she is hooking you
You had a 2 hour late night convo with her before bed. That's a long time to talk to a girl you just met. You probably devulged a lot of info about yourself for her to pick up on, and I'm sure she probably gave you her life story and you felt intrigued by it. You passed her first AFC test she gave you. You hung on for over 2 hours and by doing that she knows that you will invest all your time with her when she needs it.
You said you were AFC before, and you still are with her, and she has picked up on that. BPD women usually attract AFC men because they are easier to hook and then later dump.
You said you were caught off guard with her behavior. There is a red flag right there to be concerned about. You said you have a gut feeling too that something is off. You are right. BPD girls give off red flags and off behavior from the start but guys are so infatuated with them, they ignore the warning signs or just choose not to believe them because they think the girl is so great.
You said she texts you asking to call, texts often, this is an early sign of neediness/clinginess that you should be aware of. It will only get worse if you start a relationship with her, she will be doing that 24/7 and what will you do then?
You said you were having a drink with your buddy and she texted you. You texted her back, in which you shouldn't of. She is not your girlfriend and you shouldn't text girls, (ones you havent had sex with) when you're out with your friends on the weekend, or even during the week. That is your time to chill and everybody else should be ignored during that time. You passed another one of her AFC tests with flying colors. You texted her while you were out with your buddy. Now she knows once again that you will be at her beckon call no matter where you are.
You said she is suspicious of you. Here you were out with your buddy having a drink and probably having a good time, and you texted her back where you were, after she asked about your whereabouts, and she didn't even believe you, said she made a comment about it. Why should she care? She isn't your girlfriend. You had one date and never had sex. This is odd behavior and will only get worse for you if you decide to go into a relationship with her.
I can see it all now....your buddy calls you up to go get a drink on a saturday night. You tell her that you're going out with him to get a few drinks. She gets pissed off and angry and start accusing you of not loving her and caring for her. she says "Why do you want to go out with him? Aren't I more important than you're friend? Why don't you take me out for a drink? I guess I don't mean anything to you." Then you will say "Baby that's not true, of course you mean everything to me." Then you will cave in and take her out and feel miserable about yourself because you let her over power you once again. Or if you decide not to take her out she will really get mad and be constantly calling/texting you while you're out. Then when you come back from your drinks, she will accuse you of cheating on her. And you will have to explain to her that you weren't. If it is this bad now, this is what you will be in for later.
She is getting close to you, wants to know everything about you, invading you, that is freaking you out. Imagine when you're in a relationship and she wants to know you're every move. Everything you do. When you take a leak, take a crap, everything. Thats what will happen in the future. Think about it....BPD girls want to know all they can about you, so they can use it against you later in the relationship. She wants to find your soft spots, your weaknesses, and strengths, so she can measure you up, and then tear you a part.
You're worried about her being in your life so fast and so close. This is just the start my friend, if she worries you this much you should let her go before she really does a number on you.
You have gone way AFC on her already, even before sex, and even before a relationship. She has displayed needy, clingy, agressive, suspicious behavior towards you in the first weeks. You are worried, upset, freaked out, caught off guard, trying to make excuses so she can't find out where you live. Does this sound like a relationship that is going to work out to you? It will only get worse for you and i don't think you will be able to handle her in the long run. You're having a very hard time now.
I would think twice about getting involved with her. I've never had to make an excuse for not letting a chic know where I live, but a guy that I work with tells women that he lives with his buddy and that they have a gentleman's agreement not to bring women over because it got out of hand with the roomate bringing lots of girls over and since he can't bring them, then you can't either.
Still, you shouldn't worry about not letting her know where you live, you should worry about her behavior, and let her go before you get in way over your head and realize that I was right. Let her go, and find another girl who doesn't freak you out, and a girl you have to hide and lie to. Because she will be on you all the time about where you live and it will only get worse each day, and a relationship that will never work.