....Or anything with your name and number on it to quickly give it to a woman your interested in.
It could of come in handy today.
I am on a mini vacation in Pennsylvania about 2.5 hours drive from where I live.
I love history so I paid for a guided tour of some Revolutionary war figures late 18th century home.
Turns out I was the only person signed up and the guide was a female (probably late 30's--no ring) and not at all bad looking. She also had on a cute 18th century outfit.
I'm usually not attracted to women around my age but her passion for history made her more attractive.
It was just her and I the whole time. I had my mask on (it was recommended to wear) but she seemed a little nervous (attraction?) And played with her hair a few times when we were speaking. We made a little small talk, but she was explaining things in the house most of the time.
I'm not sure If the above were IOI's from her or not, but could have been.
She did say a couple of times she was frazzled because she never had only one person before , so who knows.
Anyhow, I was contemplating getting her number or possibly giving her mine when the tour ended, but I didn't.
I felt wierd-creepy doing so since she was on the job and a co-worker (older guy) showed up right at the end.
I thanked her and we parted ways. I have her first and last name (she was wearing a name tag) and I figured when I get back to my hotel I can try and find her on LinkedIn or Facebook.
Unfortunately, no luck.
If I had a business like card handy with my number, I could of maybe pulled it off.
However she does have my name (from signing up online) and I did tell her where I was from in the beginning , so my only hope is she stalks me....lol.