Harsh Truth: You will never beat women in the dating game


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Even these chicks have abundance:

Would you have sex with her?
Why are you comparing yourself with her?

There are a ton of unattractive women in the world who want to get plowed, so if you don't have standards, you can have sex several times a day, but the guys who want to boink someone like her probably aren't the most desirable men either.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Even if a guy f*cks 20 women a year instead of a woman screwing 100 men, society values the former more. The guy did something that was tough to do. It is why being a slut will never be cool or high status, because d1ck is easy to get. At the same time, being a playboy will always be admired because above average p-ssy is hard to get for most men.
I don't know of one successful society that lauds non-committed sex (NOTE: polygyny where the father financially supports the mother can be lauded) - it is toxic to a society to have a lot of unsexxed men around, both for the rowdyness that results, and the fact that such men will not become beasts of burden.