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Harriet Tubman makes the $20

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Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Um... Actually it was the Dixiecrats that were the main opposition to MLK. The Dixiecrats were democrats and a lot of them were associated with things like the KKK. If anything, the Republican party in the south was far more open to MLK than the Democrats back then. The Dixiecrats were openly supported by the rest of the Democratic party too... Just goes to show, both parties have bad history.
It was southern conservatives in general, both democrat and republican. Yes there were many dixiecrats, but when did I say anything about them in my previous post? I mentioned southern conservatives...who were then mainly democrats, but after the Civil Rights movement, namely LBJ's support for the Civil Rights Act, those conservatives became Republicans.

When will Americans learn their goddamn history?

PS - Southerners in general were against MLK back then. And Northerners, both Republican and Democrat, supported the Civil Rights Act. Look up the voting numbers buddy.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
And lol, look at the race trolls changing a discussion about Harriet Tubman and other freedom fighters, into a discussion about "White Lives Matter" and other bullsh!t. Holocaust denial in this thread too?

How in the world does Sosuave, and certain areas of the manosphere in general, continue to attract stormfront-lite type losers?

Seriously? Doubt this thread stays open much longer.
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Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
fter the Civil Rights movement, namely LBJ's support for the Civil Rights Act, those conservatives became Republicans
There is no evidence that formerly democrat elected officials or candidates switched to the Republican Party from the Democrat Party after the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

When will Americans learn their goddamn history?
Before you admonish people to 'learn history' best to know it yourself.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
There is no evidence that formerly democrat elected officials or candidates switched to the Republican Party from the Democrat Party after the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Before you admonish people to 'learn history' best to know it yourself.
No evidence? Seriously? Im talking about the goddamn voters (not that there werent politicians who switched too). Its well established fact that after 1964, especially with all the federally backed racial integration, that the strong blue Southern USA became strong red.

Or are you another one of those people that denies the later Southern Strategy even though Nixon's aides have even admitted this happened? Nixon ran on "states rights" and channeled anger that many had with the passage of the Civil Rights Act.

PS - And then there's Strom Thurmond...whos well documented at switching parties due to his opposition to the Civil Rights Act. And if you have a problem with the link, there are plenty of citations at the bottom of the page.
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Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
The Southern Strategy was real. But it had two parts. On was a Presidential electoral politics. You don't have to like what was accomplished. But it was political genius in shifting how Presidential elections changed by it.

The other part, which proggies like to ignore is what happened In the states. Since Imsaid it already, I'll re-post it for you.
There is no evidence whatever of party switching by candidates or voters in the American South after the Civil Rights Act. Racist dems were beaten out of office by voters and replaced with the most diverse group of state, local and national elected officials anywhere in the United States. More diverse than wherever it is that you call home.

Republicans did that. For if they hadn't the South would not be the model of elected diversity that it demonstrably is. It would be like your state.
Who represent your state in Congress, your district Jaylan? Who is your governor? A bunch of old white dudes.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
The Southern Strategy was real. But it had two parts. On was a Presidential electoral politics. You don't have to like what was accomplished. But it was political genius in shifting how Presidential elections changed by it.

The other part, which proggies like to ignore is what happened In the states. Since Imsaid it already, I'll re-post it for you.

Who represent your state in Congress, your district Jaylan? Who is your governor? A bunch of old white dudes.
You didnt disprove anything I said.

I originally stated that the strong blue South became strong red largely in part to the Civil Rights Movement and LBJs support of the Civil Rights Act. You said that no politicians switched parties over this. I brought up the fact that Strom Thurmond was a famous example of a well known politician switching parties due to his racism and displeasure over the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Thats pretty much all there is to say. You can try to steer the conversation into another direction. But I just laid out the linear replay of our exchange. I made a claim, you said it wasn't true. I backed up my claim with more facts. Now what? There's plenty of evidence supporting what Ive stated.

So maybe we should just move on and not end up quibbling over semantics or attempted derailments.

PS - As a left leaning American living in the Northeast, my area is represented by a whole lot of people in State and Federal legislature who are not "old white dudes", as you put it.


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
You didnt disprove anything I said.

I originally stated that the strong blue South became strong red largely in part to the Civil Rights Movement and LBJs support of the Civil Rights Act. You said that no politicians switched parties over this. I brought up the fact that Strom Thurmond was a famous example of a well known politician switching parties due to his racism and displeasure over the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Thats pretty much all there is to say. You can try to steer the conversation into another direction. But I just laid out the linear replay of our exchange. I made a claim, you said it wasn't true. I backed up my claim with more facts. Now what? There's plenty of evidence supporting what Ive stated.

So maybe we should just move on and not end up quibbling over semantics or attempted derailments.
One Senator. Wow! Ignore everything else.


Typing the words 'plenty of evidence' is not plenty of evidence.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
On Senator. Wow! Ignore everything else.


Typing the words 'plenty of evidence' is not plenty of evidence.
You said there were no politicians who switched. I provided an example. And now youre b!tching because I didnt do more homework for you and provide a slew of politicians who switched parties. Do your fvking research. Anyone who's ever truly studied the Civil Rights Movement, knows the Southern exodus from the Democratic Party to the GOP didn't have small participation.

Now all you're doing is being petty and lazy. You made a claim, I refuted it successfully. Deal with it. Don't waste my time. But it's already clear I'm wasting too many posts on your cow-plop.


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
I don't need to 'prove' anything. You recited proggy mythology about democrats that switched to republicans and came up with on whole politician. lOL.

George Wallace attempted it and was laughed at all the way home.

Based upon your standard that's 'plenty of evidence'.

You refuted nothing.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Whatever you say old man. Jesse Helms ring a bell either? He opposed the Civil Rights Act and left the party over the progressive direction it was going as well.

Look there's me doing your work for you again. Its pathetic that you cannot just admit you were wrong. Now you're quibbling over how much research I do for you, since clearly you were ignorant of historical fact before making your bullsh!t claim.

Anyways, I think we are done here.

EDIT - The post below is a perfect example of a person who has no logical retort. Just childish responses. Pathetic. Its pitiful how someone will describe well recorded historical fact as "mythology" all because they dislike those facts. Keep feeding that ignorance by ignoring reality.
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Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
Black lives matters is associated with American communists and are partially funded by George Soros.

They are clearly an anti-white hate group n they're racists.
Whatever you say old man. Jesse Helms ring a bell either? He opposed the Civil Rights Act and left the party over the progressive direction it was going as well.

Look there's me doing your work for you again. Its pathetic that you cannot just admit you were wrong. Now you're quibbling over how much research I do for you, since clearly you were ignorant of historical fact before making your bullsh!t claim.

Anyways, I think we are done here.

EDIT - The post below is a perfect example of a person who has no logical retort. Just childish responses. Pathetic. Its pathetic how someone will describe well recorded historical fact as "mythology" all because they dislike those facts. Cognitive dissonance creates and feeds ignorance.
And with your civil rights you're still not happy. Equality isn't good enough for you.


Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
Whatever you say old man. Jesse Helms ring a bell either? He opposed the Civil Rights Act and left the party over the progressive direction it was going as well.

Look there's me doing your work for you again. Its pathetic that you cannot just admit you were wrong. Now you're quibbling over how much research I do for you, since clearly you were ignorant of historical fact before making your bullsh!t claim.

Anyways, I think we are done here.

EDIT - The post below is a perfect example of a person who has no logical retort. Just childish responses. Pathetic. Its pitiful how someone will describe well recorded historical fact as "mythology" all because they dislike those facts. Keep feeding that ignorance by ignoring reality.
Stop pretending bruh


Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
LOL. Jaylan's not African-American. He's a SJW hat lives among his Lilly whites.
No. He's either a gay black man, or a strong indypendent black womyn.

No such thing as an African American. It's black American.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
And lol, look at the race trolls changing a discussion about Harriet Tubman and other freedom fighters, into a discussion about "White Lives Matter" and other bullsh!t. Holocaust denial in this thread too?

How in the world does Sosuave, and certain areas of the manosphere in general, continue to attract stormfront-lite type losers?

Seriously? Doubt this thread stays open much longer.
If you did not understand it, I was doing a parody of black lives matter and spinning it around. This was the reaction I expected to get. However, I want to ask... How is a discussion of black on white crime bull$hit? It is true that 90% of interracial crimes are black on white, this is a FACT backed up by many statistics (look it up on the US department of justice). Yet addressing this is somehow racist? Me even mentioning this FACT gets me flamed on forums as being racist? Yet we can talk about white people killing black people all we want to the applaudse of the masses? Is this not a double standard when "black lives matters" exists but we cannot so much as mention black on white crime?
Do you all see what I mean about these social justice warriors. They are disillusioned neo-progressives who censor other ideas even if they are valid and berate people who do not adhere to their ideology.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
If you did not understand it, I was doing a parody of black lives matter and spinning it around. This was the reaction I expected to get. However, I want to ask... How is a discussion of black on white crime bull$hit? It is true that 90% of interracial crimes are black on white, this is a FACT backed up by many statistics (look it up on the US department of justice).
White people have more to fear from their fellow whites than blacks. This myth that black people are are leaving their neighborhoods to perptuate crimes against white people have been a part of the American consciousness since Reconstruction.

Yet addressing this is somehow racist? Me even mentioning this FACT gets me flamed on forums as being racist? Yet we can talk about white people killing black people all we want to the applaudse of the masses?
Because racist white supremacist like to ignore inconvenient truths that most of the crime in this country is committed by other white people, namely sexual assaults.

Is this not a double standard when "black lives matters" exists but we cannot so much as mention black on white crime?
This is just straight up intellectually dishonest and racist. A racist cop in Cleveland rolls up on Tamir Rice and literally seconds later kills him and isn't indicted for it. An scary Asian cop accidentally kills Akai Gurley. The Asian community where basically like, "White people get to killed black people with impunity, so we should do it to. the Uncle Tom Kings County D.A. recommends that the cop gets 5 years probation, 500 hours community, and house arrest which he gets.

Time and time again we're reminded that lives of black people aren't held in the same regard as other people in America, (as if they ever had,) and you have the nerve and unmitigated gall to talk about "White Lives Matter," when in the history of America have a white life never mattered? Then you have to the nerve to complain about being called a racist. Sh*t is almost unf*cking believable.


Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
White people have more to fear from their fellow whites than blacks. This myth that black people are are leaving their neighborhoods to perptuate crimes against white people have been a part of the American consciousness since Reconstruction.

Because racist white supremacist like to ignore inconvenient truths that most of the crime in this country is committed by other white people, namely sexual assaults.

This is just straight up intellectually dishonest and racist. A racist cop in Cleveland rolls up on Tamir Rice and literally seconds later kills him and isn't indicted for it. An scary Asian cop accidentally kills Akai Gurley. The Asian community where basically like, "White people get to killed black people with impunity, so we should do it to. the Uncle Tom Kings County D.A. recommends that the cop gets 5 years probation, 500 hours community, and house arrest which he gets.

Time and time again we're reminded that lives of black people aren't held in the same regard as other people in America, (as if they ever had,) and you have the nerve and unmitigated gall to talk about "White Lives Matter," when in the history of America have a white life never mattered? Then you have to the nerve to complain about being called a racist. Sh*t is almost unf*cking believable.
White people are much more likely to be shot by police. This is a fact.

Black on black murder is the real danger, not police. God bless the police rex. They're good human beings. You should personally thank them.

Quite being ungrateful.
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