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Harriet Tubman makes the $20

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Nov 2, 2011
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I highly doubt that it will be wide spread, meaning, on all 20 dollar bills printed from some date and on. I believe it will have a limited number of copies.


Mar 10, 2013
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As for the $20 bill, really I don't care who's on it. Politicians get too much recognition as it is. Schools, monuments, highways, libraries...they're practically fuqqing pharaohs. Alexander Hamilton I can understand, because he recognized the importance of commerce.

And if they were going to go with a woman, I'm glad it's someone who did something, not one of those white upper class feminist teetotaling bytches that nearly destroyed this country with Prohibition.
But Hamilton pushed for privately owned central banks, which manipulate economies like the Fed does today.

Jackson fought centralized banks to the point that the big bankers attempted to assassinate him. That's something he did that was good. The Fed which is usually always headed by a Jew and I'm quite sure families like the Rothschilds are heavily involved in the federal reserve.

The Fed and the people running it take advantage. After world war one Germany was in debt to Jewish bankers. Also Germany only lost ww1 because these European bankers wanted them to lose. Even after world war 2, pows were labeled "unarmed combatants" so they weren't protected under the Geneva convention and put in concentration camps. Churchill hated the German people.

Of course only a small minority of Jewish people are in banking on a high of level to commit usury against entire nations.

But still Hamilton wanted to sell us out to whoever was going to own the central banks, who were most likely the most powerful of European banks.

Also Sweden which is infested with the largest amounts of refugees is also highly feminist and socialist. Seems like some Jewish people have been pushing to bring multiculturalism to Sweden

They also push for it here. However Israel doesn't want to be multicultural. Seems like there are a lot of Jewish people involved in progressivism, especially here in the usa, feminism, socialism, multiculturalism, communism. Communism is a great way to enslave people (the Bolshevik leaders were mainly Jewish, Lenin had them killed though). Socialism leads to communism. Bernie Sanders.

They seem to want to make white countries consist of less white people. I think theirs a word for it, can't recall though.
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Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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They are doing this because Jefferson denounced the jews. Jefferson said "don't ever let those people come here. They will controlol and you will work for them".

Who controls the banks and media?


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Just read this on a hit piece saying Jackson was the worst president EVER:

The new bills won’t be printed and in circulation until 2030

Andrew Jackson Can Rot In Hell

He Killed A Man In a Duel

Andrew Jackson had a frighteningly violent temper and fought in more than 100 duels. He oncekilled a man named Charles ****inson in a duel for writing disrespectful newspaper articles about his wife. But instead of drawing their guns and firing at the same time, Jackson sneakily allowed ****inson to shoot first, hitting Jackson in the chest. Jackson then steadied himself, took his time, aimed carefully, and shot the other man dead. This behavior was considered allowable, but dishonorable, under the rules of dueling at the time, and Jackson was widely criticized—not for killing a man, but for the WAY he killed the man. (Again: The antebellum South was weird as hell.)


Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
They are doing this because Jefferson denounced the jews. Jefferson said "don't ever let those people come here. They will controlol and you will work for them".

Who controls the banks and media?
The majority of banks aren't Jewish owned. Probably just the most important one. The federal reserve, which loans money to other banks.

The media definitely.

My biggest issue is they are the super special snow flakes. For example being racist against most races is called being racist. Being racist against Jews has a special snow flake term, anti-Semitism.

Also the fact that in many places it's literally illegal to question anything at all about the holocaust is an extreme, huge red flag. I think we should look into all the claims and numbers. It'd be very difficult to kill 6 million people in the Time they claimed. I have a feeling it's more like 1 or 2 million, if that.

Also evidence about gas chambers is shaky. I just think it should be thoroughly investigated by a neutral party and any thing that can't be proven 100% shouldn't be considered a fact.
I remembered when they showed the movie "schindler's list" in high school. I think most Americans saw this movie in school. I didn't know at the time, it's 100% fiction. Why show fictional propaganda?
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Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
I think we should look into all the claims and numbers. It'd be very difficult to kill 6 million people in the Time they claimed. I have a feeling it's more like 1 or 2 million, if that.
Wooooow, is this what's hot in the streets, Holocaust derniers? It's sh*t like the makes me think that owner and moderators on this site are suspected white supremacists.

I just think the evidence about gas chambers is shaky. I just think it should be thoroughly investigated by a neutral party and any thing that can't be proven 100% shouldn't be considered a fact.
I remembered when they showed the movie "schindler's list" in high school. I think most Americans saw this movie in school. I didn't know at the time, it's 100% fiction. Why show fictional propaganda?
You know that Jews that were killed during the Holocaust weren't all killed in the camps? And Schindler's List is based on sh*t that actually happened.

If you want to know the truth, (which you probably don't because the truth is something that racist white supremacists run from like roaches run from the light,) that 6,000,000 figure usually only includes Jews, but we know that the Nazis killed a bunch of other people to, so the number of people that were actually liquidated during the Holocaust is actually higher.

And while we're talking about the numbers, the Nazis were meticulous record keepers, so the official figures are from the Nazis own records, which are conversative at best. Again, the actual number of people killed is higher, because when the Nazis ran up in a town, the gathered the Jews, retards, Gypsies, gays, Jehovah Witnesses, and Communists, dug a mass grave, then shot them. I pretty sure that the S.S. commander that was in charge of the liquidation of these people didn't take a head count before they were killed.


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
so evidence about gas chambers is shaky. I just think it should be thoroughly investigated by a neutral party and any thing that can't be proven 100% shouldn't be considered a fact.
You ever been to Auschwitz? I have. It's a factory that could only be used for the delivery, management and liquidation of human beings. It and the other death camps are nothing less than the industrialization of genicide.

If you have not seen one of these camps, STFU.


Mar 10, 2013
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You just took some fantasy in your head and pretended it was fact.

And you want anyone here to take you seriously?

Well the federal reserve can't be audited so we can't know who owns it. But the time it was founded, European bankers were Rothschilds who have a very large family.

I do think it's possible some of the things we're told about the holocaust cruise l could be exaggerated, embellished, or invented. But in many countries it's illegal to do any thing but accept what they tell us or keep your mouth shut, and if you live In a place where it's not illegal and you question it they try to ruin your life (If you matter enough).

They still can't prove Hitler gave an order to exterminate them.

We put all Japanese in camps when we were at war. We also dropped nuclear bombs on cities full of civilians. We fire bombed Dresden, which is full of civilians.

I believe at first they fed the Jews normally at first, some camps had theaters, canteens etc.

As the war progressed they couldn't afford to do these things. Eventually Americans cut off supply lines so they couldn't even get supplies to camps.

Also there was a typhus epidemic which makes people very skinny.

Where I work and live their are a lot of Jewish people that are normal everyday people. I have a couple of Jewish friends who hate the far left, they own guns and they love America. So it's not like you can hold all of them responsible, that's not fair.

I just think the media, which is disproportionately Jewish, doesn't tell us the truth all the time.

It's funny how all of you are reacting so emotionally to my words. You realize the media that influenced you from childhood is disproportionately Jewish right?
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Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
His values? Dude, southern conservatives hated MLK in his day.

He was most certainly a man with progressive politics. Right leaning my ass. He certainly wasn't when compared to his contemporaries.
Um... Actually it was the Dixiecrats that were the main opposition to MLK. The Dixiecrats were democrats and a lot of them were associated with things like the KKK. If anything, the Republican party in the south was far more open to MLK than the Democrats back then. The Dixiecrats were openly supported by the rest of the Democratic party too... Just goes to show, both parties have bad history.


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
Well the federal reserve can't be audited so we can't know who owns it. But the time it was founded, European bankers were Rothschilds who have a very large family.

I do think it's possible some of the things we're told about the holocaust cruise l could be exaggerated, embellished, or invented. But in many countries it's illegal to do any thing but accept what they tell us or keep your mouth shut, and if you live In a place where it's not illegal and you question it they try to ruin your life (If you matter enough).

They still can't prove Hitler gave an order to exterminate them.

We put all Japanese in camps when we were at war. We also dropped nuclear bombs on cities full of civilians. We fire bombed Dresden, which is full of civilians.

I believe at first they fed the Jews normally at first, some camps had theaters, canteens etc.

As the war progressed they couldn't afford to do these things. Eventually Americans cut off supply lines so they couldn't even get supplies to camps.

Also there was a typhus epidemic which makes people very skinny.
Enjoy your fantasy world and take your whimsy's as fact while you tell other people not to.

The Fed is a private membership organization chartered by the US government. It's members are every commercial bank in the US. Just because you don't know something doesn't mean anybody that wants to find out can't. It's you operating from fantasy and a closed mind.

.As for what the Nazis did, you 'believe' whatever you like. Your beliefs are pathetic lies you tell yourself.

Like I said before, you go visit one death camp. You won't find one in Bumf*ck, Idaho or wherever it is you call home. Get out of your Mom's basement.

All your cheap diversion about Japanese interment (which was awful), Dresden and all your self lies are just tap dancing. And it's pathetic.

Typhus! LOL!


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Well the federal reserve can't be audited so we can't know who owns it. But the time it was founded, European bankers were Rothschilds who have a very large family.

I do think it's possible some of the things we're told about the holocaust cruise l could be exaggerated, embellished, or invented. But in many countries it's illegal to do any thing but accept what they tell us or keep your mouth shut, and if you live In a place where it's not illegal and you question it they try to ruin your life (If you matter enough).

They still can't prove Hitler gave an order to exterminate them.

We put all Japanese in camps when we were at war. We also dropped nuclear bombs on cities full of civilians. We fire bombed Dresden, which is full of civilians.

I believe at first they fed the Jews normally at first, some camps had theaters, canteens etc.

As the war progressed they couldn't afford to do these things. Eventually Americans cut off supply lines so they couldn't even get supplies to camps.

Also there was a typhus epidemic which makes people very skinny.
We have no direct proof that Hitler gave the order, but it happened under his watch and he was fully aware of it so at the very least he promoted it and did not stop it. And the holocaust did happen and the Jews were not the only ones that were killed, I am a 1st generation American and my great grandfather remembered it. They also had a genocide of hundreds of thousands of Serbians when the Nazis created an axis state in the Yugoslav region. I knew living proof that it was real...


Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
Wooooow, is this what's hot in the streets, Holocaust derniers? It's sh*t like the makes me think that owner and moderators on this site are suspected white supremacists.

You know that Jews that were killed during the Holocaust weren't all killed in the camps? And Schindler's List is based on sh*t that actually happened.

If you want to know the truth, (which you probably don't because the truth is something that racist white supremacists run from like roaches run from the light,) that 6,000,000 figure usually only includes Jews, but we know that the Nazis killed a bunch of other people to, so the number of people that were actually liquidated during the Holocaust is actually higher.

And while we're talking about the numbers, the Nazis were meticulous record keepers, so the official figures are from the Nazis own records, which are conversative at best. Again, the actual number of people killed is higher, because when the Nazis ran up in a town, the gathered the Jews, retards, Gypsies, gays, Jehovah Witnesses, and Communists, dug a mass grave, then shot them. I pretty sure that the S.S. commander that was in charge of the liquidation of these people didn't take a head count before they were killed.
The number 6 million was not recorded on paper. It was a number that a senior ss officer said at Nazi trials. They of course interrogated Nazi pows and part of it was torture. I guarantee you that you can't find any records on paper from Nazis that it was 6 million.

No I'm not a white supremacist. I do think a lot of innocent Jewish people died for doing nothing wrong. I just question the number of them.

Quite being a pvssy bro.

Even General patton said "we have defeated the wrong enemy" referring to the communists and the Bolshevik revolutions top people were mostly Jewish. Marx was Jewish.

"After World War II, Patton expressed anti-Semitism and treated Jews badly in the former concentration camps – calleddisplaced persons camps after the war – that he ran for the United States. According to The New York Times, Patton wrote into his journal that people believe "the Displaced Person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to the Jews who are lower than animals. ..."[179]" .

Cultural Marxism is what is fundamentally destroying western society. Black lives matters has a strong connection to communism. Feminism also.

Right now the biggest enemies to the west are not Muslims. It's cultural Marxism, it is an anti social movement.

Anything related to cultural Marxism should be gotten rid of.


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
The number 6 million was not recorded on paper. It was a number that a senior ss officer said at Nazi trials. They of course interrogated Nazi pows and part of it was torture. I guarantee you that you can't find any records on paper from Nazis that it was 6 million.

No I'm not a white supremacist. I do think a lot of innocent Jewish people died for doing nothing wrong. I just question the number of them.

Quite being a pvssy bro.

Even General patton said "we have defeated the wrong enemy" referring to the communists and the Bolshevik revolutions top people were mostly Jewish. Marx was Jewish.

"After World War II, Patton expressed anti-Semitism and treated Jews badly in the former concentration camps – calleddisplaced persons camps after the war – that he ran for the United States. According to The New York Times, Patton wrote into his journal that people believe "the Displaced Person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to the Jews who are lower than animals. ..."[179]" .

Cultural Marxism is what is fundamentally destroying western society. Black lives matters has a strong connection to communism. Feminism also.

Right now the biggest enemies to the west are not Muslims. It's cultural Marxism, it is an anti social movement.

Anything related to cultural Marxism should be gotten rid of.
Are you ADD, HD or both?


Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
We have no direct proof that Hitler gave the order, but it happened under his watch and he was fully aware of it so at the very least he promoted it and did not stop it. And the holocaust did happen and the Jews were not the only ones that were killed, I am a 1st generation American and my great grandfather remembered it. They also had a genocide of hundreds of thousands of Serbians when the Nazis created an axis state in the Yugoslav region. I knew living proof that it was real...
I never said it didn't happen. I just think it was the intention the whole time and that the number might be incorrect. I never said it didn't happen.


Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
Are you ADD, HD or both?
You seem upset. I can tell by your responses and how quickly you respond that you're very emotionally involved.

You realize the media influences people from a young age, including our public schools.


Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
You just took some fantasy in your head and pretended it was fact.

And you want anyone here to take you seriously?

If you know exactly who owns stock in the federal reserve. Please enlighten me.


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
I never said it didn't happen. I just think it was the intention the whole time and that the number might be incorrect. I never said it didn't happen.
You are engaging in flights of fancy while denying libraries full of evidence, human evidence, physical evidence, peer reviewed historical research. You know those facts you say you want. But you don't.

You'd rather listen to YouTube videos with ominous music and read conspiracy bullsh*t.


Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
You are engaging in flights of fancy while denying libraries full of evidence, human evidence, physical evidence, peer reviewed historical research. You know those facts you say you want. But you don't.

You'd rather listen to YouTube videos with ominous music and read conspiracy bullsh*t.
If everything is factual and correct why is it illegal to question it in many countries? What are they afraid of?

You can claim that but I doubt you're an expert on this subject.

If there is information that shows not everything we've been told is true, it's probably suppressed.


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
If you know exactly who owns stock in the federal reserve. Please enlighten me.
It is not a stockholding organization. It is a membership organization. Its members are virtually every commercial bank in the United States. That is who 'exactly' owns the Federal Reserve.

I have no time for morons that live and breathe Jewish banker conspiracy lunacy.

Enlighten yourself. Be a googletarian.
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