Had Sex with 10+ women, all hookers!

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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Bible_Belt said:
Sexual relationships to me is like getting drafted in this year's NBA draft: Not going to happen.

There are a lot of women who feel the same way. Many of them are fairly hot.
probably not in america, most fairly hot women have already been railed by their class ahole before they get out of high school.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Ah hookers. It's been awhile. Last time was Jan 2007. Heh, I haven't touched a woman in over a year. Like DarthAngel707, nobody can tell what I've done. My family still probably thinks I'm a virgin as I've never had a girlfriend.

I also have a fleshlight and use it on occasion but it's a hassle.

As for the theme of the thread. Each of us men who have extreme difficulties with women have our own reasons that are blocking us from success. Yes it's all in our heads.

Like with most things in life, you get out what you put in. If you don't put in any real effort into getting girls, then you won't get any.

I don't plan on getting laid at all for as long as I live with my grandmother. And so I'm not putting in any effort into women. But when I move out of here in August I plan on becoming a beast. I know that living where I am now crashes my self-confidence. Once I move I won't have that holding me down anymore.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2008
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Expectations too high

I think everybody's expectations on this board are too high when just getting a girl in itself is quite the success. Many people think that's being a p*ssy and settling for having the disease called "oneitis" but its this stupid seduction culture that tells us we need 2-3 girls at least on rotation or we're AFCS. I'm beginning to see the alternative where if you go on dates and the traditional "romantic and classy" stuff you will get sex eventually with your girlfriend. I prefer this to going out and approaching 100's of girls only to have them reject you and laugh at you the next time they see you. And I also disagree that everyone has personality and that it needs to be conveyed because for some people there personality is fixed steadily and any efforts will only reveal your true self. 90% of you guys out there are deluding yourself into thinking that you will eventually become a player, but I guess that is preferable to the reality that your efforts will be in vain. Hey, at least you guys will eventually get a girlfriend and get married and that is better than nothing.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2008
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bay area
dude. WHAT THE F$UCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? read the dj bible, read the books recommended by puas, fix your inner game, look up hynoptica instant inner game and unstoppable confidence by ross jeffries, also david deangelo deep inner game. DONT YOU EVER SLEEP WITH A HOOKER AGAIN!!!DONT EVER PAY FOR pu$$Y.


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
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[QUOTEGood, let's see if you'll hold out for six months as I'm going to try][/QUOTE]

No, I won't be able to because I will banging someone by then.

You mean being married. Again I'm a Christian and don't believe in pre-maritial sex. But a Fleshlight is not pre-maritial sex, it's just masturbating, and I don't see anywhere that masturbating is wrong.
Didn't Jesus say that if you even think about having sex with a woman, you have already committed adultery with her?

Also, theres a verse in Malachi or some where in the OT which talks about people that commit the sin when they wake up in the morning in their beds. Its pretty clear its talking about masturbation without using the actual words masturbation and penis.

Again, isn't ur body meant to be the Temple for the Holy spirit to reside in? So, how come ur so interested with playing with yourself?


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2008
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must say your sense of humour put a smile on my face, and thanks for your perspectives on hookers...as I've been flirting with idea of going to a strip club myself lately. Honestly it's getting a bit tiresome reading the same opinions from the same people who make it their mission to post their life story or life philosophies on every bloody thread. Hope to see u around on the threads!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 14, 2008
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It all comes down to Self Esteem. Lack of love shown to you from females in your life has made your self esteem lacking substance. Women pick up on this and it creates subconscious discomfort. Heal you self esteem and your success in all aspects of your life will rise, including dating women.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
You should invest in a fleshlight/doll or something and save some money, that way you can replicate whatever experience you had with one of them hookers with that thing without having to use them.
DUDE. Thats only gonna increase his dependency. Can't you see he's actually trying to get some real ass that HE earned?
May 23, 2006
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Deadly_Assassin said:
Didn't Jesus say that if you even think about having sex with a woman, you have already committed adultery with her?
Jesus never said that, especially if the woman is your own spouce. He said if you 'lust' after a woman who presumably is not your spouce. Then you have to define what 'lust' means. In an adultery context, lust means to covet something that isn't yours. Jesus was reiterating the last two commandments which says that you are not to covet anything belonging to your neighbour, including his wife, not inventing new commandments, and again, thou shalt not Adultery is also one of the ten commandments.

Deadly_Assassin said:
Also, theres a verse in Malachi or some where in the OT which talks about people that commit the sin when they wake up in the morning in their beds. Its pretty clear its talking about masturbation without using the actual words masturbation and penis.
Never heard about anything of that sort, provide chapter and verse reference.

Deadly_Assassin said:
Again, isn't ur body meant to be the Temple for the Holy spirit to reside in? So, how come ur so interested with playing with yourself?
I don't see the connection. Masturbation is not specifically mentioned anywhere in scripture as a temple defiling sin as being on a forbidden list, say as fornication is. As long as you are not excessively masturbating, I have yet to see anything in scripture that says that this is a temple-defiling sin. Why would the Bible leave a grey area if this particular sin, assuming it is really sinful, was important, yet it's very clear with respect to other sins such as fornication?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I don't mean to pass judgment on you, Luke, all of us are sinners, but I do disagree with your stance that the Bible condones fleshlights.


With regard to sexuality, as one walks after the Spirit, one realizes that both by the purchase accomplished by Christ on the cross and by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit one’s body belongs to the Lord, not to sexual immorality (1 Cor. 6:9-29). Further, self-control is one of the fruits of the Spirit. Self-control is the grace-enacted restraining or moderating of one’s desires or having power over oneself rather than being mastered by anything (1 Cor. 7:5, 9; 1 Cor. 9:25; Galatians 5:23).
May 23, 2006
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Bible_Belt said:
I don't mean to pass judgment on you, Luke, all of us are sinners, but I do disagree with your stance that the Bible condones fleshlights.


With regard to sexuality, as one walks after the Spirit, one realizes that both by the purchase accomplished by Christ on the cross and by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit one’s body belongs to the Lord, not to sexual immorality (1 Cor. 6:9-29). Further, self-control is one of the fruits of the Spirit. Self-control is the grace-enacted restraining or moderating of one’s desires or having power over oneself rather than being mastered by anything (1 Cor. 7:5, 9; 1 Cor. 9:25; Galatians 5:23).
But I still think the whole masturbation theory is based on conjecture.

The Bible is black and white when pertaining to fornication, while even that could be twisted, it would take a bit of work looking at the Greek term and ignoring other verses (which says two becoming one) in order to justify it.

However the Bible is vague when you are talking about masturbation. I'm sure people did this since the beginning of time, why wasn't anything specifically mentioned? As pertaining to masturbation, people who say it's part of sexual immorality have an uphill battle to try and take some verses and try to 'stick' something into it because it's simply not there.

For example, there is no 'two becoming one' arguement on masturbation. In other sexual immorality, joining your temple with a harlot or other temples violates the sanctity of the concept that two only becomes one once with the person you marry. Two people becoming one flesh. That's the principle against pre-maritial sex and fornication is because it's unauthorized carnal knowledge or you are binding yourself to more than one person. However, masturbation doesn't have such a principle since it's a non-binding activity.

That being said, I would agree with excessive masturbation with really degrading and heavy lustful thought content is an issue of self-control, or if you are choosing to masturbate while you have a willing maritial partner or have no intention to have children while you are married, then that's another issue in itself. However, I don't think any of these ideas apply in my case since I don't think ths is being done excessively and I'm not married to anyone, and is done in context where if I am going to masturbate anyway then it should be done as accurate to simulated sex as possible.

There was also a spiritual test where my mom had the opportunity to move or touch a concealed fleshlight, and if there was anything accursed or wrong about it, with her spiritual insight she would have brought my attention to it, and/or opened it. She has in the past asked me to remove a specific DVD or CD which she felt was accurrsed that the Lord told her, and it really happened to be a questionable DVD or CD. If mom couldn't get any vibes about this fleshlight, and she is very close to the Lord, then I have to assume there is nothing wrong with it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Your Mom is Miss Cleo?

The Old Testament would frown on parlor trick stuff like that; it sounds like she is playing Good Witch of the North.

You whack off a lot; I have a lot of sex. Each of us tries to be decent Christians as we see it, but likely both of us are trying to rationalize our own behavior, and that skews our perspective on trying to interpret in Bible and apply it to our own life. My own fornications aside, I still think turning to technology to get yourself off is not right. I doubt God is a techie. Porn, fleshlights, inflatable love sheep, chicks with vibrators - it's all the same thing, using technology instead of having real sex. Hookers are similar, using money as sex. Jesus was not a big fan of money, either. Read the Song of Solomon - sex is a gift from God, meant to be appreciated - not avoided and not perverted into something else.

The Motivator

Apr 12, 2008
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this thread is an absolute embarrasment to sosuave, to the man who created this site, to the moderators, and to the members of this site

this thread needs to VANISH, because some people come to sosuave looking for help and improvement, and when they see SHYT like this, they will turn away and miss the otherwise valuable information on this site

YOU WILL DIE VIRGINS (with real women, not hookers or fleshlights you homos) WITH THESE SELF-DEFEATING PATHETIC ATTITUDES
May 23, 2006
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Bible_Belt said:
I doubt God is a techie. Porn, fleshlights, inflatable love sheep, chicks with vibrators - it's all the same thing, using technology instead of having real sex.
There is no two becoming one principle there.

Bible_Belt said:
Read the Song of Solomon - sex is a gift from God, meant to be appreciated - not avoided and not perverted into something else.
That's fine, because masturbation is not sex, and the people in the Song of Solomon were married.


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Why are people whining in this thread about not getting some?
You dont go to a martial arts club just do whine about that you cant do martial arts, you go there, because you want to learn it.
Of course you wont learn the death kick in the first session
Maybe you will try something easier but still fail at that one.
But does it mean you should stop trying?
Hell no

go back to practicing the easy kick until you are confident enough to learn the death kick!

but nooo you are going into a martial arts club, whining about the fact that you cant do a single thing without even trying unless you can do it.
May 23, 2006
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Enryu said:
but nooo you are going into a martial arts club, whining about the fact that you cant do a single thing without even trying unless you can do it.
Everyone is trying on here. Wutuyangfinancial is trying but didn't get anywhere because he's too short. The OP is trying, after all, he only went with the hookers when he wasn't able to get anyone for free after trying. I'm going to a Christian group and trying there to find a friend or wife, you cant say nobody is trying.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Just beyond reach
Hey bro, I live in Hawaii as well, and used to date a stripper from Fem Nu. I love hookers until the end of time. I have no problem getting chicks, but honestly I prefer hookers to sluts and hores, LTR b!tches, marriage children cliche sell outs and all other forms of manipulative women.

Hookers are pure and honest angels who have embraced their destiny. When I am rich I will do nothing but travel around and fvck exotic hookers from every end of the globe. I'll fvck every one of them, and they will join my 1000 hooker harem. My uncle had a yacht in Thailand where him and his bros would travel around and surf with 20 plus hookers on board giving massages and BJ's. That's the dream right there.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
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Luke Skywalker said:
Just food for thought. Mystery states that there are two hard-wired fears that guys have concerning girls, and they both deal with approaching.

1) Approaching a girl. (could be taken)

Explanation: In caveman days, if you took a girl who was taken by a high-ranking member of the closed society, you could end up killed by those members as they beat you to death. Since you don't know if she's taken or not, there is a bit of a death-risk.

2) Being rejected by a girl. (other girls could reject you if she does)

Explanation: In a closed caveman society, there may be 3-4 available girls. If one of those girls rejected you and word got around that you were not pre-selected, the other 3 girls would also reject you and you'd never have sex and be condemned to involuntary celibacy.

These are two hard-wired attributes that are responsible for phobias relating to women.

According to Mystery, we are like an old computer that hasn't been updated to the times -- but I believe that there is some phobia behind it, and he explains that even PUA's get this phobia once in a while, and everybody has it.
Luke, Mystery has a lot of experience with women and how to attract them... However, how solid do you think his psychology knowledge is? do you think he even has a Bachelor's in psych? It seems to me that all his knowledge comes from what he read/heard around, not actual scientific facts.

I took a class my senior year in college on evolutionary psychology where i learned a lot about what you call "hard-wired" trends. They called them "modules" and some in fact do believe that we have inherited them since the times of the cavemen, however there is no concrete evidence. So next time when you re citing scientific facts, don't take Mystery's word for it...