Master Don Juan
This is literally almost never going to happen. Such 'fears' usually only exist in the minds of indirect guys who haven't don't many (or any) direct approaches, as an excuse to justify their lack of balls to direct approach. They come up with all these hypothetical scenarios about what they believe MIGHT happen but hasn't actually happened.The main advantage about going indirect in a grocery store is plausible deniability in case you are reported to a store employee for harassment on approaches. That's a rare situation because almost no woman will report a man for harassment on an indirect opener.
And because you're focusing your mind on imaginary negative things happening, it makes you feel fearful, which manifests I your demeanor and vibe and also leads to hesitation or chickening out of doing the approach.
As the late , great Alan Roger Currie often said, 'Jus do this shvt. Only talk about things that have actually happened, not about things that you think will happen'.
It's not a crime to approach a girl directly in a grocery store, nor is it harassment. It can only be considered harassment if the girl says she's not interested or tells you to go away or leave her alone but you don't.
I've approached hundreds of women in supermarkets and not once had any problem like this. I even used to go to the same places multiple times a day, several times a week, on the way to work and again after work, to buy food and hit on girls. I've been pretty hardcore direct too...not once had any problems. So it's mostly in guys' heads really.