Glad you're done with this thread....Jaylan said:Its apparent that even the slightest bit of homosexual representation in greater society puts a large amount of fear into small weak men. Because it is only a weak man that feels threatened by homosexuals or their appearance in popular culture...especially when popular culture panders the most to what we as straight men want.
Its no different than when people made a huge deal out of minorities and women being cast in certain roles in popular culture years back (tv, movies, ads, comic books, etc)
The kind of overreaction we see in this thread is fueled by that same kind of ignorance and hate. The thing is, is that 40 years from now, people will look back on crap like this and wonder why it was ever a big freaking deal at all. People will shake their heads at how stupid people used to be.
Why do people get so uppity about gays? You wouldnt tell people not to make superheros black would you? You wouldnt tell an asian or latino person that they couldnt marry a white or black person would you? Yet in 2012, we have people flipping out over gay comic book heroes and gay marriage.
Im done with this thread. Im not surprised its on this forum. Nor should I care about the opinions in this thread....because I know these kinds of thoughts are fading in greater society and that our society is getting smarter about equality. Its amazing how paranoid some dudes are here. I have better things to worry about then what gay men are doing. 99% of male and female comic book heroes are straight, yet dudes are getting butt-hurt(pun intended) over a few homosexual ones. Pathetic.
Why is it that some homosexuals (and those that defend it) use past and present RACIST oppression as a comparison to their plight ?
The only thing that makes a homosexual unique is that they prefer sex with someone of their own gender. They can keep this matter as private or as public as they want. I have two neighbors (whom I consider friends) who live together as a couple. One is very "Queenie", the other one comes across as as a regular dude. I can not imagine the second guy suffering any discrimination based on his sexuality because he does not come across as someone who has stereotypical gay traits. It is only when someone chooses to expose their sexuality that they face reaction to their lifestyle.
Although I do not consider homosexuality "normal", I respect the idea of freedom of choice. If two people of the same gender want to hold hands or get married, whatever, but I don't have to think it's a wonderful thing do I ?
If I privately dissapprove, yet share my thoughts on a forum, I'm weak ?
Suppose you have a son ? Which do you prefer?
As a young teenager, he is raped by an older man........or, as a young teenager he is seduced into having sex with an older woman.............
Well, we know the answer don't we ! Even if this young man was confused as to whether he was straight or gay, how do you feel about the first scenario ?
I know, you're too much of a macho Alpha to care about gay comic book characters