There is a clear pecking order in MSM and society on who you can shame, and who you cannot.
It goes something like this, with the top of the list being what you can shame with impunity, while approaching the bottom of the list means you are of highly protected status.
Most able to shame....
- Men
- Anything masculine
- Whites
- Successful
- Libertarian
- Virgins
- Conservative
- Asians
- Liberals
- Homosexuals
- Wh0res
- Failures
- Blacks
- Anything feminine
- Women
- Jews
Least able to shame....
The rule is, you can shame anything above you on the list, and you won't get grief over it. But never, EVER shame anything below you on the list. Because that is just wrong and intolerant. You are either a homophobe, sexist, racist, or <fill in derogatory term>.
God forbid you are actually a multiple of items at the top of the list. If so, then everything was handed to you and you are responsible for all of the world's evils.