Got the "Hold my Purse" test yesterday


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
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_sideways_ said:
If you give them an inch, theyll take a mile.

Stop the madness at the point f origin.
That's right. Abuse and serious disrespect do not take place overnight. They are built over a continuum of minuscule tests that men fail.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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jimmy18 said:
OP, would you hold you mother's purse if she asked you to, or dismiss it as a sh!t test?
Hands down the most retarded, idiotic, off his rocker comment I have ever seen. Comparing a woman that gave birth to you and raised you to a woman you just met a few weeks ago. That makes a lot of sense.... >_>


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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El Payaso said:
Hands down the most retarded, idiotic, off his rocker comment I have ever seen. Comparing a woman that gave birth to you and raised you to a woman you just met a few weeks ago. That makes a lot of sense.... >_>
There's no reason to hold a woman's purse, anyway. She can just put it on the ground or table...I think it is somewhat of a test.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2010
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Atom Smasher said:
I love when the newbies chime in with their "wisdom".

I'll do my best, but this is literally like trying to explain physics to a 5 year old. There is no reference material there for the concepts to latch onto. There is nothing upon which to build because you new guys are completely in the dark about the nuances I'm referencing due to your feminized education.

It's not about "caring what she thinks about me" in the simplistic sense you're aware of because of your lack of experience. It's about handling my expectations of her, about maintaining an authoritative frame, about demonstrating who's wearing the pants on a subconscious level, about eliciting compliance (critically important), and about training her to respect my wishes whether she agrees with them or not, and whether they make sense to her or not.

The guys who have been here a long time know that my methods are highly nuanced and that they work. You don't see me whining about women on this board for the simple reason that I've learned my lessons, and my techniques work.

I started here on SS absolutely clueless about women, but by careful study and getting out there trying and developing different techniques and strategies, I've developed into a man who commands respect from women and whom the vast majority find attractive.

There is no longer any shortage of women, no longer any insecurity in dealing with them, no longer any wondering what I should do. The problem has become too many women and too little time. Not a bad flip.

With the abundance of women in my life it's kind of laughable to think of "caring what they think of me" as Southcarolina words it. The fact that I told her "no" speaks volumes about how much I care what she thinks. If she disagrees, so what? There are loads of women who do in fact agree. And the LEAST of my worries is whether or not some kid on the Internet agrees!

You younger guys have grown up in an extremely feminized educational system and with some of you, your thinking reflects a feminine bent. If you stick around here you might gain the ability to perceive life from outside your culture, your education, the life paradigms that you think are truth, and the time frame that you happen to live in. Once you get a view from outside these limiting perspectives, a whole new world opens up and your personal power becomes enormous.

jimmy, under normal circumstances my mother wouldn't ask me to hold her purse. If she did, however, I would hold it for her with no problem. I'm not training my mother. I am training the women who I allow into my kingdom. There's a difference.
If there was no truth to the "newbie" posts, your ego wouldn't feel the need to defend itself with a 462 word essay.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2014
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Hoooooooooooooooooly fukin sh!t!!!! I never laughed so hard in my life.

This guy is 57 years old posting about a supposed "sh!t test" that he "passed". Holy mother fukin sh!t I can't stop laughing!!!!!!!

Almost 4000+ posts and this is the topic he decides to post. I'm reading all of your posts. I'm sorry if I'm making fun of you but you cannot be serious brah. I can just imagine this scenario. :kick:

Look man...women do cute things like that just to see things about a guy. Whether he's a gentleman, or if he's nice etc. It doesn't make you any less of a man to hold her belongings/purse for a few seconds. She's not making you her b!tch or anything like that. You gotta loosen up a little bit talking to women. If you are this stiff I can imagine how your date goes...that's IF you even get dates.

I've had women ask me to hold there purse. I usually just crack a dumb joke about how I look prettier than her. (I am in fact a pretty man so it works for me wink wink!). But jeez don't be so stiff. I wonder how old this woman is?!


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
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I perceive this as a sign that she trusts me and says, " you're special enough to hold my purse". I know you all think that sounds like I'm whipped, but hey, I like when she gives me her purse. Just think, when would you ask her to hold your wallet?


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
I would of held it for her. If it was a test I'd rather get dumped than waist another day on such a shallow women. It's pointless waiting your time on anyone who you can't have a straight up and honest relationship with.

If I was to ask her to hold my wallet as a favour whist I done my shoe laces up, and she said "no" I'd probably dump her for it for being so stuck up.

Each to their own though, we've all got our own beliefs and standards....


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2008
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If she can easily do it herself then I would just smile and say something like ''I'm sure you can handle it.''


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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I'll agree with Atom that the holding purse thing is a test. It's not about practicality it's about principal.

Personally, I wont straight out say no like that. As soon as a girl hands me her purse i'll start scanning for where she should have put it then place it there for her.

If I know the girl well, something like a 5 year girlfriend I really don't care. I'll throw it under my arm and forget about it. But someone I just met gets that item (purse, jacket, wallet, drink) put right back down within 5 seconds of handing it to me.

Had a girl call me out on this once and I just told her My mom wanted more for me than to be someones table, she wanted a doctor or lawyer and laughed it off.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I have no problem with the way Atom Smasher handled it. If it's part of his principles not to hold a purse, then good for him for sticking to it.

That said, if you're secure with your masculinity, holding a purse for 10 seconds while she fixes her coat isn't a big deal either.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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Yeah I think the 10 second rule is just fine. But anything like "hold my purse while I go say hi to my friends" and I just might put it in the trash and walk away lol.


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
I've turned down the 'hold my purse' thing by saying no 'because it doesn't match my outfit' as a C&F move that makes the point well.

But if it's for a few seconds, who gives a crap?


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
The thing is they know that guys dont like to hold purses, not even for 5seconds. So them asking is indicative of how she feels about you. Like youre a pushover.

Its like youre saying youre just going to put the tip in for a little bit just to feel it out. If she agrees, your asses know youre not going to stop at just the tip.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
_sideways_ said:
The thing is they know that guys dont like to hold purses, not even for 5seconds. So them asking is indicative of how she feels about you. Like youre a pushover.
Meh. If the whole relationship rises or falls on whether or not you hold her purse for a few seconds, it's not going to be worth the effort anyway. Besides, I'm not a pushover. My doing her an insignificant favor isn't going to change that - not for me, and not for her.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
SgtSplacker said:
I'll agree with Atom that the holding purse thing is a test. It's not about practicality it's about principal.

Personally, I wont straight out say no like that. As soon as a girl hands me her purse i'll start scanning for where she should have put it then place it there for her.

If I know the girl well, something like a 5 year girlfriend I really don't care. I'll throw it under my arm and forget about it. But someone I just met gets that item (purse, jacket, wallet, drink) put right back down within 5 seconds of handing it to me.

Had a girl call me out on this once and I just told her My mom wanted more for me than to be someones table, she wanted a doctor or lawyer and laughed it off.
You can always place it between her legs. ;)

That's exactly it. She's a brand new girlfriend, and there's no way in hell I'm going to hold her purse.

For the newbies with hurt feelings, I have a real problem with brand new members who post all over the site with their girlfriend woes (nothing wrong with that) and then jump into a thread to give a dressing down to a veteran who has been through it all and demonstrably has his relationship issues handled. Jumping into a thread with an emotionally triggered diatribe is self-defeating as one will usually miss the nugget of truth contained therein.

Had anyone been there to observe, they would have seen a little smile on my face and a twinkle in the eye, which conveyed a lighthearted but still strong demeanor. That's how you handle situations where she asks you to do something you don't want to do.

If you want a good visual, Google "man holding purse". It's not pretty.

I stand by my original point... When a girl hands you her purse to hold, don't take it, especially a new girlfriend. It sets a very subtle precedent. Some see it, and some don't, but it's there regardless of one's level of awareness.

This site is all about increasing men's awareness of dynamics that are invisible to the average man. We should always ask ourselves, is it possible that the OP of any given thread is touching on a principle that I haven't been aware of, or has deeper meaning than I thought? That to me is wisdom, the direct opposite of jumping on that reply key without careful consideration of a poster's intent.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
_sideways_ said:
The thing is they know that guys dont like to hold purses, not even for 5seconds. So them asking is indicative of how she feels about you. Like youre a pushover.

Its like youre saying youre just going to put the tip in for a little bit just to feel it out. If she agrees, your asses know youre not going to stop at just the tip.
LOL, sideways, I like your quirky illustrations. Again, I agree. They know full well that men don't like to hold purses, so why do they ask (or command) in the first place?

Most of what women do is subconscious, but that doesn't erase the deeper meaning of their actions. Wise is the man who is aware of the deeper meanings and who knows how to mold his relationship instead of being molded. The molding of a man by his woman starts in very seemingly "innocent" ways.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
applegoo said:
There's no reason to hold a woman's purse, anyway
I ask to hold my frau's purse all the time; but, I taught her my "code".

When I say:
V: "Let me hold your purse..."

She understands that the "..." means:
V: "...while you suck my cºck."

So, when she's out with me and gets rowdy, I simply can say out loud for anyone and everyone to hear: "Let me hold your purse..."

While the onlooker may be thinking: "Poor AFC Beta chump!"
All she's hearing is: "Suck my cøck".

I use it in all sorts of situations, so sometimes she gets good tingles, sometimes "bad" ones. Sometimes I look at her and say it, other times I reach with one hand (for the purse) while the other hand starts undoing my belt, which she understands just as well.

Otherwise, when a chick hands me her purse, the first thing I do is stuff my hand in and fish around for a tampon. Once I find one (because of course they're there), I pull it out, put it down by my crotch, wave it around like a schlong, and say:
V: "SmooOOoth applicator tip." (my favorite)
V: "OOooh, it's so TIGHT!"
V: "Do you need it wrapped, or can we go raw dog?"

Usually with a bunch of eyebrow raises, perhaps a few pelvic thrusts, like "you know you want it".

I've pretended to be taking a p¡ss with a "stolen tampon", too: "Ahhh..." *makes a big ordeal of shaking it, wringing it out, shaking it off a few more times*

I know, you could say it's childish for a guy my age, but, it makes ME laugh. I find it absolutely HILARIOUS how embarrassed women get by it.

Plus, pull the same embarrassing prank a couple times on the same chick and guess what: They stop handing you their purse. If they don't catch on, I start going for other goodies. If there is a pop machine near by, I've bought myself a soda with their cash. I've helped myself to cigarettes, whatever they handed me a bag full of, that's what I get when they hand it to me.

Her: *hands purse to Vulpine*
V: "OOOH!!! I LOVE grab bags!!!"

Funny thing is, some women will continue handing me their purse knowing full well that I'll shanghai something right in front of their face: like they want me to.

*shrug* I like to have fun, though, not be all hard-ass gorilla all the time.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
I will hold a woman's purse for her, but I will only agree to do so "for a minute" and that's what I tell her.

Once an ex had me hold it and she wasn't ready to take it back when I was ready to give it to her. I kept saying "here take it back" and she wouldn't. So I started digging through it right in front of her and saying "oh gee what have we here?!". Problem solved, she changed her priorities and couldn't get it out of my hands fast enough! And yes, I would have kept going had she not taken it back, and put any cash or credit cards I found in my pocket!


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
I remember when my one of my ex did that to me when I was 17 and I did it. I was still wet behind the ears. Still bothers me till this day lol


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
OP, its not just noobies and youngins in here disagreeing with you. You have an even older gent too saying its no big deal to hold a purse for a second.

Why are you so defensive about other's opinions on this matter? And to the point of being condescending and making veiled insults at those who disagree? Come on bro, you're better than that.

Like a couple others said, Im surprised that an older mature gent actually puts so much thought into this kinda crap. Id expect such a thread from a kid in his teens or a dude in his 20s...but older than that and I expect a man to just do his thing.

You should have been able to handle this without spinning his own hamster or needing to create a thread to make long posts explaining yourself.