Good Girls do Cheat PART II


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2003
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Re: should have been a lawyer

Originally posted by tiburon
After this occurs then it becomes hard living without the candy . I hold that some women do it in love and others just for curiousness, but after that first time, a sex drive turns on for must of them. It all goes down to how you want to live your life.
Tell me about it lol!!! I like having sex just as much as the next person. Like I said, the first person I went to bed with I loved. If my future husband has a problem with me losing my virginity to someone I loved, just because I wasn't married, then he'll just have to deal with it.
Originally posted by tiburon
There are also many types of men. Some don't stress virginity , but do stress not many past lovers, orthers stress virginity , and others just dont really care about virginity when choosing a wife.
What type of man would you like to have? All this man have great things to offer and bad things. God made the world full of colors and flowers we each pick the one we most like. Even tough most man feel great about being a girls first and knowing they are not marrying a slut, we all pick a flower with the color we like. Me personally would like to pick a virgin flower to make my wife, so if you would like to marry me for example, there are three ways, get me to fall in love with you, get me to realize you are an exceptional person no matter your past, or that you love me like you have never loved anyone. Now this are the exceptions i might be willing to put up with, but most commonly i would marry a virgin. Great Woman outhere who are not sluts but have had misfortunes. Realize this is my tatse for women and not everyones, but like Kevin mention there are many advantages to marrying a virgin..and there are also disadvantages. Now i believe a women should give themself to only a person who they seem getting married with and get a the same commitment back. This is my opinion and i could elaborate more if you asked. The primary thing anyone should look in a person when marrying them is their soul, but also a souls get dirty , and a virgin who holds it for her husband and noone else has a very clean soul for my tatse .
Dude!!! A girl's past shouldn't come into it! what she is in the here and the now is what should be important to you. But I do concede that if there are indicatons that she was a bit "Flirty", for want of a classier term, then you should put her on the next bus:)
I think that sometimes guys can confuse having a healthy attitude to sex with being a slut.
Though I personally don't make a habit out of sleeping with anyone I don't plan on falling in love with. Nor do I think that if you've been through a dry spell of going without sex,and you just happen to be out somewhere and you get talking to a guy and you take him home, does that mean that you are more prone to cheating, or you are generally disloyal.
If I am with a man, I am with him no matter what. He is the duck's nuts to me. The thought of another man touching me makes me skin crawl. But what I do when I am single is my business.
To answer you questions about marriage and my tastes in men-

Modern marriages and weddings to me are a disgrace. They are three ring circuses. They are free theatre for friends and relatives of the two involved. Due to the fact that I believe that love does not need to be legalised, There is only a 50/50 chance that I will get properly married, because I really do believe in the concept. But there will be no-one else at my wedding except for me, him and the celebrant.
All I ever ask of my boyfriends is that they are basically honest, hard working and have a sense of intregrity, irrespective of job, race, etc. If you are at you VERY CORE a good person, I think that you make a good husband.


Jul 30, 2003
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Your additude is great. Definetely what you do in your single life is your own bussiness and no man has any saying in what you should do or not do.

We are talking about choice , and even tough i would make an exception just for you lol i believe i would like to marry a virgin or someone that still dreams(just like you and your shotgun Wedding)about a soulmate, or in reserving herself for her husband. Tell me do you think of men the same way that you use to when you were a virgin? I think you did right by giving yourself to someone you love, about your ONS
thats none of my business (maybe i would had like to share one with you) but I have a different opinion and you are a very independent women who has decided that she is going to satisfied all her needs and out there are Men that will share your opinion and marry you one day. Marriages are a disgrace ..true 50/50 chance and that does not imply the other 50 percent are happily married ( this is the best side of it)!.

I just believe men and women should take their path to happiness...and agree that true love doesnt require marriage especially with the new definition of the MODERN ERA, but it does require some strong commitment, and something deep in order to last. Some Religious people find such a connection true a bond with GOD, i have met crazy couple that find it by the craziest lovemaking, and others by life situations that they hold true together, and there are many cases. THE book i just finish reading "The GOOD MARRIAGE " is excellent on explaining idealisation of partners.

I respect your view on sigle attitude and relationship attitude, and I like the fact your skins crawl even tough i find it hard to believe this happens for every men in the world. The soul of a person, the fact that at YOUR VERY CORE you are a good person, and your morals , are very important thing we should look out when finding a partner, but love is fragile and is a dream that could be destroyed easily by actions and for love to last over the years it requires to BIG DREAMERS, two BIG BELIEVERS. BY NOW MOST MEN CANT TRULY BELIEVE IN A WOMEN AND VICE VERSA FOR WOMEN. My choice is to choose someone i could leave my dream and reality with. Virgin or not her heart must be one that believes in not al MEN ARE THE SAME, and that a soulmate might be outhere for her. Now the fact that if she is a virgin i would enjoy this more , bu this is my taste and the type of flower i like i this point for future picking.



Helter Skelter

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
East coast
still snoring..................................................................................


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
hhahahhahahaaha, Tiburon, you are a f#cking natural Don Juan, papi!

You crack me up. But I admire your dream and belief about love and I agree completely with your flower analogy, perfect. That is how I feel too. Why pick the flower you don't want when there are so many others? You described it wonderfully, very poetically.
And while half the time you get on my nerves with your fanatical virgin rants, I give you props and my utmost respect for your vision and communication of it.

But, and this is just me picking on you, once you find that one flower, how will you keep it from withering and dying? Because that is what flowers do...

do you have the magic water? will you whisper spanish into its petals? what will your plan be?


Jul 30, 2003
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Dear Iqqi

Mami: let me just say that to keep a flower from dying and a happy marriage to last to until your dying days is a secret i still dont posses. I seen some old couples posses it tough and even tough i talk to them for hours while i research the topic , i know it was natural to them, i know i will only know it myself when i am at their point in life!
All i have are my theories and personal beliefs and I believe that this gardening and good marriage can only occur with great mutual love, and alot of watering the garden. To much water kills the flower though! In other words it takes two and if one is pointing North and the other North East chances are even if one has that "magic water" the marriage wont last or be an unhappy one!
My theory is to carefully pick a MATURE women you can fall in love with one day , that hold your morals values and has same goals as you! Why is mature in Bold ? well this might be one of the biggest dissadvantages of virgins? They might be little girls at any age who are not ready for commitment, but some are! Love needs to mature dreamers aswell or atleast for this dreamers to mutually mature together and become adults.

Before picking the flower i believe a MAN MUST BE A MAN. Marriage is not meant for wuzzies or kids. How is does a kid become a MAN? Well hardwork , making it on his own. How does a MAN become a MATURE MAN well trough learning how to deal with women and treating them and you can only accomplish this by trial and error and by seen the many aspects of them. I am glad i am still young and have time to keep experimenting so that when i am ready to marry i know how to respond to those tests all women unconciously do. So that i know how to pick my arguments and how to not let love get ruined like it has happened before! Also i want to add that i am very very addicted to women in general and there are many temptations that i want to get out of my interior before i get married so that if they come one day when i have commited i can be bore of them and not ruin the love for my wife and the marriage just because of my testosterone level.

Well iqqi atleast this is my plan in case one day she shows up and i see her(maybe you are her who knows..LOL), and they do say a bad plan is better than no plan!

I dont think i have magic water but i do know i have fire in my tongue , and my words in Spanish and sometimes in English do help my case, and also get me in many troubles!LOL


Man need to be very mature before commiting, men do the guiding all the time just like in Dancing SALSA which is one of my passions. If a woman brings jealousy to the table or the fact that men are more likely to cheat( not true but just as an example) he must be able to react correctly at the right time to all this scenarios or they could hunt them in the future. A mature woman can be help to the relationship but in case she is not is the man's jobs to help her mature by reacting maturely and correct to her inmature demands and tests.



Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score

Originally posted by tiburon
Your additude is great. Definetely what you do in your single life is your own bussiness and no man has any saying in what you should do or not do.

We are talking about choice , and even tough i would make an exception just for you lol i believe i would like to marry a virgin or someone that still dreams(just like you and your shotgun Wedding)about a soulmate, or in reserving herself for her husband. Tell me do you think of men the same way that you use to when you were a virgin? I think you did right by giving yourself to someone you love, about your ONS
thats none of my business (maybe i would had like to share one with you) but I have a different opinion and you are a very independent women who has decided that she is going to satisfied all her needs and out there are Men that will share your opinion and marry you one day. Marriages are a disgrace ..true 50/50 chance and that does not imply the other 50 percent are happily married ( this is the best side of it)!.

I just believe men and women should take their path to happiness...and agree that true love doesnt require marriage especially with the new definition of the MODERN ERA, but it does require some strong commitment, and something deep in order to last. Some Religious people find such a connection true a bond with GOD, i have met crazy couple that find it by the craziest lovemaking, and others by life situations that they hold true together, and there are many cases. THE book i just finish reading "The GOOD MARRIAGE " is excellent on explaining idealisation of partners.

I respect your view on sigle attitude and relationship attitude, and I like the fact your skins crawl even tough i find it hard to believe this happens for every men in the world. The soul of a person, the fact that at YOUR VERY CORE you are a good person, and your morals , are very important thing we should look out when finding a partner, but love is fragile and is a dream that could be destroyed easily by actions and for love to last over the years it requires to BIG DREAMERS, two BIG BELIEVERS. BY NOW MOST MEN CANT TRULY BELIEVE IN A WOMEN AND VICE VERSA FOR WOMEN. My choice is to choose someone i could leave my dream and reality with. Virgin or not her heart must be one that believes in not al MEN ARE THE SAME, and that a soulmate might be outhere for her. Now the fact that if she is a virgin i would enjoy this more , bu this is my taste and the type of flower i like i this point for future picking.


I definetely believe that there is one guy out there for me forever. But if we never make it "official" , then so what? As for my thoughts on men before I got deflowered, all I can say is that I have grown up a LOT.

Good on your for having strong enough convictions to hold out for what you idealy believe to be a strong basis for a good marriage. I wish you well.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Originally posted by ShortyBrown
So are women entitled to not take guys seriously at a young age too?

Would you hold it against a woman who had told you that the first person she put out for was someone she loved, if you did find out that you weren't going to have the honour?

Would a woman who is merely going out and "enjoying herself" to get the prospect of temptation out of her system be a slut to you T?
But that is the problem! What kind of things to you think would have to happen in order for men an women to take each other seriously?

How about going back to the days when women stayed virgins. that would work quite well


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by MysteryWoman
Slut, *****, it is just a word. I don't care if anyone call me this, as it does not hurt me.

I don't know what has happened to sosuave, there never used to be such old fashioned, misogynistic men on this board who practices double standards
lol.. i love it.. women just hate the word slut.

let me tell you something MS, men don't want girls that sleep around. Once a slut always a slut. Most good guys on here would of already of put a ring on a girls finger if they could find a virgin. But that is almost just a fantasy in today’s world. Feminism has told women not to be wholesome and as a result men are just taking advantage of it.

I would also say that any guy that sleeps around a lot shouldn't be worth much of anything to a woman. But for some strange reason this doesn't bother women. They actually like the fact that a guy has been with many women. They seem to think that a man this way can please them more. It's very strange, the more women a man has been with the more a women shows high interest in him. That's why there isn't a male world for slut. In today's society, women like guys this way.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2002
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london, England
Well yes I guess I am a slut in your eyes, because I ain't a virgin. But I am a very selective slut, I do what I like and do give a damn about societies prejudices. If a guy is a famous and sleeps around, women don't care. But in real life alot of women will avoid a womaniser (some won't). But a woman can sleep around and still get married, despite what men say. Madonna is married and some men fall in love with prositiutes.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by MysteryWoman
Tibuorn if you want to be selective that is fine. But to refer to 99% of women as sluts isn't nice. And if sleeping with more than 3 guys and wearing revealing clothes in the summer counts, than 90 percent might as well be strung up and pubically stoned! I think you can see were I'm getting at!

I think you are a slut. I'm all with Tiburon on this thread. I hate what feminism has done to our women.


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2003
Reaction score
Girls don't avoid a man with a lot of previous experience. That's not what turns them off. What causes problems is if they think that the guy's interest in them is faked/part of a game, or if they think the guy will likely cheat on them. If a girl thought that a guy with a 100 women in his past would be totally faithful to her, she'd grab him in a second. More experience is a positive for women.

It doesn't work that way for guys. The less experience she's had, the more attractive she is. The only reason guys don't aim for virgins is that it's so unrealistic in today's world. That's why guys will marry girls with a lot of past experience. Not because it doesn't matter to them, but because the bar has been lowered with most women sleeping around so much. Personally, I don't discriminate when I date a girl, but if i'm sure that she's not very used, then her value is raised significantly in my eyes.

i don't even think in terms of the words sl^t, because it's so subjective, but somehow the girls that stick around always end up being the ones that would never sleep with a guy on the first couple of dates, and haven't had many sexual partners.

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Quick

Personally, I don't discriminate when I date a girl, but if i'm sure that she's not very used, then her value is raised significantly in my eyes.

i don't even think in terms of the words sl^t, because it's so subjective, but somehow the girls that stick around always end up being the ones that would never sleep with a guy on the first couple of dates, and haven't had many sexual partners.
Agreed. And I also think there's an age thing somewhere there - once a girl is past say 26 or so, then it's almost guaranteed she's been with quite a few guys, which is not to say that she's a slvt.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by 00Kevin
Most good guys on here would of already of put a ring on a girls finger if they could find a virgin.
Speak for yourself.

I would NEVER, I repeat, NEVER marry a virgin. By the time she hits her mid 20's she's gonna spend a lot of time wondering what she's missing.

Is that what you want?


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by STR8UP
Speak for yourself.

I would NEVER, I repeat, NEVER marry a virgin. By the time she hits her mid 20's she's gonna spend a lot of time wondering what she's missing.

Is that what you want?
No it isn't what i want.

The only thing i can say to this is, why would a woman marry a man if she didn't truely love her man? It would seem to me that if she starts to wonder about other guys then she isn't truely in love with her man. Why would a woman want anything else but the man that she marries? Furthermore, what makes you so sure that a woman who has had lots of experience won't feel like she is missing something, and go **** the mail man? The argument is even stronger the other way around.

It really doesn't matter if she has has lots of guys or is a virgin before she gets married. It's all about weather or not she truely believes in her man.

I know a girl right now that was a total slut before she got married and she continued to be that way. She told me all about it. The marriage didn't even last a year.

What the guys on this post are saying is that any woman who is a virgin in todays world deserves nothing but the highest level of respect (and i'm not talking about fat ugly ones who are virgins because they just can't get any). It's a good sign that she believes in something greater than herself and can be trusted. Isn't a woman who has made the choice to be a vigin trying her best to show this? Why would she cheat on what she has dreamed about all her life?

I would really like to hear from women who were virgins before they got married. I would really like to know if they feel like cheating on their man. I think it's all a bunch of crap when people say that virgin women will have regrets after marriage. where is the prof of this?

I think that it is more likely that a woman (and even a man for that matter) who is a slut before marriage will cheat.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by 00Kevin
It would seem to me that if she starts to wonder about other guys then she isn't truely in love with her man. Why would a woman want anything else but the man that she marries?
You sound like a girl.

Get this idea out of your head that one day an angel will fall out of the sky who will be smitten by you and you by her for all eternity. "Love" is a product of evolution designed to get a couple through the critical years of raising a child, not some magical ga-ga juice that leaves you intoxicated for the rest of your life.

Furthermore, what makes you so sure that a woman who has had lots of experience won't feel like she is missing something, and go **** the mail man? The argument is even stronger the other way around.
Chances are if I had gotten married after I had only fukked 1 or 2 women I would have deeply regretted it. You underestimate the fact that women have sexual desires just as men do. If you don't get it out of your system it's going to manifest itself in an ugly way later down the road.

It really doesn't matter if she has has lots of guys or is a virgin before she gets married. It's all about weather or not she truely believes in her man.
See above.

What the guys on this post are saying is that any woman who is a virgin in todays world deserves nothing but the highest level of respect (and i'm not talking about fat ugly ones who are virgins because they just can't get any).


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by STR8UP
You sound like a girl.

Get this idea out of your head that one day an angel will fall out of the sky who will be smitten by you and you by her for all eternity. "Love" is a product of evolution designed to get a couple through the critical years of raising a child, not some magical ga-ga juice that leaves you intoxicated for the rest of your life.

Chances are if I had gotten married after I had only fukked 1 or 2 women I would have deeply regretted it. You underestimate the fact that women have sexual desires just as men do. If you don't get it out of your system it's going to manifest itself in an ugly way later down the road.

See above.

ok look.. i never said i agreed with what those guys are saying. I'm just trying to build a case for them. I think they have some valid points. Most guys like myself can deal with women that have only had a handfull of partners anyway.

I would also like to point out that your version of love is rather dry. Most people don't subscribe to your view point. Darwin was a looser, he was more interested in apes then women.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
STR8 ..instead of telling people to grow up ...

dEAR srt8:

Man instead of getting people to grow up ...i think you need to do your own growing up. Everytime i read your posts i have to say some have good points but some i just wonder were you make your conclusions from! You are talking with a closemind that may seem open because it actually lead to understanding a more liberal point of view but it is still closeminded. True women haved desiers but...

"Chances are if I had gotten married after I had only fukked 1 or 2 women I would have deeply regretted it. You underestimate the fact that women have sexual desires just as men do. If you don't get it out of your system it's going to manifest itself in an ugly way later down the road."

Where did you pull this crap from...who lied to you and said women have the same sexual desires that men do! Let me tell you one thing! You asweel as all men are never going to understand the sexual desires of women! Why?YOU DOPNT HAVE A PUSSSY! You are not a women, you dont know what goes on her mind , how she feels, to get a d!ck insed of her, to orgasm(they dont have an orgasm the same way as men and is not the same feel as that we feel when we com!), and many other things just like no women could ever feel or understand our desires, because they dont have a D!CK!>DEFINETELY WOMEN DO NOT HAVE THE SAME SEXUAL DESIRES! They like having sex as much as we do.. and i believe maybe even more but it is not the same desire! They are attracted to men ..way differently than we are attracted to women! BUT WHAT IS REALLY FUNNY is how you make a career out of predicting futures for everyone and making generalizations. ON WHAT THE FVCK do you base your idea that is going to manifest for all women down the road! Or that it is going to manifest no matter what, even if she is in love or with things more important in her like family and children! You see women at 19 are not the same at 44, so rethink your whole ideas and base them on something atleast !

Get this idea out of your head that one day an angel will fall out of the sky who will be smitten by you and you by her for all eternity. "Love" is a product of evolution designed to get a couple through the critical years of raising a child, not some magical ga-ga juice that leaves you intoxicated for the rest of your life."

THIS IS JUST ONCE AGAIN YOU PUTTING IDEAS BASED ON CRAP OR NOTHING AT ALL! First you make fun of 00kevin who has made very good arguments and has atleast tried to base his ideas or points by you mocking him by talking about an angel! lol ..YOU MAKE ME LAUGH..LOL ..but like if that wasnt enough then pull something supposively from Evolution( my honest opinion pulled it from your ass).

"Love" is a product of evolution designed to get a couple through the critical years of raising a child, not some magical ga-ga juice that leaves you intoxicated for the rest of your life."

LOL this is halarious...i just cant see your reasoning for posting this up! You actually attempt to define love, you actually give an explanation why it comes in to play in humans! DAMN YOU SHOULD BE A SCIENTIST OR MAYBE YOU HAD A CLOSE CHAT WITH GOD BECAUSE THERE IS NO BOOK ABOUT EVOLUTION where you are going to find such NONSENCE! You seem like a guy who believed in the "magical ga- ga juice " (lol) but has gone btiter! Let me tell you one think , believe it or not , there are many many couples who love themselve at the age of 90 , 70 , 60 and they still fvck , and many other things!COUPLES THAT HAVE LOVE THEMSELVES AN ENTIRE LIFETIME! NOT many but they are outhere as i can give you my word that i have seen it with my proper eyes!



Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
tib just wants one virgin that's all. nothing wrong with that. at least he isn't an islamic terrorist that dreams about having 72 virgins.

i passed up a virgin girl once because i was afraid she would fall in love with me. To this day i don't regret not banging her. I made her shake and grab the bed posts but that's about it. no big deal.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by tiburon
Man instead of getting people to grow up ...i think you need to do your own growing up.
That's the whole point....I HAVE.

When I didn't know any better I had many of the same views you guys do. It's like an actor or a musician with big dreams of being famous. For every 2,000 of them out there only ONE or TWO make it. It isn't that fame and fortune are impossible to achieve for these kinds of people, it's that the chances of it happening are SO RARE that it doesn't make much sense for most people to pursue this for the rest of their lives. Same for finding your little virgin girl. She may be out there, but finding her and KNOWING that she is the one who will definitely be faithful and all are all but out of your control. Personally, I don't like to take the odds that are out of my control.

Where did you pull this crap from...who lied to you and said women have the same sexual desires that men do!
I didn't say that women have the same sexual desires that men do, I said women have sexual desires, just as men do. There is a big difference.

They like having sex as much as we do.. and i believe maybe even more but it is not the same desire!
Precisely! Which is EXACTLY why despite social pressures women CAN and DO fukk as much as men do, but have a MUCH GREATER REASON TO LIE ABOUT IT.

What does this mean to guys like you?

It means that should you happen to find a chick YOU THINK is uncharted territory, don't count on it to be true. But like I said before, what you don't know won't hurt you, so believe whatever you feel like.

That's what is so ridiculous about this whole thing. A woman could tell some guys she has only had two sex partners, and they would believe her, even though she has had TEN. But due to the fact that she lied about it, the guy is satisfied. Her stock remains high even though she has fukked eight other dudes utilizing every postition in the Kama Sutra and then some. But the only thing that maters is that THE GUY IS SATISFIED WITH WHAT SHE HAS TOLD HIM, and she knows this.

I will try to respond to the rest of this later today if I have time.

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by STR8UP

That's what is so ridiculous about this whole thing. A woman could tell some guys she has only had two sex partners, and they would believe her, even though she has had TEN. But due to the fact that she lied about it, the guy is satisfied. Her stock remains high even though she has fukked eight other dudes utilizing every postition in the Kama Sutra and then some. But the only thing that maters is that THE GUY IS SATISFIED WITH WHAT SHE HAS TOLD HIM, and she knows this.
Which then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as women lie about their experience to keep guys happy and guys get their "less experienced" women. Stupid. Why not just admit that everyone likes sex, and that it's ok for women to have had a lot of partners in the past?

In fact, strike that, I forget the other point we've been making here - it's not just "ok" that women have had a lot of partners in the past, it's BETTER. For lots of reasons, namely that they're less likely to stray in an LTR, that they're good(!), that you don't have to spend months training them to go down on you, etc etc.

I don't think there's going to be an agreement in this argument, tiburon et al will just live on in their fantasy world.. . good luck guys, I hope you find your virgin wives, that they're great lays, and that they don't ever cheat on you.

But I wouldn't bet $1 on it.
