Good Girls do Cheat PART II


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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this thread is just stupid. why does it bother people so much when a guy wants a virgin bride? he might be searching for the impossible in today’s world and he may have some religious reasons for doing so, but come on, at least let those people be. Let them dream the impossible. Let them set outrageous goals.

Most of us guys are just happy with a girl that isn't a major slut.
For example i know a girl that has been with over 90 guys. Any of you guys out there want to **** that stinky *****?

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by 00Kevin
this thread is just stupid. why does it bother people so much when a guy wants a virgin bride?
Now you're being imaginative... who's bothered that some guy wants a virgin bride? Not me.

However, I am bothered when said guy starts saying things that are just plain wrong.

If you don't want your views and opinions commented on, then don't post here. Otherwise we can and will comment (we'd be doing you a disservice if we didn't).

Originally posted by 00Kevin

he might be searching for the impossible in today’s world and he may have some religious reasons for doing so, but come on, at least let those people be. Let them dream the impossible. Let them set outrageous goals.
I ain't stopping anyone dream, but I sure as hell don't tell 86 that his girlfriend loves him and is coming back to him, or Newman that LTR break-ups are easy and quick to get over. Why? Cos that's not the truth.

Would you, 00Kevin, tell them lies so they could go on dreaming? I'd love to hear their responses should you say yes.

Originally posted by 00Kevin

Most of us guys are just happy with a girl that isn't a major slut.
For example i know a girl that has been with over 90 guys. Any of you guys out there want to **** that stinky *****?
Well, that's kinda taking an extreme, but sure, I'd do her if she met my looks and personality standards. Maybe even if she didn't meet the latter.

After the std test, of course. But I'd say the same for every girl these days.



Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Oscar Wilde
Now you're being imaginative... who's bothered that some guy wants a virgin bride? Not me.

I ain't stopping anyone dream, but I sure as hell don't tell 86 that his girlfriend loves him and is coming back to him, or Newman that LTR break-ups are easy and quick to get over. Why? Cos that's not the truth.
yeah that was rather funny

Would you, 00Kevin, tell them lies so they could go on dreaming? I'd love to hear their responses should you say yes.
if i had nothing better to do i would, just to watch the fool go down. But i would also tell that person to learn about forgivness and to focus on how the person is now. Her past maybe a mistake, but for me it's all about how she is now.

Well, that's kinda taking an extreme, but sure, I'd do her if she met my looks and personality standards. Maybe even if she didn't meet the latter.
oh yes she was a skinny little blond girl. a sweety with a history even she regretted.

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by 00Kevin

Wilde: "Would you, 00Kevin, tell them lies so they could go on dreaming? "

if i had nothing better to do i would, just to watch the fool go down. But i would also tell that person to learn about forgivness and to focus on how the person is now.
My apologies, I thought we were dealing with a decent guy aspiring to be DJ, not some d!ckhead who enjoys other peoples pain just for personal enjoyment. You're not worth anymore response.



Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Oscar Wilde
My apologies, I thought we were dealing with a decent guy aspiring to be DJ, not some d!ckhead who enjoys other peoples pain just for personal enjoyment. You're not worth anymore response.

now tha tis funny


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Alot Better STR8

Dear Str8:

I am glad we have clarified our different points of view ..and I agree completely with your last post. Some guys feel the need to believe "chick stories" told by their women which shows lack of sel-steem from the guy and lack- of self - confidence. I am also glad that you realize that those exceptions are outhere and that the chances are small, very small now and days. Well i dont disagrre but agree 100 % to your statement but i have never placed any bets on it. I am living my life two ways...SINGLE AND ALWASY READY TO MINGLE....or MARRIED WITH A GREAT WOMEN IF I GET TO BECOME ONE OF THOSE LUCKY MUSICIANS YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT! Whatever comes first and at the right time.I dont have a problem being by myself so i really don't need to commit for a woman who i dont feel is enough to commit to , when i can have plenty more.
This is the way i have chosen to live my life...and it is not placing big bets on the virgins but rather understanding that on most cases this would never happen but also realizing that this is the only way i could get trapped in a serious commitment or marriage!I agree alot with your last POST!

Now the fact a man doesn't commit to any women may piss many women off , but thats their problem and in fact this is one of my secrets in college why they keep on coming and coming and coming. They feel they are not women enough to trapp me , they feel challenged and try to fvck better than thge last one, and the poor fools dont realize is not in the way they fvck were the trick to trap me is!



p.s glad we can resolve diffrences!


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
sometimes it don't matter what has happened like how many ppl she was with and u were with. all that matters in the end is if you love each other and you will be happy with each other. i would perfer a virgin but if the person that is the one isn't its koo too.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Re: STR8 ..instead of telling people to grow up ...

Why not just admit that everyone likes sex, and that it's ok for women to have had a lot of partners in the past?
Right on Oscar.

Originally posted by tiburon
BUT WHAT IS REALLY FUNNY is how you make a career out of predicting futures for everyone and making generalizations. ON WHAT THE FVCK do you base your idea that is going to manifest for all women down the road!
If you don't want to get railroaded time and time again you adopt an attitude that protects you. If making generalizations is the way to do that then so be it.

Or that it is going to manifest no matter what, even if she is in love or with things more important in her like family and children!
You assume that this thing you call "love" is the same in real life as it is in the movies. Leave the mushy stuff to Freddy Prinze Jr.

THIS IS JUST ONCE AGAIN YOU PUTTING IDEAS BASED ON CRAP OR NOTHING AT ALL! First you make fun of 00kevin who has made very good arguments and has atleast tried to base his ideas or points by you mocking him by talking about an angel! lol ..YOU MAKE ME LAUGH..LOL ..but like if that wasnt enough then pull something supposively from Evolution( my honest opinion pulled it from your ass).
That's because you obviously haven't looked into what "love" truly is. You need to realize that your emotions are there for a purpose. When you feel "love" for someone it is nothing more than an evolved reaction designed to help get your genes into the next generation. You need to read up on the subject then get back to me.

LOL this is halarious...i just cant see your reasoning for posting this up! You actually attempt to define love, you actually give an explanation why it comes in to play in humans! DAMN YOU SHOULD BE A SCIENTIST OR MAYBE YOU HAD A CLOSE CHAT WITH GOD BECAUSE THERE IS NO BOOK ABOUT EVOLUTION where you are going to find such NONSENCE!
See, this is your problem. You DON'T attempt to define love. You see it as the same magic spell that women do. "Love" as you know it doesn't exist. The passion between two people inevitably fades. It can be replaced by other emotions that are capable of bonding partners for life, but to look at it in terms of some magical thing that two people feel for an eternity is just setting yourself up for disappointment.

You seem like a guy who believed in the "magical ga- ga juice " (lol) but has gone btiter!
Not bitter, just realistic.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score


"If you don't want to get railroaded time and time again you adopt an attitude that protects you. If making generalizations is the way to do that then so be it."

No thats being afraid! Getiing railroaded happens if you allow it to!You can love a women and never be railroad it even if she fall out of love! Thats why we all go to DJ school!

"You assume that this thing you call "love" is the same in real life as it is in the movies. Leave the mushy stuff to Freddy Prinze Jr."

Now you are the only one assuming. Before you make such a comment base it on something. LOve in the movies is not real life love but i have seen love in real life for some couples better than those in the movies!REALISTIC LOVE!"

"That's because you obviously haven't looked into what "love" truly is. You need to realize that your emotions are there for a purpose. When you feel "love" for someone it is nothing more than an evolved reaction designed to help get your genes into the next generation. You need to read up on the subject then get back to me."

I dont think i have to read any subject ..infact love is not a subject! You "love" to define love while no scientific research ,the best phsycologist, the best scientist havent been able! Love cant be proven to believe in it or you dont! You believe in GOD or you dont!You on the other hand define it give it a reason for its existance , link it to evolution, and reproductioN!We should have you write an Artilce in Scientific AMERICA!

Ohh and by the way if you want to talk about getting genes to the next generation..maybe you should considering studying HORMONES IN ANIMALS INSTEAD!

"See, this is your problem. You DON'T attempt to define love. You see it as the same magic spell that women do. "Love" as you know it doesn't exist. The passion between two people inevitably fades. It can be replaced by other emotions that are capable of bonding partners for life, but to look at it in terms of some magical thing that two people feel for an eternity is just setting yourself up for disappointment."

OFCOURSE i dont attempt to define something that cant be proven to exist!!!YOu once again mention that "love as you know it"..( and you dont have a clue what i know about love). The passion between two people might fade but doesnt dissapear for might not be as strong as in the beggining but reasonably strong! Well i dont know what joins them together and can't say is love because you cant prove love to exist...but if those couples i have seen still at the age of 78 fvcking each other with passion and having been a loyal to each other for a lifetime , and that look still more in love than many teen at their prime are not in love ...whatever they have going for them for al that time ...THATS SOMETHING I COULDNT TURN MY BACK FROM! It might not be Love , but atleast thats the closest thing i have come to see!

Realize you are talking to a guy who loves sluts , and who would only get committed to a GREAT WOMEN and i am openminded , but i also have seen some couples to share what i described above, and I am smart enough to understand their fortune!



Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score

"Tiburon, do you realise that if all you ever do is sleep with as many women as possible you will never find your perfect virgin bride. If you do find her, she isn't going want you. Because you will have had no experience of LTR and all you will be able to offer is sex. Because you fcuk like an animal.

Guys like you ruthlessly dump women after they have sex with you are setting up your own bad karma, which will one day (may not happen for many years) will come back and hit you three times as hard.
The B!tch"

First i am outthere to find a perfect bride, i aint even looking for her, and chances are that if she was to walk into my life right now i wouldnt commit! I AM NOT READY FOR SUCH A COMMITMENT! I run the risk of her finding out how many women i have been with but thats a risk i am willing to take! I prefer to sleep with lots of women be experienc dand if one day she was to walk into my life i would know how to treat her and be loyal than to be INEXPERIEND and risk running everything up by either cheating or not being able to save the relationship from loosing all its color! THATS RIGHT I FVCK LIKE AN ANIMAL, I AM A BEAST, BUT I AM ALSO A LOVE MAKER and enjoy making women feel connected while sex asweel!

I made the mistake of falling in love for a virgin on my early days at a moment in time when i wasn't ready. I loved her so much i didnt even care i wasnt going tio get to taste other women! I had a really serious LTR almost close to being like a marriage , but now i have been given a second chance at life and even tough i am never committed and always on my own, with everynow and then chilling with a fbuddy, iand like it this way!

Why? Easily a DON JUAN needs to be happy by himself , and not need the attention from women to go on with his life ! Life is not just women, they only are an aspect of it! If aguy doesnt understand this he is in BIG TROUBLE!I can be all alone for days and still say i am content!You will be surprised how many women and men cant do this!So i have had already enough of LTR experiecne to go aswell as i dont feel i have much to learn other than marriage if it ever happens for me! No i dont dump any women after i have sex! I JUST DONT GET COMMITED! I treat them Cool and if they stayed the night i might even offer breakfast and then i leave nbecause i am usually very busy! They know that sex with me is FUN and a cool time, and they are always welcome for second!

Having alot of sex with a lot of women can bring "bad karma"!
Your heart starts becomig harder and the idea of love starts decaying! This is how nature gets you back i guess! I am hoping that i will know one day were the balance lies and by then I stiill be able to fall inlove with a women!



Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2002
Reaction score
london, England
I don't think bad karma comes from sleeping around, bad karma come from treating the women you sleep with badly. As long as you have the decency to sexually please your ONS, you are doing nothing wrong.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
lol karma ?

I Think i dont believe in good karma or bad karma...but i do know
ONS are ONS and no women that has an ONS with me can get me to even consider a relationship with her...Because a hoe is a hoe, a slut is a slut and the whole believe that if a tree falls and nobody hears it it didnt fall..well that belief doesnt work with me ...
In other words ..if you are a hoe even tough no one sees you being one..then you are a hoe.!!

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Originally posted by MysteryWoman
I don't think bad karma comes from sleeping around, bad karma come from treating the women you sleep with badly. As long as you have the decency to sexually please your ONS, you are doing nothing wrong.
i think thats the only thing ive seen you say that is actually worth listening to.

well done, keep it up.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
Tictac said:
Eleven years ago Pairs!


How many pages back did you find this?
Wait maybe he's onto something. If I could rewind eleven years I could tell myself not to marry the cheating *****.


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2014
Reaction score
New York
Idiot? NO....
misguided? YES...
WOMEN, (as well as MEN) cheat when something is missing in the relationship...(conversation, empathy, compassion, emotional bonds, etc..). I never judge ALL by the actions of the FEW. Not everyone cheats, but my question is what you are doing to attract these women to you? I agree that there are some bad apples, but not all of them are....
By nature, we are all sexual creatures, some with more drive than others. One's eyes must be open to see it, and evidently bad experiences have clouded yours. I've been cheated on, (and I'm owning the fault), but I have the sight to see that they were not worthy of me to begin with, and strong enough to make a wiser decision the next time around.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Omg man. If you're sticking your penis in only one girl and are content with that, you deserve to get cheated on. I have three plates now and I'm not even close to being content. Complacency is a killer.